
Post-election Review "Lin Congxian, chairman of the Council of Agriculture, stepped down, and Chen Jizhong temporarily replaced: strengthen the adjustment of production and marketing, review the attitude of administration, and make farmers feel more.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Post-election Review "Lin Congxian, chairman of the Council of Agriculture, stepped down, and Chen Jizhong temporarily replaced: strengthen the adjustment of production and marketing, review the attitude of administration, and make farmers feel more.

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(by upstream and downstream reporters Lin Xiejun and Lin Yupu

In the 9-in-1 election, the ruling party suffered a major defeat in the agricultural county, and the personnel of the Council of Agriculture changed substantially. Lin Congxian, chairman, stepped down, and Chen Jizhong, vice-chairman, temporarily took over as chairman. The Council of Agriculture held a farewell party today. Lin Congxian said that during his nine months and 26 days as chairman, he worked hard to adjust the agricultural structure in the past. At the sixth National Agricultural Conference held in September this year, a consensus of 73 conclusions was reached with people from all walks of life in agriculture. I hope that all these will become the basis for the development of Taiwan's agriculture in the next stage. "you may not be able to see results in a short period of time, but you have to do what's right!"

Although the Council of Agriculture has undergone a personnel reshuffle, Lin stressed that the remaining team will continue to work hard for Taiwan's agriculture one by one, and he also hopes that during this critical period of agricultural reform, Chen Jizhong, vice chairman, will be able to stick to his post and continue to lead the Council of Agriculture to solve problems, while he will return to his hometown with full energy to play the best non-governmental partner of the Council of Agriculture.

Vegetables all over the country are stuffed in north farmers, which can easily lead to a drop in quantity and price (upstream and downstream data)

Count the British government's new agricultural policy over the past two years to promote historic structural change

The direction of the new agricultural policy will not change in the past two years, and the Council of Agriculture has always been determined to reform, so since we took office, we have been working on infrastructure, that is, to take good care of land and water, so we must start with the basic work.

As far as land is concerned, we have taken stock of all the information on agricultural land and published the "Enquiry Table for the results of inventory of Agricultural and Agricultural Land Resources". Only when the information is made public can we further talk about the "protection" and "use" of land. Protection is to let the public know the distribution location of the agriculture, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry industry, and at the same time clearly identify the location of illegal use such as illegal factories, so that the public can report and work together to protect agricultural land. after all, land is the foundation of agricultural production.

Then there is water resources. after taking an inventory of agricultural land, we also found that of the nearly 700000 hectares of agricultural land available for grain production in Taiwan, 370000 hectares of water outside the irrigation area are not under the jurisdiction of the Irrigation and Water Conservancy Association. Therefore, we promote the promotion of the Irrigation and Water Conservancy Association as a public agency, expand its water conservancy services to and outside the irrigation area, and unify the water sources, so that the Council of Agriculture will have no excuse to say that it is impossible to control the water outside the irrigation area. In the future, the water conservancy facilities outside the irrigation area can be done step by step.

Next, we will promote the "green environment payment plan to the ground", so that rice cultivation "direct payment" and "public grain insurance purchase" will be adopted in parallel. That has a great impact on rice farmers, who can flexibly choose whether to participate in insured acquisitions or receive direct payments according to market prices, so as to return the right of choice to farmers and prevent grain merchants from controlling prices. At the same time, because the insured purchase is easy to cause farmers' weight rather than quality, and the price of rice planted by anyone is the same, land subsidy is to reward farmers for the maintenance of ecology, environment, and culture. only in this way can consumers enjoy high-quality good rice.

In the past, the insured purchase of rice has never been adjusted, and the two-track policy has expanded from the first six townships on a trial basis to 50 townships across the country, and every battle promoted has been very hard, but we must go in this direction, otherwise rice will not find a way to survive.

For example, with a bumper rice harvest this year, the yield per hectare has increased by 15-20%, or about 7,000 kilograms. Farmers are often afraid that "cheap grain will hurt farmers," but only if rice prices fall along with farmers' incomes. Now, despite the decline in rice market prices, farmers' income is increasing, with an average income of more than 170000 yuan per hectare, which is our guarantee for farmers' income.

Let the agricultural subsidy "decouple people and land", and the actual farmers will be truly protected.

In addition, after the outbreak of bird flu H5N6 in China in February last year, the Council of Agriculture immediately imposed an one-week ban on poultry slaughtering, so that the epidemic could be effectively brought under control. In order to prevent farmers from eating or abusing paraquat to commit suicide, paraquat will be completely withdrawn in the future. With regard to the impact on the harvest habits of red bean farmers, the Council of Agriculture has also commissioned a drug institute to develop alternative agents, which are currently being provided to farmers for trial free of charge.

In the part of agricultural labor shortage, the Council of Agriculture investigates 8,000 cases on the spot to gain an in-depth understanding of the areas and patterns of lack of work. The Government has solved the problem of labour shortage by setting up agricultural farming groups, manpower activation groups, mechanical groups, professional groups and other organizations, as well as local peasant associations to participate in and assist in manpower dispatch.

The major policies of the past two years also include the implementation of "man-land decoupling" and the promotion of organic agriculture. In the past, all policies were tied to the land, which is the worst. People who own agricultural land are not necessarily actually engaged in tillers, but the subsidy policy is still based on the land, so that many subsidies are not really implemented on farmers. The problem can be seen from the situation that young farmers are unable to apply for agricultural insurance. Therefore, the Council of Agriculture has also adjusted the application mechanism of agricultural insurance, changing from the past mode of "identifying people and land" to the mode of "decoupling between people and land", that is, to make the subsidy budget really take care of farmers.

In the promotion of organic agriculture, we also put in friendly farming and work together with farmers for the goal of environmental sustainability. Since the third reading of the Law on the Promotion of Organic Agriculture passed by the Legislative Yuan in May this year, and the detailed rules for the promotion of organic agriculture were specifically discussed at the sixth National Agricultural Conference held in September, we are all moving in this direction.

Look at the problem after the election 02 "Peasants' Association: the planned production of bulk vegetables should be adopted, and the Council of Agriculture should not only make decisions on Nanhai Road."

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