
Planting techniques of Gardenia jasminoides

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Planting techniques of Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia, alias Gardenia jasminoides, Shanzhi, is one of the traditional Chinese herbs in China. It can be used in both medicine and food. It has the functions of protecting liver, promoting gallbladder, reducing blood pressure, sedation, hemostasis, detumescence and so on. It can also treat hypertension and diabetes in clinic. So how do you plant it? Let's take a look at the planting technology of Gardenia with the editor.

1. Land selection and preparation

Choose alluvial soil or black soil with deep soil layer and loose and fertile soil as seedbed, which requires convenient drainage and irrigation, and then apply barnyard manure 2000-4000 kg per mu as base fertilizer, bury the soil deeply, rake fine and level the high border of 40cm. Select a gentle slope or plain wasteland with sufficient water source, convenient drainage and irrigation and sitting north to the south as planting land, reclaim before planting, open holes according to plant spacing of 1-1.5 meters, and apply 4 kilograms of mature farm manure to each hole as base fertilizer.

2. Methods of reproduction

Gardenia in planting and production mainly through seeds and cuttings for propagation and seedling, seed reproduction can be spring or autumn sowing, in the prepared seedbed, according to the row spacing 25cm hole, the treated seed kernel scattered into the hole, covered with a layer of mixed plant ash and phosphate fertilizer fine soil, cover grass after soil cover, in order to avoid soil consolidation, each mu with 2-3 kilograms per month. The cutting propagation can be done in February-April and September-October, when the branches with strong growth and 1-2 years old are selected, cut into 7-20cm cuttings, and cut on the border surface according to the row spacing of 15-30cm. Cuttings should be slightly tilted, 1/3 into the soil, exposing a bud node, often watering after planting to keep the soil moist, and can be planted after a year.

3. Colonization

After one year of cultivation, the seedlings can be transplanted and planted when they grow to 25-30cm. If the seedlings do not grow to this height, they should be fertilized and weeded in time, and planted in autumn and winter of that year. The planting time is generally from the Beginning of Spring to Qingming in the first half of the year, and at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter in the second half of the year, the seedlings should bring some soil and phosphate fertilizer, and one plant should be planted in each hole on the prepared planting site, filled with compacted soil and watered adequately.

4. Field management

In the cause, it is necessary to timely ploughing and weeding, mainly weeding, shallow ploughing, not deep ploughing, combined with garden cleaning and fertilization in winter to make it safe to survive the winter. Topdressing is essential after planting. In the vegetative growth period, topdressing of Gardenia jasminoides should be based on nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and some organic fertilizer can promote the formation and growth of tree crown. After entering the important fruit period, it should be based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in order to improve the fruit setting rate and the number of fruit, has achieved the goal of high yield. Proper pruning during planting can also pass the yield of Gardenia jasminoides. When the plant grows to 50cm, it should be pruned, pruning creeping branches, weak branches, drooping branches, retrograde branches and dead branches of diseased insects away from the main 30cm, leaving only one coarse branch and 3-4 auxiliary branches in different directions, which can promote the formation of tree crown.

The above is the introduction of gardenia planting technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.