
How to raise purple jasmine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Purple jasmine likes sunlight very much, so it is necessary to give the plant enough light to maintain its normal growth during the growing period, but in summer, the hot weather and violent sunlight make it impossible for the plant to be placed in the light, otherwise the leaves of the plant may be burned, so we have to give the plant shade.


Mirabilis is very fond of sunlight, in the growth period to give the plant enough light to maintain its normal growth, but in summer, hot weather plus strong sunlight, so that the plant can not be placed in the light, otherwise the leaves of the plant may be burned, so we have to give the plant shade, so that it can grow healthily.


Purple jasmine likes to grow in warm environment, its cold resistance is very poor, so in the northern part of our country, if the purple jasmine is raised, it will wither due to low temperature in winter, so we should dig out the roots of the plants from the soil and put them indoors to keep the temperature good, so that they can safely winter.

water and fertilizer management

The adaptability of purple jasmine is very strong, so its management is relatively extensive, and the requirements for water and fertilizer are not very high. Mirabilis has good drought tolerance, so it is generally necessary to spray a little water on the plants when it is sunny. But need to pay attention to is, think summer and autumn climate is hot, so to plant watering more water, so you can supplement the water loss of plants. And when planting plants, we should first apply some base fertilizer in the soil, and then apply some organic liquid fertilizer to the plants regularly during the growth period, generally once a week.

The above is about how to raise the problem of purple jasmine introduction, next we understand the precautions of purple jasmine.

How to raise the price of purple jasmine

The common name of purple jasmine is carmine flower, also known as wild jasmine. In fact, the appearance of Jasmine is not like Jasmine at all, but there is a faint jasmine fragrance, and the word "wild" is worthy, because just throw a few seeds into the soil, Jasmine will grow a large cluster of vitality, and year after year to expand its own domain. So, how much is the price of Jasmine?

1. Introduction to Purple Jasmine

Mirabilis, also known as grass jasmine, carmine flower, ground thunder flower, pink bean flower, is Mirabilis family, Mirabilis perennial herbal flowers, because of its purple flowers, incense such as jasmine named, is a common ornamental flowers. Purple jasmine is named for its purple-red flowers, but its color is rich, common red, yellow, white, mottled, summer flowering, a plant densely covered with many different colors of purple jasmine flowers, very lovely and beautiful. Purple jasmine flower delicate, pleasant fragrance, often planted in flower beds, roadside for viewing, can also be made into bonsai at home viewing.

Jasmine grows strong and easily survives. Moreover, it has anti-sulfur dioxide characteristics, so it can be planted in residential balconies or industrial and mining pollution areas. Family farming, if you can wash meat from time to time fish water, rice water irrigation, flowers bloom more prosperous, the more colorful. Carmine flower is not only delicate fragrance, its seeds and leaves still have beauty, heat and detoxification effect. When the seed matures, it is black in appearance and white inside. Beauty can take a number of mature seeds, ground into powder, take powder after peeling face, in addition to facial spots, so that the face clean, white, receive beauty effect.

II. Growth habits of Jasmine

It likes mild and humid climate conditions, and is not cold resistant. In winter, the aboveground part dies, and in Jiangnan area, the underground part can safely overwinter and become perennial grass flowers. In the spring of next year, new plants will continue to grow. Open field cultivation requires deep, loose and fertile loam, potted plants can be used in general flower culture soil. It grows better in light shade. Flowers open in the evening to early morning, closed in strong light, summer can have shade growth and flowering well, hot sun often have defoliation phenomenon. Likes ventilated good environment, summer has the mosquito repellent effect. Mirabilis jalapa is rich in color, resistant to strong, self-propagation. Flowers open at night and close at night. Flowers are fragrant. It is suitable for arranging in the evening or cool place at night. It is quite interesting.

Jasmine is not tall, if the temperature is appropriate, it can bloom all year round. It is a perennial plant. Its flower type is like morning glory. Its calyx is the most beautiful and corolla. Because its fragrance is elegant and similar to jasmine's fragrance, and because its color is purple, it is called Jasmine. However, its color is not necessarily, when the common color is purple, there are also a variety of colors, such as white, yellow and so on. There is also a purple jasmine color for red, because of its petals for double petals, known as the upstairs floor, ornamental is very high. As an easy-to-feed plant in the south, purple jasmine is also planted in courtyards or flower pots for viewing by many people. However, raising purple jasmine also required certain skills. Before raising purple jasmine, only by understanding its habits could it be better cultivated.

Third, the price of purple jasmine

Mirabilis jalapa is native to tropical america. It likes warm and humid climate. It does not choose soil and is not cold-resistant. It is cultivated annually in north china and perennial in the south of yangtze river. Likes light and grows better in a slightly shaded place. Purple jasmine robust, fast growth, management is simple, suitable for the front of the house, fence next to the sparse forest cluster planting, its seed endosperm can be made with cosmetic powder. Because of the different regions and varieties, their prices are also different. Potted garden ornamental plants mine flower seed 0.5 yuan, colorful fragrant purple jasmine flower seed 1.5 yuan, South American jasmine 9 yuan, white double petal perfume jasmine fragrance plant potted purple jasmine 7.5 yuan

Finally, in addition to ornamental, purple jasmine roots, leaves, flowers can be used as medicine, governance diarrhea. Leaves, endosperm can be made with cosmetic powder. Roots and leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. They have the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, activating blood circulation and regulating menstruation and nourishing. Seed powder can remove facial spots and acne. Therefore, even if its price is expensive, it is also reasonable.

How to raise purple jasmine cultivation methods and precautions

Because purple jasmine likes to bloom at night, it is also called "night flower" by people. It is a kind of ornamental plant with high ornamental value. Generally, purple flowers are more common. At present, purple jasmine is very popular with people, and many people want to buy it home for breeding. However, when it comes to farming, there are also many places that need attention.

How to raise purple jasmine

1. Jasmine is a light-loving plant. Its growth and development need sufficient light. Direct light from long sunshine is more conducive to its growth and development. Light strong, dark green leaves, branches stout, buds, good coloring, high aroma. If the light is insufficient or too shaded, the leaves are light green, the leaves are large and thin, the photosynthetic products are reduced, the physiological activities are inhibited, the plant development is poor, and the flower yield is low and the quality is poor.

2, purple jasmine is sensitive to temperature, requires warm and humid climate, and can adapt to higher temperatures, low temperature tolerance, poor cold resistance. At temperatures below 10 ° C, growth is extremely slow or even stops growing. The bud can sprout at about 19℃, bud can be bred above 25℃, bud formation and development are better at 30~40℃, and the suitable temperature for maturity and opening is 32~38℃.

The cultivation method of purple jasmine

1. Soil. The cultivation of Jasmine, loose soil requirements, fertile, deep, rich in humus loam into a better sand folder.

2. Light and temperature. Mirabilis jalapa likes sunshine, but in summer, too strong sunshine will make Mirabilis jalapa plants wilt, so moderate shade should be provided in summer. Purple jasmine likes warm environment, not cold, in the north of our country, purple jasmine will wither in winter. Therefore, the roots of purple jasmine can be dug out and placed indoors to make it safe for winter.

3. Water and fertilizer management. The adaptability of Jasmine is very strong, the management is relatively extensive, and the requirements for water and fertilizer are not high. Jasmine is more drought-tolerant, general, as long as the weather is fine, spray some water to the plants of Jasmine, but pay attention to the summer and autumn high temperature season to irrigate more water to supplement the lost water. And pay attention to planting time, first apply some base fertilizer, in the growth period often to purple jasmine fertilizer, organic liquid fertilizer can be applied once a week.

4. Reproductive methods. Mirabilis is propagated by sowing. In fact, Mirabilis can be sown by itself. As long as the seeds fall to the ground, you will see a large area of Mirabilis in the coming year. In addition, purple jasmine can also adopt the method of cuttage propagation, and the old roots dug out can also be repeated.

Notes on Purple Jasmine

1. In fact, there are fewer pests and diseases in Jasmine, but it is easy to grow aphids in dry weather. Pay attention to moisturizing to prevent pests.

2, in the growth period of the plant picking, can be more branches of Mirabilis, finishing plant type, so that more flowers.

Diseases of Mirabilis jalapa and their control

1. The common disease of Mirabilis jasminea is leaf spot disease, which is a fungal disease, which mainly harms the leaves of Mirabilis jasminea, leading to local lesions and even necrosis of the leaves. The leaf spot disease occurs mainly in July in North China and Northeast China.

2. When leaf spot disease occurs in purple jasmine, certain measures need to be taken to prevent it. First of all, it is possible to remove the parts where the disease occurs, so as to prevent the disaster from continuing to expand. At the early stage of the disease, 75% chlorothalonil wettable particles 800 times solution or 50% polymefene wettable particles 1000 times solution spray for control, need to spray 2 to 3 times, will be effective. In the daily fertilization, you can apply some potassium or phosphorus fertilizer to improve the disease resistance of Mirabilis jasminea. Watering words need to pay attention to, watering amount is also appropriate, avoid flood irrigation, usually to keep the soil without ponding, rainy weather to do a good job of drainage.

The cultivation method of purple jasmine is actually not difficult, you can start from the growth habits. When breeding, we must control fertilizer and light. Purple rice grains are not resistant to strong light, so we must do a good job of shading in summer. Mirabilis also needs to do a good job of disease prevention and control when it is cultivated, so as to ensure its growth.