
Planting Technique of Musa

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting Technique of Musa

Pink banana is a tropical fruit in southern China, which is much smaller than ordinary bananas and can be peeled almost one mouthful at a time. Pink banana is rich in carbohydrates, which can provide heat energy and dietary fiber, and has the effects of calming the mind and relieving defecation, invigorating body and relieving thirst. And there are more potassium and magnesium elements, which is very beneficial to human health. So how to plant pink plantains? The following editor brings you the planting technology of pink bananas, let's have a look!

1. Choose a place to build a garden

Pink plantain is not suitable for continuous cropping, so the first condition for us to select land is that the previous crop should not be pink plantain. Then choose soft, normal drainage and irrigation soil, not too sandy. After selecting the site, the soil can be properly prepared to improve soil permeability and remove harmful substances from the soil. According to their own conditions or planting quantity to control the planting area, dig planting holes and field borders to facilitate post-planting management. Do a good job in planning banana plantations, laying irrigation facilities, building roads, and making preparations before planting.

2. Select seedlings

Plantain seedlings should not choose to suck buds, because the incidence of Fusarium disease in China is relatively serious, no matter where it is. If the seedlings with sucking buds grow weakly after flower bud differentiation, diseases such as Fusarium wilt are easy to occur, resulting in planting failure. Now the most commonly used seedlings are tissue culture seedlings, which have strong growth ability and relatively light yield. It is usually best to choose seedlings with about 6 leaves. If the seedlings are too large, the growth rate will slow down after planting, so about half of the leaves should be cut off.

3. Water and fertilizer management

The land with poor soil should apply sufficient base fertilizer and use farm manure or compound fertilizer around the base fertilizer. And in the process of growth, we should also do a good job of topdressing, pay attention to the time and position of topdressing, and spread fertilizer around the root when topdressing. Adult plants should absorb fertilizer by leaching, and the amount of topdressing should be controlled according to the number of plants. Pink banana is a tropical crop, which has a low requirement for water, but it still needs a certain amount of water in the bud stage, fruit stage and other important periods of growth. When it is too dry, it should be watered in time, but the moisture should not be too much to prevent stagnant water from retting the roots, resulting in rotten fruit. We should also do a good job of drainage when we encounter extra days.

4. Orchard management

In the early stage of the growth of pink plantain, the number of weeds in the orchard is relatively large, so we must do a good job of weeding to prevent weeds and plantain from grabbing nutrition and causing various diseases and insect pests to harm the growth of pink plantain. When the plant is grown up, it is necessary to set up wind-proof piles in the orchard to improve the wind resistance of plantain. And should pay attention to the number of pink banana fruit, generally leave about 9 comb, the excess will be removed, otherwise it is easy to cause the phenomenon of large and small fruit. Fengguosu can be properly sprayed to promote the growth of the lower fruit and prolong the harvest time.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting technology of pink banana, which is now very popular in some provinces and cities of our country. Although it has not been spread all over the country like bananas, it is only a matter of time. However, we should pay attention to the fact that pink bananas have certain requirements on the growth environment, and they cannot be planted in any province. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.