
How to raise Houttuynia cordata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, First, the light Houttuynia is more afraid of the sun, especially when the light is fierce. If the plant is raised on a sunny balcony, shade it for healthy growth, or place the plant on a shady or less light side. Second, although the temperature is more resistant to shade

I. Lighting

Houttuynia cordata Thunb is more afraid of the sun, especially when the light is strong. If the plant is raised on the balcony of the rising sun, in order to let it grow healthily, it should be shaded, or the plant should be placed on the cool side or the weaker side.

Second, temperature

Although Houttuynia cordata Thunb is more shady and afraid of the sun, it does not like to grow in a cold environment, it likes to grow in a warm environment, and it has strong cold tolerance, so in winter, even if the temperature is below-15 ℃, it can grow normally and pass the winter smoothly. Houttuynia cordata Thunb generally only needs to provide a warm growth environment in its seedling stage, other stages. Don't care too much about the temperature around the plant.

Third, watering

Since Houttuynia cordata Thunb likes to grow in the wild near the water source, it must like water and moisture. As long as we can provide wet conditions in accordance with the wild growth environment, so that the basin soil is often kept moist, there will often be no poor growth due to lack of water.

Once there is a lack of water, Houttuynia cordata grows thinner, has fewer stems and leaves for harvesting, and reduces nutritional and medicinal value. Therefore, in the usual maintenance and management process, we should replenish and moisturize it in time, as long as it is not flooded.

Houttuynia cordata how to eat Houttuynia cordata efficacy and function, how to eat Houttuynia cordata

Houttuynia cordata grows in more humid places, can be used as medicine, has special medicinal value, in many parts of our country, this is regarded as a traditional home-cooked dish. Named Houttuynia cordata because of its fishy smell, its rapid flowering period is about May, the flower is white, and the fruiting period is about October. Most of the houttuynia cordata used for household use are varieties with scarlet leaves. The medicinal value of Houttuynia cordata Thunb is recorded in many classical medical books, such as "don't record" recorded Houttuynia cordata Thunb taste pungent, mild medicinal properties; "Zhennan Herbal Medicine" recorded Houttuynia cordata Thunb cold, bitter pungent taste; "Materia Medica Classics" recorded, Houttuynia cordata Thunb started Taiyin Sutra; "Herbal Zaixin" recorded in the liver and lung meridians. It is capable of clearing heat and detoxification, diuresis and purulence.

The main functions of Houttuynia cordata Thunb are heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence. It can treat pneumonia, febrile dysentery, edema, leucorrhea, eczema, etc., and there are many records in different medical records, such as Houttuynia cordata Thunb can dissipate heat and poison, prolapse of hemorrhoids and anus, etc., and Herba Houttuyniae can carry water, attack fortifications, relieve summer heat, treat beriberi and so on.

The pharmacological action of Houttuynia cordata Thunb shows that it can improve immunity, it can increase serum lysin, when used in the treatment of chronic tracheitis, it can improve the immunity of patients and significantly increase the level of serum lysin. Houttuynia cordata Thunb has antibacterial effect and can extract elements that have an effect on all kinds of microorganisms. Houttuynia cordata Thunb has antiviral effect, experiments have proved that Houttuynia cordata Thunb contains antiviral elements, can be extracted to produce antiviral agents.

The easiest way to eat Houttuynia cordata is cold, wash and cut it into sections, soak it in salt water for about 3 minutes, then add seasoning and mix well to eat; steamed chicken, choose a hen, 200 grams of Houttuynia cordata, first marinate the chicken with seasoning, then steam it in a cage, add Houttuynia cordata after the chicken is cooked, and then add it for seasoning, and then steam it slightly.

The edible method of Houttuynia cordata is very simple. Its efficacy and function are also introduced. Although Houttuynia cordata Thunb has good medicinal value, its cold nature should not be eaten more, and attention should be paid to the dosage when eating. [more information] | what does the white rose mean | what is the plant protection against computer radiation | succulent plants | efficacy and function of sweet-scented osmanthus | Lavender florescence | | Magnolia lanceolata | Rhododendron culture methods and precautions | Indoor foliage plants | Parthenocissus | Lily discount | Osmanthus | | Culture methods of mimosa | how to raise succulent plants | efficacy and function of gynostemma pentaphyllum | efficacy and function of Honeysuckle | Geranium | |

How to eat Houttuynia cordata Thunb

I believe everyone is very familiar with Houttuynia cordata, because in life, many people like to pick Houttuynia cordata to prevent and treat some diseases, but not everyone likes Houttuynia cordata, because Houttuynia cordata has a fishy smell. So what should Houttuynia cordata Thunb do? Let's go with the editor to understand the eating method of Houttuynia cordata Thunb.

How to eat Houttuynia cordata

1. Houttuynia cordata Thunb boiled to drink the most nourishing lungs

Houttuynia cordata Thunb can be boiled into houttuynia tea for human consumption, this kind of tea has excellent lung clearing effect, can relieve cough and expectoration, and can also relieve some symptoms of tracheitis. The cooking method is very simple. Just put the right amount of houttuynia into the pan and add the right amount of water to fry together. After frying, take out the tea and drink it.

2. Houttuynia cordata can be salad

The old root of Houttuynia cordata Thunb should be removed, then cut into small pieces, washed with clean water, pickled with an appropriate amount of edible salt for about half an hour, and the pickled water will be removed. Then add the right amount of minced pepper and sugar and chopped onions with a small amount of light soy sauce, then add the right amount of sesame oil to serve. The effect of boiled water and drink of Houttuynia cordata

3. Fried meat with houttuynia cordata

Houttuynia cordata fried meat is also very delicious, in stir-frying, you should cut the pork into fine shreds in advance and add the right amount of starch and egg white to marinate, then cut Houttuynia cordata into small pieces, heat it with oil in the frying pan, first put the chopped onions in, then add the shredded meat to change color, add the right amount of light soy sauce, and then stir-fry it. After about three or four minutes, add the right amount of salt and seasoning to the pan to eat.

The practice of Houttuynia cordata

1. Put the sun-dried Houttuynia cordata into a cup, brew it with boiling water, and drink it after five minutes. Houttuynia cordata can be brewed repeatedly, drink 8 cups a day, and drink for two weeks can also play a slimming effect.

2. Add water to 75 grams of dried Houttuynia cordata and 15 red dates, boil over high heat and then turn to low heat for 20 minutes. Filter out the dregs of Houttuynia cordata and red dates and leave the tea juice to drink.

3. Wash the fresh houttuynia cordata, drain and mash the water, add boiling water and remove the residue after boiling, leaving the liquid to drink instead of tea every day, which has a good effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and pus discharge.

What should be paid attention to when eating Houttuynia cordata?

1, because the nature of Houttuynia cordata is slightly cold, cold, pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people are not suitable to eat Houttuynia cordata, should not eat or eat less.

2. Houttuynia cordata Thunb has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. if you eat too much Houttuynia cordata not only can not clear away heat and stop cough, but also may aggravate symptoms such as cough.

3. If you eat more Houttuynia cordata for a long time, according to traditional Chinese medicine, it may lead to physical weakness, damage to Yang Qi, depression, decadence and weakness, so you must pay attention to the amount of consumption.

Side effects and adverse reactions of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

1. Cause bad breath

Houttuynia cordata has a strong fishy smell. After taking Houttuynia cordata to soak in water, the breath will become smelly, and it is difficult to eliminate it in a short period of time.

2. Cause diarrhea

The taste of Houttuynia cordata is pungent, the sex is cold, and it returns to the lung meridian. Because Houttuynia cordata Thunb is cold, it is more suitable for people with lung heat. Most people take too much Houttuynia cordata Thunb soaking water is likely to cause body cold, resulting in diarrhea and other symptoms. Therefore, Houttuynia cordata Thunb bubble water to drink should be appropriate, can not drink too much.

3. Cause deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach

Fishy slightly cold, taking too much can easily lead to spleen and stomach deficiency cold, thus causing stomach disease, leading to body deficiency and so on. In daily life, eating Houttuynia cordata must consider their own physical quality and appropriate amount, especially children should strictly control the amount.

4. Cause local pain

Houttuynia cordata itself is toxic, but the toxicity is very small, in general, this toxicity does not do much harm to the human body. However, sometimes it can cause local pain. Therefore, the consumption of Houttuynia cordata must be within the appropriate range, can not eat too much. It costs 3 to 5 yuan at a time (1 to 2 taels for fresh ones).

As mentioned above, although Houttuynia cordata Thunb can be eaten in many ways and can even be eaten as a dish, more people like to drink it in water directly, and it is convenient and healthy. But Houttuynia cordata also has side effects, so don't eat a lot of it, just eat it occasionally!