
Maintenance and cultivation techniques of Pu Baobao at flowering stage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The main results are as follows: 1. the maintenance of Pu Baobao flower during flowering period is sensitive to water, and watering should be strictly controlled at full flowering stage. It is necessary to keep the basin soil moist during the culture period, but not too wet. Don't sprinkle on the leaves when watering. When the flowers grow into branches, it is necessary to keep the potted soil dry.

1. Maintenance of Pubao flowering period

Baobao flower is sensitive to water, and watering in full bloom needs to be strictly controlled. It is necessary to keep the basin soil moist during the culture period, but not too wet. Don't sprinkle on the leaves when watering. When the flowers grow into branches, you need to keep the potted soil dry, but be careful not to dehydrate.

The temperature generally needs to be kept at 8 ℃ ~ 10 ℃. In order to improve the seed setting rate, artificial pollination can be carried out at full flowering stage. During fruit growth, measures of ventilation and shading should be taken to avoid the death of plant fruit caused by high temperature and humidity.

2. Cultivation techniques.

(1) Water and fertilizer management

Pu Baobao flowers like a warm and humid environment, but avoid too much wet pot soil and too much watering when flowering, generally watering when the basin soil is dry, if in the greenhouse, it is better to spray water regularly to increase air humidity. Watering can not directly flush the plant, such as water accumulates on leaves and buds, which is easy to cause rot. In the pre-flowering growing season, rotten cooked cake fertilizer and water were applied every 10 days (diluted 10 times), and phosphorus-based fertilizer was added at the early flowering stage. in order to avoid rotten heart and leaves, attention should be paid to avoid leaves.

(2) ventilation and shading

Balsam flower likes to be cool and cool, and the suitable temperature for growth is about 10 ℃. For example, the stems and leaves develop luxuriantly during the growing period, and the excessive humidity of the basin soil coupled with muggy heat will make the stem of the plant rotten leaves. In order to reduce the temperature, shading measures are often taken at noon to create a cool and ventilated growth environment. Especially after flowering in spring to the maturity of seeds from May to June, it is necessary to do a good job of ventilation and shade at noon, which is conducive to seed development and maturity.

With regard to Pubao flower, the editor will take you to know it here. I believe that with this knowledge, everyone will be able to harvest a beautiful pot of Baobao flower during the Spring Festival! This is the end of today's Pu Bao florescence. Friends who like Pu Baobao flowers can follow our four Seasons Plant Network for more details!

Controlled maintenance and cultivation of Pubao at flowering stage

Baobao flower, also known as lotus flower, is a plant of the genus Scrophulariaceae. Perennial herbaceous flowers, often cultivated biennial. The whole plant is densely pilose. Leaves oval to ovate-oval, yellowish green, florescence 2 ~ 5 months, flowers with two lips, upper lip small, lower lip expansion like a purse, hence the name. The flowers are milky white, yellow, orange and so on, and there are many purple-red, dark brown and orange-red spots scattered on the flowers. Originated in Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand, like a cool and humid environment and sufficient light, the suitable temperature for growth is 8-15 degrees.

1. Layout

Pu Baobao flowers have a strange shape and bright colors. Can be arranged on the tea table and flower rack when flowering. It can be arranged separately or in pieces.

2. Management of the four seasons

(1) it is suitable to be arranged on the balcony facing east, south and west in autumn. When sowing in late August, the basin soil had better use soil rich in humus, loose, fertile and well drained. After sowing and sprouting, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of broken and inverted disease, spraying in time and making the basin soil dry. When the sowing seedlings grow to 2 cm 3 true leaves, they can be transplanted once in a 9 cm pot and then planted in a 14 cm 16 cm pot. After transplanting, sufficient light should be ensured, watering at the seedling stage should be less, the pot soil should be slightly dry to promote its rooting, and the management of water and fertilizer can be increased after the leaves grow big and full. The temperature in autumn should not be too high, if it is higher than 15 ℃, it can be shaded at noon.

(2) it is suitable to be arranged on the balcony facing east, south and west in winter. Pu Baobao flower is more hardy than other greenhouse flowers, and it can grow normally when the temperature is kept at about 10 ℃, ensure sufficient light, keep the basin soil moist, and apply thin fertilizer frequently. For example, when the room temperature is lower than 8 ℃, the growth of Baobao flower is slow, the light should be guaranteed, and the watering should be less, so that the pot soil is slightly dry and stop fertilizing.

(3) Spring is suitable to be arranged on the balcony facing east, south and west. Spring is the season for the growth and flowering of bungee flowers. We should keep the potted soil moist and fertilize regularly to ensure adequate light. Appropriate shade when the sun is strong at noon. When the temperature is too high at the end of spring (more than 20 ℃), it is not conducive to flowering and seed setting, so it should be properly shaded and ventilated. When the flowers fail, the water supply is reduced, so that the pot soil is slightly dry.

(4) withered and dead in summer.

3. Florescence control

Baobao flower is a long-sunshine plant, which can blossom ahead of time by increasing the time of light. If the light is increased in November, it will blossom at the end of January of the following year. The method is to hang a 60W incandescent lamp at the height of 50cm to 80cm above the bulb (the effective area of each lamp is about 3 square meters). The light begins at about 4pm and ends at about 7:30 in the evening (2hours a day). Flowers can be seen after 2 months. As long as the stout bushy flower is cultivated in November, the flower can be accelerated by light.

The greenhouse cultivation technology of Prunus tomentosa, also known as Lotus Flower, Scrophulariaceae is a biennial herbaceous flower. The flower shape is peculiar and the ornamental value is high. it is often used as small potted flowers for indoor furnishing. it is one of the main potted flowers in the greenhouse in northern winter. Because its florescence coincides with the Spring Festival, it is also one of the main seasonal flowers in early spring.

1. Biological characteristics: plant height 18~25cm, stems and leaves tomentose, leaves yellowish green, ovate to elliptic, opposite. Umbel terminal, Corolla with two lips, each lip bulging such as kidney-shaped, upper lip small, upright forward extension, lower lip expansion is a purse-shaped, downward bending, like the purse used by the ancients, so it is also known as the purse. The style is short, with a stamen on each side of the style between the upper lip and the lower lip. Flowers and colors are rich, monochromatic varieties have different shades of flowers such as white, yellow and red, while polychromatic varieties distribute spots such as orange, pink, brown and red in monochrome. The flowering period is from February to May, the fruit is Shuo fruit, and it is ripe from April to May. The seeds are brown, extremely small, about 20000-34000 per gram. Second, ecological habits Pupahua originated in Chile, Peru, Mexico and other places in Central and South America, like warm and humid, cool and ventilated environment, not cold-resistant, afraid of summer heat, so it is often used as biennial cultivation in greenhouse. The optimum temperature for flower growth is 8-20 ℃, and the lowest temperature is above 5 ℃. Flower bud differentiation can be caused when the temperature is below 15, and plants over 25 ℃ are easy to die. Baobao flower is a long sunshine plant, which requires sufficient light, the florescence can be advanced under long sunshine, and the flower bud development is inhibited under short day light, but its flower bud differentiation has nothing to do with the length of sunshine, but it is related to the temperature. Under the condition of 10 ℃, after 4 weeks, the flower bud can differentiate. Pubao flower likes fertilizer and avoids violence and grows well in sandy loam which is rich in humus and loose and breathable, and the pH value is about 6. Third, the common cultivated variety Pubao Hua is an interspecific hybrid, which belongs to about 300 species. There are two main types of common cultivated varieties: 1. Large flower line: bred around the beginning of the 20th century. The plant height is 20~25cm, the flower diameter is about 3~4cm, and the flower color is rich, mostly with colored spots. two。 Floret multi-flower line: plant height 18~20cm, flower diameter about 2~3cm, is bred by the German Seedling Company, the flower color mostly varies from scarlet to golden yellow. Strong cold tolerance, suitable for potted plants. There are many fixed varieties, among which the early flowering multi-flowering hybrid F1 has strong growth and good characters, and is widely used in greenhouse cultivation. Fourth, cultivation and management 1. Sowing and raising seedlings: (1) time: generally carried out from late August to early September, when the weather is getting cooler, which is beneficial to the growth of seedlings, sowing too early, high temperature, seedlings are easy to catch quenching disease, while too late, the plants are short and the growth is poor, but if the ecological factors in the greenhouse are suitable, it can be carried out year-round. Usually, for New Year's Day's Spring Festival flowers, the north is mostly sown in the greenhouse in early September. (2) Culture soil: Pubaohua likes the sandy loam rich in humus, which is required to be loose and breathable, and can be prepared with 6 parts of rotten leaf soil and 4 parts of river sand. Large-scale production can be prepared with peat, vermiculite and perlite according to 6 ∶ 3 ∶ 1, and then sterilized with 500x solution of 70% diexamethasone wettable powder, and 15~20kg is sprayed per cubic meter. (3) sowing method: the breeding container (seedling shallow or seedling tray) should be disinfected before sowing, and 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed with 500 times liquid. As the seeds are small, first mix the seeds with fine sand when sowing, and then spread them evenly on the soaked seedbed without covering the soil. Pay attention to moisturizing, can be covered with film or glass and shaded. (4) Seedling management: the optimum temperature for seed germination is 18-20 ℃. Generally, seedlings emerge after one week of sowing. After the seedlings come out, the mulch should be removed in time, ventilated and transparent, so as to facilitate the growth of the seedlings. The first transplant of 2-3 true leaves can be carried out in a container with 10cm × 10cm nutrition bowl, and the culture soil should be sown with sowing soil. When 5-6 true leaves are extracted from the seedlings, the second transplanting should be carried out. The basin soil can be mixed with 6 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil and 1 part of river sand, or peat, perlite and vermiculite can be prepared according to 6 ∶ 3 ∶ 1, and a small amount of base fertilizer should be added. The planting container should be a flowerpot with caliber 16cm. two。 Maintenance and management: (1) temperature: greenhouse cultivation should pay attention to temperature changes, especially in the early stage, it is easy to appear high temperature weather, which can be adjusted by shading, spraying and ventilation to control the air temperature below 25 ℃; pay attention to heat preservation in the later stage, and the lowest temperature is kept above 8 ℃. (2) Light: Baobao flower is a long-day plant with more than 16 hours of light every day. In order to prolong the light to promote germination and development and bloom early, artificial supplementary light can be carried out one week after planting, with a 100W incandescent lamp per 2m2, adding light for 3 hours at sunset every day for 20 consecutive days. (3) Fertilizer and water management: pu Baobao flower needs medium fertilizer, mainly thin N fertilizer in the early stage, P fertilizer mainly in the middle and later stage, supplemented by K fertilizer, generally applied once every 10 days, and sprayed 0.1%-0.2% KH2PO43~4 times before budding, the effect is particularly good. Keep the potted soil moist after planting, not too wet, otherwise the roots are easy to rot and should be dry and wet. When watering, be careful not to water from the top and onto the leaf surface, so as to prevent rotten heart and rotten leaves. 5. the common diseases in pest control are quenching disease, Verticillium wilt, Botrytis cinerea and so on, among which quenching disease is the most serious. The etiology is mainly caused by excessive wet basin soil and poor ventilation. Therefore, in the case of strict soil disinfection, pay attention to ventilation, cooling, water control, and regularly spray chlorothalonil, carbendazim and other fungicides 800-1000 times solution, usually once every 10 days. Too dry air, high temperature prone to red spiders, aphids, etc., can be sprayed dimethoate control, and appropriately increase air humidity, reduce the temperature. Sixth, self-pollination is not easy to bear fruit, need artificial pollination, shade and ventilation after anthesis, so that the capsule is fully mature, otherwise the plant is very easy to die due to high temperature. The seeds matured gradually in the first ten days of May, so pay attention to timely harvest.