
How to raise moths and butterflies

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Potted soil selection of moth butterfly flower is also fastidious when planting, the flowerpot had better choose 10-15 cm, when transplanting seedlings, we should remember to carry soil at the root of the plant, and the soil should be loose, breathable, fertile and well drained. This kind of soil, we can arrange it according to the proportion, if we think it's too troublesome.

pot soil selection

Moth butterfly flower is also exquisite when planting, flowerpot is best to choose 10-15 cm, when transplanting seedlings, remember to plant roots with soil, soil to choose loose, breathable, fertile and good drainage, this soil, we can configure ourselves according to the proportion, if you feel too troublesome, you can go directly to the flower shop to buy special soil for plants.


Moth butterfly flower growth is very strong, and has a strong drought resistance, but it is afraid of waterlogging, so in watering, wait until the soil of the plant is dry and then water, once watering will irrigate the soil thoroughly, how can we judge whether the soil is dry or wet? If the leaves of the plant are slightly hairy, this indicates that the soil is dry and the plant should be watered.

light and temperature

Moth butterflies are light-loving plants and like warm environments. During the growth of moth butterflies, give plenty of sunshine, especially in winter when the sunshine is short, try to give enough light. The temperature of growth can be maintained between 15℃ and 25℃, and it should be maintained at a higher temperature in winter. Plants below 0℃ are prone to frostbite.

The above is about how to raise moth butterfly flower problem introduction, below we take a look at moth butterfly flower need to pay attention to what?

Moth Butterfly Flower Schizanthus pinnatus Moth Butterfly Flower Illustration: Moth Butterfly Flower How to raise/Moth Butterfly Flower How to reproduce Moth Butterfly Flower Business Card Moth Butterfly Flower Schizanthus pinnatus Alias: Moth Butterfly Grass, Butterfly Grass, Civilian Orchid, Butterfly Flower, Shepherd's purse Flower Classification: biennial herbs Flower Family Genus: Plant Kingdom Angiosperms Phylum Dicotyledonous Plants Solanaceae Moth Butterfly Flower Genus Flowering: The summer moth is an eight-species biennial herb native to Chile that can grow up to 3 feet (90 centimeters) tall. Moth butterfly leaves are dark green, covered with short, sticky hairs. Large funnel-shaped flowers purple, blue, red, yellow, or white with golden veins. Moth butterfly flower florescence 4-6 months. Moth butterfly flower is a biennial herb native to Chile with eight varieties that can grow up to 3 feet (90 centimeters) tall. Moth butterfly leaves are dark green, covered with short, sticky hairs. Large funnel-shaped flowers purple, blue, red, yellow, or white with golden veins. Moth butterfly flower florescence 4-6 months. Moth butterfly flower morphological characteristics Moth butterfly flower is a biennial herb, plant height 60-120cm, sparsely micro-sticky glandular hair. Leaves simple, alternate, 1-2-pinnately divided, lobes entire or coarsely toothed. Panicle terminal, flower majority, diameter about 3 cm, calyx tube shape, 5 deep crack, corolla tube is shorter than calyx, brim lip shape, upper lip color is light, middle lobe has a yellow spot extending to stem, and have purple color spot, lower lip purple, color shade and shape are changeable. Moth butterfly flower florescence 4-6 months. Moth butterfly flower ecological habits Moth butterfly flower light, like cool environment, soil drainage requirements are good and fertile, cold resistance is not strong. The cultivation technique of moth butterfly flower is planted soil quality with the sandy qualitative loam that contains organic content fecund or mouldy leaf soil is optimal. Potted in 10-15CM pots. Spacing of flower beds is 30-40CM. Drainage should be good, sunshine should be sufficient, winter should be planted in the greenhouse, after planting survival, pick the heart once, in order to promote more, flowers will be cut off after flowering, promote new branches to bloom again. Love warm, avoid high temperature and humidity, in case of sultry temperature, must try to cool down ventilation, prevent withering. Winter management seedling stage can withstand-3℃, the south area can be open field or single-layer greenhouse cultivation, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River can be single-layer shed or double-layer shed cultivation. In the north of China, three layers of thermal insulation cover should be applied if cultivated in greenhouses below-10℃. potted flowers into the first shed or scaffolding should be covered in autumn and winter before the minimum temperature dropped to 0℃. Temperature management of protected areas. 18-20℃ during the day and 0-1℃ at night (slow growth, prolonged growth period, delayed flowering and increased cultivation cost when the night temperature is too low). The leaves will be damaged by chilling when the temperature is below-3℃ for a long time, and the buds may be seriously damaged and the buds will appear dumb. Other such as shed ventilation, cold insulation, please refer to melon. Plant adjustment high-quality potted flowers should have good plant type and appearance: short and plump, leaves stretch, thick green, thick, branched and robust, compact. This must be based on the selection of fine varieties, pay attention to each link of management in order to achieve the goal. In addition to proper sparse sowing, timely seedling division, timely pot, but also pay attention to: 1, timely pot moth butterfly flower should be early and thin, because of good ventilation and light transmission and pot soil, moderate dryness of the air is very beneficial to its plant type control and disease prevention. 2, dwarfing agent control height under normal cultivation management conditions, generally do not need to use dwarfing agent, some special circumstances, such as the peak season after the pot, continuous rainy days, low humidity and lack of light conditions, there is a tendency to grow; due to weather, holidays and other reasons, pull pot, ventilation may be delayed, as a preventive and remedial measures. 15% paclobutrazol 150ppm (10g/10kg water) foliar spraying, not only has a good dwarfing effect, but also can improve the cold resistance, drought resistance and disease resistance of plants. 3, pay attention to the greenhouse (greenhouse) ventilation moth butterfly flower growth temperature is slightly lower than melon, so ventilation should be earlier, larger. Cloudy days should also pay attention to ventilation, to prevent excessive growth. Moth butterfly flower cultivation method moth butterfly flower 8-9 months indoor pot sowing, seed small, do not have to cover soil. Seedling 1. Sowing time: late August to early October Sowing 2. Seedbed: refer to melon 3. Sowing quantity: about 1600 seeds per gram, 2 grams per square meter, about 2000 seedlings 4. Seed cover depth: 3-4 mm. 7-10 days after sowing. 5. Seedling attention points: (1) seed larger, cover soil should be slightly deeper than melon;(2) seedbed before or after sowing to irrigate enough water. After sowing, watering should be sprayed with fine mist or shading net;(3) the seedling bed humidity should be maintained before emergence;(4) the seedling bed can be covered with net shade for moisture and cooling before emergence, but full light management must be carried out after emergence;(5) seedlings are extremely easy to grow (mainly hypocotyls are easy to elongate). Therefore, the net should be uncovered in time after emergence, the sowing density should not be too large, and the seedlings should be properly early; the water should be properly controlled in the early stage of seedlings, and the seedlings should be timely. 120ppm 15% paclobutrazol (8g/10kg water) can also be used to control height. The seedlings are divided into 3-4 true leaves. Although the root system of moth butterfly flower is relatively developed, seedling division can be carried out on the ground, but it is easy to damage the root when digging seedlings; if the seedlings are too dense, the quality of the seedling bed soil is not good, the seedlings are too late in the pot or the seedlings are not properly handled, or the slow seedling stage after the pot is not properly managed in terms of light and moisture, serious plant damage may still occur after the pot is placed, resulting in stiff seedlings, affecting the future development and flowering. Therefore, it is suggested to use 10 X 8 cm nutrient bowl for seedling differentiation. Compost soil: decomposed sawdust when seedling soil is 4:1. The seedlings were planted at a depth of slightly exposed cotyledon nodes. When dividing seedlings, thin and weak seedlings and tall seedlings should be eliminated. Shading with shading net for 4-5 days after seedling division, early cover and late uncovering, full light management after seedling delay. Fertilizing 3-4 times in seedling stage; fertilizer is 45% high concentration compound fertilizer or urea with concentration of 1‰, or cake fertilizer water diluted by about 15 times. 6-7 leaves on the pot, such as pulling the pot once (every two rows of pots out of a row of another), can be postponed to 8-9 leaves on the pot, pot diameter 14-16cm. The pot soil is compost soil: decomposed sawdust =3:1, and compound fertilizer 1.5kg/cubic meter is added. The depth of the upper pot is slightly higher than that of the original soil mass (cotyledon node buried 0.5cm). Watering and fertilization on the basin after watering should grasp the principle of "see dry see wet", that is, between two watering must have a basin soil drying process. The degree of dryness depends on the slight wilting of the leaves. Moth butterfly flowers grow strongly and have certain drought tolerance, so from the consideration of controlling plant height, improving cold resistance, reducing humidity and preventing diseases, the watering of moth butterfly flowers under protected cultivation conditions should be moderately dry. The following can be used for reference: wet: after sowing seedbed out of the true leaves after the seedlings after the long-term on the pot after the long-term dry: after the seedlings before waking up after the pot before the bud but should pay attention to: 1. dry, wet is not absolute, should grasp the "degree". Wet but not rotten, dry but not dry. 2. It depends on the circumstances. If there is a trend of excessive growth in the prosperous period, water and fertilizer should be properly controlled. Moth butterfly flower need fertilizer amount is not big, fertilization every 10 days or so, early nitrogen mainly, middle and late phosphorus and potassium mainly. The fertilizer is mainly urea and 45% high-concentration compound fertilizer, the concentration is about 2‰ (slightly lighter in seedling stage and flowering stage, slightly thicker in vigorous stage). Moth butterfly flower reproduction method Moth butterfly flower often uses sowing reproduction, spring sowing summer flowering. Germination temperature: 15-20℃ Seeding period: autumn, winter growth temperature: 15-25℃ flowering period: spring seedling: seeds have phobe, after sowing must be covered with fine soil, maintain appropriate temperature, about 10-15 days germination, seedlings by fertilizer 1-2 times, seedling height about 10-15CM and then transplant flowerpot or flower bed. Moth butterfly flower disease control Moth butterfly flower except seedling occasionally underground pests, moth butterfly flower did not have pests. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (mainly infected stems, often make the whole plant die) and gray mold (mainly infected flowers). Pay attention to field hygiene, timely pull basin, strengthen ventilation, reasonable watering, do not use old basin soil containing bacteria, can effectively prevent diseases. At ordinary times, we should patrol and observe frequently, and eliminate diseased plants as soon as possible to prevent spread of infection. Moth butterfly flower distribution area Moth butterfly flower origin Chile, distributes in Japan, Korea and China South China, Southwest, Taiwan area, each place greenhouse has the cultivation. Moth butterfly flower function ornamental value moth butterfly flower bloom dense, colorful, is beautiful spring cut flowers and potted flowers, but also indoor potted ornamental. The flower bed decorative moth butterfly flower is an excellent early spring flower bed material. Moth butterfly flower cultural background name derived from moth butterfly flower shape similar to flying butterflies, hence the name. Moth butterfly flower language moth butterfly flower language: natural love. Send flowers to: friends, favorite people. How do you keep butterflies in winter?

The Temperature of Moth Butterfly Flower in Winter

Moth butterfly flower is still very cold-resistant, generally can withstand the low temperature of minus three degrees Celsius, but winter maintenance or to do a good job of insulation measures. It can be moved indoors for cultivation, the room temperature should not be too low, it is best to keep it above 0℃, especially at night, the temperature should be controlled well, too low words are easy to lead to slow growth of plants, flowers are also relatively late, the most suitable temperature during the day is 18-20℃. If the temperature is lower than-3℃ for a long time, it will cause freezing damage.

Light for winter rearing of moth butterflies

Moth butterfly flowers like a sunny environment, although winter needs to be maintained indoors, but in such a cool environment, more light supply to ensure normal growth activities, if no light or weak light, there will be a lot of problems.

Moth butterfly flower winter moisture

After entering winter, water evaporation is relatively slow, and the supply of water should be appropriately reduced. Moreover, moth butterfly flowers have certain drought tolerance. It doesn't matter if the soil is dry. Of course, it can't be too dry. The main thing is to avoid long-term moisture in the soil, let alone water, otherwise it is very likely to rot. In addition, it is best not to water flowers directly with tap water, which may damage their roots due to excessive temperature difference.

Fertilizer for winter cultivation of moth butterfly flowers

After autumn, the moth butterfly flower enters the dormancy period, so it is necessary to reduce or stop fertilization, because at this time the root growth of the moth butterfly flower is very slow, even if fertilizer is applied, many of them cannot be absorbed by it, and even in turn will affect the normal absorption of the moth butterfly flower. In serious cases, it will lead to rotten roots.

Moth butterfly flower winter breeding is the most important temperature management, of course, other aspects also need to pay attention to, I hope everyone's moth butterfly flower can safely winter.