
How is the casual grass raised?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Soil casual grass does not have high requirements for soil, but it is best to choose loose, breathable and fertile sandy soil. Because planting on the ground should have a thick soil layer, but if you plant in a flowerpot, you can choose loose, breathable and well-drained soil. Grass likes sunshine very much.


Random grass has no high requirements for soil, but it is best to choose loose, breathable and fertile sandy soil. Because planting on the ground should have a thick soil layer, but if you plant in a flowerpot, you can choose loose, breathable and well-drained soil.


Casual grass likes the sun very much, and it is necessary to give sufficient light to the plant during its growing period, but pay attention to the fact that in summer, because the temperature is too high and the sun is also very strong, it is necessary to give the plant proper shade, but not too much shade, otherwise the plant will grow too much due to lack of light.


Casual grass likes to grow in a warm environment, its most suitable growth temperature is between 18-28 ℃, it also has a strong cold tolerance. In summer, because the weather is too hot, you can spray water to the plant with a spray bottle to achieve the purpose of cooling, usually 1-2 times a day. After cooling in autumn, the flowerpot should be placed in the window facing south to take shelter from the wind to keep the soil moist. In winter, the random grass should be put in a place with good indoor light for maintenance, especially in the north of our country, we should pay attention to cold protection and keep warm, the general indoor temperature should not be less than 5 ℃.


The demand for water of random grass is still very high, so keep the soil moist at all times. Because it is not resistant to drought, we should pay attention to watering it in summer. if the soil is too dry, it will lead to poor plant growth, but we can't water too much water either. if there is stagnant water in the flowerpot, we should remove the water in time, otherwise the root of the plant will rot.

Fertilizer application

Use rotten compost as base fertilizer. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are applied once a month, and the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is slightly higher to promote flowering. Attention should be paid to controlling the amount of fertilizer to prevent the overgrowth of plants. In inflorescence, add 1-2 times phosphate fertilizer, or special fertilizer.

What is the difference between grass and goldfish grass? what is the growth habit of grass?

The inflorescences of random grass and goldfish grass extend upward, and the petals of random grass are also very messy and random, which is very similar to goldfish grass from a distance. However, we can accurately judge from the name that they are indeed two completely different plants.

What's the difference between random grass and goldfish grass?

I. morphological differences

1. Flowers

From the flower point of view, the flowers of goldfish grass grow very compact, that is, they are all born together, very dense, while the flowers of random grass are more scattered, often flowers with a lot of random grass on a plant.

2. Leaves

In terms of leaves, the leaves of goldfish grass are green and translucent, and the edges feel very smooth, while the leaves of random grass flowers have something like a sharp saw at the tip of the leaves, which will be scratched when stroking.

3. Stem

Judging from the characteristics of the stem, there are tiny villi on the surface of the stem, and the base has been lignified. On the other hand, the shape of the stem of the random grass is somewhat close to a four-prism.

II. Differences in maintenance

1. Sunshine demand

Goldfish grass in terms of the demand for sunlight, goldfish grass loves light very much, so it needs to get enough sunlight when breeding, and good photosynthesis can allow it to accumulate more nutrients so that it can grow better. But we need to pay attention to avoid prolonged sun exposure in summer and shade it, otherwise the color of the flowers may not be as bright as normal.

Casual grass and casual grass also like to grow in the sun, but it requires a higher temperature, it needs to grow in a relatively warm environment, not too hot nor too cold.

2. Soil

From the soil, the requirements of goldfish grass is not very high, as long as there is a relatively loose and breathable soil on it, watering pay attention to the right amount, generally speaking, goldfish grass is very good for breeding.

Although casual grass also needs loose soil, it has certain requirements for the degree of fertility, so it is best to cultivate it in a more fertile substrate. It is more resistant to fertilizer, so it can apply a little more fertilizer when it is cultivated.

Growth habits of Random Grass

Casual grass likes a warm and sunny growing environment, and the soil is generally loose and fertile sandy soil. Random grass has the ability of cold resistance, can be heat-resistant, can also be resistant to semi-shade, the nature is relatively strong, the ability to endure fertilizer is also relatively strong.

The ability of self-propagation of random grass is very strong, and it can not only propagate plants by itself, but also sow and propagate plants and cuttings.

Ramet propagation of Random Grass

1. Breeding time

The time of ramet propagation is carried out before germination in spring. Spring and autumn are the most suitable seasons for ramets.

2. Propagation and selection of plants

It is generally divided into 3-year-old random grass plants.

3. Specific methods

Young plants or underground rhizomes can be cut from adult plants and planted separately. It is also possible to cut strong new seedlings in a well-drained sand bed in autumn and transplant them after rooting.

Maintenance of random grass at flowering stage

1. Sunshine: if there is no abundant sunlight for a long time, it will not only make the plant grow in vain, but also seriously affect its flowering. But too strong sunlight also needs to be sheltered.

2. Moisture: its florescence is in summer. If there is a shortage of water in this season, it will limit the growth of plants, and it will also affect the quality and quantity of flowers. To put it in a place with good ventilation, the soil should always be kept in a moist state.

3. Nutrients: nutrients are also very important if you want it to blossom all summer. Flower fertilizer is applied every half a month, and phosphorus and potash fertilizer should be applied once or twice when drawing out inflorescences.

Although casual grass is born at will, it is unrestrained and unrestrained. But the cultivation of random grass can not be done at will. If you want the grass to grow tall and straight and sway with the wind, you must let the grass get enough sunlight, water and fertilizer, so people can't always be so random. Although the grass looks random, only it knows whether it is random or not.

Maintenance of random grass

Casual grass likes a wet environment, potted plants should be watered frequently, and a little dryness of the flower soil will cause the plant to droop its head and lose its spirit. The light time should also be guaranteed, if not enough, it will affect the effect of flowering. When drawing inflorescence, bury some phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer or special flower fertilizer, which can promote flowering.

Casual grass likes light but is not resistant to strong light exposure, cold tolerance and semi-shade, but the temperature can not be lower than 5 degrees, especially when cultivated in the north, we must do a good job of keeping warm in winter. Propagation is generally done by sowing and cutting ramets.