
Breeding methods of Iris officinalis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The seeds of wild Iris are very vigorous. Usually after the fruit is ripe in August and September, the seeds will float away with the wind and then fall to the ground to grow and germinate on their own. If it is artificial propagation, the survival rate of direct sowing is relatively low. Therefore, artificial cultivation of Iris lanceolata is often propagated by transplanting.

The seeds of wild Iris are very vigorous. Usually after the fruit is ripe in August and September, the seeds will float away with the wind and then fall to the ground to grow and germinate on their own.

If it is artificial propagation, the survival rate of direct sowing is relatively low. Therefore, artificial cultivation of Iris lanceolata is often propagated by the method of transplanting.

Ramets are generally carried out in spring and autumn. Ramets are selected for vigorous growth, and every two to three plants are synthesized into a clump for ramet. The newly divided plant retains three to five leaves and the rest is removed, and then planted in the soil and properly watered. Will generally survive on their own. When planting ramets, appropriate shading should be carried out if the temperature is too high.

The above is the introduction of the efficacy and breeding methods of Iris officinalis. Ma Lin is easy to plant and feed, and friends who like flowers and plants are more patient. I believe that your horse Lin will grow more and more luxuriantly. Thank you for your reading.

A complete Collection of breeding methods of Iris officinalis

Sowing and propagation of Iris lanceolata

Iris can be propagated by sowing, but the disadvantage of sowing propagation is that the emergence rate of direct seeding seeds is relatively low.

When Iris is sowing, the seed germination temperature is between 15 ℃-30 ℃, if the temperature is not suitable, then the germination rate will be very low, generally need to accelerate germination before sowing, can be soaked in warm water, can improve the germination rate of seeds. The collection of seeds is suitable for November. Cut off the inflorescence of Iris, take out the seeds, and sow them in February or March. When sowing, you can use strip sowing. If the temperature is low, you can cover it with plastic film.

Sowing and reproduction need to pay attention to, Iris seeds germinated poorly at room temperature, seeds stored for more than 5 years, the vigor will decline, generally in the storage will take the way of variable temperature storage.

Ramet propagation of Iris lanceolata

The ramet propagation of Iris chinensis can be carried out all the year round, but spring and autumn are the best breeding time. Rhizoma Iris was ramified, and then a clump of every 2 Murray trees was synthesized and planted.

Keep 5 leaves of each new plant, and the other leaves can be cut off. The survival rate of replanted plants is higher, so pay attention to shading in case of high temperature.

Rhizome propagation of Iris angustifolia

Iris can also be propagated by tuber propagation, which can be carried out throughout the year, but it is also better in spring and autumn. Cut the underground rhizome of Iris into a section about the length of 10cm, each with several bell buds. When planting the rhizome, you can put the rhizome into a dug ditch with the root bud facing up, spread the root, cover it with soil, and then pour water through it. It can be covered with plastic film when the temperature is low and shade when the temperature is high.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Iris chinensis

Latin name Iris lacteaPall. Var.chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz.

Also known as Ma Lian, Malan, Malan Flower, Hanpu, Lishi, Litchao, Drama Grass, Shoushou, Sanjian, Ilein

Binomial method Iris lactea var. Chinensis

The plant kingdom.

Phylum angiosperm

Monocotyledon class




Grow white flower Iris chinensis

Aristolochia lanceolata

Named by and age Fisch., 1925

English name Chinese Iris

Ma Lin (scientific name: Iris lactea Pall. Var. Chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz.) is a variety of Iris officinalis, a perennial herb. The roots, stems and leaves are stout, the fibrous roots are dense and developed, and the length can reach more than 1 meter, showing an umbrella-shaped distribution. Leaves basal, broadly linear, height up to 1250px, width 0.4~25px, gray-green, flowering stem about 250px 2: 2 flowers, flowers are light blue, blue or blue-purple, with darker stripes on perianth; capsule long oval-columnar, with 6 distinct ribs, tip with short beak; long 4~150px, seeds are irregular polyhedron, brown, slightly glossy, seeds mature in September. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from June to September. Born in wasteland, roadside, hillside grassland, especially in overgrazed saline-alkalized grassland. Distributed in North Korea, Russia, India and China.

1. Morphological characteristics.

Iris mandshurica is a variety of Iris officinalis, a perennial herb. Rhizome stout, woody, obliquely extended, surrounded by a large number of dense red-purple broken old leaf sheaths and hairy fibers; fibrous roots thick and long, yellowish-white, less branched. Leaves basal, tough, grayish green, striate or narrowly sword-shaped, ca. 50 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, apex acuminate, base sheathlike, reddish purple, without obvious midrib. Flowers are light blue, blue or blue-purple, with darker stripes on perianth, stem smooth, 5-10 cm high; bracts 3-5, herbaceous, green, margin white, lanceolate, 4.5-10 cm long, 0.8-1.6 cm wide, apex acuminate or long acuminate, containing 2-4 flowers; flowers milky white, 5-6 cm in diameter; pedicels 4-7 cm long Perianth tube very short, ca. 3 mm, outer perianth lobes oblanceolate, 4.5-6.5 cm long and 0.8-1.2 cm wide, apex obtuse or acute, claws cuneate, inner perianth lobes narrowly oblanceolate, 4.2-4.5 cm long and 5-7 mm wide, claws narrowly cuneate; stamens 2.5-3.2 cm long, anthers yellow, filaments white; ovary fusiform, 3-4.5 cm long.

The capsule is long elliptic columnar, 4-6 cm long and 1-1.4 cm in diameter, with 6 distinct ribs and a short beak at the tip; the seeds are irregular polyhedron, brown, slightly glossy. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from June to September.

2. Growth habits

Born in wasteland, roadside, hillside grassland, especially in overgrazed saline-alkalized grassland. It can be used for soil and water conservation and improvement of saline-alkali soil because of its salt-alkali resistance, trampling resistance and developed root system.

3. Geographical distribution

Distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, *, Sichuan, Xizang. It is also produced in North Korea, Russia and India.

4. Plant characteristics

With the characteristics of drought resistance, the root system of Iris is well developed, the depth of penetration can reach more than 1 meter, and the fibrous root is dense and developed, which is not only a strong guarantee of its strong resistance and adaptability, but also has a strong ability to bind soil and retain water. The upright leaves of Iris chinensis can effectively reduce water evaporation, alleviate Rain Water's direct erosion to the surface, and is also conducive to root ventilation. Under harsh environmental conditions, the aboveground part of Iris will become relatively low, and the aboveground growth will be reduced by more than 20%. At the same time, the root system will be more developed, and the root system will increase by more than 10%. This is conducive to its normal survival in adverse environments such as high temperature, drought, waterlogging and so on.

Saline-alkali tolerant Iris is a heavy saline-alkali tolerant plant, whose seeds germinate normally under the condition of 0.44% salt content; when the salt content is 0.51%, the germination rate decreases obviously, and the salt content reaches 0.75% and loses its germination ability. The germinated seedlings can still grow normally, blossom and bear fruit under the condition of soil salt content up to 0.27% and pH value up to 7.9-8.8. It is a rare good material for greening and improvement of saline-alkali land.

In the northern region, the green Iris generally turned green at the end of March, began to bloom in late April, bloomed from mid-May to the end of May, finally bloomed in mid-June, withered and yellowed in early November, and the green period lasted for more than 280 days. Iris lanceolata has green color, elegant and beautiful flowers, fragrant nectar and a florescence of more than 50 days.

Iris officinalis has a very strong ability to resist diseases and insect pests. Not only diseases and insect pests never occur in a single vegetation community, but also few diseases and insect pests occur after they are mixed with other plants because of their special secretions, which greatly reduces the input and cost of pest control after green land is established.

5. Ecological function.

Malin likes the sun and is slightly shady, and the aboveground stems and leaves wither in winter in North China. Resistant to high temperature, drought, waterlogging and salinity, it is a kind of ground cover flower with strong adaptability. Under dry and poor soil fertility conditions, the aboveground stem and leaf growth of Iris will be reduced by more than 20%, while the root growth will increase by more than 10%. It can still blossom and bear fruit normally when the soil salt content reaches 7% and the PH value reaches 7.9-8.8.

Iris is naturally widely distributed. Because of its well-developed root system, strong resistance and adaptability, and salt-alkali tolerance, it is very suitable for soil and water conservation and saline-alkali land greening in dry climate and soil desertification areas in northern China.

The upright leaves of Iris chinensis can effectively reduce water evaporation, alleviate the direct scour of Rain Water to the surface, and facilitate root ventilation. Iris growth has the function of high permeability, rapid infiltration and storage of precipitation and conservation of underground water sources. create a wetland environment has an obvious effect. Under harsh environmental conditions, the aboveground part of Iris will become relatively low (the aboveground growth will be reduced by more than 20%), and the root system will be more developed (the root system will increase by more than 10%). This will help it survive normally in adverse environments such as high temperature and drought, saline-alkali, waterlogging and poor ridges. Iris is also a heavy saline-alkali tolerant plant, which can grow normally, blossom and bear fruit when the salt content reaches 7% and the PH value reaches 7.9-8.8. It is a rare good material for saline-alkali land greening and improvement.

The obvious example of the natural tenacious growth of Iris is that in the no man's land of Lop Nur in northwest China and the Peacock River basin in the native country of Guloulan, other plants no longer exist, while the scattered distribution of Iris fully shows the tenacious vitality of survival of the fittest. In the no man's land of severe drought, sandstorm and thousands of years in Lop Nur, there is only this beautiful landscape of Iris green and flowers, which fully proves the miracle of Ma Lin's survival. It gives a green light to the control of desertification in China and the world. The leaves of Iris chinensis and its regulation of moisture and its ecological characteristics are the necessary conditions for the survival and development of fungi and insects, the prerequisite for the survival of all kinds of natural and wild animals, and the prerequisite for the biological chain. it is also the preferred strategy to improve the ecological environment to control desertification. For the improvement of the ecological environment of fragile vegetation in northwest China, the use of its native plant vegetation is an effective measure to solve the deterioration of the ecological environment, rather than the introduction of imported plants in a short time. The overall price concept of introducing imported plant species from its diseases is also outweighed by the loss. Because of its root infiltration function, underground water conservation function and its shading effect to control water evaporation, the vegetation gradually becomes a wetland environment, creating a new pattern for the whole biological chain.

Iris is simple and rapid in reproduction, strong in vitality, and has the necessary characteristics for the establishment of artificial vegetation. Iris can be propagated either by seeds or asexually. The sprouting rate of direct seeding seeds is more than 80%, and the survival rate of transplanting with mature Iris is also very high. The new seedlings grow rapidly and mature in the next year, and Iris is highly resistant to stress. It is not only resistant to drought, cold, salinity and trampling, but also has a strong ability to resist diseases and insect pests. Not only does it never occur in Iris vegetation, but also because its special secretions are free from rodents, rats can never dig holes and build nests in Iris grassland, so that they rarely occur after mixed planting with other plants. Once the vegetation is formed, it does not need to be maintained in the later stage, and the effect will be achieved once and for all.

In addition to the function of soil and water protection, Iris also has high ornamental value and economic value. The color of Iris is green, and the green period can reach more than 280 days in the north: the flowers are elegant and beautiful, dense and fragrant, and the florescence is as long as 50 days. it can also be used as a cut flower material: Iris is resistant to trampling and can recover itself without cultivation after trampling: Iris plants are moderate in height, with many leaves and upright growth, with strong dust absorption, noise reduction and cooling effect. Iris has strong vitality, basically does not need daily maintenance, and saves water, fertilizer and management investment: when opened or used as livestock feed in established cities, it can produce 500 kg of hay per mu and produce certain economic benefits.

6. Propagation and cultivation

Iris chinensis can be propagated by seeds or asexual propagation, but the emergence rate of direct seeding seeds is relatively low, and the survival rate of transplanting with mature Iris is higher. Most of the mature wild seeds have vigor, and the inherent potential of seed germination is great. Determined by the biochemical rapid test of seed activity, the germination potential of indoor stored seeds and outdoor soil stored seeds were 90% and 88% respectively, but the seed germination rate and germination potential were very low at room temperature. The vigor of seeds stored at room temperature for more than 5 years decreased. The germination rate of seeds stored at variable temperature and outdoor soil overwintering treatment was higher than that stored at room temperature. The temperature range of seed germination is 15-30 ℃. It did not germinate when it was less than 10 ℃ or more than 35 ℃. Under the condition of constant temperature, the germination rate is generally very low, generally soaking seeds in warm water or stratification treatment before sowing to improve the seed emergence rate. The hard seed rate of Iris seeds is high, so that the average germination rate of Iris seeds under room temperature indoor culture conditions is only 10% and 20%. Asexual reproduction is carried out in the form of tillers in the wild.

The method of seed propagation: rake the nursery into a border 2m wide, sow the seeds in the strip ditch, cover the soil twice the diameter of the seeds, use about 15g seeds per square meter, produce more than 300,000 seedlings per mu, and reach physiological maturity in 2-3 years. Blossom and bear fruit.

The method of ramet propagation: the rhizome can be divided when the rhizome is elongated, usually once every 2-4 years, in spring, autumn or after flowering. When dividing the rhizome, take 2-3 buds in each section, smear the incision with plant ash or sulfur after cutting, dry slightly before planting. Generally use 15-500px row spacing, about 30 seedlings per square meter. The tillers began after three months, and a fixed pier was formed in two years.

Improving seed germination is one of the key techniques for green planting through the sexual reproduction of Iris chinensis seeds. Soaking seeds in warm water, stratification treatment and concentrated sulfuric acid before sowing can break the hard seeds and improve the germination rate and seedling emergence rate. For example, after the collected wild Iris seeds were soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid solution, the germination rate increased by 30% and 50% on average. At the same time, artificial propagation seed bases have been established in China, such as commercial seed production bases of Iris lanceolata in Jilin and Gansu, which can provide seed sources for large-scale planting.

In order to overcome the limitations of sexual reproduction by using Iris seed germination, the Beijing Grass Industry and Environmental Research and Development Center and the Beijing Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center conducted a cooperative study in 2002. The best medium and operation procedures in the whole process of "mature seed embryo-callus induction-green plantlet differentiation-subculture proliferation-rooting-test tube plantlet transplanting" were selected. As a result, a set of effective tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Iris was established, which laid the foundation for realizing rapid asexual propagation and greatly reducing the establishment cost of Iris. At the same time, it has laid a reliable technical foundation for screening and genetic engineering and other biotechnology breeding work of Iris somatic clones in the future.

7. Economic value

Ma Lin has been widely planted in China since ancient times, and it has been recorded in Confucius' Jia Yu, qu Yuan's Li Sao and Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica. As an excellent soil and water conservation, grazing, ornamental and medicinal plants have a place in history and nature.

The greening function Iris officinalis has developed root system, rich leaves, strong adaptability to the environment, exuberant growth and extensive management. it is an excellent ornamental ground cover plant for water saving, drought resistance, saline-alkali tolerance, weed resistance, disease resistance, insect and rodent damage. The green period of Ma Lin in the northern region can reach more than 280 days, the leaves are green and soft, the blue-purple flowers are elegant and beautiful, the nectar is fragrant, and the florescence is as long as 50 days, which can form a beautiful landscape. Malin can withstand trampling and can recover without cultivation after trampling. Iris chinensis has a strong function of storing water and soil, regulating air humidity and purifying the environment. Therefore, in the construction of urban open green space, green belt on both sides of the road and flower grass, etc., Iris is an indisputable high-quality material. Because of its well-developed root system, strong drought resistance and strong soil consolidation ability, Iris is an ideal plant for soil and water conservation and slope protection.

Iris officinalis has important medicinal, feeding and industrial value. Because of its long utilization life, high grass yield and rich nutrients, Iris is fond of eating for all kinds of livestock, especially sheep. The flowers, seeds and roots of Iris lanceolata can be used as medicine. Sun-dried flowers can be used for diuresis and defecation; seeds and roots can remove dampness and heat, stop bleeding and detoxify seeds have the effect of reducing fever, detoxification and deworming. As a fiber plant, it can replace hemp to produce paper and rope. Leaves are the raw materials of handicrafts, and roots can make brushes. It can be said that "Ma Lin's whole body is a treasure".

Attached party

The roots, leaves, flowers and seeds of Iris officinalis can be used medicinally.

Harvest and processing

Iris: pick and dry in the shade or in the sun after flowering.

Iris seed: when the fruit is ripe from August to September, cut the ear, dry it, pick up the seeds and remove impurities.

Iris root and leaf: harvested from August to September and dried in the sun.

Efficacy indications

Iris: salty, sour, slightly bitter, cool, heat-clearing and detoxifying. Stop bleeding and diuresis, mainly treat throat arthralgia, hematemesis, dysuria, gonorrhea

, hernia, carbuncle gangrene and so on.

Iris: sweet taste, flat sex. Can clear heat and detoxify, stop bleeding, mainly treat jaundice, diarrhea, leucorrhea, carbuncle swelling, throat arthralgia, furuncle swelling, wind-cold-dampness arthralgia

Hematemesis, hematemesis, blood avalanche and other diseases.

Iris leaf: treatment of throat arthralgia, carbuncle, gonorrhea.

Mullingen: can clear heat and detoxification, treat throat arthralgia, carbuncle, rheumatism arthralgia.

Unilateral and empirical prescription

(1) treatment of throat obstruction: 30 grams of Iris flower, 30 grams of bauhinia, 1 gram at a time, take several times a day, and send down with boiling water.

(2) to treat dysuria: 10 grams each of Iris, cumin and scape seeds, all stir-fried, 6 grams at a time, and mixed with warm wine.

(3) treatment of hernia: 60 grams of rush flower (stir-fried with radish), 45 grams of neem seed (stir-fried with orange kernel), Evodia rutaecarpa (stir-fried with wine)

) 30 grams, 6 grams of wood incense, a total of fine powder, 3-6 grams each time, rice wine mix well, take on an empty stomach.

(4) treatment of sore, furuncle and carbuncle swelling: 6 grams of iris flower, 30 grams of dandelion, 30 grams of Dingcao, 1 dose a day.

(5) treatment of bone tuberculosis: stir-fry the iris in an iron pan, grind the powder and take it with water, 3 times a day, 5-7 grams each time, and the children should reduce it. Use it separately

2 portions of powder. 5 portions of Vaseline, mixed into ointment for external application.

(6) contraception: 50 grams of iris seed, mash, add 2 bowls of water, boil into 1 bowl, add 250-500 grams of yellow rice wine, slightly boil, even

The soup is divided into six portions. Take menstruation twice a day for 3 days.

(7) Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: 100 grams of Iris root, 100 grams of Xanthium root and 50 grams of sugar. Add 2000 ml of water and boil to 1000 ml.

L. Take 70-80 ml three times a day.

(8) Treatment of chronic tracheitis: 15 grams of Iris root, decocted in water, 1 dose per day.

(9) Treatment of menorrhagia: 9 grams of Iris seed, 9 grams of Iris flower, 12 grams of pomegranate peel, ground into fine powder, 3 times a day.

(10) Iris A.

Drug name: Anka. Alias: 6-methoxy-2-cis-heptadecene-1,4-benzoquinone

Action and use: This product is a radiosensitizer, used for radiotherapy of lung cancer, esophageal cancer, head and neck cancer.

Usage and Dosage: Take orally after meals, twice a day, 2 capsules each time, before and after radiotherapy respectively, and reduce in children. This product should be placed in the receiving

Start taking 2-3 days before treatment and continue taking until the end of radiotherapy.

Various treatises

(1)"Rihuazi":"Ma Lin, can also be eaten vegetables, stems, leaves used together."

(2)"Materia Medica Tu Jing":"Today, Shaanxi counties and Ding, Li Zhou also have it, especially near Beijing. The leaves are thick and long. They bloom purple flowers in March and bear seeds in May. They are numb and red with edges. The roots are slender and yellow. People take them as brushes. Flowers bloom in March, fruits are harvested in May, and dried in the shade. "Shuowen" cloud: Li like Pu and small, root can be brush. "Guangya" said: Ma Lin, Li also. Cai Yong and Gao You said: Li Ting came out, so Zheng was named Li Ting, which was wrong. This kind of thing is usually born in Pingze, Hebei Province, and there are many in Jiangdong. It is planted in the terrace, but it is called dry cattail, so I don't know Ma Lin. Its flowers and fruits are used as medicine. "Lie Xian Zhuan": Kou Mr., Song people, like to plant litchi, eat its fruit. Now the mountain people also take the truth alone, cloud big temperature, increase down, very effective. Cui Yuanliang treated sore throat by taking twelve parts of litchi flower, peel and root. He boiled them in a liter of water, removed the residue, and swallowed the juice carefully."

(3)"Materia Medica Yanyi":"Li Shi, Tao seclusion cloud: prescription does not reuse, vulgar do not know," this book "all the notes do not correspond, if it is Ma Lin, then the" day Hua Zi "is not appropriate to say that it can also be vegetable food. The leaves, horses and cattle are not eaten. The leaves are hard and tasteless. How can they be more suitable for human consumption? Now I dare not think that Li is indeed Ma Lin Zi, but wait for someone who is knowledgeable."

8. Plant culture

Poetry "Ma rush grass"(Ming, Wu Kuan)

The leaves are so abundant that the name of the grass can be appropriate.

The flowers bloom like orchids, but smell them without fragrance.

Do not be valued by others, only take their roots long.

For broom or brush, the material used is also good.

Roots grow both into the soil and beside the river banks.

The shore collapsed and began to be bad, and Lan Hui was also ordinary.