
How to raise dragon spitting beads

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Longtuzhu generally lives in a semi-overcast environment, likes a warm and humid environment, but is not hardy. The suitable temperature for its growth is 18-24 ℃, so it needs to keep the temperature in winter and should be moved indoors or in the greenhouse. 1. Watering should be kept moist frequently during the growing period of dragon spitting beads, but not too much to ensure that the basin soil is moist.

Dragon spit beads generally live in a semi-shady environment, like warm, humid environment, but not cold. Its growth temperature is 18~24℃, so it is necessary to maintain temperature in winter and should be moved indoors or in a greenhouse.

1. watering

In the dragon spit bead growth period to keep wet frequently, but watering can not be excessive, to ensure that the basin soil wet, high temperature should be fully watered to help dragon spit bead supplement water, and give shade. In winter, water should be reduced to allow the dragon to enter the dormant period and survive the winter safely.

2. sunshine

In summer, when the temperature is high, the dragon spit beads should be placed in a place free from direct sunlight, and in winter, they need to be moved indoors to the sun. In the flowering period of Dragon Tuzhu, sufficient light should be given to promote the flower bud development of Dragon Tuzhu. Insufficient light will have an adverse effect on the flowering of dragon tuzhu.

3. fertilization

The cultivation of dragon tuzhu should not be over-fertilized, and diluted nutrient solution can be applied once a month. When dragon tuzhu is in flowering season, thin cake fertilizer water for topdressing is applied at intervals of 7-10 days in a row. If yellow leaves are found in dragon tuzhu, a small amount of 0.2% ferrous sulfate water is applied for many times.

4. pest

Longtuzhu main pests are scale insects, whitefly, etc., available 40% omethoate 1000 times to 1500 times liquid spray. However, when mosaic occurs, it is necessary to remove the diseased leaves in time, strengthen ventilation, and keep the leaves dry.

How to raise dragon spit beads

Flower Bonsai Network Flower Conservation Column: How to raise Dragon Tuzhu will introduce you to the cultivation method of Dragon Tuzhu, and the pest control of Dragon Tuzhu.

Dragon Tuzhu is also known as Kirin Tuzhu, Pearl Treasure Grass, Pearl Treasure Lotus, Stinking Peony vine, Hedyotis diffusa

Verbenaceae [Dragon Tuzhu ornamental value] woody rattan wood, plant weak, leaves with stalks, long ovate three veins, 5 ~8 months in the axils out of cymes, flowers with dark red corolla, from the white calyx out, such as dragon Tuzhu very beautiful, suitable for potted plants and flower beds.

[Dragon Spitting Pearl Habits] Likes warm and humid environment, not cold-resistant, often attached to trees or wet rocks. [Dragon Tuzhu cultivation points](1) propagation with ramets or cuttings, cuttage in March to April or August to September, take an annual healthy branches, cut into 10 cm long, cuttage leaves 2 to 3 buds, insert half of the soil, keep the seedbed moist, shade during the day, take root in January, and then transplant in 15 cm diameter small pot culture. (2) The basin should be planted with a diameter of 30 cm, the basin soil should be vegetable soil, the basin bottom hole should be enlarged, and a layer of tiles should be lined. (3) During the growth period, it should be exposed to more sunlight. In summer, it can be showered with water once in the morning, and the monthly fertilizer water is 3:7 decomposed urine. (4) The branches and vines in summer and autumn should be properly pruned and placed in a sunny place after pruning to promote the germination and growth of new branches. (5) Old plants over two years old should be replaced with new soil in February to March. (6) After October, it should enter the greenhouse for cold protection.

How do you keep the dragon?

Long Tuzhu is a climbing shrub belonging to the genus Daqing of Verbenaceae. It is a beautiful ornamental plant. Generally potted plants are limited by pruning. The plants grow very short. They are often used for greenhouse cultivation and viewing. They can be used as flower racks. They are also used as potted window sills and summer courtyards. They are also used as flower baskets, arches, pavilions, etc. for parks or tourist bases. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods and precautions of Long Tuzhu together.

Growth Habits of Dragon Tuzhu

Dragon Tuzhu likes warm, humid and sunny semi-shade environment, not cold, winter temperature is not lower than 8℃, 5℃ below the stem and leaf easy to suffer from freezing injury, light caused by deciduous, heavy tender stem withered. Vegetative growth period temperature can be higher, 30℃ above high temperature, as long as sufficient water supply, can still grow normally. The temperature of reproductive growth, i.e. flowering stage, should be lower, about 17℃.

Breeding method of dragon tuzhu

1, cuttage: Dragon Tuzhu cuttage is generally carried out in May to June every year, optional top shoots of healthy disease-free branches, but also the lower part of the old branches cut into 8~10 cm stem segments as cuttings. Plating bed can be used peat, pearlite, rotten leaf soil, river sand and vermiculite and other substrates. The optimum temperature for cuttage is 21℃, and the temperature of cutting bed is 26℃, which is very favorable for rooting. If the cutting base was treated with 0.5~0.8% IBA solution for 1~2 seconds, the rooting speed was fast and more.

2. Sowing: The seed life of Longtuzhu is short, and it can be sown immediately after harvest. Sowing can be sown in shallow pots from March to April every year. The temperature is kept at 24℃. The seedlings can emerge in 10 days. When the seedlings are 10 cm high, they can be transplanted in pots and can bloom in the second year. However, seeding method is not easy to survive, it is recommended to use cuttage propagation.

Culture method of dragon tuzhu

1. Soil: Fertile, loose and well-drained sandy loam soil for Longtuzhu cultivation, culture soil for potted plants or mixed soil of peat soil and coarse sand. The commonly used soil formula is 4 parts of humus soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sandy soil.

2. Watering: Dragon Tuzhu is sensitive to moisture and needs sufficient moisture during its growth period. The growth period of stems and leaves should keep the saline soil moist, but the watering should not be excessive. The water amount is too large, resulting in only long vines without flowering, even yellow leaves, wither, root rot and death. If the branches wither, stop watering, let them recover and sprout new leaves. Summer high temperature season should be fully watered, appropriate shade. In winter, water should be reduced to make it dormant in order to survive safely.

3, light: Dragon spit beads need sufficient light in winter, summer weather is too hot to shade, otherwise the leaves yellow. When the light is insufficient, it will cause tendrils to grow and not bloom. Flower bud differentiation was not affected by photoperiod, but strong light promoted flower bud differentiation and development. In the dark should not be placed for too long, in the temperature above 21℃, more than 24 hours, will fall flowers.

4, fertilization: Longtuzhu fertilization should not be too much, fertilization once every half month, flowering season 1~2 times phosphorus and potassium fertilizer,"Huiyou" 20-8-20 four seasons with high nitrate potassium fertilizer, or every 7~10 days 1 time decomposed thin cake fertilizer water, continuous application of 3~4 times fertilizer can be. In winter, water is reduced and fertilization stopped. If yellowing phenomenon is found in the cultivation process, it can be combined with topdressing application, 0.2% ferrous sulfate water, which can make the leaves gradually turn from yellow to green.

5, pruning: Longtuzhu in cutting seedlings or seedlings potted after growing to 15 cm, 10 cm away from the mouth of the pot cut branches, promote the germination of strong new branches. Growth period should strictly control the height of branches, pay attention to topping, in order to branch neat, dense flowering in the future. Half a month after topping, apply bijiu or chlormequat to control plant height to achieve short plants, luxuriant leaves and more flowers.

6, change pot: Dragon spit bead potted commonly used 12~15 cm pots, each pot can be planted 3 plants. Generally every 1~2 years for a pot, for pot time in early spring or after the flowers can fade. When changing pots, first use broken tiles to pad the drain holes, then put in a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer, and then put in new culture soil, plant good plants, leaving 2~3 cm along the mouth for fertilization and watering. After changing pots, irrigate thoroughly, put them in the shade to slow down the seedlings, and move them to a sunny place for maintenance.

Dragon spit bead breeding precautions

1. Dragon Tuzhu will produce leaf spot disease in the breeding process. At first, it is only a small brown spot. If it is not treated in time, it will produce large black spots and the leaves will die. Therefore, once found sick, should immediately use chlorothalonil 800 times solution, foliar spray, every 7 to 8 days once, 2 to 3 times in a row, can be basically cured.

2. The main pests of Longtuzhu are scale insects, whitefly, etc., which can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times to 1500 times. For the leaves caused by alkaline soil, they cannot be normally stretched, and the leaves lose green and yellow. They can be irrigated with 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution. For mosaic and fungal diseases, it is necessary to remove the fallen leaves in time, strengthen ventilation, keep the leaves dry, and control the disease.