
Matters needing attention in the culture of coral vines

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Remember to keep the coral vine in the shade during the summer heat, but make sure you have three or four hours of direct sunlight every day. Only in this way will coral vines not grow in vines. If it is a family pot care, you need to put the flowerpot on the south or west balcony as far as possible.

Plenty of light.

Remember to keep the coral vines in the shade during the summer heat, but make sure you have three or four hours of direct sunlight every day. Only in this way will coral vines not grow in vines. If it is a family pot conservation, you need to put the flowerpot on the south or west balcony as far as possible to ensure sufficient light.

Promote branching

In order to ensure the plump shape of the coral vine, it is necessary to pick the heart many times at the initial stage of growth to promote its multi-branching, so that the coral vine has the overall beauty.

The above are the breeding methods of coral vines prepared for you and the places that need to be paid attention to. I hope it will be useful for you who want to grow coral vines.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of coral vine Chinese scientific name coral vine

Latin name Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.

Also known as purple bract vine, Asahi vine, rising sun vine

The plant kingdom.


Coral rattan genus

Grow coral vines

The distribution area is native to Mexico and Central America.

Coral rattan is also known as Phoenix crown and Phoenix gem. Polygonaceae, coral vines, evergreen woody vines. Propagation can be done by sowing or cutting, the root is thick, and the climbing force of the stem can reach more than 10 meters. Most of the flowers are densely clustered and racemose, with conical fruit from March to December, native to Central America. Now it is cultivated in Taiwan, Hainan, Guangzhou and other places. Coral vine is eye-catching and spectacular, it is a good plant for garden and vertical greening, and it is also one of the flowers with ornamental value. It is called "after the vine".

1. Morphological characteristics.

Polygonaceae: a family of dicotyledons. Herbs annual or perennial, sparsely shrubs or small trees. Stems usually with dilated nodes. Leaves are simple, alternate, with Ocrea. Flowers bisexual, sparsely unisexual, actinomorphic; inflorescences arranged in racemes, spikelike or paniculate, flowers sometimes solitary; tepals 3-6; stamens 6-9, rarely 16, with disk; pistil 1, ovary superior, 1-loculed. Achenes ovate, 3-angled or flattened, usually enclosed in persistent perianth; embryo curved or erect, endosperm rich. About 40 genera and 800 species, mainly distributed in the north temperate zone, a few in the tropics. More than 200 species of 11 genera are produced in China. Polygonum is distributed all over the country; rhubarb is distributed in the mountains of northwest, southwest and North China; Calligonum and Polygonum are distributed in the desert and semi-desert areas of Northwest China; Polygonum in Iceland is distributed in the high mountains of Northwest and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Polygonum and Polygonum are endemic to China. About 30 genera and more than 800 species, mainly distributed in the north temperate zone. There are more than 200 species belonging to 15 genera in China, which are distributed all over the country. It is known that there are 123 species belonging to 8 genera.

The coral vine is a semi-deciduous vine with massive underground roots and tendrils at the apex of the stem. Simple leaves alternate, ovate heart-shaped, leaf tip sharp, base heart-shaped, leaves entire but slightly undulating. Leaves papery, with leaf sheaths. The panicle is opposite to the leaves, and the flower is composed of five petal-like bracts. Fruit brown, rhomboid, hidden in persistent calyx. Inflorescences racemose, terminal or axillary, inflorescence axis extending into tendrils, flowers reddish or white, long 7~10mm, outer three tepals larger. Florescence: from April to August, the fruit is brown and rhombohedral, hidden in the persistent calyx.

Flowers climbing, slightly woody, perennial vines issued from thick tuberous roots, up to 10 m high, with tendrils. Leaves opposite, ovate to rectangular-orbicular-ovate, 6 mi 14 cm long, apex acuminate, base deeply cordate, by conspicuous reticulate veins, subbald on both surfaces. Racemes terminal or borne in upper leaf axils, flowers numerous, reddish, sometimes white, 8 mm long, tufted, perianth lobes persistent. Achenes conical, distally trigonous, ca. 10 mm, florescence 3-12 months. There are double gardening varieties.

2. Growth environment

Like to Yang, moist, fertile acid soil. Long leaves sprout after warm spring, and when the winter temperature is below 10 ℃, the leaves will turn dark green and sometimes wither slightly. It grows luxuriantly during the cool season in the tropics or subtropics. Coral rattan open field cultivation is mainly in South China, should choose fertile soil cultivation, because the branches are long, planting should not be too dense, generally used as hedge vertical greening, plant spacing of 4 meters is appropriate. There are many rows of potted plants in other areas, which require high temperature greenhouse to survive the winter. Fewer diseases and insect pests. It grows luxuriantly during the cool season in the tropics or subtropics. The leaves sprout after the spring is warm, and the leaves turn dark green and sometimes wither when the winter temperature is below 10 ℃. Fewer diseases and insect pests. Sex is fond of high temperature, and the suitable temperature for childbearing is about 22-30 degrees. Like moist, grow better in bright light environment, like fertilizer, slightly cold-resistant, generally can survive the winter safely above 5 ℃ in winter, like to grow in loam with good drainage and rich in humus.

3. Distribution

It is native to Mexico, and is commonly cultivated in Taiwan, Hainan, Guangzhou and Xiamen. It is also distributed in the tropical or subtropical south.

4. Cultivation techniques

Sowing or cutting can be used, but mainly sowing, spring to summer is the appropriate time, the suitable temperature for germination is about 22-28 degrees. Soak the seeds for 4 hours and 6 hours before sowing, make them fully absorb water, then bury them shallowly in the soil for about one centimeter, maintain humidity, and rooting after about 30 days. Because it is not resistant to transplantation, it is better to use live broadcast or pot sowing. Spring is the appropriate time for coral rattan cutting, cutting tissue to enrich the branches, each section is about 15-20 cm. Remove the lower leaves, leave only the upper 2-3 leaves, insert them in the culture soil mixed with peat soil and coarse sand, pour enough water, cover the flowerpot with a plastic bag, put it in semi-shade, and take root in 15-20 days. After the new leaves grow, they can be transplanted, but the rooting rate and growth rate are not as ideal as sowing.

The cultivated soil quality is the best in fertile loam or humus loam, good drainage and sunshine, insufficient flowering and light color. After the stem of the young plant is elongated, it is necessary to set up a pillar for climbing. If there are many branches, leave 2-3 branches as the main branches, cut off the rest, and then pick the heart after the scaffolding to promote its more branches. During the growth period from spring to summer, the water supply should be adequate, and all kinds of organic fertilizers or three elements can be used for fertilization, with a small amount every 1-2 months. There is a phenomenon of deciduous leaves in the north in winter, so you can take advantage of this pruning to cut the branches short; strong shearing is used for plant aging. Sex is fond of high temperature, and the suitable temperature for childbearing is about 22-30 degrees.

Coral flowers like to be moist, so they should be fully watered during the growth period, often keep the basin soil moist, and spray water to the leaves in the summer high temperature season. Water less during the dormant period, as long as the basin soil is not dried. Pot plants are maintained outdoors in summer, preferably in the shade, but there should be at least 3-4 hours of direct sunlight every day. If the growth environment is too wet, it is easy to cause overgrowth, sparse flowering, light and small color. More fertilizer is needed during the growing period, and 25% cooked cake fertilizer is needed every 7-10 days. When the flower is budding, it is necessary to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. This will make the stem firm. The flowers and colors are more colorful. If you want to make the coral flowers grow into thickets, then at the initial stage of growth, it must be plucked many times to promote more branches, so that the plant shape can be plump.

5. Main value

Coral vine flower shape is delicate, the florescence is extremely long, the color is bright, the flower is full of branches, the beauty is abnormal, the coral vine flower is numerous and slightly fragrant, is a rare famous flower in summer.

Coral vines, known as vines, can not only be planted in flower beds, but also be a good material for potted plants to decorate hotels and halls on both sides of the window. Suitable for flower rack, shade scaffolding planting, can be used as scaffolding plants, vertical greening of good materials have double horticultural varieties. It can also be used as cut flowers for flower arrangement and flower baskets. The root is edible.

6. Plant culture

The chain of love

According to legend, in Western mythology, there is a beautiful goddess who attracts the pursuit of the gods, but no one can touch her heart.

The mother of the mountain god was determined to win beauty for her son. One day, the mother went to the mountain to pick up a lot of rattan grass, woven it into rattan clothes and necklaces, and asked the mountain god to wear them to the goddess's residence. When the goddess opened the door, the sun shone right on the rattan coat and the rattan necklace. Suddenly, thousands of pink coral-shaped flowers bloomed, as well as countless heart-shaped leaflets. The goddess could not help blurting out, "what a beautiful coral vine!" So the mountain god put the vine necklace on the goddess's jade neck and won the goddess's heart.

Therefore, the coral vine is also called "Lover`s Chain".

Requirements for how to cultivate coral vines in soil pots

Coral vines like warm and humid environments, and the suitable temperature for growth is between 22 ℃ and 30 ℃. Mature coral vines are a little hardy, but seedlings must not experience cold climates such as frost. The most suitable soil environment for growing coral vines should be moist, fertile, well drained and rich in humus. And coral vines should be watered frequently to keep the soil in a moist state. In addition, the choice of pots is also very important, flowerpots have a certain depth, which can promote the growth of roots.

Timely pruning

Attention should be paid to setting up posts when raising coral vines in pots. The scaffold can be tied into various forms, as long as it is the overall aesthetics that facilitates the growth of coral vines. As a vine plant, coral vine has strong extensibility, so pay attention to pruning branches in time to prevent the overall beauty from being damaged by its free growth.

More water and more fertilizer

Coral vines like a humid environment, so they should be fully watered during their growth. Keep the soil moist and spray water to the leaves when it is hot in summer. Keep the soil not dry in other periods. Coral vines need more fertilizer during the growing period, and they need to be fertilized every other week or so. More phosphate and potash fertilizer should be applied after the emergence of flower buds.

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