
Key points for the maintenance of Luoshi:

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Pot planting is suitable for both the Yellow River basin and the south of the Yellow River, while potted plants can only be planted in the north. Luoshi is not picky, from slightly acidic soil to neutral soil, from sandy soil to light clay, can also grow in weak alkaline soil, but the growth is slightly worse. 2. Watering Luoshi likes to be moist

1. it is suitable to be planted in pots and pots.

In the Yellow River basin and the south, it can be planted in both land and pot; in the north, it can only be planted in pot. Luoshi is not picky, from slightly acidic soil to neutral soil, from sandy soil to light clay, can also grow in weak alkaline soil, but the growth is slightly worse.

2. Watering

Luoshi likes to be moist, and the basin soil should be kept moist in the growing season, watering once every two days in spring and autumn, once a day in summer, and about half a month in winter, so that the basin soil is not dry. The pots planted in the courtyard must pay attention to the discharge of stagnant water in the rainy season, while the planting stones should not be planted in low-lying land; in the growing season, it is not too late to see the soil dry and then water it, and the planting stone can not be watered in winter.

3. Fertilization

Luoshi likes fertilizer, but is not picky, all kinds of fertilizers can be used; without fertilization for a year, it can blossom, but the amount of flowers is less. If you want to plant collaterals like brocade flowers, you can apply more bone powder and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and less nitrogen fertilizer. The compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied once in spring and autumn, but not in winter and summer.

4. Temperature

Luoshi likes warmth and light. When planting on the ground, it should be planted in the sunny place, the growth to the shady place is poor, the flower is few, the fragrance is light, and even does not bloom. When potted, it should be placed in a sunny place in spring, autumn and winter, and in the middle of summer, the flowers will bloom continuously. Luoshi is more hardy, in the Yellow River basin and its south, can be safe in the outdoor winter, in the north it is better to let it into the indoor winter.

When raising Luoshi, as long as you pay attention to the above four points, you can make it bloom. And can be as colorful as brocade flowers, because Luoshi not only open white flowers, but also purple flowers. These are different kinds of collaterals. Next, the editor will tell you about the classification of Luoshi.

The key to the maintenance of Liana plants Luoshi vine is an evergreen woody vine, up to 10m long, brown stem, much branched, twigs pilose. Leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, flowers white, saucer-shaped, florescence 4-5 months, fruit maturity October. In foreign countries, it is one of the very popular lianas, gardeners will give it a variety of different shapes, but also can be planted on flower racks, used for shade, ornamental and so on in summer. It is also a medicinal plant, with rheumatism arthralgia, waist and knee pain, muscle and pulse clonus, sore throat, sores, fall injury, traumatic bleeding and so on. Luoshi vine, alias stone dace, bright stone, hanging stone, Yunzhu, Yundan, red pair leaf kidney, white flower vine, Latin name Trachelospermumjasminoides, is the leafy rattan stem of Phyllostachys pubescens. Habits: like a warm, moist, semi-overcast environment. Do not choose soil, resistant to drought, but avoid waterlogging. The main point of conservation: to plant in a well-drained soil. It likes light, but it should be properly shaded under the scorching sun in summer. When the soil is dry and watered, it is not easy to water too much water, and it avoids waterlogging. Key points and matters needing attention in maintenance and management of family bonsai

How to raise bonsai and its maintenance and management in the family

First, the analysis of the environment of the home market:

(1) what kind of bonsai should be preserved according to the objective environmental conditions of the family? The villa or courtyard can raise small and medium-sized bonsai. Due to the improvement of living standards, most of them are building balcony maintenance bonsai. It is recommended that the balcony maintain small or miniature bonsai. Indoor balcony maintenance bonsai should fully understand the environmental characteristics of the balcony site:

① balcony facing and sunshine length difference is larger, generally facing south balcony maintenance bonsai is better, the sun is strong, the light time is long.

Balconies facing east or west can only have direct light in the morning or afternoon, and the sun can shine for up to 3-4 hours a day.

But the balcony facing west has a strong summer sun, so it is necessary to do a good job of summer shade and ventilation (commonly known as Xishan sun). The balcony facing north has no direct light all day (it is recommended to keep some shady bonsai).

The temperature around the ② balcony is quite different from that of the ground. Because the balcony cement or ceramic tile floor and metope are easy to absorb the radiant heat of the sun, the temperature during the day is higher than the ground temperature (summer shading and ventilation should be done in time). When the temperature drops at night, the balcony cement floor or ceramic tile floor and metope are easy to release heat. According to the test, the temperature is more than 2 ℃ higher than the ground at this time.

The air around the ③ balcony is relatively dry. If the wind is strong in the upper air, the air must be drier than the ground. The light, temperature and humidity of different balconies are different, and there is a great difference, especially the difference in light length. We should choose appropriate bonsai plants according to the specific conditions of our own balcony.

1. If there is plenty of sunshine, it is recommended to choose bonsai such as Xiyang and flowering and fruiting bonsai, golden finch, mountain red, cypress, yellow poplar, fruit mulberry, ginkgo, golden pine, hammer elm, pomegranate, Tamarix, Fujian tea, Jiuli incense, etc.

2, such as lack of light: it is recommended to choose plants with a certain shade tolerance, such as June snow, Chinese wolfberry, Michelia mollissima, five-needle pine, triangular maple, Luohan pine, brown bamboo, Luoshi, southern bamboo, yew, sparrow plum, bamboo and cypress, Chunshu, ground cypress and so on.

3, if the family house has no balcony or there is no direct light in the room: the living environment is poor, and when it is difficult to raise trees and bonsai, emphasis should be placed on the production and maintenance of landscape bonsai. Because the moss on the landscape bonsai can grow as long as there is scattered light, it does not change much in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and is poetic. The display room also has a very good ornamental effect.

4. If the family's economic conditions are good, such as a courtyard, a large open-air balcony or an exclusive courtyard and the courtyard is very spacious, the bonsai plants that like light, shade and semi-shade can be nurtured according to the small greenhouse that can be built on the spot.

(2) it is necessary to cultivate suitable bonsai according to individual specific conditions. This paper briefly introduces the relationship between environmental conditions and the selection of bonsai plants. Finally, the decision on what bonsai to raise should be based on personal preference, personal cultivation and management skills, and whether individuals have spare time for meticulous maintenance and management. Bonsai materials should be selected according to personal preferences and management conditions. Due to different hobbies and aesthetic concepts, everyone may not have the same evaluation of a certain kind of plant, so the choice of bonsai plants should vary from person to person. The selection of bonsai plants should consider whether the habits of the selected plants are compatible with the existing environment, as well as the level of personal cultivation and management skills:

If bonsai amateurs have high modeling skills and rich experience in maintenance and management, they can choose bonsai materials with higher technical requirements for cultivation and management, such as black pine, five-needle pine, real cypress, yellow poplar, plum blossom and so on.

Such as personal management level should generally choose extensive management, adaptable bonsai materials, such as Chinese wolfberry, canary, June snow, Yingchun, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Tamarix, Pushu, elm and so on.

For those who just play miniature bonsai without any basis, it is recommended to raise some easy-to-feed miniature bonsai, such as pomegranate, canary, June snow, Yingchun, elm, rue and so on.

Second, the source of bonsai and the key factors of keeping miniature bonsai:

1. Bonsai can be purchased from general sources or picked by yourself in the mountains. It is suggested that it is more appropriate to buy some semi-finished products while playing. Of course, those who have the money can be wayward. You can buy finished products or high-quality products (for the purchase of finished products, you should choose from the following: one, two, three, four, determine the appearance of miniature bonsai, and observe the health of the branches and leaves of the stems.) because the semi-finished products have been maintained and managed in the first stage, they are basically stylish and have been laid in the basin. (after buying, learn about the habits of bonsai online according to the name of bonsai.) it is not easy to raise and adjust the original shape according to your own preferences. In a short period of time, you can see bonsai spreading branches and leaves to blossom and bear fruit, increasing the fun, sense of achievement and self-confidence of playing bonsai.

2. Maintenance and management of miniature bonsai should not only adjust its shape in time, but also promote normal growth. Because miniature bonsai pots are small and little soil, they really test the level of bonsai players' conservation and management, such as spraying and watering 2 times a day in hot summer. in order to make the plant branches and leaves not wilting, such as not much personal spare time can not be carefully managed, it is very easy to cause the plant to dry to death. The solution can be selected to adapt to the strong tree species and appropriate selection of deeper pots or sand trough or large purple sand basin set basin maintenance.

Watering for three years, watering is the key to play well with bonsai, and one of the most important and frequent measures for bonsai maintenance and management. The stump is planted in the basin, whether it is a deep basin or a shallow basin, the soil is always limited, and the water content is also limited. if the stump is not watered for a long time, the stump will wither due to lack of water, so it is necessary to observe in time and water according to the dry and wet condition of the soil to maintain soil moisture. Of course, overwatering can not be excessive, if overwatering, the basin soil is too wet for a long time, it is easy to cause root hypoxia and decay; at the same time, the amount of watering depends on specific tree species, seasonal changes, and warm and cold weather. Generally speaking, in summer or drought, it is best to water once in the morning and evening, every day or every other day in spring and autumn, the stump germinates in spring, and it can also be watered in the morning and evening according to the situation. During the rainy season or rainy days, there is no need for watering, but also pay attention to drainage. Sandy soil can be watered more, clayey soil should be watered less. Watering can be foliar spraying, or root irrigation, generally combining the two, first spraying water on the leaf, and then irrigation through the root, be careful not to pour "half of the water" to cause the basin surface to be wet and dry in the basin, and the foliar spraying should not be too much, it is easy to cause branches and leaves to grow, the following is a brief discussion on the key factors of cultivating miniature bonsai:

1. Water is one of the key factors:

"often irrigated" is inseparable from soil and water, while "industrious" water is completely blind.

The main results are as follows: (1) Water quality is very important to the cultivation of bonsai. It is recommended to use Rain Water, lotus pond water or resting tap water before watering.

(2) with appropriate amount of water, miniature bonsai is easy to scorch yellow leaves and affect plant growth, and serious lack of water causes miniature bonsai plants to dry up and die, but too much watering is easy to rot roots. So watering should be appropriate ["watering too much" generally refers to: when the basin soil is not dry, it is continuously watered for several days or watered many times a day. In general, the main reason for raising miniature bonsai is drowned by water]. Personally, I think the first step is to check the habits of miniature bonsai varieties according to the name of miniature bonsai varieties. The premise is to ensure that miniature bonsai is alive, and the premise of miniature bonsai alive is to master the "six views" and "one principle" of watering miniature bonsai.

Take a look at the plant habits.

Second, look at the plant pots.

Look at the soil of bonsai.

Four, look at the plant leaves.

Fifth, look at the growing season.

Six, look at the weather of the day.

One principle: "dry and thoroughly poured, no dry, no watering].

Articles on miniature bonsai watering have been published before, so I will not elaborate on them here. Bonsai friends can refer to China Mini Bonsai official account "miniature bonsai watering. How to water miniature bonsai?" When will it be watered? And points for attention "article.

All potted friends grasp the above basic principles of watering, and then try, observe, experience and sum up attentively. I believe that they will be able to raise miniature bonsai, enjoy miniature bonsai spreading branches and leaves, blossom and bear fruit, edify sentiment at the same time, and reap the joy of success.

2. One of the key dominant factors of basin soil:

The potted soil matches well, and the miniature bonsai grows well.

Soil plays a leading role in the growth of miniature bonsai. According to different varieties of miniature bonsai, it is recommended to use different soils for conservation (soil pH, commonly known as potted soil pH), or in that sentence to buy a miniature bonsai. Do not blindly maintain and manage, first consult relevant materials, fully understand its habits in order to raise miniature bonsai. Previous articles have been introduced in detail, and I will not mention them here. Please refer to the official account: zgwxpjw "benefits of changing pots and matters needing attention for changing miniature bonsai."

3. One of the key dominant factors of the market environment:

The site environment is good or bad, affecting the plant quality and poor site refers to: shelving site, ventilation, lighting, humidity, protection and so on. The setting environment is also one of the dominant factors for miniature bonsai. A good environment is more conducive to the growth of miniature bonsai. Miniature bonsai is often arranged indoors and can not see sunlight for a long time, which can easily lead to growth retardation or plant disease. It is recommended to give appropriate light. Therefore, in the spring and summer growing season, it is recommended that the indoor display time should not exceed one week, and the outdoor semi-shady environment should be maintained and the light surface of miniature bonsai plants should be changed properly at other times.

4. one of the dominant factors of fattening:

The fat and small ones are dull, and the fat plants suffer.

Fertilizer should be appropriate, excessive fertilization will cause twigs to grow, and if it is serious, it will also affect the growth of miniature bonsai plants. if it is not washed or changed in time, it will also cause the death of miniature bonsai plants. Fertilization is due to appropriate fertilization according to the season and different plants. It is suggested that "thin fertilizer is applied frequently". If there is a serious lack of fertilizer, the leaves of miniature bonsai are barren and dull in color, although miniature bonsai will not die in the long run, but the plant is morbid. The appearance is not good.

5. One of the dominant factors of pruning:

Out-of-season pruning and untreated wounds after trimming, resulting in the death of miniature bonsai. Pruning and picking buds in time, the new long branches should be cut short in time and keep the appropriate proportion with the trunk; change the basin every 1 to 2 years, deciduous leaves are carried out before germination in early spring, evergreen trees are carried out after spring germination or cool autumn; miniature crowns, there should be fewer branches to show the grace of the trunk as far as possible, and the retained branches should be cut short to make them in proportion to the trunk.

6. One of the dominant factors of pest control:

The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests are not timely, the light ones affect the appearance, and the serious ones lead to the death of miniature bonsai. Timely control of diseases and insect pests to find a variety of leaf spot, aphids, red spiders, shell insects and other diseases and insect pests, should be the right medicine and immediately manual removal or spray control.

7. One of the leading factors of daily management:

The details of absolute success or failure, diligent observation, and prevention, more summary. Such as summer shading, watering time, water treatment, basin cushion, spraying times, sand trough maintenance and so on; for example: in order to prevent leaves from yellowing and falling off (miniature bonsai due to small pot soil), water is often in short supply in summer, so it is easy to have the phenomenon of leaf scorched yellow shedding. In order to avoid leaf yellow falling off, in addition to leaving the edge of the basin when putting on the basin and paying attention to watering and spraying in hot summer, you can put sand trough or indoor balcony in a large basin for maintenance under maintenance conditions. the method of watering miniature bonsai water: you can put miniature bonsai in a household basin and store water higher than that along the mouth of miniature bonsai basin [take out a brick in a shallow pool or put a brick in a shallow pool more than ten seconds after bubbling stops, and add water to just submerged brick surface. Then put the small bonsai on the brick to cultivate.