
Culture method of fireworks flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Soil Because the requirements of fireworks on the soil are not high, so we need to plant fireworks in a soil rich in organic matter and good drainage, the soil layer should be deep. Generally, you can use a mixture of moldy leaf soil and garden soil and sand, and put some decomposed fertilizer or bean cake as base fertilizer.


Because firecracker flowers do not have high requirements for soil, we need to plant them in soil rich in organic matter and good drainage, and the soil layer should be deep. Generally, you can use rotten leaf soil and garden soil, sand mixed soil, and put some mature fertilizer or bean cake to make base fertilizer.


Firecrackers like a growing environment with plenty of light and a warm climate. Keeping enough light every day helps them bloom more vigorously.


The suitable temperature for firecracker growth is 18 to 25 degrees, which is not cold-resistant. It is necessary to maintain a high temperature in winter, and it is generally needed to be more than 10 ℃ when overwintering. In the north, it can be placed in a sunny place indoors.


Firecracker flower watering should follow a principle, see dry see wet, basin soil should not have stagnant water. In general, it is necessary to water more when the temperature is high in summer, sometimes it is necessary to sprinkle flowerpots and the ground to increase air humidity and cool down, and autumn watering requires appropriate less watering.

Fertilizer application

The fertilization of firecrackers is usually applied with thin liquid fertilizer once every two weeks in the growing season. Phosphate fertilizer should be applied once or twice during the flower budding period, and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once after the flower fades. The amount of water should be controlled and fertilizer should be stopped during overwintering.

So, do you know what you need to pay attention to in the process of firecracker culture?

Culture method of firecracker flower

The culture method of firecracker flowers. Firecrackers are propagated by pressing strips or cuttings. Striping propagation can be carried out in spring or summer, rooting begins in about January, and the mother plant can be separated and transplanted in about March. Cuttings are generally carried out after flowering in spring, if there is a greenhouse all year round. Young branch cuttings in early summer, cutting more than 10 cm with node buds, rooting in more than 20 days. Can also pick old stem cuttings, that is, the selection of the base of the strong old stem, up to more than 2 meters long, cutting in the fertile sandy loam, keep semi-shade, about 50-60 days began to root, let it branch long leaves, winter with soil transplanted in the wall foot or in front of the open land, with bamboo support, the next year can bloom.

The firecracker flowers like light and do not have strict requirements on the soil, but they grow stronger when cultivated in fertile soil rich in organic matter, good drainage and deep soil layer. After planting, the first watering should be thorough and shaded. When the seedling grows about 70 centimeters high, it is necessary to set up a scaffolding, pull its branches on the shelf, and need to pick the heart to promote the germination of lateral branches, in order to facilitate more flowering. Firecrackers peanuts are long, flowering and long, so there should be enough fat and water. Topdressing should be applied once a month during the growth period. Topdressing should use rotten and thin bean cake water or compound fertilizer to promote its luxuriant branches and blossoms. For potted firecrackers, deep tile pots or large flowerpots should be selected, and rotten leaf soil, garden soil and mountain mud should be selected as the main culture soil, and an appropriate amount of mature compost, bean cake, bone meal and other organic fertilizer should be applied as base fertilizer. After planting, the management is the same as that of land planting. It grows better in slightly acidic soil with loose and fertile soil and good drainage. Potted plants in the south of the Yangtze River need to be indoors in winter. It is better to be placed on a sunny balcony with glass windows and secret rooms.

Viewing and application

Firecracker flower is a large tropical vine with many branches, ranging from several meters to tens of meters long. Such as climbing walls or flower racks, lush and lush, such as curtain fabric drooping. When the flowers bloom in winter and spring, the long branches of flowers can be produced between the axils of each leaf, and the panicle gathers flowers. A string of flowers is like a spring firecracker hanging, because there are many branches, flowers are also many, intertwined into a large area, very warm, but also very spectacular.

Firecrackers can be planted in the open air in South China, Taiwan, Hainan Island and Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. It is appropriate to plant gardens and parks for flower walls and sheds, covering soil slopes and stone hills, or for vertical or paving greening of floor balconies. When it comes to flowering season, such as firecrackers and fireworks in full bloom, it adds red light and auspiciousness to the Spring Festival. Really "curl clusters climb a few weights, melancholy green green curtain". Twinkling and twinkling series, skillful hands hanging firecrackers red. The warm sun reflects gorgeous and muddy, and the flowers are originally in bloom during the festival. These verses vividly express the blooming characteristics of firecrackers. For example, the Nanshan Scenic spot in Sanya, Hainan Province has become a beautiful tourist scenic spot with firecrackers blooming in pieces from January to February.

As early as the 1960s, firecrackers were planted in the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I have a feeling that I once wrote a poem entitled "firecrackers": "there is no winter nor plum here, and the cold wind does not reach the green garden." We think that firecracker flowers are planted in the Yangtze River basin, and it is possible to use the combination of greenhouse and open-air planting. Firecrackers are festive flowers, can be moved northward to subtropical areas for planting, according to the survey Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Sanming City and other places in Fujian have open-air planting, good growth and flowering.

Annual flowers are herbaceous plants that complete a life cycle within a year, including sowing in spring and summer, blooming and fruiting in summer and autumn, and dying in the same year after the seeds mature. Such as impatiens, a bunch of red, cockscomb and so on. Biennial flowers refer to the herbs whose growth cycle spans two years, that is, the first year is sown in autumn, the seedlings overwinter, and the second year blossoms and bears fruit in spring or summer, followed by withered herbs, such as pansy, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, carnation, goldfish, calendula and so on. In fact, red and marigold seeds can be sowed both in spring and autumn, such as spring sowing as a main flower and autumn sowing as biennial flowers, so it is more appropriate to use 2012 flowers mixed.

How to grow firecrackers Flowers Culture method firecrackers flowers are also known as firecrackers, because they open during the Spring Festival, bright red flowers, cater to the festive atmosphere, hence the name. Firecracker flowers grow fast, and their branches and leaves can keep evergreen all the year round. They are good climbing greening plants, which can be used to cover balconies and walls. The following editor will introduce how to grow firecrackers flowers and how to cultivate them. How to grow firecracker flowers 1. Potted soil firecracker flowers whether planted in the ground or potted, the specifications of pots and pots need to be slightly larger in order to apply a large amount of organic humus as base fertilizer. The firecracker flower is not strict on the soil, but the heavy soil is disadvantageous to its growth, and it grows best in the fertile sandy soil with smooth drainage and rich organic matter. 2. The firecracker flowers should be properly shaded after they have just been planted or put on the pot, and can not be fully exposed to the sun until the growth is restored. Firecracker flowers like light, can also be slightly shade-resistant, the cultivation land should be well ventilated. Firecracker flower is a tropical plant, like warmth, not resistant to cold, winter temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees.

How to grow firecrackers 3. Water and fertilizer. When planting, the hole dug should be larger, and mature organic fertilizer should be applied, the soil cultivated in the open field should be fertilized 2-3 times a year, and the potted one should be fertilized once a month. Firecrackers are not resistant to drought and slightly resistant to water and humidity. They are fully watered after planting, once every 2-4 days, and 1-2 times a day during the growing period. Watering in time when the weather is hot, and applying rotten cake fertilizer and water about once a month during the growth period will grow vigorously and bloom luxuriantly. The liquid fertilizer of hoof horn bubble system can be applied once a month in summer, and the fertilization should be stopped when the plant enters the dormant period after autumn. Appropriate reduction of watering in winter, mainly according to soil moisture, irrigated every 2-3 days.

How to raise firecracker flowers 4. The height of the plant to be trimmed is about 2m. It is necessary to set up a scaffolding to pull its branches on the shed and pick the heart to promote the germination of more lateral branches and more flowering. The plant grows fixedly according to its tendrils. Do not turn the vine and break the tendrils during the growth period, otherwise it will affect the absorption of water and nutrients, resulting in poor flowering or even no flowering. Potted firecracker flower culture points for attention 1, to choose a large deep tube tile pot planting. Because firecrackers grow rapidly and have luxuriant branches and leaves, the best culture soil is mountain soil. Where there is no mountain soil, it can be mainly made of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, plus some compost soil and a small amount of bone powder. 2. It is necessary to water and fertilize reasonably. Firecrackers like the soil to be moist, so it is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist during the growing season. In the dry season and hot summer, it is also necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves 2 or 3 times a day and sprinkle water on the ground around the flowerpot to improve the air humidity. Autumn enters the flower bud differentiation period, watering should be less, in order to keep the potted soil slightly moist. Thin pancake fertilizer and water is applied about every half a month during the peak growing season. After autumn, phosphate fertilizer should be the main fertilizer, and compound fertilizer can also be applied.

Firecrackers flower culture points for attention 3, to be on the shelves in time. Because the firecracker flower has the characteristic of climbing, and the plant grows very fast, it needs to be put on the shelf in time. If cultivated on the balcony, thick iron wire and thicker bamboo poles can be used to form a certain form of frame, and then the stems and vines can be pulled to the flower rack and evenly distributed. When the flowers bloom, the bright flowers are hung all over the shelves and are loved by people. Firecracker flowers can not stand the cold, the northern areas need to enter the house after the winter. How to propagate firecracker flowers can be used by pressing or cutting methods. The striping propagation of firecracker can be carried out in spring or summer, rooting begins in about January, and the mother plant can be separated and transplanted in about March. Cuttings are also propagated in spring and summer. The cuttings were cut in the middle and late March, and the sturdy 1-year-old branches were selected as cuttings and were sprayed into the wet sand bed to moisturize. When the air humidity was stabilized at about 20 ℃, the roots were rooted about 25 days after cutting, and the survival rate was up to 70%. About one and a half months, can be moved into the nursery for cultivation, 1-year-old seedlings can be planted in the nursery, flowering in the following year, and landscaping in the third year. Can also pick old stem cutting, that is, the selection of the base of the sturdy old stem, up to more than 2 meters long, cutting in the fertile sandy loam, keep semi-shaded, about 50-60 days began to root, let it branch and grow leaves in that year.

The culture method of firecracker flower pressing is mainly to use the fallen vines to hurt the skin and press the soil in the axils of the leaves, which can be carried out from spring to autumn, and summer is the most suitable. It takes half a month to take root, cut off in about one and a half months to form a new plant, and can blossom in the same year. More potted flower cultivation, or direct pressing in the container, do not move to the nursery to raise seedlings. Conclusion: whenever the firecrackers blossom, it is dotted and prosperous, which makes people look very happy. I hope the above about how to grow firecrackers and how to cultivate firecrackers can help you. That's all for today.