
The breeding of Pingpo

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The growth habit of the apple woman the branches and leaves of the apple woman are luxuriant, the crown is very thick, has the very high garden and ornamental value, in addition, the apple woman is also a kind of evergreen plant, coupled with the bright red fruit, it adds a touch of color. The apple woman likes the sun and dampness, has strong vitality and adaptability.

The growth habits of the apple woman

The branches and leaves of the apple woman are luxuriant, and the crown is very dense, which has high garden and ornamental value. In addition, the apple woman is a plant with evergreen leaves and bright red fruit, which adds a touch of color to herself. Apple woman likes to be wet, has strong vitality and adaptability, and is not only resistant to barren but also resistant to wind, so it is relatively simple and easy to breed. The annual output of apple women is relatively small, so many sacrificial apple women are fake apple mothers, so flower friends should polish their eyes.

The requirement of Light for the growth of Apple woman

Although the apple woman is a plant with strong vitality and strong adaptability, she also has a high demand for light. we have already mentioned in her growth habits that she is a kind of plant that likes sun and dampness. with more than eight hours of light every day, in the sunny spring and autumn, it can be placed on the balcony for open-air farming during the day. However, in the summer when the sun is strong, shading treatment is needed at noon to avoid excessive sunlight and make the apple woman depressed or even die.

Humidity requirements for the growth of apple women

Apple woman is a kind of plant that likes to be wet, so it is necessary not only to keep the growing environment moist, but also to keep the soil moist when breeding. The general requirement is that the humidity of the growing environment should reach between 50% and 65%. If the soil is moist, it should not be barren and fertile soil should be used.

Breeding methods and matters needing attention of fake apple women how to raise them

The false apple woman is a semi-deciduous tree plant of the genus Orchidaceae. Because the period of the fake apple woman's result is similar to that of the Chinese Seven Sister Birthday, it is called the Seven Sister Fruit. So how is the fake apple woman raised? Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of fake apple women.

I. the breeding method of fake apple women.

1. The best propagation time: the cuttage of fake apple can be carried out in spring and autumn. Sowing can be carried out when the fake apple fruit is ripe and cracked.

two。 The best growing soil: a deep, warm loam rich in organic matter.

3. Growth humidity requirements: fake apple women like the moist growth environment.

4. The best growth temperature: the fake apple woman likes the warm and humid climate, and is not resistant to drought or cold.

5. The best growth light: the fake apple woman likes the light, and the sunshine should be sufficient.

Matters needing attention in breeding fake apple women

1. To apply fertilizer:

Young trees are usually fertilized 4-6 times a year, once every 2-3 months, either organic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer. Adult fruiting trees need more nutrition. In order to prevent the tree from weakening, it is necessary to apply fertilizer more than twice a year. That is, it was applied once in late winter and early spring, mainly organic fertilizer, with 20-30kg organic manure per plant. For the second time, post-fruit fertilizer was applied after fruit harvest from August to September. Mainly chemical fertilizer, 0.5 kg per plant, scattered in the plant rhizosphere.

two。 Watering essentials:

Apple mother-in-law tree is resistant to waterlogging and drought, and requires proper soil moisture and atmospheric humidity at flowering and young fruit stage, commonly known as "sunny mango, rainy apple mother". Therefore, during flowering, if you encounter dry weather, the crown should be sprayed with water. Increase the humidity of the air to facilitate flowering and fruiting.

3. Pruning essentials:

If the tree grows vigorously but blossoms and bears little, it must be properly pruned to facilitate ventilation and light in the crown, which can reduce wood lice and the bituminous disease caused by it, as well as flowering and fruit bearing. That is, after fruit picking, some nectar branches, weak branches and diseased branches were cut off. The trunk branches at the top of the tree should also be controlled. It can also cut branches in summer and autumn to promote spring flowering.

4. Main points of reproduction:

Fake apple women often use sowing or cutting propagation.

5. Sowing and reproduction

When the fake apple fruit is ripe and cracked, it can be picked with the fruit, peeled off the seeds, and should not be exposed to the sun; cannot be dehydrated, it should be picked and sowed immediately, and the sand bed should not be too wet, so as not to affect the germination rate; the seeds can be sterilized with methyl thiophanate or carbendazim, sowed by strip sowing and germinated in 1 week. Moving into the nutrition bag at the beginning of seed germination can improve the survival rate of transplantation and reduce the work of management.

6. Cuttage propagation

Because the branches of the false apple woman take root easily, therefore, the cuttage method is often used in propagation, which is simple and easy to operate, and grows rapidly. The semi-lignified branches of the same year can be cut in spring and autumn, or the essential branches of two or three years old, and even the old branches can be cut to survive. Cuttings grow about 1.2 to 1.5 meters long and cut into soil about 0.3 meters. In the case of less materials, they can also be cut to 20 centimeters and 30 centimeters. As long as the air and soil moisture are maintained, roots can take about one month.

7. Pest control:

Fake apple women often suffer from anthracnose in warm and rainy years, resulting in withered leaves and easy shedding.

Prevention and control methods:

First of all, we should pay attention to pastoral hygiene, collect diseased fallen leaves and concentrate on burning, so as to reduce the source of infection. For seriously ill gardens or plants, 1% Bordeaux solution or 30% copper oxychloride suspension 600 times can be sprayed on the basis of cleaning the garden.

Secondly, 4% polysulfide suspending agent 600 times was sprayed alternately at the beginning of the shoot and leaf expansion period or at the beginning of the disease.

Third, the value of the fake apple woman

1. Economic value

The stem bark fiber of the fake apple woman can be used as a raw material for sacks and can also be made into paper; the seeds are edible and can also be used to extract oil.

The autumn fruit of the fake apple woman is numerous and colorful, which has a high ornamental value, and the skin on the branches can be used as the raw material for weaving sacks.

2. Medicinal value

Root, leaf: gan, lukewarm. Relaxing muscles and dredging collaterals, expelling wind and activating blood circulation. For rheumatic pain, postpartum wind paralysis, fall injury, low back pain, jaundice, traumatic bleeding.

False apple woman's leaf taste, warm, liver meridian, can disperse blood stasis and relieve pain, can treat blood stasis pain, fall injury, swelling and cyanosis, and so on.

Source: the leaf of the false apple woman of the sycamore family.

Efficacy: dissipate blood stasis and relieve pain.

Indications: treatment of fall injury, blood stasis pain, cyanosis, swelling and other diseases.

The classics of sex and taste: Xin, Wen. Liver meridian.

3. Edible value

The stem fiber of the fake apple woman can be used as the raw material for weaving sacks, and the fried seeds can be used for food and oil extraction.

Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Api Po

The growth habits of the apple woman

The branches and leaves of the apple woman are luxuriant, and the crown is very dense, which has high garden and ornamental value. In addition, the apple woman is a plant with evergreen leaves and bright red fruit, which adds a touch of color to herself. Apple woman likes to be wet, has strong vitality and adaptability, and is not only resistant to barren but also resistant to wind, so it is relatively simple and easy to breed. The annual output of apple women is relatively small, so many sacrificial apple women are fake apple mothers, so flower friends should polish their eyes.

The requirement of Light for the growth of Apple woman

Although the apple woman is a plant with strong vitality and strong adaptability, she also has a high demand for light. we have already mentioned in her growth habits that she is a kind of plant that likes sun and dampness. with more than eight hours of light every day, in the sunny spring and autumn, it can be placed on the balcony for open-air farming during the day. However, in the summer when the sun is strong, shading treatment is needed at noon to avoid excessive sunlight and make the apple woman depressed or even die.

Humidity requirements for the growth of apple women

Apple woman is a kind of plant that likes to be wet, so it is necessary not only to keep the growing environment moist, but also to keep the soil moist when breeding. The general requirement is that the humidity of the growing environment should reach between 50% and 65%. If the soil is moist, it should not be barren and fertile soil should be used.

Matters needing attention in Apple Po Culture

Matters needing attention should correspond to the characteristics of the apple woman, the apple woman likes the sun, so let it have enough light when breeding, but avoid strong light in summer and shade it properly at noon. In addition, the apple woman likes to be wet, but she is not resistant to waterlogging, so she should water a small amount of water frequently. Finally, the soil planted by Api Po should be loose, breathable and moist, and the choice of fertile soil is better than ordinary soil.