
Propagation methods of rhododendron plum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Sow and reproduce. The seeds of rhododendron plum are picked and matured in August and September. After picking, they are dried and threshed in the sun and stored in secret. In February to March of the following year, strip sowing is carried out with a row spacing of about 20 centimeters. After sowing, they are sprinkled with a layer of mud 1 cm thick, and then covered with grass to moisturize. The seedlings usually emerge after a month.

1. Seed breeding.

The seeds of white azalea are harvested in August and September of autumn, dried and threshed after picking, and then stored closely. They are sown in February and March of the following year. The row spacing is about 20 cm. After sowing, a layer of mud 1 cm thick is sprinkled on it, and then grass is covered to keep moisture. Generally one month after the emergence, early April after the emergence of neat grass can be uncovered, to be three or four centimeters high when the seedlings grow, the best time to divide seedlings after rain or sunny watering.

Seedling to pay attention to weeding, loosening, and topdressing fertilizer two or three times. Cover grass to prevent drought in summer when the temperature is high. The seedlings are about 30 cm high at the end of the year, planted in the spring equinox of the next year, and cultivated for two or three years can be used for garden or potted greening cultivation.

2. Cutting.

Cuttings should be carried out in early spring germination, cuttings selected last year's strong dormant branches, neat cut about 12 cm high, before insertion with rooting powder treatment, and then inserted into the cutting bed, the depth of a small half of the length of the cuttings, after insertion, pour enough water, with plastic film cover moisture shade, cutting bed to keep moist.

3. ramet.

Plant division is generally carried out in the spring, dig up the mother plant, keep the roots intact, split with a knife, and sub-planting can survive.

Breeding method of white rhododendron

Cuttings of old branches of white rhododendron

Dormancy old branches of white rhododendron are adopted for cuttage, and the cuttage is carried out before budding leaves in spring; robust old branches are selected and cut off in full nodes, and the cuttage has 2-3 internodes and the cuttage length is about 15 cm; the cuttage is inserted into two thirds of a seedbed, and fully watered after insertion, and roots can be taken in half a month.

softwood cutting

Shoot cuttings usually choose late spring or early autumn vigorous growth of plants, select the vigorous growth of the current year of semi-lignified branches, retain the front 2-3 internodes, the lowest internode to remove leaves, the bottom cut oblique 0.5 cm or so, and then insert the cuttings into the seedbed, the same as two thirds. It takes about 10 days to root.

White Cuckoo

White azalea can be propagated by high-altitude layering, usually in early spring and late autumn. The branches pressed into the soil need to be cut to promote rooting. During layering, keep the soil moist and pay attention to the scattered light area. After rooting, new plants can be formed from the mother plants.

white rhododendron seed

Seed picking time can be selected in September, sowing time can be selected in March of the following year, select ventilated fertile soil, cover with preservative film to maintain humidity and temperature, place in an area with scattered light, germinate in about 20 days, remove the preservative film after emergence, when the seedlings grow to about 5 cm, thin seedlings to enhance the vitality of seedlings, prevent exposure. The next year's buds can be transplanted to new pots before they sprout leaves, paying attention to transplanting with soil to prevent root damage.

Cultivation methods and precautions of white azalea Chinese scientific name white azalea

Latin name Exochordar acemosa (Lindl.) Rehd.

Also known as white silk plum, golden melon fruit, cocoon flower


kingdom planta

Phylum Angiospermum

phylum seed plant phylum

Class Dicotyledonous

Primitive anthers




Subfamily Spiraea

It belongs to the genus White Cuckoo


Distribution area Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei and other provinces in China

subkingdom embryophyte

Exochorda racemosa is a species belonging to the genus Exochorda in the family Rosaceae. Henan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang production. Born in the shade of hillside, elevation 250-500 meters.

1. Name

White azalea (Chinese tree taxonomy) Total white azalea (economic plant manual), cocoon flower (seed plant manual of southern Jiangsu), Jiuhuotou (Anhui native name), Jinguohua (Zhejiang native name)

2. Morphological characteristics

Deciduous shrubs, up to 3-5 m tall, branches weakly spreading; branchlets terete, slightly angular, glabrous, reddish brown when young, brown when old; winter buds triangular-ovate, apex obtuse, smooth glabrous, dark purplish red. Leaf blade elliptic, long elliptic to oblong-obovate, 3.5-6.5 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, apex rounded obtuse or acute, rarely pointed, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, entire, sparsely obtusely serrate above middle, glabrous on both upper and lower surfaces; petiole short, 5-15 mm long, or nearly sessile; not stipule.

Terminal raceme, 6-10 flowers, glabrous; bracts small, broadly lanceolate; flowers 2.5-3.5 cm in diam.; calyx tube shallowly campanulate, glabrous; sepals broadly triangular, ca. 2 mm, apex acute or obtuse, margin sharply serrulate, glabrous, yellowish green; petals 5, obovate, ca. 1.5 cm long, ca. 1 cm wide, apex obtuse, base shortly clawed, white; stamens 15-20, 3-4 in a bundle inserted on disk margin, opposite petals; Carpels 5, styles distinct.

Capsule 5-ridged, fruiting pedicel 3-8 mm long, seeds winged. Flowering may, fruiting june-august.

3, growth habits

Likes the light, also bears the half shade, the adaptability is strong, bears the drought barren soil, has certain cold resistance, may open the field cultivation in Beijing.

4. Habitat distribution

Born in the shade of hillside, elevation 250-500 meters.

Henan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang production. Born in the shade of hillside, elevation 250-500 meters.

5. Cultivation techniques

(1) White rhododendron likes light, drought tolerance, slightly shade tolerance, and is not strict with soil quality. It can grow in acidic soil and neutral soil.

(2) It can be propagated by sowing, dividing, cutting and tissue culture. Sowing, rationing and cuttage were more common than in spring.

6, the main value

Beautiful branches and leaves, white flowers in spring, is a beautiful ornamental tree species. Root bark, bark: for lumbar pain.

[Edible development] These two kinds of white azalea have large beautiful flowers, both ornamental and edible woody plants. Its bud and tender leaves can be eaten, in China has a long history of civil.

White rhododendron plum tree posture beautiful, flowers large flowers, white as snow, beautiful and moving. It is an excellent tree species for beautifying gardens. Its flowers and tender leaves are also extremely rich in high-quality food raw materials. According to "Chinese wild vegetable atlas" and other literature reports, it contains a variety of vitamins and calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients high, is a lot of common vegetables than. It can be seen that there is a scientific basis for folk consumption of this material in China.

Like many edible woody plants, white rhododendron has many ways to eat. Folks generally pick their tender leaves and buds between April and May, which can be eaten fresh or dried in water for emergency use.

Its tender leaves and buds can be fried, soup can be made, can also be seasoned cold; as ingredients, cooking a variety of meat dishes, are fragrant delicious, unique flavor. The buds are used to steam cakes and are especially popular as snacks.

Its dried products can be made by water, used to stew meat, steamed fish, boiled soup, stuffing, etc., the same delicious and pleasant.

Modern research shows that every 100 grams of white cuckoo plum tender leaves contain 6.9 mg of carotene and vitamins.

B2 is 0.35 mg, vitamin C 271 mg and other nutrients.

Potassium 9.8 mg, calcium 10.3 mg, magnesium 3.14 mg, phosphorus 1.5 mg, sodium 0.48 mg, iron per gram of dry product

154 micrograms, manganese 127 micrograms, zinc 22 micrograms, copper 10 micrograms and other nutrients.

Carotene 2.1 mg, vitamin B2 0.35 mg, vitamin C 92 mg and vitamin C 100 mg per 100 grams of fresh flowers

its nutritional component.

Therefore, it has a variety of health care functions such as benefiting liver and improving eyesight, improving human immunity and resisting oxidation.