
What should safflower trees do when they encounter diseases and insect pests?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are three common diseases of Carthamus tinctorius, namely, anthracnose, blight and mosaic anthracnose. The main symptom of anthracnose is black spots on the leaves. The pathogen of anthracnose is caused by actinomycetes, and the pathogen will spend the winter on diseased leaves, thus causing diseases in the following year.

There are three common diseases of Carthamus tinctorius, which are anthracnose, blight and mosaic disease.


The main symptom of anthracnose in Carthamus tinctorius is black spots on the leaves. The pathogen of anthracnose is caused by actinomycetes, and the pathogen will spend the winter on the diseased leaves, thus causing disease in the following year.

Blight disease

If Carthamus tinctorius suffers from vertical blight, the disease will generally accompany the plant for life, and it will harm the root of safflower tree, and dark spots will appear at the place of infection, and it will also show a state of flooding, resulting in the exfoliation of epidermis and xylem, resulting in the death of plants.

Mosaic disease

Mosaic disease is a disease caused by a virus in Carthamus tinctorius, which causes white flowers in plant leaves.

Next, follow the editor to learn how to prevent it.

[safflower tree] Carthamus tinctorius bonsai, safflower tree ball cultivation techniques

[safflower tree] Carthamus tinctorius (Carthamus tinctorius) has luxuriant branches and leaves, graceful posture, resistance to pruning and flat binding, can also be used to make stump bonsai, blooming season, full of safflower, very spectacular. In this paper, [Carthamus tinctorius] Carthamus tinctorius, Carthamus tinctorius, including related materials and cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius, Carthamus tinctorius. I hope it will be helpful to netizens. Price of safflower tree | price of safflower tree [catalogue] 1, cutting propagation and cultivation management of safflower tree 2, propagation and cultivation of safflower tree ball 3, maintenance and management of bonsai 4, seedling transplanting management of safflower tree 1, cutting propagation and cultivation management of safflower tree first introduce to netizens the cutting propagation and cultivation management of safflower tree.

Carthamus tinctorius is propagated by grafting. There are mainly two methods: cutting and budding. Grafting can be carried out in 2 ~ 10 months, cutting should be carried out before germination in spring, and bud grafting should be carried out from September to October. The small and medium-sized plants of Castanopsis carlesii were used as rootstocks for multi-head grafting to strengthen the management of water, fertilizer and pruning, which could be out of the nursery within one year. Cutting propagation can be carried out from March to September. Loose loess is selected as the cutting substrate to ensure that the cutting substrate is ventilated, permeable and high air humidity, keep warm but avoid direct sunlight, and pay attention to the ventilation and ventilation of the cutting environment. Under warm and humid conditions, red cuttings formed red callus in 20-25 days, and 3-9 new roots with thick 0.1cm and long l~6cm grew after 1 month. The propagation coefficient of the cutting method is large, but the growth is weak and the time of coming out of the nursery is long, while the seedlings grafted with many heads grow strongly and come out of the nursery quickly, but it is more labor-consuming. 2.1.3 sexual reproduction. After sowing in spring and summer, the seed germination rate of Castanopsis carlesii was high, and it germinated about 25 days after sowing. It could grow to a high 6~20cm in 1 year and sprout 3-6 branches. The new roots of Castanopsis carlesii seedlings are red and fleshy, which must be carefully managed in the early stage, and can not be managed extensively until the roots become lignified and brown. Because of its long seedling stage, slow growth and the emergence of albino seedlings (atavism), sexual reproduction is generally not used in seedling production, but in red oak breeding research. Fertilizer and water management before transplanting rosewood, fertilizer should be based on rotten organic fertilizer, combined with spreading or hole application of compound fertilizer, pay attention to mix well, so as to avoid root damage. In the growing season, the neutral foliar fertilizer 800-1000 times diluted was used for foliar topdressing and sprayed 2 times 3 times a month to promote new shoot growth. In the southern plum rain season, attention should be paid to keeping good drainage, high temperature and drought season, watering one time in the morning and evening, and cooling by spraying water at noon; in the north, because the soil and air are dry, the soil must be watered in time to keep the soil moist, spray water in autumn, winter and early spring, and keep the leaves clean and moist. Ornamental feature pruning. Safflower has the characteristics of strong germination and resistance to pruning. Light to moderate pruning is carried out in early spring and early autumn. > > learn more 2. Next, let's understand the main points of propagation and cultivation of Carthamus tinctorius. Branchlets, tender leaves and calyx all have embroidered star-shaped pubescence. Leaves dark purple, ovate or elliptic, apex acute, entire, abaxially densely stellate pilose. 4 petals, purplish red linear long 1cm-2cm, 3 to 8 flowers clustered at the end of the branchlet. Capsule brown, subovate. Flowering in May. The fruit matures in August. Morphological features: perennial red shrubs, branchlets fluffy, leathery ovate leaves, tender leaves light red, lavender flowers from April to May: flowers and foliage plants of the four seasons. Carthamus tinctorius is a good material for making stump scenes because of its luxuriant branches, colorful trees, flexible wood and resistance to pruning. The ground planting is also graceful, and it is a valuable ornamental tree species for beautifying parks, courtyards and roads. Propagation: sowing, cutting or high pressure methods can be used; after flowering, when the new branches are mature, cutting or raising seedlings under high pressure. After growing up, the seedlings were pseudo-planted in a small basin for fertilization, and then planted for one year. Main points of cultivation: the fertile humus soil is the best, followed by sandy loam. The drainage should be good, the sunshine should be sufficient, and the flat land of South China should have high temperature in summer, so it should be cool and ventilated to make it pass the summer smoothly. Autumn to spring is the growth period, fertilizing once every 1-2 months, appropriately increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can promote flowering. Pruning should be done once after flowering, and flower buds begin to differentiate after August in autumn, and pruning should be avoided so as not to affect flowering in the following year. Sexual preference is warm or cool, the suitable temperature for childbearing is 15-25 ℃, summer or plum rain season to avoid high temperature and humidity, poor drainage. > > know more 3. Maintenance and management of safflower bonsai. Safflower is an excellent bonsai material. Let's talk about the maintenance and management of bonsai.

The maintenance and management of safflower bonsai is more elaborate than that of potted flowers. because the soil is less and thin, it is easy to be affected by external influence and the invasion of diseases and insect pests, and it is necessary to control its growth and maintain a certain model. therefore, in addition to watering, fertilization, loosening soil, weeding, changing pots and pest control, more efforts should be made in modeling and pruning to make the stump bonsai maintain a beautiful artistic image. 1. Watering: after potting or changing the basin, the bonsai should be watered until the bottom of the basin flows out, and more water should be sprayed on the tree stump, branches and leaves; water should be watered once the next day after fertilization. Shallow or small pots of wood bonsai should be watered frequently; large or deep pots should master that the soil is not dry or irrigated, and generally pay attention not to make the soil too wet or too dry. Usually, the amount of water and spray water during the growing period is the most in summer; in winter, the dormant period of trees should be watered less, but the basin soil should not be too dry. When it is windy or the weather is too dry, spray more water on the trees, branches and leaves. 2. Fertilization: 7 parts of cake fertilizer (bean cake, peanut cake, rapeseed cake, etc.), 2 parts of chicken dung, 1 part of bone meal, 10 times of water in the tank, and then diluted with 10 times water after complete fermentation. or use all kinds of kitchen waste (eggshell, fish head, chicken head, broken bones, intestines, fish scales, blood water, Amoy rice water, etc.) in the tank after sealed fermentation, take the upper layer of fat water and water 4-5 times diluted. Fertilization should be carried out in the evening on cloudy or sunny days, generally irrigated every 15 days, less or no application in the dormant period, 1-2 times before sprouting in spring, and 3 months after turning the basin. If liquid fertilizer encounters leaves and sprouts, spray it with clean water so as not to affect the growth of leaves and buds. Simu is an acid-loving plant, 1% ferrous sulfate (50kg water plus 500g) should be added to the retting fertilizer and water, or foliar spraying concentration of 0.2% mi 0.3% ferrous sulfate solution, 3-5 times a year. When the secondary wood germinates, 0.1% urea is sprayed 1-2 times, and 0.1% KH 2PO 4 is sprayed once before and after flowering. 3. Pruning: after the wood bonsai is formed, methods such as heart-picking, leaf-picking, bud-picking and pruning should be adopted to keep it in a beautiful shape. Proper density of branches and leaves can improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, and prevent the death of lower branches and leaves. 4. Turning the basin: there is little soil and limited nutrients in the basin, and the soil will harden after a few years, affecting air permeability and drainage. > > learn more. 4. Finally, let's take a look at the transplanting management of safflower seedlings.

Transplanting seedlings should be carried out in the state of moist soil, and fully sprinkle water 3 hours before seedling emergence, so that the moist soil is attached to the root group and avoid root group injury. The seedlings should be planted while rising, so as not to expose them to strong light for a long time. If long-distance transportation is needed, the roots of the seedlings should be sloped in mud and wrapped in plastic bags. After the whole plot is planted, irrigate it in time. The best planting season is from October to mid-December and from early February to late March. Frost injury is easy to occur from late December to late January. Strong light and high temperature will affect the survival of seedlings after April. Planting can be divided into ditch planting or hole planting, planting 1 to 15000 plants per mu. Bare root transplantation should stretch the root system in the hole, do not make it curl, cover the fine soil, lift slightly, make the root group stretch, then gently compact, pour enough pressure water, and then cover a layer of topsoil to preserve soil moisture. Planting in autumn should avoid freezing in winter, and cold prevention measures should be taken when the temperature drops below 0 ℃. Generally, hay and fallen leaves should be covered on the seedling bed, and the film can also be arched. Intermediate tillage and weeding can promote the absorption of nutrients by seedling roots, and the depth of intertillage depends on the depth and growth period of seedling roots. The ploughing of small seedlings should be shallow, the middle seedlings should be deep, the near roots of seedlings should be shallow, and the rows between plants should be deep, generally 3 to 5 cm. Mid-tillage weeding is usually carried out from May to June, and after July, the root system of seedlings has been expanded to between plants and rows, so mid-tillage should be stopped, otherwise the root group will be cut off and the seedlings will be damaged. The purpose of topdressing is to promote the growth of branches and leaves, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied more, but in the late stage of seedling growth in autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied. In addition to manure dry, human feces and urine, topdressing can also apply rotten pig manure urine, which has a red effect on safflower wood. When cultivated in a large area, chemical fertilizers can also be applied together. For seedlings coming out of the nursery for 2 to 3 years, 1.2 kg of ammonium nitrate, 1.5 kg of calcium superphosphate and 0.5 kg of potassium chloride can be applied every 100 square meters. > > learn more

The maintenance and management of safflower bonsai is more elaborate than that of potted flowers. because the soil is less fat and thin, it is easy to be affected by external influences and pests, and it is necessary to control growth and maintain a certain model. therefore, in addition to watering, fertilization, loosening soil, weeding, changing pots and pest control, more efforts should be made on modeling and pruning. Make the bonsai of tree stump keep the artistic image with beautiful shape. 1. Watering: after potting or changing the basin, the bonsai should be watered until the bottom of the basin flows out, and more water should be sprayed on the tree stump, branches and leaves; water should be watered once the next day after fertilization. Shallow or small pots of wood bonsai should be watered frequently; large or deep pots should master that the soil is not dry or irrigated, and generally pay attention not to make the soil too wet or too dry. Usually, the amount of water and spray water during the growing period is the most in summer; in winter, the dormant period of trees should be watered less, but the basin soil should not be too dry. When it is windy or the weather is too dry, spray more water on the trees, branches and leaves. 2. Fertilization: 7 parts of cake fertilizer (bean cake, peanut cake, rapeseed cake, etc.), 2 parts of chicken manure, 1 part of bone meal, 10 times of water and then diluted with 10 times of water after complete fermentation. or use all kinds of kitchen waste (eggshells, fish heads, chicken heads, broken bones, intestines, fish scales, blood water, rice washing water, etc.) in a tank after sealed fermentation The fertilizer and water in the upper layer were diluted by 4-5 times. Fertilization should be carried out in the evening on cloudy or sunny days, generally irrigated every 15 days, less or no application in the dormant period, 1-2 times before sprouting in spring, and 3 months after turning the basin. If liquid fertilizer encounters leaves and sprouts, spray it with clean water so as not to affect the growth of leaves and buds. Simu is an acid-loving plant, 1% ferrous sulfate (50kg water plus 500g) should be added to the retting fertilizer and water, or foliar spraying concentration of 0.2% mi 0.3% ferrous sulfate solution, 3-5 times a year. When the secondary wood germinates, 0.1% urea is sprayed 1-2 times, and 0.1% KH 2PO 4 is sprayed once before and after flowering. 3. Pruning: after the wood bonsai is formed, methods such as heart-picking, leaf-picking, bud-picking and pruning should be adopted to keep it in a beautiful shape. Proper density of branches and leaves can improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, and prevent the death of lower branches and leaves. 4. Turning the basin: there is little soil and limited nutrients in the basin, and the soil will harden after a few years, affecting air permeability and drainage. In addition, the old roots were densely distributed in the basin, which affected the germination and growth of new roots, significantly weakened the absorptive capacity, and prevented the normal growth of branches and leaves. Therefore, to regularly turn the basin to change soil, generally small bonsai about 2 years, medium-sized bonsai about 3 years, large bonsai about 4 years. Before turning the basin, you should stop watering and fertilizing. After the soil is dry, remove the mud from the basin, remove half or 2% of the old soil, and cut off the rotten roots, withered roots and some old roots. Pad the broken basin or tile on the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin, then pad a layer of coarse-grained soil at the bottom of the basin, and then plant the successor wood back into the basin (pay attention to maintaining the original shape), fill it with new soil (that is, rotten leaf soil), pour water once according to the solid, and then keep the soil from being dry, shade and spray more water on the tree body, branches and leaves, and then resume normal maintenance after a month. 5. Shading: the bonsai has less soil and shallow roots, and the hot sun exposure can easily make the soil dry and harden, and the buds, shoots and leaves will be sunburned or died, affecting the ornamental. Therefore, summer must be shaded, set up a shade shed or placed indoors, under the eaves, trees and other places where there is no direct sunlight. 6. Cold protection: bonsai has less soil, shallow roots, poor cold resistance, and is easy to freeze and dry up, or even die. Therefore, winter is not suitable for overwintering outdoors, should be placed indoors, and pay attention to ventilation, room temperature to maintain more than 5 degrees; when the room temperature is more than 25 degrees, you can open the window to avoid excessive growth caused by high temperature, when the room temperature is less than 5 degrees, plastic bags can be covered (when the room temperature is higher than 5 degrees, plastic bags should be removed immediately). When the room temperature is less than 0 degrees, heating methods such as hot water should be used to protect the bonsai from overwintering. 7. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: bonsai should pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Because of less soil and weak growth, it is easy to be harmed by diseases and insect pests, so that its normal physiological function is destroyed, so that local branches and leaves are damaged, ornamental is affected, and even plant death is caused. (1) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: the main diseases of bonsai are: root rot, which can be irrigated with 1000 times of 12% green copper EC; coal pollution disease, which can be sprayed with Baume 0.3-0.5 degree stone sulfur mixture; chlorosis, can be sprayed with 0.1% color 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution; powdery mildew, spot disease, etc., can be controlled by methyl topiramate, carbendazim and other spray. (2) Pest control: red spiders, aphids, inchworms and other pests are the main pests in Jimu bonsai. Permethrin, trichlorfon and trichlorohydrin should be caught or applied in time to kill pests. (the reporter is anonymous)