
Planting methods of blueberries

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, First, light is essential for the growth of blueberries. Long-term lack of light will lead to fewer flower buds of blueberry plants and affect fruit quality. At the same time, proper pruning of plants and timely cutting of old branches are beneficial to the photosynthesis of potted blueberries and help to produce beautiful fruits.

I. Lighting

Light is essential for blueberry growth. Long-term lack of light will lead to fewer flower buds of blueberry plants and affect fruit quality. At the same time, proper pruning of plants and timely cutting of old branches are beneficial to the photosynthesis of potted blueberries and help to produce beautiful fruits.

Second, watering

Blueberries like wet soil, so it is extremely important to water them in time. Watering potted blueberries needs to pay attention to the water source and water quality, because the water usually used is alkaline and contains high sodium and calcium, long-term watering is not conducive to the growth of blueberries. So when watering blueberries, you can mix them with sulfuric acid and water, and then water them until they are weakly acidic.

III. Fertilization

Blueberries have the characteristics of dislike fat and calcium. Generally speaking, rotten leaf soil or some rotten animal manure can be used at the initial stage of blueberry planting, and only a small amount of topdressing is needed in the subsequent planting process. Generally choose the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer with a content ratio of 1:1:1. Remember to keep blueberries away from everything that contains calcium. For example, some florists often like to put eggshells in flowerpots to provide calcium, but this is not only bad for blueberry plant growth, but also accelerates blueberry death.

After learning how to grow your own pot of blueberries at home, we might as well learn more about the plant cultural background of blueberries.

Planting methods and key points of cultivation and Management of potted Blueberry

Blueberries, also known as blueberries, benedicts, persimmons, etc., are low shrubs of the blueberry genus of the rhododendron family. They are mainly potted in increasingly compact cities with an inch of land, and almost all blueberries are suitable for potted plants. But balcony potted plants should pay attention to choosing the right varieties of height to facilitate the movement of flowerpots. Let's take a look at the planting methods of potted blueberries.

Basin soil allocation

Blueberry can grow healthily in acidic medium, and the pH of cultivated soil is between 4.5 and 5.5, which is the most suitable for blueberry growth. The pH value of garden soil is generally between 6 and 7, and the lowest pH value of acidic soil sold in flower and bird market is between 5.5 and 6. In general, sulfur powder is used to adjust acid in the planting base, adding one gram of sulfur powder per liter of soil can reduce the soil PH value by 1, and some varieties do not require much acidity, but they are not as good as those planted in acidic soil.

adequate manuring

Blueberries disrelish fat and calcium, generally in the initial stage of planting with mature cattle, sheep, rabbit dung or rotten leaf soil can be, disrelish fat but not topdressing, so in the future planting a small amount of topdressing is still necessary, avoid big fat. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer or ammonium sulfate solution with a content of 1:1:1 is generally used. Also pay attention to stay away from things that contain calcium, such as some people often put eggshells in flowerpots.

Timely watering

Blueberry root distribution is shallow, like wetting, timely watering is very necessary. The water source and water quality of blueberry watering should be paid attention to. Deep well water generally has high pH value and high contents of sodium and calcium, and long-term use will affect the growth of blueberry. PH value can be adjusted to 4.5-5.5 with sulfuric acid during irrigation, but acid water should be irrigated again at intervals of 3 times. Proper watering can make blueberries resistant to high temperature and safely spend the summer.

Illumination control

The demand for light of blueberry is the same as that of other plants. Compared with the same variety, if the light intensity is not enough, there will be fewer flower buds and lower fruit quality. For orchards with high cultivation density, proper pruning is conducive to photosynthesis. For the balcony terrace family, the light management of blueberries is simpler than the orchard, but should pay attention to ventilation.

Cold prevention management

Blueberry dwarf bushes and half-height bushes have strong cold resistance, but due to different low temperatures in different places, freezing injury still occurs in extreme weather, the most important of which is frost injury at the ends of branches and flower buds overwintering in the open air, or even the whole plant is frozen to death. Therefore, blueberry cultivation and overwintering protection are also important measures to increase yield in cold areas.

How to grow blueberries? Planting methods of blueberries

Blueberry is a favorite fruit of many people, so how to grow blueberry is a problem, and many people are thinking about how to grow blueberry better. Next, I will explain how to grow blueberry for you.

How to grow blueberries:

1. The seedlings of blueberry planting methods

Miao is not the bigger the better, many people (including me) are thinking that the fixed value will be able to taste fresh. Although the idea is good, it is often set in the first year due to the loss of water in express transportation, root injury, slow planting, long fruit setting rate and unflattering fruit quality.

Because blueberries blossom and bear fruit these months are the best season for their growth, it is not impossible for blueberries to grow poorly or even die because of excessive nutrient depletion. Therefore, planting the first kind of seedlings is the most important, and the second year is the season for receiving the goods.

Another defect of large seedlings (pot seedlings) is that it is easy to grow in limited space and lead to root aging and lack of vitality. although many large seedlings have strong trunk, there are very few white and tender capillary roots, resulting in a long slow seedling cycle and high requirements for substrate after planting. Otherwise, the flowers are blooming and the leaves are also long, but they lack stamina, the root system has not been effectively restored! The result is often either rigid seedlings or dead seedlings, the loss outweighs the gain! So to buy a seedling is to buy its root, and only when the root is retained will there be fruit! Therefore, growers generally pay more attention to the size of the root system of seedlings to determine the price of seedlings.

two。 The soil of the planting method of berries

Because blueberries are shrubs, the roots are dominated by capillaries. It determines its requirements for soil: 1, crisp 2, breathable 3, acidic soil rich in organic matter. If you use 7 gallons of potted blueberries and find that the pots cannot be moved and heavy, it is doomed that the seedlings will not grow well or that the roots grow in the basin will lead to a serious lack of stamina growth. Because the dense substrate can not meet the good growth environment of blueberries! Therefore, when choosing the soil ratio, the recommended proportion of garden soil is not more than 20%, and the rest is composed of rotten leaf soil, pine needle soil, peat, perlite and so on. Of course, different varieties have different requirements for soil. Some fruit friends can also grow well with garden soil, of course, its own soil basically meets the growth conditions of blueberries.

3. The water of the planting method of berries

Outdoor Rain Water is better, indoor tap water is no problem, if a variety really needs to be watered in the sun. Personally, I think it is better to eliminate this variety!

To judge whether a seedling is healthy or not, one is to see whether the growth of lateral branches is luxuriant in the first year, and the other is to look at the germination of basal branches in the autumn of the first year.

Stiff blueberries survive last year and it's hard to survive this year! Don't think that just because the leaves are green, you can eat delicious blueberries, which may often backfire.

If it is found that the rising trend is slow in the first year, then it is time to work in March, the first thing is to change the substrate, and after pouring the pot, remove the soil under the root system to change the soil that is more suitable for blueberry growth. at this time, try not to wash the roots and not hurt the roots, which is basically no hindrance to the growth of the seedlings! At the same time, you will find that after a year of "growth", blueberries have very few white and tender capillaries. And last year's planting soil in a year of watering process all in the basin of the solid plate, impermeable, impervious. The truth that blueberries don't grow is here!

After trimming flat stubble, do not be soft, no matter how strong the trunk is. In fact, blueberry soil is really not easy to die, truncated is to save nutrients, restore the root system, the new branch of this year is the fruit branch of next year!

These are the blueberry planting methods summarized by the editor, hoping to improve the harvest of blueberry growers.