
The culture of evening primrose

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The temperature of the greenhouse in which the temperature is raised should be kept at 8-12 ℃ all the time. If the greenhouse is below 5 ℃, the leaves will wither and fall off, which may even threaten the survival. The best time to move into the shed is in mid-late October. Light night fragrance like light, need good ventilation


The temperature of the greenhouse for breeding night primrose should be kept at 8-12℃ all the time. If the greenhouse is lower than 5℃, the leaves of night primrose will wither and fall off, and even threaten to survive seriously. The best time to move into the shed is in the middle and late October.


Evening primrose likes light and needs good ventilation. It can be placed on the balcony from May to September, but be careful not to be exposed to the sun.


Night primrose growth season in summer, so must keep the pot soil moist, according to the situation to increase watering. If it is a seedling, spray the foliage once or twice a day.


During the growth process of night primrose, liquid fertilizer should be applied once every half month or so, and thin liquid fertilizer should be applied once every half month after late April.


Choose fertile and loose, good drainage of acidic soil. The night primrose pot soil can be prepared by mixing peat soil or rotten leaf soil with a small amount of fertilizer in a ratio of 3:2, and filling the bottom of the pot with granular crushed soil or broken bricks about 1/5 deep to facilitate drainage.

pot change

It is best to change pots at the beginning of April, removing part of the old soil and old roots, and then renewing the cultivation soil and cutting it again to promote new branches. After changing pots, keep the pot soil moist and do not accumulate water. If the tender leaves droop slightly after changing pots, water them in time.

How to cultivate night primrose breeding precautions

There are many owners will be night primrose as potted plants for viewing, but in modern life, many people potted plants are often planted by themselves, so more sense of achievement, today with the small series to see how night primrose breeding, night primrose breeding precautions.

Culture method of night primrose

1. Soil: Evening primrose likes loose, well-drained and organic-rich acidic soil. It is prepared with peat soil, rotting leaf soil and Gaza according to 3∶3∶4 respectively. The bed soil prepared in this way has the characteristics of improving bed temperature, water retention, ventilation, fertility and partial acid, which is suitable for branches to take root and sprout.

2, watering: its summer is the growth season, in addition to applying sufficient fertilizer pot soil must be kept wet, if necessary, water twice a day. For seedlings, spray the foliage once or twice a day.

3, temperature: every year in late October should be moved into the shed, shed temperature requirements to maintain 8℃ to 12℃, such as temperature below 5℃, leaves will be yellow fall off until death.

Fertilization: During the growth process, it is necessary to apply a thin decomposed liquid fertilizer every 10-15 days, and it can be guaranteed to continuously open fragrant flowers from mid-May to improve its ornamental value. If nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be applied, the effect will be better.

5. Pest: Coal pollution disease and ring disease often occur, which can be sprayed with 500 times solution of 50% thiophanate methyl wettable powder.

6, pruning: night primrose branches grow faster, if left to grow naturally, can grow about 1 meter in 1 year, so it needs to be pruned every year, in order to germinate more branches, more flowers. Pruning is usually done in autumn, and each lateral branch remains 10-12 cm long. When the flowers have faded, you must cut off the withered branches and overgrown branches.

Notice on breeding night primrose

Night primrose is best placed outdoors, as an ornamental plant, its aroma will make hypertension and heart disease patients feel dizzy depressed discomfort, causing chest distress and breathing difficulties and other symptoms, so night primrose is not suitable for indoor placement, if it is placed indoors for a long time, it will cause dizziness, cough, even asthma, insomnia, so the owners of night primrose or safety prevail.

The role of breeding methods of night primrose

1. Watch. Evening primrose branches slender, summer and autumn flowering, yellow-green flowers open in the evening, wafting bursts of fragrant fragrance, in the south more used to decorate the courtyard, window, pond and pavilion, has a certain ornamental value.

2. Medically. Evening primrose can be used as medicine, with the effect of clearing liver and improving eyesight, can treat red eye swelling, measles on the eyes, cornea to nebula and so on.

3. Edible. Evening primrose is edible, mainly in its fresh flowers and buds, and is a semi-wild vegetable.

4. Mosquito repellent. Evening primrose is relatively strong, and there is a certain toxicity, so it can expel mosquitoes, and it is also a convenience for life. Usually, the windows are covered with screens and the plants are planted outdoors.

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The latest detailed explanation of the cultivation method of night primrose indoor

Lead language: Evening primrose, flower as its name, there is fragrance gas, especially at night, but also aroma. It is a rattan shrub, branchlets weak, leaves opposite, broadly ovate, cordate to oblong-ovate, umbrella-shaped cymes axillary, flowers up to 30; corolla lobes 5, oblong-circular, yellow-green. Let's learn about the cultivation methods of indoor night primrose together. It likes warm, humid, sunny, well-ventilated environment with loose and fertile soil, drought tolerance, barren tolerance, waterlogging tolerance and cold tolerance. Therefore, planting night primrose requires good ventilated environmental conditions. From early May to the end of September, it should be kept in the courtyard with sufficient sunshine or on the balcony for maintenance. Although it likes sufficient sunshine, it should avoid exposure to the sun at noon in summer. Summer is the growth season, in addition to applying sufficient fertilizer pot soil must be kept often moist, if necessary, watering twice a day. For seedlings, spray the foliage once or twice a day. In the middle and late October of each year, it should be moved into the shed, and the temperature of the shed should be kept between 8℃ and 12℃. If the temperature is lower than 5℃, the leaves will wither and fall off until they die. This veritable evening primrose has a sweet smell and, mysteriously, because it blooms at midnight, few people can see it bloom. In the bedroom placed night primrose and other plants that can emit fragrance, can create a quiet and comfortable atmosphere for the bedroom, let people sleep peacefully in the natural fragrance. Everything has two sides, there are good and bad, if used improperly, will lead to bad consequences. Although evening primrose emits a fragrance at night and makes people fall asleep with the fragrance, it is not suitable for everyone. Nocturne is not suitable for high blood pressure and heart disease patients.