
Reproduction of dolphin flower

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, For the cuttings of dolphin flowers, you can choose the upper branches that are relatively thin. Of course, old branches can also be cut, but the rooting rate is slower than that of tender branches. The cutting medium is not too demanding, as long as it is loose, whether it is ordinary garden soil, rotten leaf soil, pure perlite, or perlite + peat soil.

For the cuttings of dolphin flowers, you can choose the upper branches that are relatively thin. Of course, old branches can also be cut, but the rooting rate is slower than that of tender branches. The cutting medium is not too demanding, as long as it is loose, whether it is ordinary garden soil, rotten leaf soil, pure perlite, or perlite + peat soil can take root. The most important factor affecting the rooting rate of dolphin flower cuttings is temperature. When the temperature exceeds 20 degrees, the rooting speed is very fast, and when it is less than 10 degrees, the rooting speed is very slow.

The above is the introduction of dolphin flower breeding. Let's take a look at the requirements of dolphin flower breeding.

The Culture method of Dolphin Flower

Dolphin flower, a kind of secluded and well-cultivated plant with flowers all year round, is very suitable for novice florists. But novice flower lovers don't know much about dolphin flower culture. today, let's learn the method of dolphin flower culture.

First, the basic knowledge of dolphin flowers

Dolphin flowers have fleshy, round or long oval leaves, light green in color, and variegated varieties, opposite or whorled, with a height of 15-45 cm; stems grow from leaf axils, about 2.5 cm in diameter, 5 petals, the base heals into a tube, the flower color is mostly blue, and there are also white flower varieties. The dolphin flower stem is slender, and the flower stretches in all directions. When the flower is in full bloom, it is like a group of blue elves happily opening Party in mid-air. It is very interesting and spectacular!

Second, the culture method of dolphin flower

Dolphin flowers are native to South Africa and are perennial herbs of Gesneriaceae. Dolphin flowers are suitable for growing in a half-day shady environment, preferably in shaded and well-ventilated places. They can be cultivated in soil media with good drainage and can blossom all the year round in warm climates. however, spring and autumn is still the main flowering season. Although the semi-sunny environment is most suitable for their growth, moderate sunlight is needed. It is best to choose a cool but bright environment to receive scattered light through curtains or leaves, as well as soft direct sunlight in spring and autumn.

Because the dolphin flower is a plant in the mountains of southern Africa, it likes a cool climate. It is hot and muggy in summer. It is necessary to keep cool and ventilated, and it is best to avoid direct sunlight. It is necessary to prevent cold injury caused by low temperature below 10 °C in winter, because it can be cultivated indoors and outdoors. It is recommended to move into the bright and ventilated part of the house when it is too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Spring and autumn is the main growth period and flowering period, in addition to the appropriate amount of water supply should also be regularly fertilized, winter and summer is suspended fertilization, winter water supply should also be reduced.

It is easy for dolphin flowers to survive successfully by planting in stem fields, and orchids without stems can be propagated by leaf insertion in the thick veins of leaves.

III. Requirements for dolphin flower culture

Dolphin flowers are actually very easy to raise. In Guangdong Province and other areas along the subtropical sea, dolphins bloom from November every year to May or June of the following year. Because the dolphin flower leaves are thick and the branches are sticking out, it is suitable to be kept in a hanging pot (figure 1), while dolphin flowers like yin rather than yang, except that they need to see sunlight occasionally in winter, even if there is no direct sunlight all summer. It won't have any problems. Because it is in Guangdong, a southern country with no winter, it is dormant in summer, and its existence can almost be ignored.

1. Selection of basin

I chose to hang a basin, which can be tied to a thick water pipe and maintained in the corner of the balcony. This corner can not be exposed to the sun in summer, there will be two or three hours of direct sunlight in winter, dolphins like it very much.

2. Soil

Dolphin flowers do not have high requirements for soil. I have tried garden soil, culture soil and that kind of cheap peat soil, but it does not like clayey soil, and its roots do not like the environment that is too humid, so people try to choose cultivated soil to grow dolphin flowers. Loose and ventilated.

3. Fertilization

I have not applied fertilizer, at most in the flowering period of one or two months to follow other grass flowers to rub more fertilizer than blooming and so on, it does not care at all, fertilization does not necessarily have any special effect, because it itself is very good.

4. Lighting

In fact, as mentioned earlier, it does not like the violent sun, especially in summer, the leaves will be burned, yellowed and curled, anyway, the dolphin flowers basked in the sun are ugly. It can be completely sunless for seven or eight months of the year. When it comes to its favorite winter in Guangdong, which is also its growing season, it is no problem to bask in the sun for a few hours. Once it is found that its leaves have yellow patches, it should be removed from the sun.

5. Water control

Dolphin flower plant water content is still quite high, so there is a lot of demand for water, try not to drought to it, it will roll leaves, not spirit. I don't like to spray water on plants, so they all water directly into the basin, try not to pour water on the plants, not too much. This quantity is really hard to say. Anyway, the soil is breathable, so you can water it as much as you like.

IV. Key points for the conservation of dolphin flowers

If you want to keep dolphins beautiful, you should pay attention to a few points: be sure to plant new branches every year! It is usually best at the beginning of October every year, and you can also determine your cutting time according to the time when your baby dolphin begins to grow.

With a new branch, the new branch that has never been picked at the top is about ten centimeters in length and is planted as closely as possible. I planted ten branches in my potted plant. If it grows, it will grow into a big ball by itself. If you don't want to leave those old plants that have been planted for a long time, you can't have a good potted plant. Because the old branches of dolphin flowers become woody, it is difficult to sprout new buds, and the old roots are not enough to support the rapid growth of new branches. If you want to see the flower ball, pull out the old plants and insert new ones every year, and try not to pick the top and pick the heart. Because no matter whether you pick it or not, it will branch as much as it should, and it will not be divided into two more because of your picking of the heart. Picking the heart will only make many big scars on that branch, and there is a hole in the position of that branch. If you have to pinch it, you should pinch it as soon as possible, and then let it grow new branches to cover up the scar. If you are afraid of a pit, it will pinch it into a ball. As long as the growth rate is the same, it will eventually become a ball.

Dolphin flower culture methods 1. Sunshine should be sufficient

After the dolphin survives the cuttage, that is, after confirming that the root grows well, give it more sun. Put it on the west-facing security window before the autumn winter. After the temperature drops below 5 ℃, move back to the south-facing closed balcony, leaving it the best place to bask in the sun, and then put it into the west-facing security window after the spring is warm. Of course, the summer sun is avoided as far as possible, dolphins are more afraid of high temperature exposure, to survive the summer is a victory.

2. Keep the soil moist

Dolphins are afraid of drying, and the soil must be kept moist. For example, keep a little water in the bottom of the basin. If the soil is too dry, the leaves will roll up, and then watering will not slow down, and after the root is hurt, it will be easy to black and hang up. Keep the water plate at the bottom of the basin slightly watery in winter.

3. Topping in autumn is more popular in winter.

Dolphin flowers grow very vigorously in autumn, but if you want to make it burst in winter, you have to decide on it. After shaving its head, the cut branches can be cutted. after topping, the dolphin flowers grow more exuberantly in winter and bloom better in spring.

The above is about how to raise dolphin flowers, let's take a look at the dolphin flowers attention bar!