
Breeding method of Puccinellia tenuiflora

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The propagation of Puccinellia tenuiflora mainly adopts the methods of ramet and cuttage. 1. The method of dividing plants is simple and the survival rate is high. It should be done in early February or after flowering. Only need to dig out the root, cut with a knife, plant, according to the cultivation method for a period of time can survive smoothly, every 2 to 3 years can be divided once

The propagation of Puccinellia tenuiflora mainly adopts the methods of ramet and cuttage.

1. Plant division and reproduction

The method of plant division is simple and the survival rate is high. It should be done in early February or after flowering. Only need to dig out the root, cut open with a knife, plant, according to the cultivation method for a period of time can survive smoothly, every 2 to 3 years can be divided once.

2. Cutting

The advantage of cutting is that more new plants can be obtained, and it is best to carry out from May to September. Select the healthy twigs growing in that year, cut out about 10 cm branches, dip the cut in plant ash, and insert them into the culture soil at a depth of 5 to 6 cm. Sprinkle proper irrigation with a watering can, place in a cool and humid place, water sparingly, and root after more than 20 days.

The purple-blossom peony is like a small lantern hanging on the branch. It is pleasant and playful. It not only has beautiful flowers but also can purify the environment. The above is an introduction to the cultivation method of the purple-blossom peony. I hope it can also help everyone. If you like it, you can collect the four seasons plant Internet cafe ~

How does the seed of the seed grow?

Potted peony, small flower shape, shaped like a purse, colorful, often potted by flower friends at home for decoration and viewing. So, how does the Puccini breed? What are the varieties of Puccini? Below, I will introduce you to the breeding methods of Puccinellia tenuiflora and the varieties of Puccinellia tenuiflora.

How does the tree grow?

Puccinellia tenuiflora is often propagated by ramets or by cutting rhizomes. In autumn, the underground part will be dug out, and the rhizomes will be separated according to the natural section and planted separately. Another rhizome can be cut into sections, each section with bud eyes, inserted in the sand, to be planted in the pot after rooting. Sowing propagation, seedling cultivation for 3 years before flowering. In the growth period to give sufficient fertilizer, flowering less move, so as not to affect the ornamental value of flowers. After flowering, the ground part withers, can dig up the rhizome potted plant, maintain the temperature of 15℃ and humid environment, 70 days or so can see flowers.

There are three ways to reproduce Puccini:

1. Plant division and reproduction

In February of early spring, when new buds sprout but new leaves are not displayed, the plants are separated from the pots, the soil at the roots is shaken off, the tender stems with fibrous roots around the roots are cut off with a sharp knife, two or three plants are planted in a pot, the soil is two or three centimeters higher than the old soil marks, watering, shade is placed, and new leaves are grown according to conventional management, and flowers can be produced in the same year.

Dividing plants should pay attention to two points: ① to timely, such as the new leaves of the old plants have been expanded and then divided, easy to damage the root system, low survival rate, late autumn dormant period can also be divided, but the survival rate is not high. 2. It can only be divided once every 2 or 3 years, and it cannot be divided every year.

2. Cutting propagation

Cutting method, cut off inflorescences after flowering, 7 days to 10 days later, cut healthy branches with axillary buds at the lower part of 10 cm to 15 cm, cut with sulfur powder or plant ash, insert them in plain soil, water them in the shade, often spray water on cuttings, but control the watering of pots, slightly moisten them without drying them, root more than a month, plant them in pots with soil in the next spring, manage well, and flower in the same year.

3. Sowing and breeding

After the seeds mature, they are sown as they are picked, but the seedlings take three years to bloom, and family reproduction is generally not used. The garden department adopts them for mass reproduction or breeding new varieties.

What are the varieties of Puccini?

1. Japanese lotus peony

The stem is about 60 cm tall, bowed and drooping, with rose-red or white heart-shaped flowers hanging.

2. White peony

White lotus peony leaves are larger than other species, flowers bloom as named, petals white.

3. Oriental Poplar Peony

Oriental lotus peony, also known as wild lotus peony. This variety is shorter than other types and grows mostly in the Allegheny Mountains of eastern North America. Oriental Puccinellia produces small pink flowers from April to September.

4. Pacific Puccinellia

Pacific Puccinellia, also known as Western Puccinellia or Beautiful Puccinellia, also known as Lamprocapnos Spectanilis 'Gold Heart/Golden Heart in Europe and America. Pink floral plant with lemon-yellow green leaves found in mountain forests from California to British Colombia.

The above is for everyone to introduce the breeding method of the lotus peony, as well as the variety of the lotus peony, everyone clear? More home knowledge please pay attention.

A complete collection of breeding methods for Puccini

Propagation of Puccinellia tenuiflora by Plant Division

In spring and autumn, it can be divided and propagated. First separate the mother plant from the pot. The heel of the lotus peony is semi-fleshy, so pay attention to it when digging.

Remove old roots, rotten roots and withered roots, cut them into several clusters with sharp knives according to natural branching, each cluster should have more than 3 new buds. In order to prevent decay, it is better to smear them with plant ash, and place them in a ventilated and cool place. Plant them when the rhizomes are soft.

After planting 1~2 days, irrigate thoroughly and keep the soil moist afterwards. Early spring plants, may flower, but short inflorescences. It usually branches once every three years.

Seed propagation method of Puccinellia grandiflora

It can be sown in the open field in autumn. After sowing, it needs to be properly covered with grass to protect it from overwintering. The next spring, it can be transplanted and planted. Seeds can also be treated with wet sand stratification until spring sowing. Seedlings take three years to flower.

Cuttage propagation of Puccinellia tenuiflora

When the germination of the base of the lotus peony grows to 7~10 cm, it is cut together with the rhizome. The cutting medium is river sand or seedbed. After that, it needs shade and moisture. It can be potted in one month.

In addition, during May, take about 12 cm long shoots between leaf axils, cuttage in sand bed, pay attention to shade and humidity, about 1 month to root. But the survival rate of cuttings was lower.