
Maintenance of Hawthorn

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 1. Potted soil for potted plants, the choice of flowerpot is very important, first of all, choose the flowerpot suitable for Hawthorn growth, the soil is rotten leaf soil or garden soil. two。 Light Hawthorn likes sunshine, sufficient sunshine can make Hawthorn grow healthily, although it likes sunshine, Hawthorn is also shady and cold-resistant.

1. Basin soil

For potted plants, the choice of flowerpot is very important, first of all, choose the flowerpot suitable for Hawthorn growth, the soil is rotten leaf soil or garden soil.

two。 Light

Hawthorn more like the sun, sufficient sunshine can make Hawthorn healthy growth, although like the sun, but Hawthorn is also shady, cold-resistant. So remember to give Hawthorn enough sunlight in both summer and winter. Otherwise, it will not grow well.

3. Temperature

Need to be between 18-32 ℃. Too high or too low temperature will also affect the growth of Hawthorn.

4. Water and fertilizer management

Fertilizer is very important for Hawthorn. Remember to prepare sufficient fertilizer and supplement nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients for Hawthorn during the growth period. At the same time, remember to rehydrate.

5. Pruning

Pruning is mainly to trim damaged and withered branches, and to maintain its ventilation, branches should not be too dense.

6. Disease and pest protection

The impact of plant pest protection on plant growth is self-evident, so we must pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, for red spiders, heart-eating insects, shell insects and other pests should be eliminated in time.

The production method of Hawthorn bonsai how to plant potted Hawthorn?

Hawthorn, also known as red fruit, red mountain. It is a small deciduous tree of the genus Hawthorn of Rosaceae. Flowers white, corymbose, florescence 5-June, fruit red, with white lenticels, maturing around October. Hawthorn is light-loving, slightly shade-resistant, cold-resistant, dry-resistant and barren-resistant. But it grows well on the wet and well-drained sandy loam. Hawthorn has developed root system and strong sprouting ability. The production and cultivation methods of Hawthorn bonsai are as follows:

First, Miaoyuan

Most of Hawthorn seedlings come from grafted seedlings. Root tiller seedlings can be directly used as rootstocks. You can also directly dig the stakes with dwarfing, small crowns and beautiful trees in the mountains.

Second, modeling

(1) Upper basin

The potting of Hawthorn can be carried out before sprouting leaves in spring or after falling leaves in autumn, and it is better in autumn. Match basin to choose rectangular or oval purple sand basin, can also use plain burning basin. Basin soil requires mild fertility, not too high fertility. The pH value of soil is 6 Mel 7.5, which should not be too alkaline. The soil can be mixed with pastoral soil and a small amount of rotten barnyard manure.

(2) modelling

First, understand the physiological characteristics of Hawthorn. The flower bud differentiation of Hawthorn began in July and reached its peak in mid-August. In this process, the new shoots of the whole plant stop growing and avoid competition for nutrition with flower bud differentiation.

Flowers are easy. Generally speaking, if the nutritional conditions are sufficient, the long, medium and short branches of Hawthorn and even leaf branches can form flower buds. Hawthorn flowers can bear unisexual fruit without fertilization, and the fruit setting rate is higher. The physiological fruiting period is concentrated in 2murine 4 weeks after anthesis.

Second, plastic surgery and pruning. Hawthorn young trees have stronger apical dominance and fewer lateral branches. Therefore, when young trees are young, they should be often pruned to promote more branches, and the tree can be ring-cut or ring-cut during the flower bud differentiation period from mid-July to August, so as to promote flower bud differentiation. The plant type of Hawthorn bonsai can be manufactured and cultivated by cutting and ligation. Hawthorn branches are brittle, so be careful when processing them. The wire is usually used to tie the wire. When pruning during the growing period in summer, we should pay attention to the proportion of vegetative branches and fruiting branches to ensure the fruit of the next year, and pay attention to the thinning of flowers and fruits that are too dense.

III. Maintenance and management

(1) place

Hawthorn is a light-loving tree species, lack of sunlight will cause thin branches, thin leaves, light color, poor fruit setting. Therefore, it should be maintained and managed in sunny and well-ventilated places.

(2) watering

Hawthorn is more drought-tolerant, and the unfruited trees are not strict with water, but the fruiting bonsai must ensure an adequate supply of water. In the basin to ensure moisture for the degree, should not be stagnant water, autumn to control the amount of water, and winter would rather be dry than wet.

(3) fertilization

Hawthorn is resistant to barren and is not particularly fond of fertilizer. It is not advisable to apply base fertilizer once in winter so as not to cause overgrowth. It is not suitable to apply nitrogen fertilizer when applying a thin phosphorus and potassium fertilizer after flowering. Appropriate amount of fertilizer should be applied in autumn.

(4) protecting flowers and fruits

Girdling of strong trees and spraying gibberellin of 30PPM at full flowering stage can increase the fruit setting rate.

(5) Disease and pest control

Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of common powdery mildew, red spiders and aphids.

The production and maintenance methods of Hawthorn bonsai are introduced here. You are welcome to continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed and learn more about the production and maintenance of bonsai!

Maintenance and management place of Hawthorn bonsai

Hawthorn trees like light, lack of sunlight will cause thin branches, thin leaves and light color. So put it in a sunny, well-ventilated place.


Hawthorn trees are resistant to drought, and the trees that have not yet borne fruit are not strict with the demand for water, but the bonsai after fruit must have an adequate water supply. Ensure that the basin is moist, but do not accumulate water, control the amount of water in autumn and do not let it wet in winter.

Fertilizer application

Hawthorn tree is not particularly fond of fertilizer, apply fertilizer once in winter, should not be too much. Applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once after flowering should not be applied with nitrogen fertilizer. Appropriate amount of fertilizer should be applied in autumn.

Protect flowers and fruits

Hawthorn trees in full bloom can be girdled and sprayed with gibberellin.

Pest control

Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of common powdery mildew, red spiders and aphids.

The above is the production method of Hawthorn bonsai, is it much simpler than imagined? I hope the editor's introduction is helpful to you!