
How to raise coral fern in green space

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The soil green space coral fern has relatively strict requirements on the soil. if we want to choose loose, breathable and well-drained soil, we can generally configure it ourselves and use a mixture of peat soil, perlite and vermiculite to get the soil that the plant needs. It needs to be noted that the plant likes a wet environment.


The green coral fern has relatively strict requirements on the soil. if we want to choose loose, breathable and well-drained soil, we can generally configure it ourselves. with a mixture of peat soil, perlite and vermiculite, we can get the soil that the plant needs. It needs to be noted that the plant likes a moist environment, so to keep the soil moist in the basin, you can usually water the soil 2-3 times a week. And water the soil thoroughly. The temperature is too low in winter. It is necessary to keep the soil dry.


The most suitable temperature for the growth of coral fern in green space is between 18 and 28 ℃. When the temperature is about 25 ℃, it is the most comfortable state of the plant, and the speed of plant growth is the fastest. The winter temperature is too low, so it is necessary to keep the plant warm. The general temperature should be above 10 ℃, and the lowest should not be less than 5 ℃. Otherwise, it may cause frostbite of the plant.


The green coral fern likes the warm and humid growing environment, so to maintain the humidity around the plant, you can use a spray bottle to spray the plant with water mist, but be careful not to let the leaves of the plant accumulate water, otherwise the leaves are likely to rot.


Green coral ferns prefer warm, moist and semi-shaded environments that can be placed in areas with astigmatism, such as coffee tables, desktops and windowsills. Avoid strong light exposure, after receiving the light, the color of the plant leaves will be more green and bright. But the summer temperature is too high and the light is so strong, so we should pay attention to shading the plant and increase the frequency of watering the plant, but pay attention to no stagnant water in the plant basin, otherwise the root system of the plant will rot.

How to cultivate coral fern in green space methods and matters needing attention of coral fern culture in green space

Coral fern, known as the pioneer of the earth, is a very widely distributed plant all over the world, but as the green coral fern changes from a wild plant to a family-raised ornamental plant, dependence on artificial breeding may occur in the process of domestication, so we also need to adapt to the growth habits of green coral ferns when we plant them.

How to raise coral fern in green space

As a pioneer on the earth, the green coral fern is very adaptable and can be found from the tropics to the cold zone. Like semi-shade environment, scattered light culture is better; water-loving, moist soil is suitable for growth; ability to withstand the lowest low temperature of-5 ℃, air humidity higher than 60% is the best ornamental.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of coral fern in green space

1. Coral fern soil in green space

Choose loose peat soil, perlite and vermiculite to keep the basin soil moist, usually watering once every 2-3 days. When watering, we should pay attention to gently pour the water along the flowerpot and pour it through, so as to avoid destroying the surface soil structure and affecting the growth of the root system. It is appropriate to control the water to keep the pot soil slightly wet in winter.

2. Fertilization of coral fern in green space.

It is more appropriate to choose liquid fertilizer, but we should pay attention to halving the concentration, fertilizing once every two weeks during the growing period, and applying thin fertilizer frequently.

3. The temperature of coral fern in green space

The suitable growth temperature is 18-28 ℃, and the fastest growth is about 25 ℃. It can be kept above 10 ℃ in winter and can not be lower than 5 ℃. Otherwise, it is easy to cause frost damage.

4. Humidity of coral fern in green space

Ferns like warm and humid environment, can appropriately increase air humidity, can spray to potted plants, note that there can be absolutely no stagnant water on the leaves, some flower friends report that stagnant water on the page will make the plant leaves rot.

5. Greenland coral fern sunshine

Ferns like a warm and humid semi-shaded environment and can be placed in areas exposed to astigmatism, such as coffee tables, desktops and windowsills. Avoid strong light exposure, after receiving the light, the leaf color is more green. However, paying attention to shading in midsummer, low air humidity and high temperature are the main causes of death of coral fern in green space in summer.

Cutting Propagation of Coral Fern in Green Space

1. Select the insert

When we prune it every spring, we can use the stems it cut as cuttings, then deal with them a little bit, and then we can go on cutting.

2. Cuttage

In the case of cutting, first of all, we choose the soil, usually some loose and fertile soil, and then water the soil thoroughly in advance, and then dry it for a while, then we can insert the prepared branches inside. We must be careful when we insert them. We must not put all the branches into the soil, otherwise we will not be able to survive. After the cutting is done, we can put it in a basin and shine it in the strong light. Keep the temperature at the right temperature, and water it properly. After about 2 weeks, the cuttings will begin to take root, which will slowly form a new plant.

What is coral fern in green space?

Coral fern is a kind of Selaginella perennial evergreen herb, also known as Selaginella martensii, coral Selaginella, etc., suitable for growing in a relative humidity of 70% to 90%, scattered light and moist soil. This primitive and ancient plant, once the earliest life on earth, originated in tropical, subtropical and even cold regions. It is widely distributed and has a wide variety. Most tropical varieties are more suitable for indoor cultivation. Its leaves are green and graceful, giving people a fresh and comfortable feeling. It is an indispensable plant for people to enjoy, beautify the indoor environment, fresh and purify the air.

Green coral fern is a kind of plant that can effectively purify the air, so planting some green coral fern at home can not only effectively improve the air quality of our living environment, but also help families to add some green vigor and vitality. effectively improve our mood.

Is the green coral fern poisonous? can the green coral fern be put in the indoor bedroom?

It has taken a long time for the green coral fern to change from a wild plant to a family plant, but it is not uncommon for the green coral fern to enter people's eyes because of its beautiful appearance. However, before we choose the green coral fern as a member of our family, we need to conduct a safe inspection of it in order to ensure the personal safety of our family.

Is coral fern poisonous in green space?

Coral fern in green space is non-toxic, but it is better to plant coral fern in a bright place on the balcony, dry and watered, like to be wet, and pay attention to dry watering in time for fear of drought.

Can the green coral fern be put in the indoor bedroom?

Green coral ferns can be put in the bedroom, but should be basked in the sun and watered in time.

How to raise coral fern in green space

1. Coral fern soil in green space

Choose loose peat soil, perlite and vermiculite to keep the basin soil moist, usually watering once every 2-3 days. When watering, we should pay attention to gently pour the water along the flowerpot and pour it through, so as to avoid destroying the surface soil structure and affecting the growth of the root system. It is appropriate to control the water to keep the pot soil slightly wet in winter.

2. Fertilization of coral fern in green space.

It is more appropriate to choose liquid fertilizer, but we should pay attention to halving the concentration, fertilizing once every two weeks during the growing period, and applying thin fertilizer frequently.

3. The temperature of coral fern in green space

The suitable growth temperature is 18-28 ℃, and the fastest growth is about 25 ℃. It can be kept above 10 ℃ in winter and can not be lower than 5 ℃. Otherwise, it is easy to cause frost damage.

4. Humidity of coral fern in green space

Ferns like warm and humid environment, can appropriately increase air humidity, can spray to potted plants, note that there can be absolutely no stagnant water on the leaves, some flower friends report that stagnant water on the page will make the plant leaves rot.

5. Greenland coral fern sunshine

Ferns like a warm and humid semi-shaded environment and can be placed in areas exposed to astigmatism, such as coffee tables, desktops and windowsills. Avoid strong light exposure, after receiving the light, the leaf color is more green. However, paying attention to shading in midsummer, low air humidity and high temperature are the main causes of death of coral fern in green space in summer.

What about the wilting and yellowing of coral fern leaves in green space?

1. Why are the leaves of coral fern wilting and yellowing?

If the air and soil are too dry to meet the growth needs of coral ferns, it is easy to cause the leaves to wilt yellow, which is one of the most common causes of coral fern wilting.

If too much watering, it is easy to form waterlogging, plant roots rot, resulting in poor growth and even death of branches and leaves.

Hot and humid summer is easy to breed mold, but also lead to leaves yellowing and wilting, usually pay attention to prevention and control.

Coral ferns like a semi-overcast environment and should pay attention to shading when breeding. If the sun is too strong, it can easily lead to dry leaves or sunburn.

2. What to do if the leaves wilt?

Try to spray water on the branches and leaves, and then cover it with a plastic bag, which can increase the air humidity a little, but be careful not to cover it all the time. You need to open the cover from time to time to breathe and ventilate. If you do this repeatedly, the coral fern can gradually recover. In addition, the coral fern and other potted plants are cultured together, so that the air humidity around the more plants can be improved to a certain extent, so that the coral fern is not too dry.

3. Points for attention

Coral ferns bought from the flower market should pay attention to what kind of soil to use, if it is a mixture of peat soil and perlite, we should pay attention to watering, because the water retention of this soil is very high, watering too frequently can easily lead to rotten roots, it is generally necessary to water after the soil is dry, judge whether the soil is dry and not just look at the surface, you can turn a little to see if the underlying soil is wet. According to the situation of the soil, just irrigate the right amount of water once or twice a week, there must be no stagnant water in the basin, you only need to spray more water to the branches and leaves every day to keep moist.

Coral fern in green space is not only non-toxic, but also can effectively purify the air. It is a very suitable plant for family planting. However, the cultivation of coral fern in green space also needs to respect its growth habits, so that it can grow normally and healthily, and provide us with a better appearance.