
How to raise pod fern

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After loosening soil and weeding for a long time, the soil in the flowerpot will harden, the air permeability will become worse, weeds will grow wantonly, and the nutrients in the flowerpot have been exhausted, so it is necessary to weed the pod fern soil regularly. It is best to cover the pot soil with a layer of straw or sawdust after weeding.

Loosen the soil and weed

After a long time of planting, the soil in the flowerpot will harden, the air permeability will become worse, the weeds will grow wantonly, and the nutrients in the flowerpot have been exhausted, so it is necessary to weed the pod fern loose soil regularly. it is best to cover the pot soil with a layer of straw or sawdust after weeding, which can not only keep the soil moist but also control the wanton growth of weeds. In addition, in order to avoid the pod fern mixed with other weeds, the obvious grass seeds in the culture soil can be removed during planting, and then the culture soil can be sterilized.

Fertilizer application

Pod fern is a kind of fern, the vitality of this plant is very strong, but also has a good ability to adapt, but pod fern still needs to be fertilized, generally need to be given fertilizer every half a month or so, fertilizer is generally diluted and then applied to the plant, otherwise too much or too thick fertilizer will burn the plant, more serious will lead to plant death. However, if there is too little fertilization, it will be very detrimental to the growth of the plant, and it should be noted that in winter, the plant grows slowly and can be fertilized every 1-2 months.


Pod ferns like warm, moist and heat-resistant environments. In summer, because the temperature is too high and the light is too strong, it is necessary to keep the plants in a cool, hidden place. Water every day, just 2-3 times, and pay attention to the watering time, generally choose the best watering in the morning and evening, when the temperature drops, the light is not so strong, which is very conducive to plant growth, winter temperature drop, plant growth is slow, at this time to reduce the amount of plant watering, but also to keep the soil moist.

The above is an introduction of how to raise pod ferns, hoping to give some help to flower friends who want to cultivate pod ferns.

Picture of Matteuccia struthiopteris pod fern: how to raise pod fern / how to propagate pod fern the culture method and precautions of pod fern name card pod fern Matteuccia struthiopteris pod fern alias cucumber and Cantonese dish are perennial herbs of Pteridaceae. Distributed in various counties of Changbai Mountain. The plant is about 1 meter high, the rhizome is erect, the leaves are fascicled, and there are two types of vegetative leaves and sporophytes. Its roots and roots contain pona sterone A, ecdysterone, sphenosterone and Mianma essence, which can be used as "Guanzhong" medicine, which has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and hemostasis, and repellent insects; its curled young leaves can be eaten as spring mountain vegetables, called "Cantonese cuisine", so it is named cucumber fragrance because of its delicate aroma. Also known as Guangdong cuisine, pod fern. Belongs to the family Pteridaceae. Like to grow in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, bushes and shallow mountain riverside wetlands. The incense plant of cucumber is 90 cm high. Rhizome erect, with dense lanceolate scales at base of petiole. no, no, no. Leaves fascicled, dimorphic, stipitate; sterile blade rectangular oblanceolate, bipinnatifid. Many pairs of pinnae in the lower part are gradually shortened into small ears. Fertile leaves short, erect, pinnate, papery, reversing the capsule group downward. The sporangia are round. This product has a fresh cucumber flavor, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates and a variety of vitamins, is a famous mountain potherb. The medicinal value is the same as that of bracken. Its roots and roots contain pona sterone A, ecdysterone, sphenosterone and Mianma essence, which can be used as "Guanzhong" medicine, which has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and hemostasis, and repellent insects; its curled young leaves can be eaten as spring mountain vegetables, called "Cantonese cuisine", so it is named cucumber fragrance because of its delicate aroma. Morphological characteristics of pod fern perennial herbs, 50-90 cm high. Rhizome short and stout, erect, covered with brown lanceolate scales, membranous. Leaves clustered, dimorphic; nutritious herbaceous, smooth glabrous, pilose only along leaf rachis, pinnate rachis and main vein, petiole 10 × 18 cm long, with a deep longitudinal groove above, base pointed, densely covered with scales, thinning upward, leaf blade rectangular oblanceolate, rectangular circular lanceolate or lanceolate, 40 cm long and 17 cm wide, lower 10 pairs of pinnae gradually reduced to ear-shaped, bipinnately parted. Pinnae 40-60 pairs, alternate, lanceolate 2 cm apart, lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, middle pinna largest, 7-10 cm long, 12-16 mm wide, apex acuminate, pinnae parted to axis; lobes moment round, apex rounded, margin entire or shallowly undulate crenate; veins pinnate, separated, extending to leaf margin The sporangium is short, summer, green at first, then dark brown, erect, with a thick and long stalk, leaf blade narrowly oblanceolate, 15-25 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, pinnate, pinnae strip-shaped, alternate, subsessile, both sides reverse to the back into a pod-shaped, enclosing sporangium; sporangium round, on the receptacle raised on the back of leaf veins; the cover of the cyst is membranous, white, ruptured and disappears after maturity. This product is round spindle or crooked oval, long 10~15cm, diameter 6.5~8cm, densely covered with petiole base, the top can be seen yellowish brown membranous scales. The petiole base is flat trigonous, broad at the top and thin at the bottom, curved inward; the surface is black-brown, slightly glossy, there are 5-6 longitudinal ribs on the back, 1 obviously raised in the middle, 1-2 wrinkles can be seen at the upper end, and there are also longitudinal edges on the ventral side; hard, cross-sectional skin is black, the inner surface is light brown, there are linear vascular bundles 2, arranged in an eight-shaped shape. Basal rhizome exserted. It tastes slightly astringent. The ecological habits of pod ferns are highly adaptable to temperature, distributed between 22o-52o in northern latitudes, and insensitive to sunshine length, but have high requirements for soil moisture and air humidity. Therefore, they are mostly distributed under forests, on both sides of mountain streams and in moist valleys, and there are no pod ferns in arid areas. Light intensity and soil had great influence on the growth and development of pod fern. It was found that the coverage was highly related to the growth and development of vegetative leaves and sporophytes. In a certain range, with the increase of coverage, the number of vegetative leaves and sporophytes decreased, and the ratio of vegetative leaves to sporophytes increased. The substrate is dark brown soil, which grows well and accumulates more biomass. In short, like moist, shade-tolerant, cold-resistant, warm, humus and high water content of neutral soil. The cultivation technology of pod fern the pod fern has strong adaptability, cold tolerance and early tolerance, so it can be cultivated in the open field and ornamental in pot in the north. Select the cultivation under the forest with crown shade, first remove the forest, branches and stones, turn the soil deeply, pass the soil with a sieve, remove the gravel, mix the fertile loam or rotten leaf soil with it, apply farm manure, turn 20-25 cm deep, fine and level, and make the border. Field cultivation, select flat land, good water and fertilizer conditions, fertile soil, good permeability of the land for planting. Pod ferns like shade, sudden or continuous high temperature, will make the ferns lose water, cause heat damage, and build a shade in summer to maintain a humid environment. When potted, 3 parts of loam and 1-2 parts of rotten leaf soil were mixed, and some coarse sand could be mixed to facilitate drainage and ventilation. Pot soil should not be too wet, generally watering every 2-3 days, but should pay attention to foliar spray. Spring and early summer are the peak growing season, so fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. If moved into the greenhouse in winter, if kept above 8: 10 ℃, it can be evergreen. The requirement of soil planting is not strict, the management can be extensive, and it is suitable to be planted under sparse forest. Water is very important to the cultivation of pteridophytes. It meets the requirements of soil water and air humidity of ferns. The principle is to water less, look at the seedling condition, water the temperature, keep the soil dry and not water, spray water on the leaf surface frequently, clean the tip of the leaf surface, and keep the leaf surface clean and wet. Regular weeding, shoveling, normal production management. 1. Loosening soil and weeding: after planting seedlings, we should loosen the soil and weed in time to make the soil loose, and it is best to spread a layer of sawdust on the surface of the soil, which can not only keep moisture but also reduce grass growth. 2. Topdressing: nitrogen fertilizer was applied once in the first ten days of May, and then watered; after the autumn seedlings were withered, the application of barnyard manure or compost could protect the seedlings from overwintering and lay the foundation for growth in the coming year. 3. Watering: Ferns like shade and dampness, often keep the soil moist, seedlings grow vigorously, which is conducive to natural rhizome reproduction, it is best to install small sprinkler irrigation, which can increase air humidity at the same time. 4. Harvesting and processing: pod fern is used as medicine by rhizome. After the leaves withered in autumn or before sprouting in spring, dig out the roots, cut off petioles and fibrous roots, wash the soil and dry in the sun. The key points of conservation have strong adaptability to temperature, distributed between 22o-52o in northern latitude, and are not sensitive to sunshine length, but have high requirements for soil moisture and air humidity. Therefore, they are mostly distributed under forests, on both sides of mountain streams and in moist valleys, and there is no pod fern in arid areas. Light intensity and soil had great influence on the growth and development of pod fern. It was found that the coverage was highly related to the growth and development of vegetative leaves and sporophytes. In a certain range, with the increase of coverage, the number of vegetative leaves and sporophytes decreased, and the ratio of vegetative leaves to sporophytes increased. The substrate is dark brown soil, which grows well and accumulates more biomass. In short, like moist, shade-tolerant, cold-resistant, warm, humus and high water content of neutral soil. Spore reproduction A. Spore collection: when the spore leaves of Dryopteris fern changed from dark green to yellowish brown in the middle and last ten days of September, select the strong plants, take the spore leaves, dry them and crush them, screen the sporangia, store them in a refrigerator with a temperature of 0-5 ℃, rinse thoroughly with sterile water before sowing, spread them on sterile paper, and wait for the spores to dry, then crack and eject the mature spores. B. medium preparation: peat soil, dark brown soil and river sand were mixed in the proportion of 5: 3: 2, mixed well and sifted to form a mixed soil. Steam sterilize the washed coarse river sand, stones, sowing containers and mixed soil for half an hour. C. Sowing: first cover the bottom hole of the sowing container with tiles and put in pebbles. Coarse river sand accounts for about 1 / 3 of the container, then add mixed soil, scrape flat with wood, and cover with glass plate for use. Before sowing, soak the container full of mixed soil in water to make the culture soil fully moist, take out, spread the spores evenly on the culture soil, soak them in shallow water after sowing, take out the next day, move the sowing container to a greenhouse with warm air humidity of more than 80%, light more than 4 hours a day, the temperature is controlled at about 20 ℃, the spores begin to germinate in 3 days, proleaves are formed 10 days after sowing, and sporophytes are formed in 71 days. The sporophyte reached 3-4 true leaves to move the basin for the first time. The spore seedlings have more than 4 leaves, and the plants are transplanted for the second time when the plant is as high as 4 cm-5 cm. Transplant the spore seedlings with soil in the root system to the nursery, cover the plastic shed and water them regularly after transplanting. Vegetative reproduction, also known as split propagation, that is, around the mother plant, more seedlings are produced from the rhizome, which is usually divided in spring and autumn, in September in autumn and in the first and middle of April in spring. Select the plants with developed and robust roots, dig up the fern seedlings with the soil, keep the roots intact, or dig out the mother plants at the same time, and cut them longitudinally according to the size of the mother plant. But it is easy to survive with roots and leaves, and it can be planted with seedlings. On the finished border surface, dig holes according to the row spacing of 40 cm, plant 1 plant in each hole, cover the soil and compaction, in order to increase the contact between the rhizome and the soil, and then watering. The slow seedling survived in 3 to 5 days. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of pod fern distributed in Northeast, North China, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Xizang is only for reference and can not be used as a basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Medicinal value Ming Li Shizhen Compendium of Materia Medica: "ferns are found everywhere in the mountains." There are buds in February and March, and the fists are like children's fists. When the stem is tender, use gray soup to boil off saliva and dry to make vegetables. It tastes sweet and slippery, and it can also be eaten with vinegar. " Cucumber fragrance is one of the most popular wild vegetables at home and abroad. it has the characteristics of delicious fragrance and rich nutrition, and is known as "Lin Hai Shan Zhen". Cucumber sex contains a lot of dietary fiber, various amino acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins, etc., as well as five major elements and seven trace elements necessary for the human body. Cucumber fragrance not only has high nutritional value, but also has the effect of dietotherapy. It has the functions of clearing heat, slippery intestines, lowering qi, expelling wind, invigorating qi and calming nerves, resolving phlegm and so on. Cucumber pork stuffed dumplings have a light cucumber fragrance taste. The chemical composition of the whole grass has flavonoid glycoside reaction, including inorganic elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, copper and so on. The rhizome contains cordysterone A (PonateroneA), ecdysterone (Ecdysterone), fern sterone, pteridone, hydroxy ecdysterone, β-sitosterol and a small amount of Filicin. Leaves contain vitamins, amino acids, protein, sugar, hemicellulose, a variety of enoic acid compounds and so on. Vitamins include vitamin P (650 mg / 100 g), vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, nicotinic acid, etc.; contain 3%-7% nitrogen, mainly lysine, leucine, etc.; sugar content is 13%. [TLC]: 5g of crude powder was extracted with chloroform for 3 hours in Sha's extractor, and chloroform was recovered to 20ml for sample use. β-ecdysone was used as the control. Silica gel G (Shanghai fluorescent Chemical Factory) was used to lay the board for 105 ℃ for 1 h. Chloroform-methanol (9:1) was used to expand the distance of 15cm. 5% phosphomolybdic acid ethanol solution was sprayed, and blue spots appeared at the corresponding position with the reference substance in the chromatogram of the sample. Pharmacological action rhizome decoction is effective against Ascaris suis in vitro. It has a significant inhibitory effect on influenza virus in chicken embryo test, and the mouse nose drop test is also effective. The tissue culture of primary monolayer cells of human embryonic kidney showed strong inhibitory effect on adenovirus, poliomyelitis, Japanese encephalitis, herpes simplex and so on. It has inhibitory effect on influenza bacilli, meningococci and dysentery bacilli. It also has a certain inhibitory effect on skin fungi. Its roots and leaves have sedative, antispasmodic and antiepileptic effects. Identification of medicinal materials [character identification]: this product is Obovate or oblong, the upper part is obtusely round, the lower part is slightly pointed, slightly curved, 10-16cm long, with a diameter of 4-7cm; brown; all are densely covered with petiole residues, fibrous roots and a small amount of scales. The upper part of the petiole residue is flat, narrowing downward, the back is raised, there is a longitudinal edge in the center, and the "V" or "M"-shaped wrinkles can be seen near the upper end; it is hard and brittle, easy to break, and the cross section is slightly flat, with two yellow-and-white dots (split column), arranged in the shape of "eight". Petiole basal part with 1-3 fibrous roots, many branches, sometimes brown tomentose. The breath is slight and special, and the taste is astringent. [microscopic identification]: cross section of rhizome (diameter 1.3cm): the epidermis is often exfoliated, the outermost is a series of more than 10 rows of thick-walled cells, split into more than 10 columns, intermittent circular arrangement. The endodermis is obvious. The xylem is composed of polygonal tracheids, surrounded by phloem, and there are large fissures in the parenchyma, and the cells are filled with fine starch grains. Functional treatment of petiole basal cross section: 2 split pillars, arranged in an eight-shaped shape; the endodermis is obvious; the two ends of xylem are folded like a hook; and the phloem is around. Brown secretory cells can be seen around the vascular bundle. Traditional Chinese medicine has a bitter taste and a cool nature. Clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood to stop bleeding, killing insects. Mongolian medicine tastes slightly sweet, bitter, cool, dull and heavy. Clearing heat, detoxification, healing. [indications] traditional Chinese medicine treats wind-hot cold, warm rash, gills, hematemesis, hematemesis, intestinal wind, hematochezia, metrorrhagia, ascariasis, pinworm, taeniasis, prevention of Japanese encephalitis, measles. Mongolian medicine feverish poison, meat poisoning, vision loss. Stomach distension, vomiting, mental fatigue, dizziness, rabies, influenza, fever. [usage dosage] 6g / 15g of traditional Chinese medicine, decoction in water, or pill powder; apply appropriate amount to the affected area at the end of research. Mongolian medicine is often used in pill powder. The edible value of young leaves is edible and rich in vitamins, which is the best of mountain wild vegetables. Mountain wild vegetables are "sanitary dishes" that are not polluted by the environment. The young leaves of the pod fern can be salted and frozen. The northeast region has been exporting to neighboring countries for decades, which has earned a lot of foreign exchange for China. Cucumber flavor can also be used to stir-fry meat, the taste is very good. Medicinal value pod fern is one of the five main species in China, the rhizome contains a variety of medicinal ingredients, bitter taste, cool, small poison, heat-clearing, detoxification, hemostatic effect. Pharmacological action ① bacteriostasis: Guanzhong extract and decoction have inhibitory effect on influenza bacilli, meningococci, Shigella and Shigella flexneri. ② fresh Guanzhong has a good inhibitory effect on miscellaneous bacteria. ③ has insecticidal effect. A textual research on the cultural background and history of the pod fern this product is one of the varieties of Guanzhong. This draft Classic notes on Guanzhong: "Today, there are many in Hedong County and Jingxiang in Shaanxi Province, while those with few flowers have red seedlings in spring, leaves as big as ferns, stems trigonous, and leaves as green as Chicken Ling. The root is purple and black, shaped like a melon, with black hair under it, and like an old man. " And Zizhou Guanzhong map is attached. According to the description of distribution and morphology and the accompanying drawings, the original plant is consistent with the pod fern. However, some people think that it belongs to Athyrium or Dryopteris. Pod fern Guanzhong is a kind of commodity. Mainly produced in three northeastern provinces, Hebei, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Xizang. Beijing, Shaanxi, Hebei, Henan local commodity Guanzhong is mainly this species. Hebei Chinese Herbal Medicine Handbook and Shaanxi Chinese Herbal Medicine Handbook are recorded. The function of pod fern in picture 1. Dietotherapy

Pod fern is rich in carotene, vitamins and various trace elements and minerals, which has high nutritional value. It is not only the best of wild vegetables, but also the first choice of dietotherapy. There is basically no pollution in the environment where pod ferns grow. This kind of pure natural wild vegetable is very beneficial to the body.

2. Pharmacological action

There are many medicinal ingredients in the rhizome of Dryopteris Dryopteris. The common effects are heat-clearing and detoxification, invigorating qi and calming the mind, dispelling wind and resolving phlegm, and stopping blood and moistening intestines. And fresh pod ferns can also inhibit miscellaneous bacteria and drive mosquitoes away at home.

3. Ornamental function

Pod fern can not only be eaten as medicine, but also has a certain ornamental value, which is called "dynamic beauty in dynamics". The leaf vein of pod fern is graceful, and the leaf color will gradually turn yellow, from emerald green to black green, and finally to brown. It is a very interesting foliage plant.

The above is about the function of pod fern is introduced, take a look, as long as you raise, there will be no loss.