
Method for breeding golden bract flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cuttage time is best in April, this time the most likely to survive, from the old branches take about 8-10 cm long tender shoots, cut in the sand, pay special attention to temperature and humidity to maintain the temperature above 21℃, humidity about 80%, about half a month can take root. all right


The best cutting time is in April, when it is the easiest to survive. Take the tender shoots of about 8-10 cm from the old branches and cut them in the sand. Pay special attention to keeping the temperature and humidity above 21 ℃ and about 80% humidity, which can take root in about half a month.

Well, the above is the breeding method of Golden Bract Flower. After reading it, do my friends have the confidence to raise Golden Bract Flower at the master level? Hurry up and put it into practice!

Culture method of golden bract flower 1. Temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of Golden Bract is about 15 ℃-25 ℃. If the temperature is too high or too low, it is disadvantageous to its growth. If the temperature is too low, the leaves will fall off, and in severe cases, the plants will even wither and die. In winter, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors, watering should be controlled slightly, and the lowest temperature should be above 10 ℃.

2. Lighting

During the growth period, in addition to the hot summer can slightly shade, the rest of the time should be given sufficient light, in the half-sunny and half-overcast environment, although the golden bract flower can also grow better, but must not be too shaded, otherwise there will be overgrowth phenomenon, and flowering will be very late, there are very few flowers, can not achieve the desired ornamental effect.

3. Soil

The soil should be loose, fertile and contain a lot of humus, usually using peat soil, rotten leaf soil and a small amount of rotten cow manure as basic fertilizer. This can ensure that the golden bracts have a good growth environment, so as to grow healthily.

4. Fertilizer and water

During the growth period, golden bracts should not only maintain the moist state of the basin soil, but also have higher requirements for relative air humidity. Water once a day in spring and autumn, 2-3 times a day in summer, and keep the basin soil moist in winter. Organic fertilizer is usually applied every 15 days in the growing season, and should be stopped when the temperature is higher than 35 ℃ or 15 ℃ lower.

5. Pruning

The seedlings that have just survived the cuttage should be heart-picked, when the seedling height is about 6 cm and when the branches grow to about 4 cm, the buds and flowers can be pregnant and flowered on the new branches in a month. Pruning is carried out every spring.

Knowing the breeding method of Golden Bract, you must also want to know about its breeding method.

How to cultivate Golden Bract Flower Culture method of Golden Bract Flower

Golden bract flower, also known as yellow shrimp flower, the flower shape is strange, the flower color is bright yellow, the florescence is longer. Golden bracts are also very good indoor potted plants, so how to cultivate them? Next, let's take a look at the breeding methods of golden bracts.

First, how to cultivate golden bracts

Each node of the stem branch of the golden bract flower has about a pair of latent axillary buds, and the axillary buds in the middle of the branches are mature and germinate strongly. Cut the cuttings for long 3--4cm, cut them in the seedbed or pot, cover them with plastic film or cover with glass, pay attention to watering to keep the substrate moist, take root after a week, sprout and grow after 20 days, and plant in the pot after a month. When putting on the pot, you should choose a robust, opposite double-forked seedling.

Under the condition of greenhouse, golden bracts can be cut all the year round, but family culture should be done from April to May in spring. Because at this time, the cuttage takes root quickly, is easy to survive, and can blossom in autumn. Golden bracts should be prepared to cultivate soil before cutting. Potted plants can be mixed with rotten leaves, peat soil and 1 pound 2 vermiculite or 1 pound 3 river sand, and then add a small amount of base fertilizer, which requires looseness, good ventilation and avoid heavy clayey soil. The cuttings of golden bracts should choose strong, full, short internodes on the plant, cut to grow a section of 9 cm to 12 cm, and the cut should be 0.5 cm below the node, preferably with a sharp knife, even better with a heel. Remove the lower leaves and retain the apical leaves.

II. Culture methods of Golden Bract Flower

1. Soil: the potted soil for cultivating golden bracts is required to be fertile, loose and breathable, and avoid heavy clay. 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of mature organic fertilizer can be used as culture soil.

2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of golden bract is 15-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is not lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the growth of golden bract will stop and the leaves will fall off easily. If the low temperature lasts too long, it will also lead to rotten roots and even plant death. If you want golden bracts to blossom in winter, the temperature should be kept at about 25 ℃ in daytime and above 15 ℃ at night.

3. Light: Golden bracts prefer the sun, and greenhouse cultivation does not need shade. Plants can fully receive light in spring, autumn and winter, which can make the plants grow stronger and reduce diseases. In an overshadowed environment, golden bracts will grow too much, and the flowering will be delayed and less. Miao avoid bright light and pay attention to ventilation.

4. Watering: Golden peanuts should be fully watered for a long time to keep the basin soil moist and 80% of the soil moisture. But it is necessary to prevent stagnant water in the basin. In summer, water should be watered without waiting for the basin soil to be dry, and water should be often sprayed to and around the golden bract plant to maintain a high environmental humidity.

5. Fertilization: Golden bracts like fertilizer, apply cake fertilizer and water liquid fertilizer every 10 days, but do not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it will make the stem node slender and the number of flowers reduced. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were applied twice at flowering stage to meet the fertilizer needs of golden bracts during budding and flowering. The lack of fertilizer is often the main reason for the poor growth, few and small flowering of golden bracts.

The above is the introduction of the breeding methods of golden bracts, golden bracts are excellent varieties of potted flowers, we might as well breed some decorative homes.