
Cutting Propagation of potted Holly

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Holly is mainly propagated by cuttings. Cutting propagation is simple and easy to work, rooting quickly, and the survival rate is also high, so it is widely used in production. Nursery bed selection of cutting seedbed should choose the place with high topography, deep soil layer, loose soil and good drainage and irrigation. Cutting selection of holly can be carried out all the year round.

Ilex is mainly propagated by cuttings. Cuttage propagation is simple and easy to make, rooting fast, survival rate is also high, so it is widely used in production.

seedbed selection

Cuttage seedbed should choose high terrain, deep soil, loose soil, good irrigation and drainage places.

cutting selection

Holly cuttings can be carried out throughout the year, the best time is late spring and early summer and early summer autumn. Choose the best branches that are easiest to survive!


Should be shallow not deep, mother plant buried 1 cm best, cutting leaves should not be too much, so as not to lose nutrients, but also not all cut off.


After two to three months of cuttage, the new roots grow to 1 to 2CM, they can be transplanted into the nutrient bag, and when the seedlings grow to 26 to 30 CM, they can be planted.

The above is the potted holly conservation method introduced, I hope to help you, thank you for reading.

Learn about Red Fruit Ilex cutting methods

With the development of society, the pollution to the environment is also getting bigger and bigger. It is necessary to plant more plants, and it is very important to learn the important method of red fruit holly cuttage. It can not only improve your living environment, but also provide good medicinal materials for others. This not only makes your life more fulfilling, but also increases your economic income by the way. You can also exercise your ability. Let's do something beautiful together. Here are some of the ways that Xiaobian summarizes for everyone.

Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Bark is ashen white, smooth do not split; branch spreads and closely unripe ^leaf hard leathery quality, quadrangular, have 3 sharp hard thorn tooth, surface dark green has luster, back is pale green. Flowers small, yellow-green, clustered in leaf axils of 2-year-old branchlets. The flowers bloom from April to May. Drupe globose, bright red when ripe

Originated in China's provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is now widely cultivated in gardens everywhere

Likes light, also bears shade. It is cold-resistant and can overwinter in the open field in the Yangtze River Basin. It can withstand a short period of low temperature of 5 C. Drought-resistant, like fertile slightly acidic loam. Slow growth, strong germination, pruning resistance, easy to shape. Strong resistance to harmful gases

It is mainly based on cuttage propagation. The survival rate of softwood cuttings in plum season is higher. The specific method can be referred to (1-2-2). It can also be sown and propagated. In autumn (October ~ November), when the fruit is ripe, the seeds are collected, the pericarp is removed, and the seeds are stored in low temperature stratified sand until March ~ April of the next year. The emergence rate is relatively high.

Transplant soil balls in March to April in spring or November in autumn. Pay special attention to preventing scattered balls when operating. At the same time, cut off some branches and leaves to reduce transpiration and facilitate survival.

It is a good seed for viewing leaves and fruits. It can be cultivated as garden tree or hedge, and it is also suitable for potted plants or bonsai. Leaves, fruits and roots can be used medicinally, leaves can cure tuberculosis hot flashes and hemoptysis, fruits are often used for excessive leucorrhea and chronic diarrhea, roots are often used for rheumatism pain and jaundice hepatitis. The seeds contain oil, which can be used to make soap. Bark can be used as dye. Leaves contain saponins, tannins, bitter substances, etc., bark contains alkaloids, etc.

Evergreen trees, up to 25 m tall. Leaves hard leathery, thick green, shiny, edge with large wavy teeth, old leaves are mostly entire. May to June flowering, flowers small, nearly white, fragrant. Fruit red, ca. 0.9 cm in diameter, persistent from autumn to March.

Ilex spinosa red fruit in winter, in the green leaves against the background of more beautiful, beautiful, is a fruit, leaf view excellent ornamental plants. In Europe and America, Christmas time people will be thorny holly and holly used for indoor Christmas trees, or red fruit green leaves inserted in the doorway or indoor decoration. The most important thing is that Christmas is the most important Christmas season.

Plant materials. In our country, Ilex spinosa and Ilex americana can be replaced by similar Ilex holly when they are absent.

Rabbits, remember? Understanding the red fruit holly cutting method may not necessarily be able to plant the red fruit holly very well, to have a serious heart, treat it as their own children to care carefully, so that it will grow well, the above is the small series brought red fruit holly cutting method. Hope to be able to bring rabbit friends to help solve everyone's problems. If you want to know more about the method of red fruit holly cuttings, please continue to pay attention to us. We'll bring you the most authentic solution.

North American holly potted notes_North American holly prices

Compared with common holly, the biggest characteristic of North American holly is that it leaves in winter. After falling leaves, dense and bright red fruits hang all over the branches. It is very dazzling and festive. It is a beautiful landscape line covered with gray in winter. Holly, also known as full house, is a deciduous shrub in eastern North America that can grow up to 2.7 meters tall. From late autumn to winter. Holly is becoming a bright spot in the garden, with bright red fruits hanging from branches like cherries. Especially after snow, it was extremely dazzling on the white snow. Red fruit time can reach half a year long.................................................................................................... North American holly potted notes Potted plants of holly can be selected from dwarf varieties or varieties dwarfed by growth hormones. Autumn and winter fruit red, fruit hanging more, long time, viewing effect is good, very suitable for room beautification, full of festive, auspicious atmosphere. It usually takes 3 years to cultivate individual seedlings. If 3 seedlings are planted together, the ornamental effect can be achieved after 2 years. Planting substrates require loose soil rich in organic matter. After planting, keep the base of the plant 15cm and cut it again to ensure that there are at least 6 branches in the following spring. In order to control the height, paclobutrazol can be sprayed 2-3 times when the bud is 5 cm, and the length of the fruiting branch is controlled to about 30 cm. After winter defoliation, prune the fruiting branches into 20-25 cm globular shapes. In spring, plants sprout, bloom and bear fruit, and in winter they can be sold as New Year flowers. In addition, holly can also be used cutting and sowing, grafting propagation. After the berries ripen in November, you can harvest the seeds. Soak the fruits in clean water for 8 to 12 hours, remove the flesh, wash the seeds, and dry them in the shade. Because the seeds germinate two years after dormancy, they can be stored in sand for one year and sown in winter the next year. Before sowing, the land should be deeply ploughed, weeds, straws and other sundries should be removed, roots and grass seeds should be removed. After ridge leveling, the seeds are evenly sprinkled, and then covered with loose substrate. In order to maintain proper temperature, the seedbed can be covered with straw and watered. The seeds germinate in April of the following year and remove the mulch. When they grow to 10 cm, they can be transplanted into nutrient solution, or they can stay in bed to continue growing. The transplanted seedlings should be properly shaded, and full sunlight can be carried out after complete survival. North American holly prices Because North American holly farming is not easy, the market demand for it is low, so the price is relatively cheap. Potted North American holly 3 years old sapling price is probably less than 100 yuan, seeds are within 20 yuan, in addition to adult tree prices will be a lot more expensive, according to the height of the trees, diameter prices in 1000 yuan, there are some garden plantations selling wholesale North American holly seedlings prices about dozens to 100 yuan, this depends on the number of your wholesale to set. Generally speaking, holly is not expensive, but it is difficult to cultivate........................................................................................ Xiao Bian summary Conclusion: Plum blossom is said to be 'a plum blossom in the snow, Ling Han alone bloom', now it seems that North American Holly is not inferior to one of the four gentlemen of the cold plum ah. The toughness and fragrance of plum blossoms and safflower are hard to tell which one is better than holly red fruits, which are like fire and look down on winter.