
Culture technique of Muskrat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture technique of Muskrat

Muskrat, also known as muskrat, is a very precious fur animal that looks like a mouse. However, the value of muskrat is much higher than that of mice. Muskrat can secrete muskrat incense, which can be used not only as traditional Chinese medicine, but also as the basic raw material for making high-grade perfume. And muskrat can also eat meat, and its protein content is similar to that of beef. So how to raise muskrats? The following editor has brought the culture technology of muskrat, let's have a look!

1. Build an enclosure

The standard enclosure is usually used in large-scale muskrat breeding. We should pay attention to the planning when building the enclosure, at least to ensure that there are three parts: a lounge, a sports ground and a pool. And because muskrats have the habit of digging and gnawing, the construction materials of the enclosure require the use of hard materials such as bricks. According to the reasonable control of the farm area, the rest room is divided into inner room and outer room, which is mainly used for the birth of female musk deer, so the inner room should be larger. The specific form of enclosure depends on your own construction technology and breeding direction.

2. Select breeding mice

Breeding rats are selected in spring and autumn every year, because the temperatures of these two seasons are more suitable for the growth of muskrats, and there are fewer problems in the process of transportation, and the growth and development ability of muskrats is the strongest. When we choose breeding mice, we should pay attention to the age, about half a year is the best choice. To observe the appearance of breeding mice, choose breeding mice with non-dry conjunctiva, bright eyes, high vitality and medium size, smooth and neat hair. However, when choosing breeding mice, we must distinguish between male and female, and avoid having the same sex.

3. Feeding management

Wild muskrats are mainly fed with a variety of aquatic plants, so when we culture, we can choose plant buds, leaves, branches, fruits and other parts. And muskrats are mainly herbivorous feed, there is little demand for carnivorous feed, usually in the lack of green feeding, disease period only occasionally feed a small amount of meat. Muskrats have different feed requirements in different seasons, and they should prepare sufficient feed in winter, because muskrats store a lot of food in the house. We should adjust the feed reasonably according to the growth habits and seasonal changes of muskrats.

4. Overwintering management

The recovery period of muskrat is from the end of October to the beginning of January of the following year. This stage has a great impact on the growth of muskrats, we should do a good job of cold protection and heat preservation, ensure that the enclosure is airtight, lay hay in the circle, and avoid wetting the enclosure. Drain the water from the pool to prevent frost cracking. Change the feed feeding, adding succulent feed and grass to the feed, but because muskrats have the characteristics of storing food, it is not necessary to feed them every day. The incidence of muskrat disease will increase sharply in winter, which is what we need to pay attention to, and the excessively long incisors of muskrats should be cut off in time to prevent fighting bites.

The above is a brief introduction of muskrat culture technology, muskrat breeding is more troublesome. Because the muskrat is very lively and likes to gnaw and bite everywhere, it is necessary to take good measures to prevent bites from items in the breeding house. And the management should be strengthened during the mating period, pregnancy period and feeding period of muskrats. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, want to know more related information, please continue to follow us!