
Matters needing attention in breeding night flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The night flower should not be watered too frequently to prevent the root rot caused by stagnant water at the bottom. Can often spray water to the leaves, in the form of fog without water flow, to prevent root rot. And it likes to grow in a warm, humid and sunny environment, but it also needs proper shade on hot summer days.

The night flower should not be watered too frequently to prevent the root rot caused by stagnant water at the bottom. Can often spray water to the leaves, in the form of fog without water flow, to prevent root rot. And it likes to grow in a warm, humid and sunny environment, but it also needs proper shade on hot summer days.

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Family culture methods and matters needing attention of night flower

The soil of family culture method of night flower

Night lilies like moist and fertile soil, so remember not to let the soil be too dry when breeding. Potted useful mud is the best, remember not to use calcareous soil cultivation, the soil must be acidic, if possible, you can test the soil pH, PH of 5.5 to 8.5 is the best. Of course, if you don't want to bother testing the PH value. The editor also has a little trick! That is to use 6 parts of vegetable garden soil, 4 parts of river sand, and then add half a tablespoon of black alum to mix, so it is done!


Night lilies are more shady, so don't expose them to the sun, but don't keep them out of the sun. Still want to let the night flower accept the mild sunlight, the night flower also needs photosynthesis!


Most of the wild nocturnal flowers are born under the evergreen broad-leaved forest at an altitude of 600m to 900m and have poor resistance to toxic gases. So pay attention to the degree of air pollution, pollution is too serious, there is nothing the editor can do!


The suitable temperature for flowering is 22-25 ℃, and the flowering is delayed below 20 ℃, so if you want the night flower to bloom normally, you should pay attention to the temperature!

Matters needing attention in night flower culture in summer

When the sun is exposed to the sun, you should pay attention to shading the night flowers, otherwise, the flowers will be killed by the hot summer sun!


The temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 degrees, or there will be the danger of freezing to death.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Nightflower

Latin name Magnolia coco (Lour.) DC.

The plant kingdom.

Phylum angiosperm

Dicotyledonous class




Distribution area South China and Vietnam

Night lilies, also known as magnolia, is native to southern China. Like warm and humid and half-yin and half-yang environment, shade-resistant, afraid of hot sun exposure, requires fertile, loose and well-drained slightly acidic soil, winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Evergreen shrubs, 1-2 m tall. 1. Morphological characteristics.

Evergreen shrubs or small trees, 2-4 m tall, glabrous in all parts of the plant; bark gray, branchlets green, smooth, slightly angular and glossy. Leaves leathery, elliptic, narrowly elliptic or Obovate-elliptic, 7-14 (- 28) cm long and 2-4.5 (- 9) cm wide, apex long acuminate, base cuneate, dark green shiny above, slightly wrinkled, margin slightly revolute, lateral veins 8-10 on each side, mesh sparse; petiole 5-10 mm long; stipules scar to tip of petiole. Pedicel pendulous, with 3-4 bract deciduous scars. Flowers globose, 3-4 cm in diameter, tepals 9, fleshy, Obovate, ventral concave, outer 3 pieces greenish, with 5 longitudinal veins, about 2 cm long, inner two whites pure white, 3-4 cm long and 4 cm wide; stamens 4-6 mm long, anthers ca. 3 mm long, connective protruding into mucronate tips; filaments white, ca. 2 mm long; pistil green, ovate, 1.5-2 cm long Carpels ca. 10, narrowly ovate, 5-6 mm long, abaxially with 1 longitudinal groove to style base, stigma short, apex truncate after shedding; aggregate fruit ca. 3 cm long; follicles subwoody; seeds ovoid, ca. 1 cm high, endocarp brown, ventral tip with lateral foramen, sulcus inconspicuous, base pointed. Flowering in summer, continuous flowering in Guangzhou throughout the year, and autumn in fruit.

2. Growth environment

The night lilies are native to China. Like warm, humid and sunny environment, strong adaptability to climate and soil, shade tolerance, good fertilizer. Like to grow in a warm, humid and half-yin and half-yang environment. Should be well drained, fertile, slightly acidic sandy soil, avoid calcareous soil, but also resistant to barren soil and arid climate. Flowers bloom for a short time, each blooming for only 1-2 days, often open early in the morning and closed at night, hence the name Night Flower. The fragrance is sweet and fragrant, and it is even stronger at night. The optimum temperature at flowering stage was 22-25 ℃, and flowering was delayed when the temperature was lower than 20 ℃.

3. Distribution

Distributed in East China, South China, Southwest China and Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi and other provinces.

4. Cultivation techniques

Breeding methods like moist, fertile soil, shade tolerance, mostly born in the evergreen broad-leaved forest at an altitude of 600m to 900m, and have poor resistance to toxic gases. It is usually propagated by relying on joining method or high-altitude pressing method. Grafting takes Magnolia, Magnolia, Magnolia and Magnolia as rootstocks; high-altitude striping propagation is carried out after the weather turns warm in early spring or autumn, and after rooting, it is moved into the nursery to grow large seedlings before planting. In recent years, cuttings are also often used to cut ears and sand on one-to two-year-old seedlings, and the survival rate can reach 90%.

The cultivation method of potted soil is the best, do not use calcareous soil, the soil must be acidic, PH is 5.58.5. Family planting can also be mixed with 6 parts of vegetable garden soil, 4 parts of river sand, plus half a tablespoon of black alum. After leaving the room in mid-April, the night flower is maintained in a place of astigmatism with a light transmittance of 30 to 40%. Spring 2 to 3 days watering, the northern spring dry, easy to cause leaves yellowing, so every two or three days continuous watering alum fertilizer water three or four times. Summer should be semi-overcast, often spray water, increase air humidity. After entering autumn, we should water less. Gradually increase the light to enrich the plant. Dead branches and dislocated branches are pruned and shaped in autumn. In winter, the room should be placed in a place where there is no direct sunlight, keeping it between 10 and 12 ℃ during the day, not less than 5 ℃ at night, and no more than 10 ℃ at night, so as not to be harmful to hibernation and affect flowering in the following year. Keep the basin soil slightly wet in winter. During the growing period, the rotten cake fertilizer is applied every 15 days or so. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer before flowering, and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote flower fragrance. There is no need to apply fertilizer for indoor maintenance in winter.

For the control of common leaf blight, 65% zinc wettable powder can be sprayed with 600 times solution. Pests are harmful to leaf beetles, aphids and shell insects, which are sprayed with 1000 times of 50% fenitrothion EC.

5. Main value

Usually planted in gardens or street trees. Wood is resistant to water and moisture and can be used to make furniture; bark contains tannin and fiber can make artificial cypress; seeds can extract oil; bark and flowers can be used medicinally, which can calm the mind, activate blood circulation, relieve pain, and have strong resistance to toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide and chlorine.

Medicinal value

Night flowers ("textual Research on the name and reality of plants")

[synonym] Night Magnolia (Guangzhou Flora).

A nocturnal flower of the Magnoliaceae.

[collection] picked from April to May and dried in the sun.

[chemical constituents] the stem contains oxidized xanthine, willow magnoline, magnoline, sinomenine, tomato branch and leaf alkaloid and nocturnal alkaloid. The alkaloid is in the skin.

[functional indications]

① "Guangdong traditional Chinese Medicine" Ⅱ: "to treat liver depression and qi pain."

② "Guangxi Medicine Plant list": "refuting the bone, tranquilizing the five internal organs. Cure falls, symptoms, leucorrhea of women."

[usage and dosage] Internal administration: fried soup, 1.5 yuan 3 yuan.


Dry flowers, slightly umbrella-shaped, inverted bell-shaped or irregular spheres, 2-3 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter, dark red to brownish purple outside. Calyx 3, long Obovate, about 1.5 cm long and 8 mm wide, with granular protuberances on both sides. The petals are 6, Obovate, curled, and the outer 3 are larger, about 2 cm long and 1.2 cm wide, with granular protuberances at the base of the outer surface and smooth, thick and brittle inner neck. Stamens spirally arranged, rosette-shaped, each stamen narrowly oblong triangular, about 6 mm long. The pistil is about 7-8 mm long and consists of 7-8 carpels, which are narrowly angled, purple-brown or brown, with small tubercles. Flower stalk retained dark brown. The breath is extremely fragrant and the taste is light. It is better to have complete flowers and strong fragrance.

Application of ornamental value

The night flower tree is small and exquisite, with green and white globular flowers in summer, day and night closed, delicate and elegant, often planted in parks and courtyards in the south, and potted plants in Nanjing, decorating living rooms and bedrooms with it.


1. Magnolia. Chinese Flora [reference date 2013-12-12].

2. Night flowers. China Medical Network [citation date 2013-12-12].