
How to raise lilies with palace lanterns

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The main results are as follows: 1. The soil with loose, fertile and good drainage is selected, and the soil with low acidity is improved by quicklime, which can not only improve the soil, but also kill some soil germs and underground pests. If the alkaline soil is improved with phosphoric acid and peat, the dosage depends on the specific situation.

1. Soil

Choose loose and fertile soil with good drainage, and if the soil with low acidity is improved by quicklime, it can not only improve the soil, but also kill some soil germs and underground pests. If the alkaline soil is improved with phosphoric acid and peat, the dosage depends on the specific situation.

2. Fertilization

During soil preparation, Gongdeng lily was sprinkled with fully mature organic fertilizer, applying compound fertilizer 375600 kg / ha + organic fertilizer 30000 kg / ha or other mature organic fertilizer, which was evenly mixed in the topsoil 30 cm thick after being used as base fertilizer. In the plots where other bulb flowers have been planted, 800 times triclofenac should be added to prevent root mites. Do not need a high level of nutrition, generally do not apply fertilizer during the first three weeks of cultivation, during this period to ensure that the root system is well developed is the most important.

3. Temperature

The most suitable soil temperature during the growing period of Gongdeng lily is 18: 24 ℃, and the temperature should be low in the first three weeks or at least before the stem takes root. When the temperature is higher than 20 ℃, it will lead to the decline of rooting quality, especially in summer, it is indispensable to keep or make the soil temperature cool. High temperature during the day will reduce the height of the plant, reduce the number of buds per flower, and produce blind flowers. Less than 15 ℃ at night will lead to bud drop, leaf yellowing and decrease of ornamental value.

4. Lighting

The lack of light of palace lily is not conducive to the formation of flower buds, and too strong light will also affect the quality of cut flowers. Shading treatment and supplementary light measures should be carried out during the growth period to change the adverse effects of light factors on plant growth. Shading in the early growth stage is beneficial to improve the plant height, especially in summer, shading nets are used inside and outside and around the greenhouse, so as not to cause excessive temperature in the greenhouse, causing damage to plants and buds. When the bud differentiation period to the bud growth is the leaf burning sensitive period, we should pay attention to the light and humidity changes should not be too large.

5. Moisture

Palace lantern lily is easily affected by high salt, especially sodium salt, too high salt will lead to water shortage. It is recommended to irrigate for 20-30 minutes a day from the 17th week after planting, and use electrical conductivity meter to detect soil electrical conductivity regularly. Watering from the top in the first 8 weeks after planting, changing the tee belt in the next 9 weeks, and stopping watering after 17 weeks of planting. Harvest the seed balls after stopping water for 4 or 6 weeks. When watering, you must pay attention to the amount of water, not more than 20 centimeters.

The above is about the palace lantern lily how to raise the problem introduction, let's understand the palace lantern lily is how to breed.

Palace lantern lily Sandersonia aurantiaca Hook. Photo guide of palace lantern lilies: how to raise palace lantern lilies / how to breed palace lantern lilies Sandersonia aurantiaca Hook. Alias: Christmas lily, Christmas bell, palace lantern flower, Chinese lantern flower, golden lily, valley lily, Christmas wind bell, Chinese palace lantern flower classification: perennial herbaceous floral genus: flowering period: summer palace lantern lily is perennial bulb herb, named because its flower shape and color is very similar to Chinese palace lantern, it blossoms like a string of lanterns covered with branches, protruding between green leaves, soft and colorful, very characteristic. The palace lantern lily is delicate in appearance, exquisite and lovely, with orange flower bell and bright green stems and leaves, which is very lovable and is an excellent material for flower arrangement and bride bouquet. Its natural germination rate is low, the growth time is long, and the requirement to the environment is high, so it always belongs to the high unit price flower. At present, it is a fashionable cut flower in the world, especially in New Zealand. The palace lantern lily has golden bell-shaped flowers, which can adapt to a wide range of temperature. Introduction of palace lantern lily culture methods and matters needing attention Palace lantern lily is a perennial bulb herb, named because its flower shape is very similar to that of Chinese palace lantern. When it blossoms, it is like a string of lanterns covered with flowers and branches, protruding among the green leaves, soft and colorful, full of characteristics. The palace lantern lily is delicate in appearance, exquisite and lovely, with orange flower bell and bright green stems and leaves, which is very lovable and is an excellent material for flower arrangement and bride bouquet. Its natural germination rate is low, the growth time is long, and the requirement to the environment is high, so it always belongs to the high unit price flower. At present, it is a fashionable cut flower in the world, especially in New Zealand. The palace lantern lily has golden bell-shaped flowers, which can adapt to a wide range of temperature and light changes, so it can grow normally indoor and outdoor in temperate and subtropical regions. It takes 9-12 weeks from planting to flowering and 21-25 weeks from planting to harvesting bulbs. The shape is soft and beautiful, the florescence is long, and the vase life can reach 2-3 weeks. Practice has proved that considerable benefits can be obtained in both bulb production and cut flower production. The palace lantern lily is a unique variety, and its golden bell-shaped flowers are a good witness. The palace lantern lily originated from the wet grassland with rainy summer and low winter temperature (during this period the lily is in a state of natural dormancy) and Rain Water. Morphological characteristics of palace lantern lily perennial bulbous herbs, semi-trailing, about 1 meter high. The leaf wheel is alternate, sessile, the leaf surface is smooth, willow-shaped, about 5-10 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, with 3 deep lines. Flower bed-shaped, shaped like a palace lantern, bright orange-yellow, broad on top and narrow on bottom, about 2 cm wide, flower stalk ca. 5 cm, pendulous, axillary, with short lobes 6, stamens 6, anthers T-shaped, style trifid. From July to January of the following year, from midsummer to autumn and winter. The vase life can reach 2-3 weeks. Capsule 3-valved, dorsally dehiscent. The rhizome contains colchicine and is poisonous. The ecological habits of the palace lantern lily originated in South Africa, where it is rainy in summer and dry in winter, it is humid and rainy in summer, and it is dry and rainless in winter, so it is its dormant period. Because the palace lantern lily is not very strict on temperature and sunshine, it is very suitable for greenhouse and field cultivation in temperate and subtropical regions. The most suitable soil temperature for palace lantern lily is 18 ℃-24 ℃, which is best cultivated in greenhouse with rain shelter and shade facilities. If the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, the growth will be inhibited and the flower stem will be twisted. When planted in summer, high temperature shortens the growth period, flowering in less than 45 days, and the flower stem is also shortened. Normally, the palace lantern lily blossoms 60 days after planting. In winter, the low temperature period is longer and the temperature is not too high to affect the growth of the lily in northern Taiwan or middle altitude, so the cut flower quality is good and the bulb yield is high, while in summer, the growing period of the lily is shorter because of the long high temperature period. it is not conducive to cut flowers and bulb production. The bulbs are planted in spring and can germinate in 2-3 weeks when the ground temperature is higher than 16 ℃. If the climate is cold or dormant for less than 16 weeks, we recommend budding. In a suitable environment, the plant can blossom in 45-60 days. The natural dormancy period of the lily bulb takes at least 12 weeks, but cold storage can break the dormancy. Generally speaking, the whole growth cycle takes about 20-25 weeks. If the temperature in this period is low, the growth period will be prolonged. Under the conditions of high soil temperature (18-24 ℃), windproof, rain and sun exposure, Gongdeng lily grows best. Studies have shown that too high temperature will grow and blossom, for example, high temperature in summer will shorten the growth cycle, but the length of flower stem will be shortened accordingly, so that the number of flowers will be reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to harvest at least 60 days later. If you plant in late winter or early spring, be sure to keep the substrate temperature in the greenhouse. The palace lantern lily is a temperate crop with good water permeability of the growth substrate and regular watering. The substrate should be disinfected regularly with fungicides, preferably in a well-ventilated greenhouse. The optimum soil temperature for growth is 15-22 ℃ and the optimum temperature for growth is 12-28 ℃. The cultivation techniques of palace lantern lilies ensure the right temperature and arrange regular watering, fungicides, pesticides and spraying plans. Use a support net at 35 cm above the ground to prevent the plant from toppling, and use poison bait to kill underground pests at regular intervals. Soil and fertilization choose loose, fertile and well-drained soil. If the soil with low acidity is improved with quicklime, it can not only improve the soil, but also kill some germs in the soil and underground pests. If the alkaline soil is improved with phosphoric acid and peat, the dosage depends on the specific situation. During soil preparation, fully mature organic fertilizer was applied, and compound fertilizer 375-600kg/ ha + organic fertilizer 30000kg/ ha, or other mature organic fertilizer was applied per mu, which was evenly mixed in topsoil 30cm thick after being used as base fertilizer. In the plots where other bulb flowers have been planted, 800 times triclofenac should be added to prevent root mites. Lilies do not need a high level of nutrition and generally do not apply fertilizer during the first three weeks of cultivation, during which it is most important to ensure good root development. For small bulbs, fertilizer containing humic acid and some trace elements can be sprayed when the seedling height is 10-30cm in the early growth stage, so as to increase stress resistance and promote rooting. Before the seedling height 30cm, the soil topdressing was not carried out before the stem root length reached 5cm. After stem rooting, one application of calcium nitrate 75kg/ hectare or one compound fertilizer 150kg/ hectare. If the plant growth is not strong enough due to the lack of nitrogen fertilizer during the growth period, the available nitrogen fertilizer can be applied generally 20-150kg/ ha. Soil topdressing should be 2-3 times, and foliar topdressing can be done once a week. Spray the plant with water after topdressing to prevent leaf burning. Planting density the planting bed soil should be at least 15 cm deep, the soil layer below the rhizome should be more than 11 cm deep, and the stem should be covered in a 4 cm soil layer on the surface. 300-400 seeds per square meter less than 1 gram, 200-250 seeds per square meter of 1-3 grams, 150-180 seeds per square meter of 3-5 grams, 130-150 seeds per square meter of 5-7 grams, 100-130 seeds per square meter of 7-10 grams and 80-100 seeds per square meter of more than 10 grams. Temperature management of ground temperature is the key to early management. The most suitable soil temperature during the growing period of Gongdeng lily is 18 ℃-24 ℃, and the temperature should be low in the first three weeks or at least before the stem takes root. When the temperature is higher than 20 ℃, it will lead to the decline of rooting quality, especially in summer, it is indispensable to keep or make the soil temperature cool. High temperature during the day will reduce the height of the plant, reduce the number of buds per flower, and produce blind flowers. Less than 15 ℃ at night will lead to bud drop, leaf yellowing and decrease of ornamental value. Cool down through ventilation, spray and shading in summer, and pay attention to heating and heat preservation in winter. Lack of light management is not conducive to the formation of flower buds, too strong light will also affect the quality of cut flowers. Generally speaking, shading treatment and light supplement measures are needed during the growth period to change the adverse effects of light factors on plant growth. Shading in the early growth stage is beneficial to improve the plant height, especially in summer, shading nets are used inside and outside the greenhouse and around the greenhouse, so as not to cause excessive temperature in the greenhouse and cause damage to plants and buds. When the bud differentiation period to the bud growth is the leaf burning sensitive period, we should pay attention to the light and humidity changes should not be too large. More than 90% of the light can make the stems and leaves strong, and the golden bell flowers brighter. Water management palace lantern lily is easily affected by high salt, especially sodium salt. This happens more easily in artificial substrates than in soil. Too high salinity will lead to water shortage. It is recommended to irrigate for 20-30 minutes a day from the 17th week after planting, and use an electrical conductivity meter to detect soil electrical conductivity regularly. The symptoms of high salinity in the plant are yellow leaves, weak growth, brown leaves or even total chlorosis. Green-lost plants are often mistaken for being susceptible. This chlorosis is more likely to be caused by high ion concentration and is not susceptible to disease. Watering from the top in the first 8 weeks after planting, changing the tee belt in the next 9 weeks, and stopping watering after 17 weeks of planting. Harvest the seed balls after 4-6 weeks of water stoppage. Be sure to pay attention to the amount of water when watering, not more than 20 centimeters. Ventilation management the air temperature in spring, summer and autumn is guaranteed, and the noon temperature is relatively high, so the greenhouse film and the top window can be opened in the morning, and the humidity can be adjusted in a slightly lower temperature environment to avoid drastic changes in humidity in the high temperature stage; if the winter temperature is low, heat preservation measures should be taken and ventilation should be carried out intermittently when the outside temperature is high at noon. Cut flowers can be harvested when the three flowers in the lowest part of the stem are golden, usually leaving 2-3 leaves at the base of the plant. The harvested cut flowers should be timely put into clear water for more than 2 hours, and then put into the fresh-keeping solution, placed in 6 ℃-8 ℃ cold storage room, 4-6 hours later for graded packaging. The cultivation method of palace lantern lily is planted in spring. When the ground temperature is higher than 16 ℃, it can germinate in 2-3 weeks. If the climate is cold or dormant for less than 16 weeks, we recommend budding. In a suitable environment, the plant can blossom in 45-60 days. The natural dormancy period of the lily bulb takes at least 12 weeks, but cold storage can break the dormancy. Generally speaking, the whole growth cycle takes about 20-25 weeks. If the temperature in this period is low, the growth period will be prolonged. Under the environmental conditions of high soil temperature (18-24 ℃), windproof, rain and sun exposure, the growth of palace lantern lily is the best. Recent studies have shown that high temperature will lead to growth and flowering, such as high temperature in summer will shorten the growth cycle, but the length of flower stem will be shortened accordingly, so that the number of flowers will be reduced. Therefore, we recommend that it be harvested at least 60 days later. If you plant in late winter or early spring, be sure to keep the substrate temperature in the greenhouse. Planting requires that the palace lantern lily is a temperate crop, the growth matrix is permeable, and watering should be regular. The substrate should be disinfected regularly with fungicides, preferably in a well-ventilated greenhouse. The optimum soil temperature for growth is 15-22 ℃ and the optimum temperature for growth is 12-28 ℃. More than 90% of the light can make the stems and leaves strong, and the golden bell flowers brighter. Water palace lantern lily is easily affected by high salt, especially sodium salt. This happens more easily in artificial substrates than in soil. Too high salinity will lead to water shortage. It is recommended to irrigate for 20-30 minutes a day from the 17th week after planting, and use an electrical conductivity meter to detect soil electrical conductivity regularly. The symptoms of high salinity in the plant are yellow leaves, weak growth, brown leaves or even total chlorosis. Green-lost plants are often mistaken for being susceptible. This chlorosis is more likely to be caused by high ion concentration and is not susceptible to disease. Watering from the top in the first 8 weeks after planting, changing the tee belt in the next 9 weeks, and stopping watering after 17 weeks of planting. The seed balls were harvested after 4-6 weeks of water suspension. The growth cycle takes 9-12 weeks from planting to flowering and 21-25 weeks from planting to harvesting bulbs. The above planting guidelines are based on the experience of New Zealand and are for reference only. Due to different climatic conditions, please adjust measures to local conditions. The mode of reproduction of palace lantern lilies can be propagated by seeds and then grow into small bulbs or forked bulbs. After pollination, each flower stem of Gongdeng lily can bear 812 capsules, and each capsule has about 50ly70 seeds. Because its seeds have deep dormancy mechanism, the germination rate is very low; gibberellin treatment can increase its germination rate by 20%. After germination, the seed can grow into a 2-gram race ball after germination, and it will take another 2 years to develop a commercial ball for cut flower cultivation. Usually, seed reproduction is troublesome and takes about two years, because the seed skin is hard, dormancy is deep, and layers of broken shells are needed to grow. And in the first growing season, the bulbs produced by seeds are generally very small (only 2-3 grams) and cannot be used to grow export cut flowers. The bulb that can grow normally needs at least 5 grams. Generally, the heavier the bulb, the higher the plant growth, the more bell-shaped flowers will bloom (average 8-12 flowers per plant). When Gongdeng lily propagates with seed ball, two new bulbs can be produced with two growing points in each bulb. the seed ball produced by this method is larger, but the reproduction rate is lower, and the secondary ball often grows in the growth and development of the bulb. the secondary ball is easy to break away from the ball during excavation or manual treatment, resulting in the loss of the growing point and germination ability of the ball. Because of the low multiplication rate of seed bulbs, seed reproduction is the main way to produce high quality bulbs in large quantities. Flower practice has proved that 1-2 grams of bulbs can develop normally and bloom smaller flowers. However, for sales purposes, growers usually plant bulbs of at least 5-7 grams and more than 7-10 grams, and their plants can grow to 80 centimeters. When there are 3-4 bell-shaped flowers at the bottom of the plant, they can be harvested, and the immature green flowers above them can still grow and color normally through vase. If the flowers are not cut, when the flowers are fully mature, they can bear seeds (about 50-70 seeds per flower). It is worth noting that pollination of flowers can be affected in a greenhouse or in closed shade. Disease control of palace lantern lilies ensures the right temperature and arranges regular watering, fungicides, pesticides and spraying plans. Use a support net at 35 cm above the ground to prevent the plant from toppling, and use poison bait to kill underground pests at regular intervals. Disinfect the soil and substrate for pest control and remove persistent root weeds and residual roots. Herbicides (rizolex) and fungicides (ridomil) were mixed, and herbicides (ridolex or terraclor) should be sprayed regularly 14 weeks after planting. Common diseases include Botrytis cinerea, leaf spot, root rot and so on, which are mainly controlled by planting balls and soil disinfection. During the growing period, the disease can be sprayed alternately every 7-10 days, such as carbendazim and other fungicides. The common pests are mainly underground pests such as root mites and aphids, which are controlled by phoxim and triclofenac. The distribution area of the palace lantern lily is native to South Africa, where it is rainy in summer and dry in winter at an altitude of 600 to 1200 meters. It can adapt to a wide range of temperature and light changes, so it can grow normally indoor and outdoor in temperate and subtropical regions. At present, it is a fashionable cut flower in the world, especially in New Zealand. The function and use of palace lantern lily due to the color and shape characteristics of palace lantern lily, it has become the favorite material for flower arranging artists. In the bouquet design or the use of flower arrangement, it often becomes a symbol of emphasizing texture. Cut flowers can be harvested when the lowermost 3 flowers are in full bloom, usually leaving 2-3 leaves at the base of the plant. The harvested cut flowers should be timely put into clear water for more than 2 hours, and then put into the fresh-keeping solution, placed in 6 ℃-8 ℃ cold storage room, 4-6 hours later for graded packaging. The flower arrangement and bouquet material gets its name because its shape and color is very similar to the Chinese palace lantern. When it blossoms, it is like a string of lanterns covered with branches, protruding among the green leaves, soft and colorful, and full of characteristics. The palace lantern lily is delicate in appearance, exquisite and lovely, with orange flower bell and bright green stems and leaves, which is very lovable and is an excellent material for flower arrangement and bride bouquet. The cultural background name of the palace lantern lily was first discovered by Scottish journalist and amateur botanist John Sanderson (John Sanderson) in 1851 in KwaZulu-Natal province (eastern South Africa) and named by William Jackson Hook (William Jackson Hooker) in 1853 in Curtis Botanical Journal. The adjective aurantiaca comes from Latin, meaning orange flowers (between yellow and red). Because its florescence coincides with Christmas in the southern hemisphere, it is called "Christmas bells" in English, and "Chinese Palace Lantern (Chinese LanternLily)" because the golden flowers resemble lanterns. The flower-giving etiquette makes a mini bouquet of 2 or 3 flowers, wrapped in white silk yarn and tied with a thin yellow ribbon. After putting it into the gift box, it can also be decorated with yellow ribbon knots on the lid. Market palace lantern lilies are emerging flowers in China, and bulbs can be imported from New Zealand. At present, some Chinese flower growers in Yangmingshan, Qingjing, Puli, Houli and other places can successfully breed on their own, while imports are mainly from the Netherlands, with five branches each. The wholesale price is 180 yuan. The difference between native and foreign goods is that the branches of Dutch palace lanterns are thicker and shorter. In view of the fact that most of the domestic seed balls for cut lily production are imported from abroad, and the price is high, resulting in high production cost, the Committee of Agriculture seed improvement breeding farm began to devote itself to the research on seed seedling and seed ball production of Gongdeng lily. in this paper, the problems of seed dormancy and low germination rate of Gongdeng lily were discussed. After long-term research, the seedling farm found that the use of chemicals and stratification treatment methods to treat Gongdeng lily seeds can increase the germination rate of seeds by 20%, which is conducive to the increase of reproduction rate, and make Gongdeng lily, which originally belongs to winter bulbous flowers, can also prolong its growth period and florescence in summer, which is helpful to its market promotion. Although the branches of locally produced palace lantern lilies are soft, they can bloom for up to a week in midsummer. When buying, it is better to choose the branches and leaves are green and the bud is not atrophied. The color and styling characteristics of palace lantern lilies often become a symbol of emphasizing texture. Pictures of palace lantern lilies how to raise them

Curing condition temperature of palace lantern lily

The suitable soil temperature during the growing period of Gongdeng lily is about 18-24 ℃. It should be noted that when the temperature is higher than 20 ℃, the rooting quality of Gongdeng lily will decline, so it is necessary to keep the soil temperature cool and do a good job of cooling, especially in summer. On the other hand, if the high temperature persists during the day, it will reduce the plant height, reduce the number of buds and produce the adverse effect of blind flowers. The night temperature had better not be lower than 15 ℃, otherwise it will lead to buds falling, leaves yellowing, and then reduce the ornamental value.

Lighting requirement

Lack of light will affect the formation of flower buds of lilies, but excessive light will also affect the quality of cut flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable amount of light.

During the growth period of the palace lantern lily, the corresponding shading work and supplementary light measures should be carried out according to the specific conditions to promote the healthy growth of the plant. Generally, shading is needed in the early stage of growth, which can improve the plant height to a certain extent, especially in summer, shading is essential.

A shading net can be covered around the greenhouse to block excessive light so as to avoid damage to the plant caused by the high temperature in the greenhouse.

Ventilation work

The temperature is higher at noon in spring, summer and autumn, so the greenhouse film and top window can be opened for ventilation in the morning, and the humidity can be adjusted in a slightly lower temperature environment to avoid drastic humidity changes in the high temperature stage. In winter, certain heat preservation measures should be taken to exchange air when the temperature is high at noon and ventilate intermittently.


Palace lantern lilies are easily affected by high salinity, which will lead to water shortage. It is best to irrigate for 20-30 minutes a day from the 17th week after planting. Watering was carried out from the top in the first 8 weeks after planting, the ball seat belt should be changed in the next 9 weeks, and the watering could be stopped after 17 weeks of planting. Attention should be paid to controlling the amount of water when watering to prevent stagnant water.

Soil and fertilization

The selection of fertile and loose soil matrix with good drainage can be disinfected regularly with fungicides, which is beneficial to the prevention of diseases and insect pests.

When preparing the soil, it can be sprinkled with fully mature organic fertilizer, which can be evenly mixed on the soil surface after being used as a base fertilizer, generally 30 cm thick. If the plant growth is not strong enough during the growth period, it is likely to be caused by the lack of nitrogen fertilizer, in which case available nitrogen fertilizer can be applied. Soil topdressing is generally 2-3 times, foliar topdressing can be once a week. Remember to wash the plant after topdressing to prevent burning the leaves.

Breeding methods of Palace Lantern Lilium

Seed reproduction and bulb reproduction are generally adopted.