
Propagation method of Lilium officinalis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The seeds were collected in autumn and stored in the spring of the following year. After a week of sowing, it can germinate. After germination, it should be properly shaded to avoid direct light and burns. Generally, small bulbs grow after autumn, and the bulbs can be dug out and planted in flowerpots. A plant raised in this way may blossom in one to three years.

Sowing and reproduction

The seeds were collected in autumn and stored for sowing in the spring of the following year. After a week of sowing, it can germinate. After germination, it should be properly shaded to avoid direct light and burns. Generally, small bulbs grow after autumn, and the bulbs can be dug out and planted in flowerpots. Plants raised in this way may take one to three years to blossom.

Cuttage propagation

Dig out the bulb in autumn, break off the thick scales above the old bulb, and pay attention to the stem disk on the broken bulb. Then cut off the bulb cuttings into the flowerpot, keep the soil moist, do not be too wet in winter, pay attention to heat preservation, the following spring bulbs will grow at the bottom of the scale, you can plant separately.

The Culture method of Lilium lilium L. the breeding method of Lilium lily

Lily, also known as lily, inverted lotus, tiger skin lily, perennial herbaceous bulbous plant. Like warm, dry climate conditions, but also more resistant to sunlight. Today, I will introduce to you the breeding methods and breeding methods of lilies.

Culture methods of Lilium lilies

Lily, also known as lily, inverted lotus, tiger skin lily, perennial herbaceous bulbous plant. Like warm, dry climate conditions, but also more resistant to sunlight. It grows luxuriantly in fertile sandy soil rich in humus and well-drained soil, with well-developed bulbs and colorful flowers. Suitable for nitrogen fertilizer, bean cake, vegetable cake, farm compost and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer are the best.

In the growing period, it is necessary to loosen the soil, weed, combined with watering and fertilization for mid-ploughing. Generally, diluted liquid fertilizer was applied 3 times during the growing period to promote the growth and development of the seedlings. When the bud is about to blossom, apply 1 Mel phosphorus and potassium fertilizer twice to ensure that the seedlings have sufficient nutrition in the bud and flowering stage, which can not only make the flowers large and bright, but also promote the development of bulbs.

The north should choose a sunny shelter, while the south can plant it in a slightly shaded place. The suitable planting time is from August to September. Apply enough base fertilizer one month before planting and turn the soil deeply. Compost and plant ash can be used as base fertilizer.

Potted plants should be carried out from September to October. The cultivated soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil, sandy soil and garden soil at the ratio of 1:1:1, and the basin bottom should be fully mature compost and a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer. The planting depth is generally about 2-3 times the diameter of the bulb.

Lilium lily does not have a high requirement for fertilizer, and it is usually appropriate to apply fertilizer at the beginning of spring growth and early flowering. Some foreign growers believe that lilies need more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and should be applied every 10-15 days during the growing period, while the supply of phosphate fertilizer should be limited, because too much phosphate fertilizer will cause withered and yellow leaves. Phosphate fertilizer can be increased by 1-2 days at flowering stage.

In order to enrich the bulb, the residual flowers should be cut off in time after flowering to reduce nutrient consumption. Watering only needs to keep the pot soil moist, but it should be watered properly during the peak growing season and dry weather, and often sprinkle water around the flowerpot to improve air humidity. Pot soil should not be too wet, otherwise bulbs are easy to rot, potted lilies change pots once a year and replace them with new culture soil and base fertilizer. In addition, the flowerpot should be turned once a week during the growing period. Otherwise, the plant is easy to be too long, affecting the appearance.

The Propagation method of Lilium lily

The method of dividing plants can be used to propagate the lily. It is best to thaw the soil in February or March. Take the mother plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the excess potted soil, separate the roots as much as possible, and cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife, each with a considerable root system. and its leaves are properly pruned to facilitate survival.

The culture method of lilac 1. Soil

Codonopsis lanceolata likes acidic soil rich in humus and can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and sandy soil.

two。 Light

Convolvulus needs suitable light to grow well, the flowers are more beautiful, the sunshine in spring and autumn can meet the needs of plants, and the strong light in summer can be avoided. Shading net can be used to shade, and the sunshine in winter is short, which can be replenished artificially.

3. Temperature

Lily likes a warm environment, the suitable temperature for growth is 16-28 ℃, and it is more cold-resistant if it is afraid of high temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to spray water to cool down properly in summer, and the temperature in winter should not be lower than 2 ℃.

4. Moisture content

Curl Dan prefers to be dry, watering should be appropriate, generally to ensure that the basin soil is moist, the growth period can be properly watered, and the air is too dry can also be sprayed to keep moist.