
Hydroponic culture method of autumn water daffodil

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. First peel off the brown scale of the daffodil bulb until the ivory white part is exposed, then gently cross the upper part of the bulb, be careful not to hurt the flower bud, and soak the incision down for one night. two。 Then plant the bulb in a basin, as long as the water doesn't pass through the bulb.

1. First peel off the brown scale of the daffodil bulb until the ivory white part is exposed, then gently cross the upper part of the bulb, be careful not to hurt the flower bud, and soak the incision down for one night.

two。 Then plant the bulb into a water basin, as long as the water does not pass the bulb. Generally, the water needs to be changed every day or two, and the best growth temperature of autumn daffodils is 10-18 ℃. At this time to maintain good ventilation and adequate light. When planting indoors, we should pay attention to the growing period of autumn daffodils in the night should not be illuminated by light, generally 40-60 days can blossom.

Colchicum autumnale L. Autumn daffodils picture: how to raise autumn daffodils / how to breed autumn daffodils business card autumn daffodils Colchicum autumnale L. Introduction of Colchicum autumnale (scientific name: colchicine), belonging to the genus Colchicaceae, the alkaloid colchicine is named because it was first extracted from this plant. Autumn daffodils perennial herbs bulbous flowers. It blossoms from August to October. The bud is spindle-shaped, open like a funnel, light pink (or purplish red), dignified and beautiful, loved by people. The bulb contains colchicine, which can be used medicinally, especially for polyploid breeding. there are about 60 species of plants of the same genus, most of which only bloom in autumn without leaves, pink or crimson flowers, and draw 1-4 flowers directly from the underground stem. it has the reputation of "underground flower". Morphological characteristics of autumn daffodils Autumn Narcissus is a perennial herbaceous bulb flower with ovate bulbs and dark brown skin. The underground has an ovate bulb. The stem is very short and most of it is buried in the ground. Leaves lanceolate, ca. 30cm. Light red flowers bloom first in autumn, which is very beautiful, and linear dark green leaves grow in the following spring. It blossoms from August to October. There are 1-4 flowers per scape, buds spindle-shaped, funnel-shaped when opening, light pink (or purplish red), about 7~8cm in diameter. Stamens shorter than pistils and anthers yellow. Capsule, seeds numerous, irregularly globose, brown. There are already water-cultivated autumn daffodils. After the leaves of the autumn daffodils wither for a period of time, the pedicels grow from the ground. The distribution area of autumn daffodils originates from Europe and the Mediterranean coast. Since 1970s, China has introduced seeds and bulbs from abroad and planted them in Beijing, Lushan, Kunming and other places, and achieved good results. Gardens are often planted as rock gardens or flower beds. Due to the development of bioengineering science, the demand for colchicine is increasing, and the planting area is expanding all over the country. The garden use of autumn daffodils is suitable for mountain gardens and rock gardens, and can also be planted next to bushes or flower borders and lawns. Flowers grow near the ground with unique characteristics. The bulb can extract colchicine for medicinal use. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of autumn daffodil the medical information and health dietotherapy information of autumn daffodil are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. The medical content of Huanhua net is for reference only and cannot be regarded as professional advice. If you have any health problems, you should consult professional medical staff. Medicinal information (1) characteristics there are a variety of highly toxic alkaloids in colchicines and bulbs, mainly lycopine, alpinine and colchicine (also known as colchicine). Oral administration of 6 mg of colchicine can cause death. Colchicine is mainly used in the treatment of breast cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, skin cancer and chronic myeloid leukemia, and can also be used to alleviate the acute attack of gout. The toxic and side effects of colchicine are serious. The common symptoms after acute poisoning are severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Severe cases can cause respiratory center paralysis and death. The main manifestation of chronic toxicity is the direct inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis, which is easy to cause agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia and so on. In our country, the flowers and bulbs of autumn daffodils are commonly used to treat sciatica and arthritis, but because the dose is difficult to master, it is common for people to take this medicine, so publicity and education should be strengthened to prevent accidental ingestion and abuse. Colchicine in the human body due to hydrolysis metabolism is very fast, excretion is also very fast, so as long as the first aid measures are appropriate, acute poisoning symptoms can be quickly alleviated. Toxicological study Colchicine is a common anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of gout and psoriasis. Animal experiments have shown that the drug can inhibit the process of liver fibrosis, but the results of human trials are not significant, and there have been no studies on colchicine in preventing HCC and affecting the progression of the disease. Researchers in Mexico completed a three-year study and analyzed the history of 186 patients with liver fibrosis caused by hepatitis virus infection and found that only 9 per cent of patients treated with colchicine developed HCC after 3 years of follow-up, compared with 29 per cent of patients without colchicine. In addition, the onset of HCC in the former group was significantly later than that in the latter (colchicine could delay the progression of liver cirrhosis to HCC for an average of 72 months), and the average survival time of the former was longer than that of the latter. The researchers point out that the preventive effect of colchicine on HCC is independent of age, platelet count, α-FP and transaminase levels. Colchicine can inhibit mitosis, destroy spindles and make chromosomes stagnant in metaphase. This abnormal division caused by colchicine is called colchicine mitosis (C-mitosis). In such mitosis, although the chromosomes split longitudinally, the cells do not divide and cannot form two daughter cells, thus doubling the chromosomes. Since American scholar Blakeslee (A.F.Blakeslee) succeeded in doubling the chromosome number of Datura and other plants with colchicine in 1937, colchicine has been widely used in cytology, genetics and plant breeding. Symptoms: burning throat, diarrhea, cardiovascular collapse, raving, sensory disorders, convulsions, muscle weakness, dyspnea, even similar to arsenic poisoning, 50% of the poisoned person died, the attack time was 2-6 hours, and the death occurred within 2-3 days. The poisoned person remained awake until death. Detoxification: activated carbon therapy, gastric lavage. Note: medicinal; similar to garlic; soluble in milk, that is, milk cannot be diluted; goats are immune. Medicinal toxicity collectors often mistake the daffodils for edible bear onions, because they are very similar in appearance before flowering, and the flowers of autumn daffodils look very much like crocuses after flowering. However, the whole plant of colchicine contains the highly toxic alkaloid colchicine, in which the content of corm is the highest, so it is fatal. Colchicine can be used to treat gout, but its treatment index is very low. The symptoms of colchicine poisoning are similar to those of arsenic poisoning, and there is no antidote. Colchicine is often used to induce polyploidy in plant cells. Colchicine was used to treat sciatica and arthritis in the 19th century, and it was later found that it has a certain effect on breast cancer, cervical cancer and acute lymphocytic leukemia. In addition, colchicine (extracted from the colchicine corm) can induce the chromosome doubling of haploid plants (the doubling concentration is about 0.1-1%) to form polyploidy, which plays an extremely important role in cultivating new varieties of flowers and crops and increasing crop yields. In 2011, British scientists used autumn daffodils to develop a new drug that could kill solid tumors. Cultivation techniques of autumn daffodils cultivation management like wet, rainy and cold-resistant in winter, dry and hot environment in summer, and sandy loam with good drainage and fertile loose. Therefore, high dry and flat land should be selected for planting, and strict disinfection should be carried out before cultivation to prevent the occurrence of nematode disease, blight and rot. If underground pests such as grubs and ground tigers are found, 50% phoxim can be ditched and sprayed, or they can be culled manually or trapped with poison bait sooner or later. When it is rainy in autumn, the anther is easy to be attacked by mold and the bulb is easy to rot, so timely measures and prevention should be taken. In winter, the dug bulbs should be stored indoors for overwintering and replanted next year. When planting, the row spacing is generally 15 × 15 cm, so that it can get sufficient nutrients and light before it can grow well. It can also be propagated with seeds and small balls, and the cover soil should not be too deep, 1.5-2cm thick. The bulbs of Colchicus daffodils are scarce, and the imported bulbs are expensive. In order to accelerate the reproduction of bulbs, the mature soil was scattered on the row, and the thickness of the soil layer was increased to multiply the number of bulbs. The number of bulbs increased exponentially after continuous planting for 2 ~ 3 years. Cultivation points Narcissus is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. After carving and water culture, daffodils can be shaped into a variety of daffodils bonsai, which can be called a wonderful work in a hundred gardens. The selection of bulbs and the treatment of daffodils bulbs should pay attention to the following points: the ① sphere should be large and slightly flat, and there are 1-2 pairs of balls symmetrically on both sides of the main ball, which is fan-shaped, and the leaf buds are bright green and grow 1-2 cm long; the brown thin-film skin of the ② scale ball should be complete, shiny, spotless and mildew-free; ③ should press the daffodil ball by hand to feel the sphere strong, elastic and slightly raised. ④ has a long oval bulb with thick and broad stem disc and gives birth to more flowers. Water culture management and florescence control daffodils should be cleaned and cut before they are raised in pot water. First peel off the brown scales of the daffodils bulbs until the ivory scales are exposed. For the large bulb, the upper part should be cut longitudinally with a knife at the cross, and the depth should be limited to no injury to the flower bud (about 1 prime 3 of the bulb height). Soak in water for one day and night after cutting (if bleach is added to the water, it should be placed for 1 day before use). When soaking, make sure that the bulb is immersed in water and the incision is downward. Remove mucus, sludge, residual root and withered skin after soaking for 1 day. Then rinse with clean water until the mucus from the daffodil bulb is washed. In order to ensure the rapid growth of the root system and prevent the wound from yellowing, gauze was used to cover the bulb wound and bulb disk, and the gauze was dropped into the water to absorb water for the newly germinated root growth. Put the scale ball into the basin, add water no more than half of the sphere, and change the water once a day or two. The indoor growth temperature was controlled at 10-18 ℃. It should be well ventilated and sunny. During the growing period, daffodils should avoid lighting at night. It takes 40-60 days for daffodils to blossom. The temperature of the growth environment can be used to control the florescence of daffodils, with high temperature, early flowering, low temperature and late flowering. The period of water culture was determined according to the predicted florescence and indoor temperature. If ① plans to blossom in New Year's Day, it can start aquaculture about 30 days in advance, that is, at the beginning of December. After the bulb is boiled, expose it to the sun during the day, pour out the basin water at night, and put it in a warm room (12-15 ℃). If ② hopes to blossom during the Spring Festival, it should start aquaculture 40-50 days earlier when the indoor temperature is 12 ℃, and 30-35 days earlier when the room temperature is about 15 ℃. When flowers are in bloom a week before the scheduled flowering date, move the flowerpot to an environment of 10: 12 ℃, or exchange cold water for water to slow the flowers down. If the flower bract membrane is not ruptured one week before the expected flowering date, it can be transferred to an environment of 18-20 ℃ and replaced with mild water to accelerate growth and ensure flowering on schedule. During the flowering period, the temperature of daffodils should be controlled at 10: 12 ℃ to slow down the flowering speed and prolong the viewing time. When managing aquaculture, put the treated bulbs upright in the pebbles in the basin, and then pour into the water. The water depth is suitable to submerge the bulb chassis (1 beat of the bulb, 3 water), bask in sufficient sunlight during the day, and pour out the basin water in the evening. In order to promote large flowers, long florescence, strong leaves, when new leaves grow, foliar fertilizer can often be sprayed. 300 times compound potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 500 times Hexin liquid fertilizer, 600 times double effect micro-fertilizer or 300 times amino acid micro-fertilizer were selected respectively. The management after being put into the basin is very important. As the bulb is carved, the leaves, pedicels and bulbs are all traumatized, and the new roots do not grow, so they are easy to lose water and wilt, so they should first be placed in the shade for 2 to 3 days, and water should be sprayed on the bulbs frequently. When the wound heals gradually and the new root grows, it should be moved to a sunny place in time. In the initial stage of aquaculture, clear water must be changed every day, and the water surface should be under the wound. The ways of bulb placement are upside down, vertical, inverted and upside down. Upside down is to put the carved daffodil bulb upside down, that is, the leaves are down, and the roots are placed upside down. be sure to cover the bulb disk and root with skimmed cotton, and make the cotton droop basin to absorb water to raise roots; upside down, one side of the wound is facing down, and the uninjured bulb is facing up. Threat of extinction of the cultural background of autumn daffodils on January 18, 2008, the International Union for the Conservation of Botanical Gardens (BGCI), a group of 120 countries, said: "400 species of medicinal plants are threatened with extinction due to overexploitation and deforestation, posing a threat to the future discovery of cures for diseases." These plants include yew (paclitaxel in its bark used to treat cancer), Hoodia (from Namibia and source of weight-loss drugs), half of the Magnolia species (used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat cancer, mental decline and heart disease for thousands of years) and colchicines (used to treat gout). The Alliance also found that 5 billion people around the world have benefited from the health care role of traditional medicine. Meadow Saffron birthday flower: August6th birthday flower: simple (Easy) Autumn Narcissus have several inelegant names, such as: girls without underwear, naked women. Wait, this is mainly because its appearance is easy to associate. It won't blossom until all the leaves have withered. So its fancy language is-simplicity. The person who is blessed by this kind of flower has a simple and unartificial personality, and his body and mind is like a piece of dry white paper. In this society like a big dye vat, it has a fresh and healthy temperament. Of course, it is really a blessing from a previous life to be lucky to be a close partner of this kind of person. In ancient Christianity, there was a habit of connecting saints with specific flowers, because the church usually decorated the altar with blooming flowers when commemorating saints. After the Middle Ages, all kinds of flowers were planted in the Catholic monastery like a horticultural center. over time, the church combined 366-day saints with different flowers to form the so-called calendar. At that time, most of the monasteries were located in southern Europe, which had a Mediterranean climate, which was very suitable for planting flowers and plants, and each kind of flower had rich meaning. Methods and precautions of hydroponic culture of daffodils how to release water in hydroponic culture of daffodils

Daffodils like warm, moist and well drained. It has been cultivated in China for more than a thousand years. It is a traditional ornamental flower and is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. The carved daffodils are particularly beautiful, and then lying flat or standing upright in the basin looks so elegant. How to release water from the hydroponics of daffodils? Today, the editor of wed114 wedding network brings you the hydroponic culture methods and matters needing attention of daffodils. Let's take a look at the details.

Hydroponic culture of daffodils

When there is plenty of sunshine during the day, it should be placed in the sunny place and put back in the house at night. (it is important to pour all the water out of the basin to control the growth of the leaves.) Add fresh water the next morning and remember not to move the bulb.

At the beginning of the basin, the daffodils should change the water once a day, and then change it in 2-3 days. When she forms a bud, she can be watered once a week. Let the daffodils bloom in about 45 days, so that the flowering period can be maintained for more than a month.

Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of daffodils

Prevent "dumb flowers"

The daffodil ball is of poor quality, weak physique and small sphere.

Improper maintenance. Poor ventilation, lack of light, discomfort in changing water, etc.

The aquaculture season is inappropriate. When the temperature rises, the water is raised.

Control florescence

Water raised in autumn and winter, blooming in spring, about 40-45 days.

To prevent excessive growth

When raising in water, remove the brown capsule, cut the knife vertically and horizontally on the daffodil ball, and put it into a shallow basin for cultivation. (remember not to hurt flower buds) get enough light to avoid overgrowing leaves.