
How to plant the overlord flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to plant the overlord flower

Bawang flower is a kind of special vegetable, alias sword flower, and some people call it keel flower. It is a plant of the cactus family and is suitable for growing in tropical and subtropical climates. The main producing areas of Bawang flower in China are Guangdong and Guangxi. Bawanhua has a unique taste, with the efficacy of clearing heat and relieving cough, strengthening the body, but also has a high ornamental value. So how is this particular vegetable grown? The following is the editor to introduce to you the planting method of the overlord flower.

1. Soil and fertilizer rectification and reform

Bawanhua has strong adaptability to the environment and is not strict with the soil. However, in order to improve the economic efficiency and yield, the planting land will generally be planted in yellow loam or sandy loam with convenient drainage and irrigation, fertile soil, loose soil, sufficient light, climbing objects and convenient transportation. Bawanhua planting soil preparation is also very simple, there is no need for full reclamation or deep ploughing, only need to dig planting holes according to the distance of 2.5 meters between rows and two meters between plants, and loosen the surrounding soil. Finally, pour compost or rotten barnyard manure into the planting hole and cover it with a layer of fine soil about three centimeters thick.

2. Cuttage propagation

Bawang flower is a kind of asexual reproduction plant, we generally use the method of cutting propagation when we plant it. As the overlord flowers in many areas are slowly on the verge of extinction, so the seedlings are very expensive, so we need to be very careful when cutting, as much as possible to improve the survival rate and reduce the loss. Cutting is best in spring and autumn every year, and it is best to insert about ten centimeters into the soil when cutting, and water it to maintain the humidity in the field, and at the same time need appropriate amount of fertilizer to promote root growth.

3. Field management

If it can survive about half a month after cutting, then we need to check the survival of the seedlings in the field and replenish the seedlings in time. About a week after the planting survived, we need to apply an appropriate amount of farm fertilizer, ternary compound fertilizer, etc., and use water to water the soil thoroughly, keep the soil moist, and drain water in time in the rainy season. Water in the field should not be too much, especially stagnant water, which will cause the root of the plant to rot and die. In the first year after planting, Bawang flowers do not bloom much, and the flowers and fruits are small, so there is no need for topdressing, but from the second year, topdressing is needed at least four or five times a year, mainly ternary compound fertilizer, which is mainly sown and covered with soil after sowing to avoid loss of fertility.

4. Erection and pruning

When the overlord flower grows to about one meter, in order to avoid folding and the trunk can not bear too much weight, then it is necessary to build a bracket in time to support the growth of the branches, so as to avoid the damage of diseases and insect pests. There is a reasonable pruning of branches and leaves, when the seedlings grow to about one meter, the top bud point will be erased to promote the growth of lateral branches. The second is to cut off old branches, diseased branches and weak branches to promote the concentrated supply of nutrients to the growth of terminal buds and improve the yield and quality of Bawang flowers.

The above is the planting method of the overlord flower, in fact, this is only a relatively simple one of the overlord flower planting technology, and there are some more fine planting techniques, which will continue to be more detailed in the later period. If you are interested, you can continue to follow us.