
Conservation measures of imperial flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The first measure-soil selection The soil for planting king flowers needs loose and sandy soil with good drainage, which is conducive to the growth of king flowers. The second measure--

The first measure-soil selection

The planting soil of imperial flower needs loose and well-drained sandy soil, which is beneficial to the growth of imperial flower.

The second measure is lighting.

The imperial flower likes the environment with plenty of light, so make sure that the imperial flower has enough light and is usually placed on the balcony and in a ventilated and sunny place.

The third measure-watering

Imperial flowers like a dry environment, avoid stagnant water, so watering should be appropriate, not too much watering, so that the imperial flowers will not rot their roots.

The fourth measure-fertilization

The imperial flower does not have a high demand for fertilizer, so it is not necessary to fertilize the imperial flower often, only once during the growing period.

Well, the above is the flower language of the imperial flower. I hope the cultivation and reproduction methods of the imperial flower supplemented by the editor can help you. Thank you for your reading!

Common diseases of imperial flower and their control methods

Common diseases of imperial flowers: root rot disease manifestations of imperial flower root rot

Root rot is a disease that has a strong killing effect on imperial flowers. Caused by root rot fungi. Warm and humid climatic conditions, especially in summer, are conducive to the occurrence of the disease, which can lead to sudden death, yellowing and slow growth of plants of any age. Plants may wither when the soil is wet.

Prevention and control of flower root rot in emperors

Root rot fungi are generally caused by root rot fungi brought in the soil. Therefore, when breeding, we must first disinfect the soil and start from the source.

Once the plant is infected, be sure to carry out continuous sterilization combined with symptoms, or contact local plant protection experts for maintenance.

Common diseases of imperial flowers: leaf spot disease manifestations of imperial mosaic disease

The imperial flower suffers from leaf spot disease, with oval, long, light reddish brown spots on the leaves, green circles around them, irregular patches after expansion, and black spots on the spots.

Prevention and cure method

Remove diseased leaves in time and spray chemicals in time. It can be sprayed with 500 times of 50% topazine wettable powder.

The leaf spot disease of imperial flowers is well controlled. After cutting off the diseased leaves, spraying chemicals can be used to control the disease. But must be dealt with in time, can not be covered with 50% of the leaves before taking measures, it is too late to repent.

Root rot and leaf spot of imperial flowers are easy to appear in summer, so summer maintenance measures must be in place. Strengthen ventilation, keep the growth environment cool and comfortable, check more plants, and carry out necessary sterilization and disinfection.

Guidelines for the conservation of courtyard flowers in January

January is the lowest and coldest month of the year, with a monthly average temperature of-4.5 ℃ (Beijing) to 4.2 ℃ (Shanghai). The potted ornamental plants that can be displayed in the courtyard in the north must be particularly hardy. Among them, woody ornamental plants are: White bark pine, spruce, Japanese fir, Huashan pine, Japanese five-needle pine, black pine, brocade pine, southern bamboo, wolfbone holly, melon seed yellow poplar, big leaf yellow poplar, yew, Torreya grandis, Luohan pine, round cypress, emerald cypress, real cypress, Platycladus orientalis, dragon cypress, Shu juniper, firethorn, wax plum (blooming), ginkgo, plum blossom, Budi coconut, European palm, palm, Chilean coconut, coconut. Washington palm trees, etc. The southern region can display: Banyan tree, cycad, Canadian jujube, long spike brown, silver sea jujube, palm bamboo, silver bauhinia, silver birch, ten meritorious services, star anise gold plate, Sakuran peach leaf coral, silver tooth palm and so on. In less cold areas such as Jiangnan, some grass flowers can also be displayed, such as one-leaf orchid, tequila, auspicious grass, kale, daisies, pansy, calendula and so on. Whether it is woody ornamental plants or herbaceous ornamental plants, outdoor display should ensure that the basin soil does not freeze, and do a good job of anti-freezing and heat preservation.

Propagation of flowers in the courtyard

1. Sowing if there is a double-layer plastic greenhouse with good moisturizing performance in the courtyard, asparagus, orchid, begonia, cyclamen, winter coral, paulownia, African chrysanthemum, pansy, marigold, dry gold lotus, goldfish grass, balsam flower, flower rhombus, etc., but it is required to ensure that the temperature in the shed can meet the minimum temperature requirements for seed germination and seedling growth of different kinds of flowers. As long as the local old land is not frozen this month, the woody ornamental plants that can be sown in the courtyard are: peony, safflower oil tea, seven-leaf tree, disease-free seed, camphor, privet, lobular privet, du ying, wisteria, palm, Qingtong, pond fir, fire thorn, heather, wood heather, sweet-scented osmanthus, Michelia, rose (Elizabeth), rich seed, wolfbone holly, Chinese tallow, Luanmu and so on. Note that before sowing, in order to prevent underground pests from harming seeds, a small amount of tea seed cake, tobacco powder or pesticide carbofuran can be sprinkled.

2. Cutting in simple plastic greenhouse or double-layer plastic greenhouse with good moisturizing performance this month. The ornamental plant species that can be cut are: Jasmine, pearl orchid, geranium, inverted golden bell, Belgian rhododendron, triangular plum, umbrella grass, gemstone flower, jade leaf, bergamot, stone lotus, epiphyllum, arrow lotus, cold water flower, shrimp clothing grass, golden lotus, ground rooting, longevity flower, dragon spitting pearl, goose palm wood, rubber tree, Ruixiang, red back cinnamon, Guangdong evergreen, eight immortal flowers, Zhu Jiao, Fusang, four seasons begonia, bamboo crabapple, bamboo crabapple, Ash (African jasmine), banyan tree, golden peach leaf coral, etc. Open field or mulch in the courtyard this month The ornamental plant species that can be propagated by cutting are: plum blossom (palace powder, green calyx, etc.), red leaf plum, rose (Elizabeth, Fenghua, Liana, etc.), Wintersweet (with heel), Spiraea, yellow poplar, thick skin incense, ten konglao, pomegranate, silver bud willow, Luohansong, June snow, fragrant incense, hypericum, Admiralty, spring welcome, snow spray, Jasminum, gardenia, crape myrtle, golden leaf privet, red leaf Berberis and so on. The cutting substrate can be either general sandy soil or the mixture of vermiculite and river sand.

3. Grafting in the southern region, if the room temperature in the greenhouse can be kept above 20 ℃, Camellia oleifera or Camellia oleifera can be used as rootstocks to cut off a single bud and peel and stick small camellias, moisturizing with plastic bags, the survival rate is higher; 1-2-year-old seedlings of Acer truncatum are used as rootstocks, red maple and feather maple are grafted with inflatable bags; annual apricots and plums are used as rootstocks to cut and propagate excellent varieties of plum blossoms Elizabeth or wild rose was used as rootstock to cut and propagate superior varieties of rose; in Guangzhou area, lime was used as rootstock to propagate tangerine and kumquat between Lesser Cold and Greater Cold, and the survival rate was higher.

4. The ornamental plant species that can be propagated under low pressure this month are: purple magnolia, camellia, wax plum, plum blossom, brocade, gardenia, pedicel begonia, vertical silk begonia, Xifu begonia, real cypress, emerald cypress, snowball, Qionghua, spring welcome, golden bell, eight immortal flowers, hemp leaf hydrangea, red maple, smile, four seasons cinnamon, eight laurel, French holly, Hua ash wood and so on.

5. The herbaceous ornamental plants that can be propagated this month are: onion orchid, Ophiopogon japonicus, Ophiopogon japonicus, craygrass, auspicious grass, hairpin, purple calyx, Jian Lan, Chunlan, Cymbidium, Chrysanthemum, Suzuki, Saxifraga, Magnolia, Iris, pineapple, Magnolia, Magnolia, Iris, pineapple, Magnolia, Magnolia, Chimonanthus, Amorphophallus, Guanyin, Anthurium, Guanyinlian, Guanyinlian Many green emperors and so on. It is worth noting that for the ramets of some cold-resistant flower species, it is best to be carried out in a plastic greenhouse with good thermal insulation performance, so as to avoid freezing damage. The woody ornamental plant species that can be divided this month are: Phyllostachys pubescens, Hypericum, Aristolochia angustifolia, eight Immortals, Bauhinia, Spiraea, Snow spray, Cinnamomum, Begonia, Brown Bamboo, Golden Finch, Golden Bell, Jasmine, Gardenia, Magnolia, sisal, Phoenix Bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens, French holly, Bauhinia, Ditang, Jasmine, Pearl Orchid and so on. It should be noted that cold-resistant species can only be divided in the greenhouse.

Management of flowers planted in courtyard

1. Transplanting in areas where the weather is not too cold, the species of grass flowers that can be transplanted and planted in the courtyard are: carnation, kale, calendula, daisies, etc.; in the colder areas in the north, carnation, primroses, calendula, goldfish grass and pansy can be planted in the pot first, put in the greenhouse, and then transferred to the outside of the shed or planted in the courtyard after the return of air in spring. Due to the particularly cold weather this month, some evergreen trees, such as camphor, French holly, privet, du ying, Schima superba, magnolia, sweet-scented osmanthus, and so on, can continue to be transplanted according to conventional methods in the south of the Yangtze River, while in the north of the Yangtze River, measures such as intensity shearing, bringing soil balls, section sealing wax, trunk rope wrapping or binding plastic film moisturizing can ensure the normal survival of the trees. This month, most deciduous shrubs and green trees can be transplanted and planted in the courtyard. Such as hibiscus, pomegranate, bauhinia, begonia, ginkgo, maple, wax plum, plum blossom, white magnolia, purple magnolia, free from disease, Lingxiao, Linden, Liriodendron, green peach, tallow, red spiraea, incense, rose, rhododendron plum, dragon claw and so on. This month, we can also combine afforestation and land preparation in forestry to collect wild tree stumps, such as elm, sparrow plum, triangular maple, wisteria, wintersweet, Elaeagnus angustifolia, wolfbone holly, oak, Yingrihong, southern bamboo, etc., after giving strength shearing, carry out shallow burial and high cultivation, and cover grass curtain to prevent cold, which can be used to make tree stump bonsai after survival.

2. Pruning hedges, balls and flowering shrubs that have not been pruned in December should continue to be pruned. According to the different growth characteristics and tree shape requirements of flowering shrubs in the base area, different standards are adopted, which generally require cutting off disease and insect branches, thin and weak branches, dead branches, shrinking long branches and disordered branches, so as to make the flowers and trees tend to be beautiful in appearance and light in the inner chamber. Hedges, green walls, color blocks, etc., continue to be trimmed in accordance with the requirements of straight lines, flat faces and angular angles, while the pruning of balls and other geometric plants requires smooth curved surfaces and flat straight faces. The pruned branches and leaves should be concentrated and burned and can be used to make farm manure.

3. Watering for ornamental plants such as flowers and shrubs transplanted in late autumn and early winter last year, attention should be paid to watering management, which can be watered every 7 to 10 days. If there is more dust on the leaves, the canopy can be sprayed at noon in fine weather. It should be noted that the leaves had better be dried in the afternoon to prevent water droplets from remaining on the leaves, otherwise they would encounter a special low temperature in the early morning of the next day and frost or freeze on the leaves, which would cause a certain degree of damage to the leaves. In order to prevent water evaporation near the plant, rice straw can also be covered within a radius of 1 to 1.5 meters around the tree canopy after watering, which can not only keep moisture, but also protect the root system.

4. fertilizing the southern region, for the grass flowers transplanted in late autumn and early winter, such as carnation, cherry cherry, Fu Lukao, daisy, pansy, calendula, etc., as long as the temperature is not too low, we can continue to apply low concentration dilute liquid fertilizer to promote its normal vegetative growth. For the flowers and trees planted in the courtyard that have not yet completed winter fertilization, such as sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, plum blossom, wax plum, rose, crape myrtle, bauhinia, pomegranate, begonia, Michelia, magnolia, Yingchun, golden bell, hypericum, broad-leaf ten meritorious fruits, Phyllostachys pubescens, pyracantha, etc., we should lose no time in digging ring grooves around their roots and burying appropriate amount of compound fertilizer or cake fertilizer. Generally, 1 to 2 jin of compound fertilizer or 1 jin of dry cake fertilizer can be applied per plant to meet the needs of sustained growth in that year.

5. For pest control, the litter of cut flowers and trees should be centrally burned; at the beginning of this month, for the species of south trees moving northward, the trunk should be bundled with grass rope as soon as possible to keep the bark from freezing; for thick flowers and trees that have not yet been whitened, it should also be completed at the beginning of the month; cleaning up the weeds and leaves in the courtyard and burying them centrally can significantly reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the coming year. Plant ash can be applied to remove the overwintering aphids on the plant, and the egg blocks and pupae found on the tree trunk should also be scraped off in time.

6. at the beginning of this month, the plots in the courtyard that are going to be used for cutting, sowing and planting this year should seize the time to dig, and at the same time, cake fertilizer, pond mud, barnyard manure and so on should be applied to reduce the harm of underground pests to sowing seedlings after freezing. The harm of underground pests to sowing seedlings can be reduced, and the free space under big trees should also be dug, so that the occurrence of diseases and insect pests can be reduced.

7. Prepare fertilizer to dry the litter, leaves and weeds cleared from the courtyard, accumulate with the garden soil, ignite and burn, and form a fire-irrigated soil that can be used for sowing and covering soil or preparing potted soil; put vegetable cake, bean cake, chicken droppings and pigeon dung into the tank, add water and seal fermentation, in preparation for watering potted flowers, bonsai and ground flowers. Pig manure, chicken urine and cake fertilizer are mixed with pond mud and garden soil, which can be used to prepare culture soil or to be used as topdressing for flowers and trees.

8. There are not many seeds that can be harvested this month, only those ornamental plant species whose fruits can store branches for a long time, such as Phyllostachys pubescens, Firethorn, holly, rich seeds, lobular privet, privet, red maple and so on. The seeds should be treated in time after harvest, and sand storage should be given to accelerate germination in preparation for sowing between March and April. The mature asparagus, magnolia and winter coral in the simple greenhouse are sown as they are picked.

9. Check the seeds stored in sand this month, including Magnolia, Michelia, Magnolia, heather, holly, etc., to see if the seeds are moldy. If mildew occurs, rinse in time and replace clean river sand storage; if the seeds are found to be dry, they should be given appropriate spray humidification; if some seeds are found to be white, sow in time and cover with plastic film to keep warm and moisturizing. Check the root of Dahlia and the underground stem of canna stored indoors to prevent mildew.

Management of potted flowers in courtyard

1. Watering pines and cypresses that are not afraid of cold and potted plants such as ginkgo, wax plum and plum blossoms placed in the courtyard should be watered around noon every half month to keep the basin soil moist without causing ice on the basin. For potted flowers and trees that have been moved to a simple greenhouse, such as plum blossom, camellia, tea plum, Ruixiang, Belgian rhododendron, etc., because their stems are in the expansion or early blooming stage, in addition to watering the potted soil, attention should also be paid to spraying water on branches and leaves to create a humid environment. For foliage plants shelved in the greenhouse, basin soil watering should also be controlled, the foliage can be sprayed once a week around noon, and the water temperature should be basically the same as that of the greenhouse to prevent damage to leaves and roots.

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