
The main points of making firethorn bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Piles are used in the south and cuttings are used in the north. 1. Pile picking: first of all, make preparations before digging, prepare branch shears, handsaws, knives, small shovels, large and small plastic bags or other packing bags. Choose the species with graceful posture, small branches and leaves, strong germination and resistance to pruning, easy potting and long life.

Piles are used in the south and cuttings are used in the north.

1. Pick piles:

First of all, make preparations before digging, prepare branch shears, handsaws, knives, small shovels, large and small plastic bags or other packing bags. Choose the species with graceful posture, small branches and leaves, strong germination and resistance to pruning, easy potting and long life.

two。 Pile repair:

Once in place, strong cut, trim roots, branches and wounds, seal.

3. Planting:

For firethorn preparation after disinfection loose soil, planting should pay attention to the deep burying can be.

4. Cuttings:

We are all too familiar with the method of plant cutting. for Hippophae rhamnoides, cutting can be carried out all the four seasons. Firethorn bonsai usually takes four years to take shape and six years to become scenery. Of course, we can't help but take good care of them.

5. Trim:

Cutting off the old and weak branches is beneficial to the growth of Pyracantha. Hippophae rhamnoides has strong germination, rapid growth and resistance to pruning. It is not suitable for pruning in winter. We can prune it in spring, summer and autumn.

6. Choice of flowerpots:

Firethorn basin is more fastidious, because the pyracantha plant is low, the fruit is bright red, the leaf is emerald green, more dark shallow basin collocation, both beautiful and suitable for its growth. It is better to change the soil once a year.

Key points of production, maintenance and management of firethorn bonsai

Hippophae rhamnoides, also known as torch fruit, belongs to the Rosaceae evergreen shrub, beautiful tree shape, full of white flowers in early summer, like snow branches. After the flower bears a spherical fruit, the autumn fruit turns red, and thousands of red fruits are dazzling, brilliant and spectacular, hanging until spring. Firethorn old pile is honest and simple, young trees are vigorous and beautiful, steady and dignified, natural into the painting, do not have a charm. Firethorn is one of the excellent tree species for making bonsai.

First, advantages:

1 the tree shape is beautiful, the plant is low, the branches are dense, and the leaves are small.

2 elegant and unrestrained, dignified and beautiful, unique charm

(3) the red fruit is dazzling and the hanging time is long.

4 Cuttage in four seasons, easy to propagate

5 strong germination, rapid growth and resistance to pruning

Second, habits:

1 like loose, fertile and breathable slightly acidic soil

(2) A high temperature and humidity environment with long wedding sun and good ventilation, but no stagnant water

(3) controlling water during florescence to facilitate fruit setting.

(4) it is easy to produce horizontal and oblique branches with good shape.

Third, the main points of production: pile picking in the south and cutting in the north.

1 pile picking: conventional method.

2 pile repair: once in place, strong cutting, trimming roots, branches and wounds, sealing.

3 planting: loose soil disinfection, medium and deep cultivation.

(4) Cuttage: conventional method, all seasons. It usually takes four years to take shape and six years to become a scene. The shaping of skillful cuttings is faster.

5 pruning: conventional method, cutting dry and storing branches. Pyracantha has strong germination, rapid growth and resistance to pruning, and can be carried out frequently except in winter.

6 climbing: the branches of Hippophae rhamnoides are crossed and oblique, so it is easy to climb. In the early stage, pull up the skeleton, fix the main branch, and thicken it.

7 use pot: because the fire thorn plant is low, the bright green is full of branches, the white flower is full of trees, the red fruit is numerous, use the dark shallow pot more. Change the basin once a year.

Fourth, the key points of maintenance:

(1) large fertilizer and large water management during pile cultivation, and the forming period and florescence should be controlled according to the situation.

2 New Year's Day after picking the fruit, in order to dormancy and preserve nutrition, conducive to the next year's growth and flowering and hanging fruit.

(3) pay attention to thinning flowers and picking fruits and control the annual phenomenon of Pyracantha.

(4) pay attention to cutting off long branches and steep long branches to promote fruiting mother branches. And make the mother branch distribution reasonable, in order to enjoy after flowering.

(5) pruning mainly, Raza as the auxiliary.

Hippophae rhamnoides bonsai production and pictures of Hippophae rhamnoides alias torch fruit, life-saving grain, Chiyangzi, Doujin Niang, water rubbing seed, Rosaceae, Firethorn genus, plant height of 1 to 3 meters, leaves Obovate, bright green, compound corymbose inflorescences, white flowers. The fruit is round, the ripe fruit is bright red, it does not wither after frost, and the red fruit hangs branches until the following spring. The summer sun is hot and the snow-white flowers are in full bloom. In the courtyard or bedroom, such as snow jade firethorn flowers to add a cool. Winter snow, and firethorn green branches and green leaves, fruit red as fire, warm and lovely. The root, stem, branch, flower and fruit of Hippophae rhamnoides have high ornamental value. It is an excellent plant for watching flowers in spring and fruit in winter. Firethorn is distributed in Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces and regions. All belong to 10 species, 7 species are produced in China, and many excellent cultivated varieties have been cultivated abroad. The production and cultivation methods of firethorn bonsai: first, the source of seedlings. The seedling source of firethorn bonsai can be propagated by sowing and cutting. Sowing can be sowed in spring after budding in early spring. Cutting, can be in spring February-March, choose 2012 stout branches, cut 10-15 cm long segments as cuttings, cut along with cutting. Can also be in the plum rain season for tender cuttings, so easy to survive. The nurtured seedlings are usually 3-4 years before they can bear fruit. In order to make it take shape as soon as possible, hardwood cuttings with fruit can be selected, and fruit cuttings are usually carried out in summer. Choose vermiculite, sand or sawdust as substrate and disinfect before insertion. Second, modeling. Firethorn bonsai should adopt the modeling method of coarse binding and fine cutting, which is generally carried out in autumn. first, the trunk is roughly tied into different forms such as oblique stem or lying dry with iron wire or brown wire, and then it is cultivated for a period of time, and then the pile landscape layer is trimmed and shaped according to the design, so that the whole tree shape is clear and elegant. Firethorn basin is very fastidious, in order to set off its red fruit, generally use white, light blue, light green or light yellow and other light color, cold bonsai basin. Third, maintenance. Hippophae rhamnoides likes to be wet and fat, and likes a climate with sufficient light, good ventilation and warm and humid climate. Pyracantha is resistant to barren, and the temperature can be as low as 0 ℃-5 ℃ or less. Hippophae rhamnoides has developed root system, fast branching, rapid growth, resistance to pruning and flat binding. The best soil for firethorn bonsai is the fatter garden soil or the surface soil in the mountain forest, and the mature base fertilizer, fine sand and cultivated soil can also be used. The firethorn had better turn the basin once a year. Turn the basin to choose late autumn or early spring, that is, after stopping the growth of new shoots or before they begin to grow. For the fire thorn without hanging fruit, the pot can be changed all the year round. No matter when you change the soil, you should stay in the soil, cut off the long roots, do not nest the roots, and install the basin quickly so as not to affect the growth. Firethorn bonsai is particularly afraid of drying and is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. The disease mainly comes from external invasion or basin soil, including fungal infection, black rot and powdery mildew, especially powdery mildew. The main control methods are carbendazim, topiramate and other fungicides, mainly spraying branches and leaves and irrigating roots. Usually placed in a ventilated and clean environment, sufficient light, exuberant growth, can reduce the incidence. Aphids are the most common pests of Firethorn. The method of prevention and control is to spray trichlorfon and emulsified dimethoate in time. Generally spray in the afternoon, at least every three days, more than three times can be cured, but also can be found along with the spray.

Cultivation and management of firethorn bonsai Firethorn belongs to Rosaceae, Firethorn genus. Evergreen shrub with spiny branches alternate leaves and small white flowers and red or yellow fruit. Distributed in the Yangtze River Basin and its southern provinces. Hippophae rhamnoides is loved by bonsai lovers and viewers because of its resistance to barren, pruning, easy survival, fast shaping, evergreen all the year round and long hanging time. First, there are generally three kinds of pile sources for excavating firethorn bonsai, namely, sowing, cutting and mountain mining. The pile material of sowing and cutting is formed slowly, and it is necessary to make early preparation. The old pile dug in the mountain field is simple, Qiu qu, natural and fast. This paper only discusses the method of making bonsai because of the old piles dug in the mountains. Firethorn can be picked all the year round, and spring is the best. When mining, choose sturdy, curved changes, good branches, people cut animals after stepping on the natural tip, beautiful roots and claws of pile mining, gray-white bark and not strong old pile is not easy to survive, try not to dig. More beard roots should be left when mining, robust piles can survive without soil, and the roots and branches of pile blanks should be left one more section on the mountain to prevent damage to the incision during transportation, and then cut in place before planting. Pile blanks dug in dry weather should be moisturized. Pile blanks without dirt can also be soaked in clean water for several hours before planting. Before planting, the large incisions of the roots and branches of the pile billet should be smeared with clean yellow mud mixed with auxin, and the branch incisions should be covered with black plastic film after foaming, so as to promote wound healing and prevent moisture evaporation and future exposure to crack. Use slightly acidic, loose and breathable rotten leaf soil or garden soil when planting. The basin can be used with soil basin, purple sand basin or cement basin. Choose a larger and deeper basin, and then transplant it to a suitable ornamental basin after shaping. After planting, pour enough water to fix the root. Those dug in summer are maintained in a shady place, and those dug in spring, autumn and winter are preserved in a place facing the leeward to the sun, covering and moisturizing with transparent plastic bags with piles and pots, and check the basin soil once in a while to ensure that the basin soil is moist. When the temperature in the bag is high on a sunny day, it is necessary to properly shade and cool the new buds to prevent them from burning out, and there are new buds where the new buds grow to more than an inch and need new shoots. Choose a time when it is cloudy and rainy for several consecutive days, open the plastic bag to train the seedlings, shade the dry sunny day, and spray water to the pile head to moisturize to prevent the bud from shrinking. After the survival of the new pile, do not rush to wipe the bud, the new bud will evaporate more water, which can promote the rooting of the pile blank. When the new pile is fully survived after autumn, the extra buds will be erased. Third, the pruning of pyracantha is mainly pruned in the first two years and mainly by scissors after shaping. The new branches of the new pile in that year are not trimmed, and the branches that grow very well can be bent according to the requirements of modeling in order to prevent them from breaking in the future. when pruning the next year, the branches are first tied up according to the requirements of modeling and then trimmed, and the branches that need to be thickened and grown are not trimmed, and then stored for another year. It should be noted that the branches with large incisions should not have new branches only on one side, so as to prevent the branches from shrinking due to the gradual withering of the branches on one side. The shape of firethorn should take into account the characteristics of pile billet and firethorn, leaving branches can not be too dense, too dense opaque and opaque. Hippophae rhamnoides takes shape quickly and can be basically formed in 3-4 years. New branches of Hippophae rhamnoides grow in spring, summer and autumn. In order to keep the crown width of bonsai basically unchanged, it is necessary to prune and pick buds frequently. When pruning plants that do not hang fruit in autumn, cut off steep long branches, weak branches and overdense branches, leaving branches that can blossom and bear fruit, and make sure that hanging fruit branches can enjoy sufficient light. The tree type after pruning in late autumn is the tree type that hangs fruit in the following year, because as soon as the new branches grow in the next year, they will blossom and bear fruit. If they are not cut in autumn, the flowers of the following year will bloom on the front branches, and then the fruit branches will be cut off. The new branches that grow after hanging fruit on the branches can be cut off at any time to keep the crown width of the plant unchanged, and the hanging fruits are all in the outer layer of the crown width. After the fruit is red, the ornamental effect is the best. Fourth, how to make the leaves and fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides beautiful, and the ornamental effect is good? It is important to master the growth characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides and to maintain it scientifically and carefully. 1. Illumination: Firethorn is a sunny tree species. Whether the firethorn bonsai can be cultivated well or not is directly related to the time it takes to receive light. Therefore, the plant should be maintained in full sunshine throughout the year, especially in autumn, to make the plant strong and form flower buds. The maintenance ground should not be too wet, and the roof is a good place to maintain firethorn bonsai. 2. Thinning flowers and fruits: unformed plants should remove buds when blooming, do not let them hang fruit, plant growth slows down after hanging fruit, which will prolong the forming time of plants. When Hippophae rhamnoides blossoms, it is necessary to prevent strong winds and waterfalls. When the buds are damaged, the number of hanging fruits will be reduced. If it is not influenced by the outside world, it usually bears as many flowers as it blossoms. If you hang too many fruits, you should properly remove some of the fruits to ensure that the plants are strong and make the needed fruits full and large. 3. Change the soil: Pyracantha grows fast, consumes a lot of water after hanging the fruit, and the conservation ground is in the place where the light is long, so the roots grow very fast. the nutrition consumption in the basin soil is also fast, and if the soil is not changed for a long time, the roots will grow full of pot apparatus, and the nutrition in the basin soil will be exhausted or single, resulting in poor plant growth. The solution is to change the soil twice depending on the amount of soil and plant growth in 1-2 years, and the time of soil change is from late spring to early autumn. If it is too early, it will affect flowering and fruiting, and if it is too late, the plant will not grow many new roots through the winter, and it will also affect plant flowering. When changing the soil, the basin soil should not be too wet. after the plant is taken out, cut off the roots and rotten roots near the edge and bottom of the basin, remove 2/3 of the old soil, change the soil for loose, breathable and fertile rotten leaf soil or garden soil, and pour enough water at once. 4. Fertilization: Hippophae rhamnoides blossom more, hang fruit for a long time, and hang fruit more, nutrition consumption is fast, from the spring sprouting, fertilizer should be applied every 15 ~ 30 days. The fruit ripens gradually in autumn, and the amount of fertilizer needs to increase, and the plants that do not hang fruit should also increase the amount of fertilizer in order to lay the foundation for the next year, so the density of fertilization should be increased appropriately in autumn, once every 10 seconds and 20 days, as long as the plant does not stop growing after autumn, appropriate fertilization should be applied. Fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium, and less inorganic fertilizer. 5. Watering: Hippophae rhamnoides is drought-resistant and not moisture-resistant. When watering, it is basically carried out according to the method of no dry and no watering, and then watering thoroughly. There are few roots in the newly changed soil, so the basin soil should be kept moist and not too dry. Watering in summer and autumn depends on the fruit of the plant, the hanging fruit can not be too dry, too dry and easy to drop fruit, but also see dry and wet. Unfruited plants can be properly dried, but do not dry until the twigs wilt, too dry will lead to a large number of fallen leaves, resulting in poor ornamental effect. 6. Pest control: insect pests that endanger Pyracantha include shell insects, aphids, diseases such as powdery mildew, soot disease, etc. Shell insects were buried in basin soil with carbofuran, aphids were sprayed 1000 times as much as 40% omethoate, powdery mildew and soot were controlled with Bordeaux solution or carbendazim.

Miniature firethorn bonsai with dense white flowers in early summer and bright red fruit in autumn, it is not only a famous ornamental fruit tree, but also a good material for bonsai production. Generally speaking, the production of large-scale firethorn bonsai takes a long time, slow shaping, time-consuming and labor-consuming. However, using firethorn branch cuttings with fruit to make miniature bonsai saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and the time is short, only three or four months, the effect is quick, and has high economic benefits. The key to the process lies in the cutting propagation of Hippophae rhamnoides with fruit branches, and the specific operation methods are as follows: first, after the female parent chooses a good female parent, it is not pruned every winter to strengthen maintenance and management, promote its growth and luxuriant, flowers and fruits are dense. Second, the cutting time in June and July, the fire thorn fruit has been formed, at this time cutting, high temperature, high humidity, easy to manage, easy to root. Third, cuttings are cut according to the shape of small and miniature bonsai. If the production of single-dry or double-dry type, then use biennial stout branches with branches; jungle type can be cut with current year's soft branches, both of which need to bring fruit. The cuttings vary in length 5-15cM, the lower part of the branch is cut off, the lower part of the branch is cut off, and the upper part is retained. 4. as it is difficult for biennial branches to take root in the seedling bed, they should be cut into the cutting bed with all-day automatic spraying equipment as far as possible. Because of its exuberant growth, strong healing ability and fast rooting, the soft branch is easy to insert, such as rice chaff ash, pure river sand or cultivated soil. 5. The cuttage method uses bamboo slices thicker than cuttings to cut holes in advance to prevent damage to the cortex at the base of the cuttings. When cutting, it is appropriate to use the cuttings length of 1x3murl and 2people soil, and then slightly press the soil and water it once. 6. Management after cutting due to high temperature and sufficient light in June and July, shade should be set up at the beginning, and attention should be paid to watering and foliar spraying to increase cutting substrate and air humidity. Nanjing area is in the plum rain season, the rain period is long and the rainfall is too much, so it is necessary to cover the insert bed with plastic film to prevent Rain Water from causing the base of the cuttings to rot. About half a month can take off the bamboo curtain to accept the sun in the morning and evening, and still need to be covered at noon. When the root length is 2-4cm, fresh water fertilizer can be applied every ten days. During this period, the cuttings should constantly pick out the heart and fold the tip. It can be planted in the basin in early October, tied up, trimmed, and modeled according to your own requirements. The fruit begins to turn red in the last ten days until it is ripe. In this way, a small and exquisite pot of firethorn miniature bonsai with red and green fruit has been made successfully. Placed on palms, desks and several planes, it is quite distinctive and lovely. Fire thorn bonsai how to safely spend the winter fire thorns like light, adapt to big fertilizer, flood, avoid waterlogging. It can survive the winter in the temperate and subtropical climate. However, its roots can only withstand low temperature in a short time (below 0 ℃), so it is easy to cause plant death due to root freezing in winter. The frost injury was not obvious at that time, and the new buds withered and the branches shrunk after the beginning of spring, resulting in death. In winter, because the growth of plants is in a dormant state, the transpiration of water is greatly reduced, such as too much watering, a large amount of water accumulated in the basin, with the change of air temperature, it is easy to cause ice in the basin and make plants die. Therefore, acid sandy soil with good permeability and permeability should be selected and the amount of watering should be controlled to make Hippophae rhamnoides pass the winter safely. In winter, do not put firethorn bonsai in a heated room, because in such a temperature, the plant will sprout ahead of time and consume nutrients, so that the plant can survive the winter safely without sufficient nutrients. If the shallow basin, taking into account the winter, you can use a large basin set of small basin (shallow basin) method, between the two basins filled with thermal insulation material or soil, in order to maintain the temperature in the small basin. In addition, in the autumn growing period, we should strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, increase the nutrient accumulation of the plant, make its vitality more exuberant and improve the ability of cold resistance.

Growing fire thorn bonsai key points fire thorn bonsai evergreen all the year round, compact plant type, luxuriant branches and leaves, you can watch not only leaves, flowers, but also fruit, so it is favored by bonsai lovers. In order to cultivate firethorn bonsai well, we must grasp the following elements. First of all, we must understand the physiological characteristics and growth conditions of Pyracantha. Hippophae rhamnoides likes to be wet and fat, likes adequate light, and likes a well-ventilated and warm and humid climate. It has developed root system, like big fat and big water, fast branching, rapid growth, resistance to pruning and pruning, many flowers and fruits, yellow after initial green, red when ripe, the whole red fruit can cover almost all leaves, and does not fall throughout winter and spring, and the viewing period is as long as half a year. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure proper water and fertilizer, wet between dry and dry, adequate sunshine and good ventilation, so that firethorn bonsai can grow normally. Second, the seasonal management of cultivating firethorn bonsai. Hippophae rhamnoides plants after hibernation, because of many fruits, long fruit period, early germination and other characteristics, help to pick fruit in time to replenish fertilizer. Picking fruit is a necessary condition for a large number of flowers and fruits next year. If the fruit is left on the plant, it can even remain unchanged until May and June of the following year, which not only consumes a lot of nutrition of the plant itself, but also is not conducive to flowering and fruit setting in the same year. Timely replenishment of nutrients is another condition for strong spring buds and exuberant growth. Generally speaking, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied timely in summer. Better wet than dry. Even if you do it once, if the branches and leaves lose water seriously, it will kill the plant and waste all your previous efforts. In autumn, we should continue to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote fruit ripening and coloring. Can be watched indoors in winter, requiring ventilation, the temperature should not be too high, the temperature should not be too high, the sun is sufficient, otherwise leaves will fall, winter buds will be sent or excessive dehydration will die. It is best to apply solid fertilizer to the basin. If you spend the winter outdoors, you should avoid the dry wind and cause injury. As long as the basin soil is dry and wet properly, a low temperature of about-10 ℃ will not cause harm. Third, the shape of firethorn bonsai is maintained. For the finished firethorn bonsai, spring is the beginning of another growth cycle, and it is necessary to let it grow madly. Only with luxuriant branches and leaves in spring can we better carry out photosynthesis and promote root growth and development, so as to facilitate the absorption of nutrients and promote growth and metabolism, thus making the whole plant exuberant and full of vitality. Otherwise, the plant will be severely malnourished, poor resistance, severe aging, or even die. In late spring, early summer and even autumn, pruning and shooting are the main methods. Pruning and topping are mainly to maintain the original plant type, individual can increase their own creativity. Autumn is another growth peak, forbidden to apply nitrogen fertilizer, shoot to take off the top advantage is better. Avoid the consumption of nutrients by autumn shoots, which is disadvantageous to overwintering and fruit setting. Fourth, the turning of firethorn bonsai. If you want to raise well, you must be fat. Potted soil is the medium for the survival and absorption of firethorn bonsai, which should be full of fertility, slightly acidic and loose. It is better to use the disinfected disease-and insect-free and more fertile garden soil or the surface soil in the mountain forest, which can stop the rotten base fertilizer, fine sand and cultivated soil. The potted soil can be used for one to two years. It is best to turn the basin once or even twice a year. It is best to choose late autumn or early spring, that is, after stopping the growth of new shoots or before they begin to grow. For the vegetative growth plants without hanging fruit, the pot can be changed all the year round. Whenever you change the soil, you must stay in the soil, cut off the long roots, do not nest the roots, and pour them out with the pot, the speed should be fast, so as not to affect the growth of the plant. The basin can be turned all year round under the conditions of shading and greenhouse; under natural conditions, the dormant period is better. Fifth, pest control. Although firethorn bonsai has many advantages, it also has many disadvantages. Being afraid of doing things is one of its typical shortcomings. Secondly, it is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. The disease mainly comes from external invasion or basin soil, including fungal infection, black rot and powdery mildew, especially powdery mildew. Taiwan to carbendazim, topiramate and other fungicides, mainly spraying branches and leaves or irrigating roots. Usually placed in a ventilated and clean environment, sufficient light, exuberant growth, can greatly reduce the incidence. Aphids are the most common insect pests. Can spray trichlorfon, emulsified dimethoate and so on in time. Generally spray in the afternoon, at least every three days, more than three times can be a radical cure; can also be found along with the spray. It all worked well.

Firethorn bonsai flower is an excellent tree species for bonsai production, with high ornamental value of roots, stems, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. How to make firethorn bonsai blossom and fruitful? After nearly 20 years of practice in its cultivation and production, I have some personal experience, and now I have a good exchange and discussion with the bonsai world. First, Hippophae rhamnoides likes a warm and humid climate and an environment with sufficient sunlight. It can be extensively managed in a place that takes shelter from the wind and the sun. It does not need to be shaded in hot summer, and it will grow well in cold winter. However, in order to achieve the goal of more flowers and fruits, spring, summer and autumn must have direct light conditions, and no less than 4 to 5 hours of exposure every day. Second, the soil pyracantha grows rapidly, has strong germination ability, and has many and dense roots. Although it can adapt to poor soil, it prefers fertile soil with good fertility, and it is most suitable for partially acidic sandy soil with good air permeability or rotten leaf soil plus vegetable garden soil. Usually replace 2/3 of the old soil of bonsai in a year. Third, watering firethorn bonsai should be paid more attention to during the flowering and fruit-setting period. it is necessary to keep the soil moist rather than stagnant water as far as possible, and it can be drier in autumn and winter. For example, bonsai flooding can cause rotten roots, fallen leaves and even death. In short, it is good to be careful and careful. the principle is not to water it, but to water it thoroughly. Fourth, fertilize firethorn like fertilizer, in spring, summer and autumn sprouting, blooming, fruit pregnancy period, fertilizer and water must be guaranteed. During the flowering period of bonsai from March to May, liquid fertilizer with high content of nitrogen and phosphorus can be applied once or twice a month, and it is most suitable for cake fertilizer and farm fertilizer, which can not only promote branch bud germination and growth, but also make branches blossom and fertile fruit. After hanging fruit, the plant can stop the use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer and apply liquid fertilizer of potassium dihydrogen phosphate once or twice a month, which lasts until September. If the application of organic fertilizer must be strictly fermented before use, the amount should also depend on the size of the bonsai. In short, it is required to do more often and less. Fifth, insect disease Firethorn bonsai pests are mainly aphids, red spiders, spring and autumn may occur, with omethoate diluted 1000 times once a 7-day spray can be killed, such as powdery mildew, withered leaf disease, coal pollution, etc., can be sprayed with 1000-fold carbendazim solution. Sixth, pruning firethorn bonsai can achieve the ultimate goal of flowers and fruits, the most crucial step is to do a good job of pruning. Pruning is to maintain the tree-shaped posture, short truncated long branches to remove useless branches, so that the branches are fully ventilated and transparent, and the second is beneficial to more flowering and normal fruit growth. The flower bud differentiation period of Hippophae rhamnoides is on the fruit-setting branches that grew from October to November of the previous year, so when pruning every autumn, we must keep the short branches that grow in the same year and cut off the excess vegetative branches. This kind of pruning can not only take care of the bonsai branches and crown, but also let the flowers in full bloom the following year float in the outer layer of the green leaves like white clouds. After the golden autumn fruit is ripe, it is even more prosperous and lively, with a festive atmosphere.

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