
Family farming methods of bergamot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Light management bergamot likes warm, humid and sunny environment, so it is necessary to ensure sufficient light. In addition, the most suitable growth temperature of bergamot is 22-24 degrees, so we should pay attention to temperature control. 2. Water management bergamot is resistant to waterlogging and drought, so it is necessary to water bergamot frequently

1. Lighting management

Bergamot likes warm, humid and sunny environment, so it is necessary to ensure adequate light. In addition, the most suitable growth temperature of bergamot is 22-24 degrees, so we should pay attention to temperature control.

2. Water management

Bergamot is resistant to waterlogging and drought, so it is necessary to water bergamot frequently, sooner or later in summer, and so frequently in winter. Just keep the basin soil moist.

3. Fertilizer management

The growth of bergamot needs fertilizer, so it is necessary to fertilize the bergamot at regular intervals, and to control the amount of fertilizer and choose different fertilizers to fertilize the bergamot at different stages.

4. Soil selection

Bergamot soil should choose loose soil and good water permeability, which is beneficial to keep the basin soil dry.

5. Weeding

In order to ensure the stable growth of bergamot, it is necessary to weed bergamot, which can ensure the growth of bergamot.

6. Disease and insect nuisance

Bergamot is prone to diseases and insect pests. Once diseased branches are found, they should be cut off immediately and then be treated with drugs. If pests are found, insecticide should be sprayed immediately.

These are the family farming methods of bergamot, isn't it very simple? Next is the breeding method of bergamot prepared by Xiaobian for everyone.

The culture method of Buddha palm

The palm of the bergamot can also become a precious green, tongue leaf flower, named because its shape is similar to that of the bergamot and the leaves are similar to the tongue. It is a perennial herbaceous succulent plant of the family Amygdaceae. It was originally grown in South Africa and is now widely cultivated in other parts of the world. Its stem is short, even without a stem, bright green leaves opposite, tongue-shaped, thick, glossy leaf surface, leaf tip slightly turned out. The flowers come out from the leaves and are golden in color. The florescence is usually in autumn and winter.

How to raise Buddha's palm

Propagation: can use sowing, cutting and split way, cutting is suitable for family reproduction, generally in September to October, with clean wet sand as the substrate, and then the cut dry branches into the sand bed, the temperature is kept at about 20 ℃, after 30 days will take root, wait until the root length 2~3cm, can be on the basin. Ramet is in the spring to change the basin, split the old plant clump, and then on the pot.

Soil: bergamot palm does not require soil quality, but it can not grow in hardened or stagnant soil. It is recommended to choose sandy soil rich in nutrients and smooth drainage.

Temperature: like warm environment, not hardy, the best room temperature is 18: 22 ℃, above 30 ℃ will slow down growth or even stop growing, winter temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃, to facilitate overwintering, basin dry case-3 ℃ can survive.

Lighting: if there is enough light and sunshine, the plant will bloom in the afternoon and close at night, which can be kept for about a week. If it is in a rainy day or less sunlight, it is not easy to blossom. At this time, it needs the assistance of artificial light to make it bloom normally. The sun is strong in summer, so the palm of the Buddha's hand should be placed in a bright, ventilated place with scattered light.

Watering: Buddha palm resistant to drought, watering should be carried out after drying, do not appear soaking basin state, so as to avoid rotting roots. The early spring is in the flowering stage, so watering can be increased appropriately. Water less or stop watering during the summer dormant period, and the cooling in autumn can slowly increase watering. Plant growth is more prosperous in autumn, it is appropriate to water more, reduce watering after winter, keep in a moist and slightly dry state, can spray water to it. The plant grows well without rehydration, and the leaves should be hydrated if they are in a state of malaise.

Fertilization: apply organic light liquid fertilizer every half a month during the autumn growth period, be careful not to let the fertilizer liquid splash with the leaves, otherwise it will make the leaves rot and suffer from disease spots. During the high temperature in summer, fertilization should be stopped in the semi-dormant state, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer in autumn should be controlled. Too much nitrogen fertilizer will make the plant grow too much and rot the leaves.

Introduction to the efficacy and function of Buddha palm

The growing environment of the succulent plant Buddha palm is relatively strict, such as warmth, drought tolerance, fear of high temperature, and intolerance to excessive humidity. Next, let the editor of wed114 wedding network tell you how to raise Buddha's palm, the breeding method of Buddha's palm, the efficacy and function of Buddha's palm.

Introduction of Buddha's palm

Bergamot palm originated in South Africa, alias: tongue leaf flower, precious green. There are many cultivation in countries all over the world. Is a perennial succulent plant. Buddha's palm is also called glossy leaf flower, which mainly means that its fleshy leaves are very similar to the tongue, and the whole shape is a bit like bergamot, hence the name. Stem short or absent. Leaves fleshy, ligulate, opposite 2-lobed, about 7CM long, bright green, smooth and glossy, leaf tip slightly reversed outward. It blossoms in autumn and winter, and the flowers are drawn from the leaves, with short pedicels and golden yellow.

How to raise Buddha's palm

Bergamot is a perennial herb, which opens in the sunny afternoon and closes at night, so that the day opens and the night closes for about 7 days. In case of rainy days or insufficient light in the cultivation place, it is difficult to open. It can be illuminated by artificial light and will open normally. Plants are cross-pollinated.

The plants of Buddha palm are easy to grow in groups. Generally speaking, the number of desquamated heads in the coming year will be significantly reduced after a large group is raised. At this time, the plant can be divided into clumps and clumps of small groups, so that the nutrition will be resupplied, and the heads will gradually become normal, dormant in summer and growing in other seasons. The peeling period of bergamot is the continuous growth of new leaves, the old leaves slowly dry up, nutrients are provided to new plants, new plant leaves and old leaves can grow at the same time, 3 to 4 pairs of leaves grow all the year round, and new leaves begin to sprout in early spring. the old leaves slowly withered.

The cultivation plant material of Buddha palm is mainly permeable and breathable, this variety is not sun-resistant, it must be sunshaded in summer. Lubao peeling period can be properly watered, this variety usually dry point and then water, otherwise easy to rot roots, semi-woody stem is relatively thick, dry and thoroughly watered during the growth period, do not soak the basin. The whole summer sunshade, put in the bright and ventilated scattered light, summer dormancy period to give as little water as possible, more will rot. The water supply can be restored after the autumn temperature comes down, step by step. If the plant is full, it does not need to be rehydrated. If it is found that the leaves are a little weak, it needs to be rehydrated. It is necessary to avoid frostbite caused by too low temperature in winter. There is no problem when the basin soil is dry at minus 3 degrees. There is a big difference between the north and the south, and flower lovers should breed according to their own environment. The propagation of Buddha palm can be sown or ramet.

Family propagation is usually carried out between September and October, and the cutting substrate can be cut with clean wet sand. After the cut is dried, it is inserted into the sand bed to keep the rooting temperature of about 20 ℃. After a month, it can take root, and when the new root grows to 2-3 cm long, it can be transplanted into the pot.

Like warmth, more resistant to drought, but afraid of high temperature, not resistant to cold. The growth temperature is 18-22 degrees, the growth is slow when it is more than 30 degrees, and it enters a semi-dormant state.

Thin organic liquid fertilizer is applied every 2-3 weeks during the growing period of bergamot. Watering should be controlled in winter. The basin soil is moist but can not accumulate water.

Change the basin every spring to remove the dry leaves. The palm of bergamot is fertilized once every semimonthly during the growing period. when it is hot in summer, watering should be careful and the basin soil should be slightly dry. Such as high temperature and humidity, stems and leaves are easy to rot. At this time, the need for shade and ventilation, to cool, semi-overcast is better, to achieve safe summer. Autumn growth is the most exuberant, watering should be more, after winter, the temperature drops, growth slows down, watering decreases accordingly. Watering can be increased at the flowering stage in early spring. Generally cultivated for 3-4 years, the plant needs to be renewed.

The culture method of Buddha palm

Bergamot likes warm winter and cool and dry environment in summer. The suitable temperature for growth is 18-22 ℃. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the plant grows slowly and shows semi-dormancy. The overwintering temperature must be kept above 10 ℃. It is suitable for the growth of fertile sandy loam with good drainage.

Buddha palm, ramet or sowing and breeding. Ramet is generally carried out in combination with changing pots in spring, and the old plants are cut into several clumps and planted in a separate pot. Family propagation is usually carried out between September and October, and the cutting substrate can be cut with clean wet sand. After the cut is dried, it is inserted into the sand bed to keep the rooting temperature of about 20 ℃. After a month, it can take root, and when the new root grows to 2-3 cm long, it can be transplanted into the pot.

Bergamot is a succulent plant, because its succulent leaves are about 6 cm long, the leaves are smooth and transparent, and the leaves are born on the short stem, which is very similar to the bergamot shape. The palm of Buddha palm is ramet or sowed and propagated. Ramet is generally carried out in combination with changing pots in spring, and the old plants are cut into several clumps and planted in a separate pot. Bergamot palm is produced in southern Africa. It likes warm, humid, sunny environment and is afraid of cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃ to 22 ℃. Lax requirements for soil, avoid consolidation and stagnant water, sandy loam with good drainage is the best. It is warm in winter, cool and dry in summer, and the plant grows slowly and semi-dormant. It is suitable for the growth of fertile sandy loam with good drainage.

Fertilization is applied once a month during the growing period of bergamot. When the summer temperature is high, the basin soil should be slightly dry. Such as high temperature and humidity, stems and leaves are easy to rot. Autumn growth is the most exuberant, watering should be more, after winter, the temperature drops, growth slows down, watering decreases accordingly. Summer high temperature season, should be properly shaded, to create a well-ventilated, cool semi-overcast environment, so that it can safely spend the summer. If it grows vigorously in autumn, nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much, otherwise it is easy to lead to plant overgrowth and rotten leaves, in addition, when pouring organic fertilizer, do not splash down on the leaves, so as not to cause disease spots and rot.

Introduction to the efficacy and function of Buddha's palm

First, purify the air

Buddha's palm, also known as glossy flower, is native to South Africa and is cultivated all over the world. Palms very short, fleshy ligulate, opposite 2-lobed, about 10cm long, 2-3 wide, bright green, smooth and glossy. Succulent plants are often plants that metabolize sedum acid. Their stomata are closed during the day. They exchange gas at night, release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, and store them for photosynthesis during the day. The thick leaves are conducive to storing more water and air, which can purify the air.

The leaves of bergamot are bright green, the leaves are smooth and transparent, and the leaf clasping wheel is born on a short stem and looks like a bergamot, so many people like to raise bergamot palms at home. Placing Buddha palms in the home can beautify the environment of the home. Buddha's palm is small and lovely, does not take up too much space, and is convenient for breeding. Raising Buddha's palm next to the computer can also absorb radiation, relax the eyes and protect eyesight.

Second, medicinal value

Bergamot flower not only has high ornamental value, but also has precious medicinal value and economic value. Bergamot flower is full of treasure, its root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit can be used as medicine, pungent, bitter, sweet, warm, non-toxic, into the three meridians of liver, spleen and stomach, rational qi and phlegm, relieving cough and distension, soothing the liver and invigorating the spleen and stomach and other medicinal functions. According to historical records, the roots of bergamot flowers can cure men's downward disappearance, sore limbs; flowers and fruits can make tea, which can reduce qi; and fruits can treat stomach problems, vomiting, choking hiccups, hypertension, tracheitis, asthma and other diseases. According to Gui Jing and other articles, bergamot flower also has the effect of treating swelling and swelling, leucorrhea in women and sobering up, which is the main raw material for preparing proprietary Chinese medicine of bergamot flower.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the Buddha's hand is flat and returns to the liver meridian, which is used for stomachache. Bergamot fruit is rich in vitamin C, fragrant and spicy. Cut the fruit into thin slices and drink it with boiling water, which has the effect of invigorating the spleen, relieving alcohol, soothing the liver and stomach, promoting qi and relieving pain. It has a certain curative effect on the symptoms such as liver depression and qi stagnation, rib distension and pain caused by disharmony of spleen and stomach, epigastric tightness and vomiting.

III. Edible value

Bergamot 10Mel 15g, japonica rice 50g, add water 200ml, fry to 100ml, remove dregs and put japonica rice. Add about 400 ml of water, boil into gruel, add the right amount of rock sugar to serve. Take warm clothes twice a day. It is used to treat chest tightness and qi stagnation, old and weak stomach, indigestion, loss of appetite, heating vomiting and so on.

1. Bergamot pumpkin chicken

The efficacy and function of bergamot flower: tonifying the middle and tonifying qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach

Materials: 10 grams of fresh bergamot, 1 old pumpkin, 750 grams of chicken, 250 grams of edamame, chopped onions, minced ginger, refined salt, yellow rice wine, glutinous rice wine, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, brown sugar, rice, pepper, tofu milk, refined vegetable oil, rice noodles.

Practice: first wash bergamot petals, stir-fry rice and pepper and grind them into coarse powder; wash and chop chicken into pieces, mix with chopped onions, ginger, refined salt, soy sauce, brown sugar, tofu milk, yellow wine, glutinous rice wine and monosodium glutamate for a while, then add rice flour and vegetable oil; edamame beans are gently scrubbed and washed, mixed with the same seasoning as chicken. Wash the pumpkin, make a 7cm square opening around the pedicel, remove the pedicel and leave it as a lid, dig out the flesh and seeds with a long spoon, put half of the beans and half bergamot at the opening of the pumpkin, and then add the chicken nuggets, then put in the remaining bergamot and soybeans, cover, plate, steam and cook.

two。 Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz and Middle decoction

The efficacy and function of bergamot flower: digestion and stomach, regulating qi width.

Indications: food accumulation, spleen deficiency and dampness stagnation, symptoms full of abdominal distension, less food fatigue, vomiting acid swallowing, dry mouth and salivation, white and slippery tongue coating.

Composition: raw sunburn is one and a half dollars; Xinhui tangerine peel (fried) is one and a half dollars; Jiao Liuqu is three dollars; bergamot spends five cents; Zhejiang Poria cocos four dollars; spring Amomum (pestle) one money, grain worms (bleached) three dollars, Chen Cang rice (lotus leaf bag) three coins.

Usage of bergamot flowers: fried clothes twice a day.

Source of bergamot flowers: popular Treatise on febrile Diseases

3. Sihua Jieyu decoction

The efficacy and function of bergamot flower

The efficacy and function of bergamot flower: regulating qi and opening depression, reducing reverse and resolving phlegm, treating seven emotions depression, qi stagnation and phlegm coagulation.

Composition: 6 grams of green calyx plum, 6 grams of roses, 6 grams of bergamot flower, 6 grams of magnolia flower, 5 grams of ginger Pinellia ternata, 10 grams of white Poria cocos, 10 grams of Polygala meat, 10 grams of paeony, 3 grams of raw licorice.

Usage of bergamot flower: fried in water, 1 dose a day, twice a day.

Source of bergamot flowers: Dai Zuming Fang.

4. Golden tangerine prescription

The efficacy and function of bergamot flower: it has the functions of soothing the liver and regulating qi and relieving pain in the stomach; it is suitable for chronic superficial gastritis of liver-qi invading stomach type.

Materials: 60 grams of diced kumquat, 10 grams of Bupleurum, 6 grams of bergamot and 6 grams of roses, japonica rice, appropriate amount of sugar

Practice: Bupleurum, bergamot, rose water fried juice, into japonica rice until porridge will be, add kumquat, sugar and cook porridge can be.

Usage of bergamot flower: one dose a day, divided into two doses.