
Matters needing attention in cultivating sweet-scented osmanthus trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Pay attention to the times and amount of watering. Too much watering will cause stagnant water in the roots, which may seriously cause plant death. 2. Sweet-scented osmanthus is a typical long-sunshine plant. If it does not get enough light in the growing period, the plant is easy to grow and affect the flowering period. 3. Potted sweet-scented osmanthus needs to be changed once every two years.

1. Pay attention to the number of watering times and the amount of watering. Too much watering will cause water in the roots, and serious watering may cause plant death.

2. Osmanthus fragrans belongs to typical long-day plants. If they do not get enough light during the growth period, the plants are easy to grow excessively, affecting the flowering period.

3. Potted osmanthus flowers need to be replaced once every 1~2 years. Failure to change pots will lead to insufficient nutrition of plants, root system knot cannot be extended, and flowering will be affected.

4. Potted osmanthus flowers should not be placed indoors at high temperature for a long time in winter. They should be placed at low temperature to make the plants normally dormant. Otherwise, osmanthus flowers will sprout and show leaves in advance, resulting in thin branches and consuming a lot of nutrients. In spring, they will easily die due to drought.

How to raise osmanthus trees, cultivation methods and precautions of osmanthus trees

Osmanthus fragrans is also called sweet osmanthus tree, which has a cultivation history of 2500 years in China. Osmanthus fragrans belongs to long-day plants, which are suitable for planting under the conditions of sufficient light, fertile soil and good drainage performance. The ornamental value is high. Some varieties of flowers can be eaten. This article shares the cultivation methods and precautions of osmanthus fragrans with everyone.

Culture method of osmanthus fragrans

Osmanthus fragrans is more common in garden ornamental in China. The common varieties are Osmanthus fragrans, Osmanthus fragrans, Osmanthus fragrans and Osmanthus fragrans. Among them, Osmanthus fragrans has higher economic value. Osmanthus fragrans is propagated by cutting, layering and grafting. However, due to the low survival rate, the development of Osmanthus fragrans is limited to a certain extent.

Cultivation of osmanthus trees is mostly carried out in early spring. First, dig a big pit in a place with rich soil and sufficient sunshine, apply some organic fertilizer, and at the same time, apply some plant ash. After survival, apply fertilizer once or twice in July or August, apply decomposed compost before winter, apply available nitrogen once in March of the next year, apply available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once in July, apply organic fertilizer once in October, and pay attention to weeding and watering and pest control during peacetime maintenance. This can make osmanthus trees bloom luxuriantly year after year, fragrance long-term.

In addition, potted osmanthus trees should pay more attention to soil selection, watering and fertilization, but also pay attention to pruning and pest control.

Notes on osmanthus trees

Osmanthus tree watering should pay attention to, in the new shoots grow before less watering, rainy days less watering, summer and autumn dry weather to water more, osmanthus tree autumn flowering to master the amount of watering, so that the basin water to keep moist, too wet will cause flower drop.

Osmanthus tree fertilization to foot, especially phosphorus deficiency will affect osmanthus tree branches, and flowers less fragrant. Osmanthus tree root system developed, adult osmanthus tree every spring and autumn will shoot, so pay attention to pruning, maintain beautiful plant type, but also balance osmanthus tree physiological nutrition, promote bud growth.

To raise a good osmanthus tree, in addition to the usual daily management, but also with careful maintenance, pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, need to spray timely control. Osmanthus tree breeding methods and precautions are introduced here, more flower breeding information, please pay attention to China agrochemical investment network planting encyclopedia.

Extended reading:

Osmanthus planting technology, breeding method, osmanthus flower language, function and effect

The cultivation methods and precautions of osmanthus trees

Common cultivars of osmanthus fragrans include Dangui, Jingui, Yingui and Sijigui. Different varieties of osmanthus fragrans have different flowering time and different flower colors. The flowering period of osmanthus chinensis is from September to October, and the color is often golden yellow. The period of silver osmanthus is from September to October, and its color is white or yellow-white. Dan osmanthus period in October, the color is mostly orange red or orange yellow. Four seasons laurel flowers four seasons, every month there are a small number of flowers, color is white.

The planting environment of osmanthus tree

1, cuttage: cuttage time is generally in June-July or September-October, cuttage to sandy loam is appropriate. The cuttings are selected from the semi-mature branches of the current year, and the terminal branches are the best. After cuttage, shade and water should be provided in time, and water and fertilizer management should be strengthened. After 20 days of general cuttings began to heal, 30-40 days can take root. Winter to have cold measures, the next year seedlings can grow to about 30 cm.

2, layering: layering points high pressure (air layering) and ground pressure two kinds, can be carried out all year round, high pressure method in early April, ground pressure method in early April or Meiyu season is appropriate. When layering, it should be cut or peeled in a ring, and separated from the mother plant after one year. The buried depth of the pressed layering is about 4-5 cm, and the more curved the branches of the buried part, the better.

3. Grafting: Grafting propagation time is from March to April. Rootstock multi-use Ligustrum lucidum, Ligustrum lucidum. Grafting method is branch grafting, cutting grafting, splitting grafting and abutting grafting. Grafting requires shade and moisture. Cutting and splitting require the interface to be as low as possible, generally cutting off the rootstock at a distance of 3 cm from the ground. After binding, soil is cultivated to the top of scion, so that it is possible to take root from scion part and improve survival rate.

4. Sowing: winter or early spring sowing, drilling, row spacing 15-20 cm, sowing 30-40 seeds per meter, sowing amount 8-10 kg per mu, covered with humus soil or burning soil, about 1.5 cm thick, and covered with grass. Generally 40-50 days after sowing began to sprout, lasting up to 50-60 days, germination is very irregular. 7-9 Month for the vigorous growth of seedlings, pay attention to topdressing and drought resistance. The seedlings can be taken out of the nursery when they are more than 30 cm high in one year.

5, seedlings out of the nursery: layering seedlings, grafted seedlings take root, can be planted in winter or planted in the nursery to cultivate seedlings. Cuttage seedlings up to 30 cm above, seeding seedlings up to 25 cm above, ground diameter up to 0.4 cm above, can be planted or transplanted to large seedlings cultivation area. The root system should be kept intact as far as possible when seedling is raised, and it should be planted in time after seedling is raised. If long-distance transportation is required, attention should be paid to moisture preservation.

Classification of Osmanthus fragrans varieties

1. Sijigui variety: Sijigui cluster shrub shape, low tree shape, short branches and dense branches, spherical crown. Dark red new leaves, green or yellowish green mature leaves. The leaves are elliptic and broadly ovoid, and the intersection angle between the main veins and lateral veins of the leaves is very large and close to vertical state. Flower buds are often solitary or 2~3 superimposed, flowering in batches from September to March every year, and the fragrance is not as rich as Yingui, Jingui and Dangui. Common varieties are large-leaf four-season laurel, lobular four-season laurel, four-season flowering month laurel, laurel, large-leaf budding pearl, tooth leaf four-season laurel and other varieties.

2. Cinnamomum osmanthus var. osmanthus var. osmanthus var. Leaves leathery, long elliptic or elliptic, leaf surface relatively flat, leaf margin reverse, entire, apex occasionally sparsely toothed, base broadly cuneate, apex obtuse or mucronate, lateral veins 8~10 pairs, reticulate veins obvious on both sides, petiole 8~10 mm long. Orange-red color, corolla slightly buckle, fragrance light, flowering late September to early October. There are large flowers Dangui, teeth Dangui, cinnabar Dangui, wide leaf red and other varieties.

3. Variety group of Osmanthus fragrans: Osmanthus fragrans crown is spherical, tree vigor is strong, branches are tall and straight, very close. Bark gray, lenticular round or elliptic, spring shoots more robust. Dark green leaves, elliptic leaves, uneven foliage, microwave-curved leaf margin. Yellow, fragrant, unfruitful, autumnal flowering, lemon-yellow to golden flowers. Varieties have big flower Jingui, big leaf yellow, Huangchuan Jingui, late Jingui, round leaf Jingui, Xianning late Gui, ball Gui, round discrimination Jingui, willow Su Gui, Jin Shi Gui, wave leaf Jingui and so on.

4. Varieties of Cinnamomum cassia: Cinnamomum cassia has spherical crown, large branches, dense branches and leaves, and grows well. Bark light gray, many and large lenticular, snowflake shape, very obvious. Leaves green or dark green, long elliptic or elliptic, leaves wider and thicker, leaves more flat. Blooming in mid-September, the color is milky yellow to lemon yellow, the fragrance is rich, the fruit is not set after flowering, and the autumn blossoms. Varieties have wide-leaf seed Yingui, willow Yingui, hard leaf Yingui, seed Yingui, Jiulong Gui, early Yingui, late Yingui, Baijie, pure white Yingui, Qingshan Yingui and so on.

In what month does osmanthus blossom?

1. Golden osmanthus: flowering period from September to October, golden yellow in color. Silver laurel: florescence 9~ October, color white or yellow-white. Osmanthus rotundus: flowering in october, orange-red or orange-yellow color. Four seasons laurel: every month has a small number of flowers, color is white. In addition, Osmanthus fragrans will also cause slight differences in flowering time according to different planting areas. Shanghai, Anhui and Jiangsu basically opened in October, Northeast China basically opened in August, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in September, Sichuan, Guangxi and Shaanxi in September.

2. Osmanthus flowers will not bloom until they bloom. Osmanthus has a long life span, generally living for decades to hundreds of years, and some even live for thousands of years, so its flowering age is relatively late. The seedlings planted will bloom in about ten years, and the cuttings will bloom in four years. One fifth of the grafted Jingui and Yingui will bloom in the next year. Although the grafted Sijigui will bloom in the same year, the number is very few. Some transplanted osmanthus trees can bloom in the same year, and some need to adapt to one or two years before flowering.

How much does a tree cost?

1. Variety: The variety of osmanthus seedlings determines the price of osmanthus seedlings. Osmanthus is divided into four varieties: Jingui, Yingui, Dangui and Sijigui. Of course, there are many small varieties in each large variety, but the prices of small varieties below the large varieties are similar. The price of Dangui is the highest, and red flowers bloom.

2, size: osmanthus saplings also have big and small, of course, the price of large is a little more expensive, seedlings are now generally divided according to the height of the saplings (previously according to the age), at present, the most commonly planted is about one meter high osmanthus saplings.

3. Origin: The origin of osmanthus seedlings has a great relationship with the price, because the geographical relationship first leads to different costs for cultivating osmanthus seedlings in different places, resulting in a slight deviation in prices, and the cost of seedling distribution and transportation also has a great relationship with the region.

Quantity: The purchase quantity of osmanthus saplings is also closely related to the price. As we all know, if you buy anything wholesale, the price will definitely be cheaper.

How to grow osmanthus flowers

1, timely watering: osmanthus basin soil to master the principle of not dry, not watering, watering is poured through, but spray water to the leaves once a day. After the Qingming Festival, the osmanthus will be placed in the open air and watered once. In summer, it must be watered in the morning and evening, and in winter, it will be watered around noon, so that the water temperature is close to the soil temperature, so as not to be quenched and heated suddenly. Pay attention not to accumulated water.

2, reasonable fertilization: osmanthus flowers to view mainly, should provide adequate fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer can be applied 1~2 times at shoot stage, phosphorus fertilizer is mainly applied before flower bud differentiation and flowering. Before fertilization, the soil in the basin should be slightly dry, and it is advisable to first Panasonic soil so that fertilizer can be absorbed. The next day of fertilization, water should be poured once.

3. Pour the pot and change the soil: Osmanthus fragrans should be poured and changed once every 2~3 years, cut off part of the old roots and dead roots, pad a layer of river sand or vermiculite on the bottom of the pot to facilitate ventilation and drainage, and place decomposed cake fertilizer as base fertilizer, and fill the soil must be compacted. The proportion of soil is not very strict, usually available garden soil, manure and river sand accounted for 1/3 of the preparation.

4. Pruning and shaping: Osmanthus fragrans shaping generally adopts the method of combining climbing and pruning, which should be carried out after autumn. Plants with poor tree shape can cut off the whole top branches at 2/3 or 3/4 places. Plants with too dense branches should be thinned. After flowering, excessive long branches, dead branches, diseased branches and dense thin branches should be cut off.

5. Overwintering management: Osmanthus fragrans overwintering room temperature should be kept at 0~5℃ and relative humidity maintained at 50~80%. Winter cold indoor lighting should be good, especially before the early spring buds begin to sprout, more sunshine requirements, the next year after the rain arranged potted osmanthus out of the room. After leaving the room, it is placed in the outdoor leeward to gradually adapt to the external environment.

6. Disease control: Common diseases of osmanthus fragrans include leaf spot disease, coal stain disease, algae spot disease, root rot, iron deficiency disease, etc. Leaf spot disease, coal stain disease and algae spot disease can be controlled by spraying 0.5 bordeaux solution or 5% carbendazim 500~1000 times solution. Root rot should be kept loose and breathable, and no ponding should be allowed.

7, pest control: osmanthus common pests are sawfly, whitefly, mite, Changbai scale, yellow thorn moth and so on. Tenthreds, whiteflies and mites can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1500~3000 times solution. In addition to artificial brushing, the first and second generation nymph can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times solution or 40% fenitrothion 500 times solution.

Pruning method of osmanthus potted plant

1, ornamental pruning, refers to the osmanthus tree bonsai after molding, in order to maintain the beautiful shape of the model osmanthus tree pruning. This pruning is permanent. A lot of it must be done seriously.

2. Osmanthus potted trees cultivated with stumps have been identified after shaping and pruning. Further pruning is required for secondary branches and finer tertiary branches. The processing and pruning of these branches, to master the basic points is: a branch to have a certain degree of twists and turns, each branch to have a length of points, only beautiful.

3. When pruning, adjust the messy cross branches, overlapping branches, parallel branches and opposite branches, that is, cut off one or sparse one. For the remaining branches, nutrients can be concentrated and grow strong. When the culture-shoot grows to suitable thickness, it is pruned intensively to shorten it. A second branch is born. When the second branch grows to a suitable thickness, cut it again. The second and fourth branches were treated in the same way. Generally, two branchlets are left on each node. The twigs are longer and shorter. After years of pruning, the branches are short, stout, vigorous and powerful, gradually forming the required tree shape.

Osmanthus fragrans seed sowing method

1. In February to early April of the following year, when the seed crack is exposed, seeding and seedling raising can be carried out. Generally, the drilling method is adopted, that is, horizontal or longitudinal grooves are made on the seedbed, the groove width is 12 cm, the groove depth is 3 cm; the seeds after germination are sown every 6~8 cm in the groove. When sowing, the hilum should be placed laterally to avoid bending the radicle and young stem, affecting the growth of seedlings. In Guilin area, wide sowing is usually used, row spacing is 20~25 cm, width is 10~12 cm, sowing is 20 kg per mu, and 25000~30000 seedlings can be produced.

2. After sowing, cover fine soil immediately, and the thickness of the soil should not exceed 2~3 times the transverse diameter of the seed; level the ridge surface after covering the soil to avoid ponding; cover a thin layer of straw again, so as not to see the soil, and tighten the rope to prevent the grass from being blown away by the wind; then spray water fully with a fine eye sprayer until the soil is wet. Covering grass and spraying water can keep the soil moist, avoid soil hardening, and promote early germination and early emergence of seeds.

How to make osmanthus blossom more?

1. Choose the basin soil: osmanthus loves slightly acidic soil. Potting can be selected from 5 parts of mountain mud, 3 parts of humus soil, 2 parts of sand mixed modulation or with moldy soil and sandy loam soil as half of the culture soil. If the soil acidity is too strong, it grows slowly and leaves yellow. If alkaline soil is used, after 2 to 3 months, it can cause leaves to wither or even die.

2, timely watering: osmanthus watering to master the "two less and one more", that is, less watering before the emergence of new shoots, less watering in rainy days, summer and autumn dry weather need more watering. Watering at ordinary times is advisable to keep the water content of the pot soil at about 50%. Rainy days to timely drainage, in case of basin water rotten roots, otherwise easy to "drown".

3, clever topdressing: osmanthus love pig manure, flower proverb has "to get osmanthus fragrance, more pig manure tank." If the osmanthus fragrans can be applied with decomposed and thin pig manure solution from early spring to early spring, once every 10~15 days from April to May, once every 7~10 days from June to July, and finally once at the beginning of August, the osmanthus fragrans will grow luxuriantly, bloom more and taste fragrant. There is no pig manure in the city, but decomposed cake fertilizer can be used. If the fertilizer is insufficient, there will be fewer branches, fewer flowers and no fragrance.

4. Proper pruning: Osmanthus fragrans has developed roots and strong germination. Adult osmanthus fragrans shoot twice a year. Therefore, in order to make osmanthus flowers flourish, proper pruning is needed to maintain the physiological balance between reproductive growth and vegetative growth. Generally, long branches, thin branches and diseased branches should be cut off to facilitate ventilation and light transmission, nutrient concentration, promote osmanthus to breed more and fuller flower buds, and bloom luxuriantly.