
The Propagation method of Rain long Flower

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Ramet propagation is generally carried out in early spring. First take out the mother plant, shake off the excess soil, separate the roots with a knife, and divide them into two or more plants, each with complete roots and properly trimmed roots and leaves. Soak the new strain in chlorothalonil solution, then dry it in a basin and keep it in a cool place.

Ramet propagation

Pan-pearl reproduction is usually carried out in early spring. First take out the mother plant, shake off the excess soil, separate the roots with a knife, and divide them into two or more plants, each with complete roots and properly trimmed roots and leaves. Soak the new strain in chlorothalonil solution, then dry it in a basin and keep it in a cool place. Do not water too much for the first time, but spray to the leaves.

Sowing and reproduction

Rain flowers are mainly sown in autumn. Soak the seeds in warm water before sowing until the seeds absorb water and swell up. Sow the treated seeds on the substrate and cover them with a layer of soil, not too thick. Water the seeds after sowing. Don't wash the seeds out. When you encounter cold weather, you can wrap the flowerpot with thin film to keep warm and moisturizing, contact with plenty of sunlight, and the seedlings and flowers will grow better.

The Propagation method of Rain long Flower

Ramet Propagation of Flos Lonicerae

With the growth of the plant, the plant is getting larger and larger, which is conducive to the further development and exuberant growth of the plant.

Yujiuhua for ramet propagation, the best breeding time should be in the early spring of each year, when the soil thaws, ramet is relatively easy. When ramet, take out the mother plant, remove the excess basin soil, separate the root system, and cut the root with a knife, which can be divided into two or more plants. It should be noted that each new plant should have a complete root system. Proper pruning of leaves and roots is convenient for plant survival.

Disinfect the newly separated plantlets of Yujiuhua. Soak in chlorothalonil solution. After soaking, dry the small plants and then serve them in the pot.

Put the small plants that have been dried for a long time in a pot, water them once, and then keep them in a cool place. It should be noted that the newly potted Yujiuhua should not be watered too much because its roots have been damaged. For nearly a month, it should be watered moderately, and then watered normally after its roots are restored. However, in order to ensure the normal growth of rain flowers, you can spray on the leaves every day.

Sowing and Propagation of Rain Flower

The sowing and reproduction of rainy flowers is actually similar to that of most plants.

The sowing and propagation of Yujiuhua is mainly sown in autumn, which is carried out after the middle and late September of each year. Some preparatory work should be carried out before sowing, such as budding and soil disinfection. Sow the treated seeds on the substrate and cover them with a layer of soil that is not too thick. Note that watering after sowing is best watered to avoid flushing out the seeds.

Rain flowers are sown in autumn, which is mainly the problem of overwintering. To do a good job of heat preservation and moisturizing, and expose it to enough sunlight, the seedlings that have spent a long time in rain can grow well.

The Culture method of Rain long Flower

Yujiuhua, Monochoria korsakowii Yujiuhua, Yujiuhua belongs to the north and south provinces of China and East Asia.

Herbs perennial, 30-80 cm tall, with short creeping rhizomes, erect aboveground stems. Leaves ovate-cordate, long stalked, sheathed at base. Flowering stems drawn from base, racemes, tepals 6, blue-purple. Anthers 6, one of which is light blue and the others are yellow. Capsule ovoid.

Strong and hardy, born on the edge of swamps, ditches and ponds.

Breeding: sowing, split roots can be, very easy to survive.

Sowing, split roots can be, very easy to survive and planted in the pool, pot planting can also, do not need special management.

Flowers and leaves are excellent, arranged in the pond facing the water, very chic.