
Second, matters needing attention when solving the problem of yellowing of its leaves

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Sometimes, the yellowing of the leaves of desert roses is a normal phenomenon. For example, desert roses have just moved to a new environment and are not very adaptable. In the face of this situation, don't make a fuss. In addition to the points mentioned earlier, the yellowing of desert rose leaves may also be due to the application of too much fertilizer to it.

1. Sometimes, the yellowing of the leaves of desert roses is a normal phenomenon. For example, desert roses have just moved to a new environment and are not very adaptable. In the face of this situation, don't make a fuss.

In addition to the points mentioned earlier, the yellowing of desert rose leaves may also be due to the application of too much fertilizer to it.

Analysis and solution of brown bamboo leaves yellowing and brown bamboo leaves yellowing

The reason for the yellowing of brown bamboo leaves 1. Excessive light

The leaves of brown bamboo are green, but they can't stand direct sunlight. In the process of maintenance, if the light is too strong, the water in the leaves will soon evaporate, and then the leaves will turn yellow and the tip of the leaves will dry up.

Solution method

Brown bamboo like shade, put brown bamboo in a sunny place to maintain, any corner of the living room can, try to avoid direct sunlight. For the yellowing leaves caused by excessive light, the yellowing part can be cut off, and after the plant grows new leaves, the whole leaf will be cut off, which will not affect the ornamental.

2. The soil is alkaline.

The soil in most parts of the north is alkaline, but brown bamboo likes to grow in slightly acidic soil, and the leaves will turn yellow when the soil becomes alkaline. In addition, when the plant does not change the soil for a long time, the soil is lack of nutrients, the soil structure is single, and even the soil is hardened, the new root system is difficult to grow, the absorptive capacity of brown bamboo is weakened, the growth becomes worse, and the leaf will appear scorched edge.

Solution method

Change the basin for 2 ~ 3 years, and replace part of the new soil when changing the basin to ensure that the soil always has enough nutrients to supply the growth of the plant. (for a detailed method of changing pots, please refer to ☛ brown bamboo how to change pots.)

In the maintenance, you can occasionally pour a little diluted vinegar or lemonade, the concentration should be low, under the premise of not polluting the soil, change the acidity and basicity of the soil. For the leaves that have turned yellow, some will slowly recover after the soil turns sour.

3. Improper watering

Too much or too little watering will affect the growth of brown bamboo roots, affect plant respiration, resulting in yellowing leaves. Of course, when the air is too dry, the leaves will slowly turn yellow, especially the varieties with finer leaves.

Solution method

It is necessary to control watering, not to be too dry or to accumulate water. It is best for the basin soil to be wet without sticking to its hands. Usually spray more water to ensure enough air humidity, if the humidity in the home can reach the humidity of the bathroom, brown bamboo will be raised very well. Spray water frequently and ventilate in time when the water is large.

4. Improper fertilization

If there is no fertilizer or concentrated fertilizer for a long time, the leaves of brown bamboo will gradually turn yellow from bottom to top. This is the reason for the damage to the root, and the absorptive capacity is weakened. Many people think that more fat will be good, but in fact, the more fat, the higher the concentration, then it will become bad, then the roots will be burned, causing the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution method

Fertilize properly, apply thin liquid fertilizer once every 15-20 days during the growing period, and it doesn't matter if the concentration is lower. Fertilization time as far as possible in the evening, the next morning appropriate watering, dilute the residual fertilizer in the basin soil. When watering the fertilizer solution, do not touch the leaves to avoid burns.

Culture methods of Brown Bamboo

Large brown bamboo can be potted in the living room or office door as an ornamental plant, small brown bamboo can be placed on the living room table or next to the TV, or even in the office to purify the air. So how to raise Guanyin bamboo?

1. Temperature management: Brown bamboo, as a plant growing in warm areas in the south, generally grows at an ambient temperature of 20-30 ℃. According to tests, brown bamboo can grow above approximately 0 degrees Celsius, and it can also grow at 40 degrees Celsius if the humidity is appropriate. So you don't usually have to worry about the temperature.

2, light control: Brown bamboo is based on the original growth environment, it likes half-shade and half-light environment, daily scattering can be done, but remember not to expose to the sun, shade and ventilation in summer. It is generally recommended that about 2 hours a day

3, watering control: usually watering once a day in spring, and about twice a day in summer, you can choose at noon, pay attention to shade. Watering almost every two days after autumn, winter flowers should continue to decrease, but to maintain humidity.

4, the choice of soil: if potted, in fact, the soil does not have so many choices, as long as keep its soil slightly acidic, generally around 6.5.

5, fertilizer use: Brown bamboo likes thin fertilizer, the main fertilization season is in the growing period, usually in spring and summer, winter flowers are not recommended to fertilize, because this will lead to overgrowth, or root damage.

6, disease understanding: generally brown bamboo is rarely sick, nothing more than yellow leaves or insect pests, the general occurrence of insect pests are scale insects, as long as the deployment of humidity pesticides. And there is a kind of brown spot disease, which is caused by long-term overgrowth, it is recommended to spray the potion properly, and then need a certain amount of light. Anthracnose is a long-growing disease of plants, mainly because the leaves are spotted brown. In general, there are corresponding disinfectants on the market.

The solution to the yellowing of green apple leaves

First, green pineapple is a kind of plant that likes warm and humid growth environment, so the soil condition when breeding is very important, it is best to grow in loose soil, fertile and well-drained soil in order to effectively reduce the probability of yellowing leaves, while the matters needing attention when potted green pineapple culture is to choose rotten leaf soil with fertile, loose and good drainage, if it is partial acidity is the best.

Second, because the green pineapple is a very shade-tolerant type of vine, so unsuitable light conditions will also cause the green pineapple leaves to turn yellow, so what if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow? at this time, we have to provide the green pineapple with suitable light conditions. when growing in the sunny part of the room, remember that you can't get exposure or strong light, and you can't have no light at all.

Third, the green pineapple also has a high demand for water, and inappropriate watering will also cause the leaves of the green pineapple to turn yellow, so we need an appropriate amount of watering, not too much watering, to achieve "dry watering, watering thoroughly". The water quality had better be clean tap water, do not drink the rest of the water to pour into the pot at will, the soil is too moist will cause the roots of the plant can not breathe, resulting in yellow leaves and rotten leaves.

Fourth, to prevent green apple leaves from yellowing, it is necessary to apply appropriate and timely fertilization. it is best to apply thin fertilizer frequently, a small amount of fertilizer for many times, and remember not to apply too much fertilizer at one time, otherwise it will lead to overnutrition, plants can not be completely absorbed, resulting in root burning, yellow leaves and other phenomena, it is best to use organic fertilizer when fertilizing, or you can use beer properly, and spray the stems and leaves of green apple with water according to the ratio of 1: 1 beer.

The above is an introduction to the causes and solutions to the yellowing of green pineapple leaves. If your green pineapple also meets this problem, try the above solutions, and your green pineapple will come back to life after a period of time! For more information, please follow the four Seasons Plant Network!