
Culture method of octopus orchid

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. Octopus orchid soil requirements are not high, to use loose breathable fertile soil, generally choose fine particles of volcanic rock, bark or fire soil, can also buy special culture soil cultivation. 2. The temperature octopus orchid mostly grows in the forest at an altitude of 2000m, and has strong temperature adaptability.

1. Soil

Octopus orchid soil requirements are not high, to use loose and breathable fertile soil, generally choose fine-grained volcanic rock, bark or burning soil, you can also buy special cultivation soil.

two。 Temperature

Octopus orchids mostly grow in forests at an altitude of 2000m, with strong temperature adaptability, suitable temperature of 15-35 ℃, high temperature in summer to avoid burns, no less than 8 ℃ in winter, and pay attention to keep warm.

3. Light

Octopus orchids like light, lack of light will lead to plant growth slender, affecting flowering, summer should pay attention to shade, other seasons can receive more light.

4. Watering

Octopus orchid needs a lot of water during the growing period, which is usually watered every 3 days. In summer, it is necessary to sprinkle water on the leaves, not only to ensure moist air, but also to cool the plants, and to reduce watering in winter.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Octopus Orchid

The Latin name Prosthechea cochleata (L.) W.E. Higgins

Also known as scallops.

The plant kingdom.

Phylum angiosperm

Monocotyledon class

Subclass lily subclass


Octopus orchid

The distribution area is native to Central America, the West Indies, Colombia, Venezuela and Florida.

Octopus orchid, wing petals and sepals are linear, yellowish green, slightly twisted and drooping naturally, shaped like the small octopus of the Sea Thief King of the Sea, hence the name. It is also called scallop orchid because its lips look like beautiful scallop shells.

1. Classification information

Latin name: Prosthechea cochleata (L.) W.E. Higgins

Classification: Orchidaceae octopus orchid

2. Basic form

Their wings and sepals are linear, yellowish green, slightly twisted and drooping naturally, shaped like the small octopus of the Sea Thief King of the Sea, hence the name. They are also called scallop orchid because their lips look like beautiful scallop shells. Its flower posture is unique, it is a kind of epiphytic orchid with high ornamental value; the pseudo-bulb is flat-oval, the raceme is drawn from the pseudobulb, and the lip is purple-black with yellow stripes, which is located on the upper part of the flower and reverses to form a scallop-shaped style; the flower blooms one after another, and the flowering period is as long as 4-5 months.

3. Place of origin

Octopus orchid is native to Central America, West Indies, Colombia, Venezuela and Florida. Because of its unique flower posture and long flowering period, Octopus Orchid has been cultivated in horticulture and has attracted much attention.

Family Culture methods of Octopus Orchid

Soil requirement

Octopus orchids originally grew in alpine and cold areas, and the requirements for soil are not particularly high. But generally speaking, the drainage and air permeability are better. Generally choose fine-grained volcanic rock, bark or burning soil, of course, you can also buy it directly from the florist.

Temperature range

Octopus orchid grows in the forest at an altitude of 2000m and has strong adaptability to temperature. The temperature is 15-35 ℃ and grows well. It is hot in summer, avoid overheating at noon and cool down with humidity. The winter temperature should not be lower than 8 ℃. If the temperature is low, the light should be increased properly and the roots should be watered less to ensure the relative dryness of the roots.

How to apply fertilizer

Octopus orchid plant is larger, its own fertilizer demand is larger, especially in the vigorous growth period. Apply fertilizer once every two weeks for daily maintenance, increase the number of fertilization and increase the amount of fertilizer during the growing period. Liquid compound fertilizer is used as fertilizer. Try not to use granular fertilizer, which is not easy to be absorbed by the plant.

Plenty of light.

Octopus orchids like bright sunlight, but not direct sunlight. Insufficient light will lead to weak plant growth and poor flowering. There is plenty of sunshine in summer, so it should be moderately shaded, especially at noon. The north does not need shade in winter and can receive sunlight all day long.

Watering the right amount

Octopus orchid growth needs more water, generally every 3 to 5 days to water, appropriate extension of time in winter, during the period to often spray water to the leaves to ensure air humidity. Watering and fertilizing at the same time should cooperate with each other, usually fertilizing 1-2 should be watered once.