
I. Culture methods of desert roses

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. How to propagate the seedlings of desert roses. This plant can cultivate its seedlings not only by means of seeds, but also by cutting, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages. Everyone can choose according to their own needs. 2. the growth habit of desert rose is just like its name.

1. How to propagate the seedlings of desert roses

This kind of plant can cultivate its seedlings not only by seed method, but also by cutting method, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages. Everyone can choose according to their own needs.

2. Growth habits of desert roses.

As its name suggests, desert roses like to grow in a hot, dry, sunny environment, and it also needs a certain temperature. Therefore, when raising desert roses, it should be noted that the growth temperature should be maintained above 10 degrees Celsius in winter. Desert roses like sunshine and can be placed on the balcony to ensure plenty of sunshine.

3. The conditions needed for breeding desert roses

The soil used to cultivate desert roses had better be a loose and well-drained substrate. Desert roses do not have high requirements for soil, so it is OK to meet this requirement. In addition, as mentioned above, desert roses like to be dry and are very drought-resistant, so they don't need to be watered too much. Desert roses are watered every day or two in summer and a little more days in winter. Desert roses cannot be watered during their dormant period.

The Culture method of Desert Rose Flower language of Desert Rose

There is a kind of stone that can blossom. Its name is Desert Rose. Today, I'm going to tell you about desert roses. I'm going to talk about how to cultivate desert roses and the language of desert roses.

Culture methods of desert roses:

1. Habits: desert rose likes high temperature, sufficient sunshine, dry and ventilated environment. Desert rose grows at a temperature of 25-35 degrees Celsius. It can survive well in the harsh summer, but it is not hardy, so the temperature in winter should be kept above 10 ℃.

2. Soil: desert rose does not require high soil performance, but it requires loose soil with good ventilation and drainage performance, which can help desert rose to grow better. Its culture mechanism can be configured with coarse sand, rotten leaves, limestone grains, vermiculite according to the proportion of 315-4-1-1-2, and an appropriate amount of ternary compound fertilizer can be added to the soil as base fertilizer.

3, sunshine: desert rose's favorite sunshine, in its growing period, can maintain direct sunlight for a long time, at the same time, it can turn the basin regularly to ensure the beauty of the branches.

4. Watering: desert roses are more resistant to drought, and can be watered in accordance with the principle of dry and wet. In summer, desert roses are in their growing period. As long as they have enough water, they can be watered every 1-2 days. Winter can reduce moisture appropriately.

5. Fertilization: what desert roses do not like is great joy. Generally, during their growing period, it is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, with a ratio of about 2: 1: 1. Generally, thin compound liquid fertilizer is applied every 10 days.

6. Pruning: usually the desert rose can be pruned, which can effectively ensure the softness and ornamental of the desert rose branch, and at the same time, the branch can be shaped to maintain the ideal plant type of the desert rose.

The flower language of desert roses:

Desert rose is a kind of flower close to the desert, like a cactus, it takes a lot of courage to survive, so the beauty of the desert symbolizes strength and courage, and its flowers are gorgeous and attractive, which can be called a strange flower in the tropics. It looks like a fake rhododendron, so it is also called a fake rhododendron in its origin. The flower language of desert roses stands for "I love you forever".

Desert rose belongs to the genus Apocynaceae, which has a certain toxicity, and its milk is highly toxic. If eaten by mistake, it will cause arrhythmia, heartbeat and other symptoms. Although the water desert rose has a certain degree of toxicity, it can be placed indoors to ensure that it will not be eaten by mistake.

Culture methods of desert roses. Pictures of desert roses

Desert rose, also known as Tianbao flower, is a fallen plant belonging to the genus Apocynaceae, also known as succulent plant. It is a succulent shrub and small tree plant with a height of 4.5 m and a swollen trunk. The leaves of desert roses are in a state of alternate leaves, which are located at the end of the growing branch. Zhang is Obovate and oval, the length is 15cm, the apex is obtuse, and the leaves are short-pointed, fleshy and without petioles. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of desert roses and the introduction of desert roses. [desert Rose Picture-morphological characteristics] Desert Rose is a succulent shrub and small tree plant. It is shaped like a small trumpet. The color of the flowers is rose red and very bright. The inflorescence is umbrella-shaped, brilliant as brocade, and will bloom all the year round. The leaves of desert roses are simple, alternate, Obovate, sharp at the top, 8-10cm in length and 2-4cm in width. The leaves are leathery and glossy. Corolla colors are white, complex, rose, pink, etc., ginger with flowering period from May to December, and flowers are red, rose, pink, white and so on. In the south, those mainly planted in greenhouses will bear rich fruit, and the seeds are white and pilose. [desert rose photo-growth habit] Desert rose likes to grow in an environment with sufficient light, drought, high temperature and so on. It is rich in calcium, loose, permeable and drained sandy soil. Desert rose cold resistance and shade resistance is very good, avoid waterlogging, avoid rich fertilizer, avoid raw fertilizer environment, afraid of cold, and suitable for growing in an environment of 25-30 degrees Celsius. If it is planted at home, it needs to be cultivated in a sunny or astigmatic place. Its flowering period is from May to December. The flowers are pink, white, rose, red and so on. In the south, they are stronger in greenhouses. [desert rose photo-propagation method] Desert rose mainly uses cutting propagation, grafting propagation, strip propagation, sowing propagation, cutting propagation is generally carried out in summer, 1-2-year-old branch cuttings can be selected. The first is the use of bamboo peach as the rootstock, in the attack when the split method, after the survival of the plant growth is very luxuriant, and the flowers are in full bloom. Striping propagation is also carried out in summer, generally using high-altitude striping method in summer, which can take root in nearly a month, while potted plants can be carried out in a month and a half. The method of sowing and reproduction is also carried out in summer, and the suitable temperature for germination is 21 degrees Celsius. [culture method of desert rose] 1. Light: giving enough light is more conducive to the flowering of desert roses, giving proper shading when the growth is exuberant, and proper light when dormant. two。 Temperature: desert roses like to grow in an environment with plenty of light and ventilation. Desert roses are growing in the south in summer, with an average temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, which is very beneficial to the growth of desert roses. Desert roses are very cold-resistant in winter and should be bred indoors. 3. Watering: desert roses should not be grown in a humid environment. Even during the growing period, there should not be too much moisture. Only when the basin soil is completely dry can it be watered. Do not add it during the growing period, or the plant will wither under the threat of insect pests. 4. Fertilization: summer is the growing period of desert roses. Adequate gaug fertilizer should be given during the growing period, which is more conducive to the growth of desert roses. The desert does not specify that the growth rate is relatively slow, some slow-acting fertilizers can be applied, and mature compost can be applied. During the autumn dormancy period, the growth rate of desert roses will also slow down or stop, so stop fertilizing. 5. Pruning: the plant shape of desert roses is very beautiful and the pruning work is very important. In normal times, if it is not pruned and allowed to grow, it will be very easy to lose its ornamental value. Pruning after flowering is the best time, and you can prune it as much as you like. 6. Prevention of diseases and pests: the disease of desert rose has leaf spot, which can be prevented by topiramate spraying. The pests encountered are harmful to shell insects and armyworms, which can be sprayed with fenitrothion.

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