
Maintenance measures of Qili incense

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Temperature and light are not cold-resistant, so we should pay attention to keep them warm in winter, otherwise the leaves will fall. And Qianlixiang likes the sun, so make sure there is enough light, but you can't expose it in summer, otherwise Qianlixiang will be burned.

1. Temperature and light

Qianlixiang is not resistant to cold, so you should pay attention to keep it warm in winter, otherwise the leaves will fall. And Qianlixiang likes the sun, so make sure there is enough light, but you can't expose it in summer, otherwise Qianlixiang will be burned.

2. Watering

Because Qianlixiang likes a warm and humid environment, so Qianlixiang should be watered in time to prevent it from dying of drought, but it can't be watered more, otherwise it is easy to rot the roots.

3. Fertilization

Fertilize Qianlixiang regularly, about every half a month during the growing period.

4. Pruning

It should be pruned regularly to keep the plant shape beautiful and promote the growth of Qianlixiang.

5. Change the basin

In Qianli incense raised to 2-3 years later to change the basin, and then every two or three years to change the basin, generally in the spring and autumn season to change the basin, so easy to survive and promote the growth of incense.

Well, that's the end of today's content. I hope the editor's content can make you know more about Qilixiang!

The function of Qili incense 1. Ornamental function

Qilixiang has beautiful branches, beautiful shape and beautiful flowers, which must be ornamental, so it is very suitable to be placed indoors as a potted plant.

2. Medicinal effect.

The leaves and twigs of Qilixiang can be used as medicine. they are effective drugs for treating colds, headaches, stomachaches and other diseases, as well as promoting blood circulation and dispelling blood stasis.

The above is the function of Qilixiang, don't you think it's amazing? The following is the maintenance measures of Qilixiang sorted out by the editor.

When Qili incense blossoms, when does it bloom?

When does Qili incense bloom?

The flowering time of Qili incense: it usually blossoms between April and September every year, and sometimes it blossoms in autumn and winter.

Qili incense fruit period: the florescence of Qili incense is relatively long, and it will bear fruit after it blossoms, and the fruiting period is between September and December.

How does Qili incense grow and blossom

Like warmth, relatively resistant to low temperature, not resistant to severe cold, able to withstand hot sun and hot heat. In order to make the fragrance of Jiuli overflowing, attention should be paid to:

1. The method of blossom and cultivation of Qilixiang: potted soil is fertile.

It is appropriate to choose sandy soil rich in humus, loose and fertile. In the young tree stage, the pot needs to be changed once a year in early spring and planted in a barrel at the flowering stage to facilitate root development.

2. The method of flowering and cultivation of Qili incense: water control

Jiuli incense is more resistant to drought and should not be watered too much during the growth period, as long as it can keep the soil slightly moist. Watering in summer high temperature season should not be too much, but water can not be accumulated in the basin (bucket). At this time, it is often necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves, which can not only play the role of cooling and humidification, but also help to make the branches and leaves green.

3. Qili incense blossom and cultivation method: appropriate amount of fertilizer

Rational fertilization is another important measure to raise Jiuli incense well. Thin pancake fertilizer and water should be applied every 3-4 weeks in the peak growing season. In addition, during the growth period, avoid direct sunlight, should be placed in the shade to cultivate, so as to make Jiuli fragrant flowers rich.

The shape of flowers of Qilixiang

The flowers of Qilixiang are mainly terminal or axillary, usually with less than 10 flowers, and more than 50 when there are more. Qilixiang petals are oblanceolate or long oval, when fully open there will be some annoyance, the flowers are mainly white, but with some yellowish oil spots. The flowers of Qili incense are accompanied by fragrance, which is very rich.