
Planting conditions of Saussurea involucrata

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Planting conditions of Saussurea involucrata

Snow lotus fruit is a kind of high-end fruit in our daily life. Snow lotus fruit is very similar to sweet potato in appearance, and many people will confuse the two. In fact, there is a big difference between snow lotus and sweet potato, and it can not be planted according to the planting method of sweet potato, because snow lotus fruit is more strict on the environment. So what are the planting conditions of Saussurea fruit? The following editor brings you the planting conditions of snow lotus fruit, let's have a look!

1. Soil

The planting of snow lotus fruit has strict requirements on the soil. when planting, we should choose the soil with strong permeability and good drainage and irrigation. Because snow lotus fruit is not suitable to live in moist soil, so we prevent soil stagnant water, its soil properties should be loose and sandy. It is convenient to drain water when there is stagnant water, pay attention to the PH value of the soil, sprinkle an appropriate amount of lime powder in the soil before planting, and kill the eggs through the heat emitted by the lime powder. Avoid serious insect pests in the later stage, affecting the growth of snow lotus fruit.

2. Temperature

Snow lotus fruit is a temperature-loving crop, in the planting process must control the surrounding temperature, the best temperature of snow lotus fruit is about 25 degrees. If the temperature around the planting area changes greatly, then growers should adjust the planting mode from open-air planting to greenhouse planting. Because planting in the greenhouse can adjust the temperature in time to avoid the low temperature affecting the growth of snow lotus fruit. And when sowing, we must pay attention to the temperature, the temperature is too low, the seed germination is difficult, and the sowing temperature should be controlled above 15 degrees.

3. Lighting

Snow lotus fruit likes light very much, and there is a great demand for light in the planting process, so we should choose a place with higher ground when choosing a planting site. It is precisely because of the light that the planting area of snow lotus fruit is relatively small, which can only be planted in cities with high elevations such as Xizang and Yunnan. If the growth of Saussurea fruit is lack of light, the leaves are dull, drooping, the ability of photosynthesis is decreased, and the absorption of nutrients is blocked. As a result, the tuber could not be expanded effectively, which seriously affected the yield and quality, and led to the decrease of planting benefit.

4. Nutrition

The growth rate of snow lotus fruit is faster, and the yield under normal management is relatively high, so the demand for nutrition of snow lotus fruit is very large. We should not only apply sufficient base fertilizer before sowing, but also do a good job of topdressing at all important growth stages of snow lotus fruit. In the early stage, the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer can be appropriately increased, the growth of seedlings can be promoted, and the root extension and nutrient absorption can be strengthened. In the middle and later stage, it is necessary to control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, because if there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, it may lead to the growth of snow lotus fruit, reduce the flowering and fruiting rate, and affect the economic benefits of planting.

The above is a brief introduction of the planting conditions of snow lotus fruit, as mentioned earlier, due to these relatively stringent environmental requirements, resulting in the planting area of snow lotus fruit is small, the annual output can not meet the market demand, its planting prospect is still quite good. However, the cultivation of snow lotus fruit is very risky, and we must consider it carefully before planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.