
one。 The Culture method of Ping an Tree

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, 1. The light demand of Ping an tree varies with the passage of time. 3-year-old 5-year-old plants grow faster in shade, while 6-year-old 10-year-old plants require plenty of sunlight. Potted plants should not be given full light after entering summer. They can be placed in the shade of big trees or under a shade.

1. Light

The light demand of Ping an tree varies with the passage of time. 3-year-old 5-year-old plants grow faster in shade, while 6-year-old 10-year-old plants require plenty of sunlight. Potted plants into the summer, can not be given full light, can be placed in the shade of trees or under the shade, give about 50% of the scattered light, sooner or later let it fully see the light, then the growth is better. Be sure to pay attention to the light can not be too strong, too strong will lead to yellow leaves, affecting the ornamental effect.

two。 Temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of Ping an tree is about 25 degrees Celsius, it is not cold-resistant, and it is resistant to low temperatures below zero degrees, otherwise it is easy to cause bark to crack, branches and leaves to wither, and seedlings to freeze to death.

3. Watering

Like to be moist, usually wait for the basin soil surface to be watered when half of the soil is dry, and often spray water or spray to the leaf surface when the weather is dry. In winter, wait for about half of the basin soil to dry before watering. Ping an trees like the environment with high air humidity and general relative humidity. Only when it is more than 80% can it grow vigorously. In summer or dry autumn, or even put indoors in winter, you should often spray water on the leaves to create a more humid space environment. If there is stagnant water in the basin, it is easy to cause root rot, so we should water it appropriately.

4. Soil

Potted Ping an trees should use acid soil that is loose, fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter. Soil consolidation viscosity or acidity is not enough, poor drainage, basin soil consolidation and so on may lead to fibrous root rot, plant leaf yellowing and poor growth. It can be cultivated with rotten leaf soil.

5. Change the basin

The pots of small trees are changed once a year, and those of large trees are changed once every two years on average.

6. Fertilizer application

Ping an trees prefer fertilizer and can be topdressing compound available fertilizer once a month in the growing season and applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer twice after autumn.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Ping an trees

[related reading]? Floor mat brand? Soundproof curtains? How about an inflatable bed? The cultivation method of dripping Guanyin the bark of Ping an tree is a kind of medicinal material, which has the effect of dispelling wind and dispelling cold, and it is also very effective for pain and removing blood stasis. The flower words of the peace tree: pray for peace, all the best, and the joy of the family. The breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree are also urgently needed to know. The editor brings you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree? 1. Selection of basin soil: the selection of basin soil in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree is very important. The soil must be fertile and the basin must have drainage pores. Can drain, choose the loam containing acid sand, the yellowing of the leaves of cultured plants is that the acidity of the soil is too low and the soil stickiness is heavy. When the leaves of the culture turn yellow, the germination becomes slower, thus affecting the growth life of the plant. 2, the suitable temperature for breeding: the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree are the only choices that many people are easy to ignore. The best temperature is 22 ℃ to 30 ℃. If you encounter heavy snow or frost in winter in the north, you should take good measures to keep safe trees warm, so as to prevent the bark from cracking, branches and leaves withering, and serious ones may freeze to death. 3. Sun exposure requirements: the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an trees, and the basic conditions of each plant when the sun is sufficient. Any green plant needs good light for photosynthesis. To grow up healthily. Ping an tree is a light-loving plant, at the same time, it is also afraid of strong light exposure, so don't expose it to the sun in summer. 4. Knowledge of aquaculture and fertilization: when Ping an trees begin to sprout, they should be fertilized once a month. But in the process of fertilization, can not put a lot, as long as a thin layer of sun on it. Applying too much fertilizer will burn the safe tree. It shows that the leaves turn yellow and are serious until death. 1. A small number of diseased leaves should be removed and burned in time to avoid yellowing and withering of the whole leaves, resulting in a large number of fallen leaves. 2. If there is stagnant water in the basin soil, it is easy to lead to plant yellowing, lower leaves yellowing and falling off, and in serious cases, it will cause rotten roots and death. 3. The appearance of brown spot may be infected with brown spot. This is caused by poor indoor ventilation, high temperature and humidity, and poor lighting. 4. Improper fertilization, excessive or excessive fertilization, resulting in heavy nutrition, water loss and atrophy of the beard root will lead to necrosis. Conclusion: after reading the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree introduced by the editor, do the friends who like to grow flowers and plants have some experience? Ping an tree is a kind of plant with great ornamental value, which can not only beautify the environment, but also purify the air.

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The Culture method of Ping an Tree

Ping an tree is a kind of Orchid Island cinnamon with auspicious meaning. It has beautiful shape and small leaves. Ping an tree is a very precious and beautiful potted plant. We can also write the wish for peace into a card and hang it on the tree to pray for peace. This is also a kind of spiritual sustenance. We can keep it indoors or in front of the door, which will have a sense of peace. Every kind of ornamental plant will have its flower language, and the flower language of Ping an tree is: beg for peace, family happiness, and all the best. So with such a beautiful blessing of the peace tree, do you also want to raise one? Now the editor can tell you how to cultivate Ping an trees. Don't miss anything you want to breed.

The Culture method of Ping an Tree

1. The safe tree belongs to a kind of high temperature plant, its living environment should be about 25 ℃, and the young trees are not resistant to cold, so it is best to choose spring at the beginning of breeding.

2. In winter, the safe tree should be moved back to indoor breeding, and when the temperature is too high in summer, it needs to be watered.

3. The safe tree needs better sunshine, and it is also more shady. Its need for sunlight varies with the growth of saplings. Seedlings can grow in a cool place, and after about 4 years of growth, they need plenty of sunshine when they grow up, so that they can grow better.

4. The amount of watering should be controlled after entering autumn. if there is stagnant water in the basin soil, it will easily lead to the yellowing and shedding of the lower leaves of the seedlings, and in serious cases, the rotten roots of the plants will die. So pay attention to this.