
Can camellias be cultured indoors?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Camellias can be raised indoors, but they must be well preserved, because if they are not nursed properly, they will wither. So how to cultivate camellias indoors? Next, the editor will give you a detailed introduction.

Camellias can be raised indoors, but they must be well preserved, because if they are not nursed properly, they will wither. So how to cultivate camellias indoors? Next, the editor will give you a detailed introduction.

Indoor culture method of camellias 1. Light temperature

Camellias like the environment with adequate light and ventilation, and are not resistant to high temperature and cold, so when breeding, we must pay attention to sufficient light and temperature regulation, do not put it on the balcony.

2. Water management

Camellias like the moist environment, resistant to semi-shade, so watering can be a little more, but not excessive, which can promote the growth of camellias. We should pay attention to the high temperature in summer, watering should be done in the morning and evening, and we should pay attention to reduce the watering times in winter to prevent freezing roots.

3. Soil management

Camellia soil requires loose soil and good drainage of sandy soil, it is best to mix some fertilizers to ensure adequate nutrients.

4. Disease and insect nuisance

As soon as pests are found, they should be dealt with immediately, such as spraying insecticide. if there is a disease, just cut off the diseased branches.

5. Pruning

For camellias, they must be pruned regularly in order to maintain their beautiful shape and bloom gorgeously, so they should be pruned from time to time.

Techniques of family potted culture of camellias can camellias be put in the indoor bedroom

Nowadays, people will use their spare time to cultivate flowers and plants in their balconies, roofs and other places. Camellia as one of the traditional flowers and plants in China is certainly indispensable. Although camellias have been cultivated in China for a long time, most people are not very experienced in how to plant them well. The following editor will introduce to you what the cultivation techniques of potted plants are.

Family pot culture techniques of camellias

1. Lighting

Camellias should be placed in a warm, moist, ventilated and transparent place. Sufficient light should be given in spring and shade should be paid attention to in summer to avoid direct sunlight and western basking. If you put it on the balcony, you will die in the sun if you are not careful.

2. Watering

The cultivation of camellia bonsai should keep the soil moist, but it should not be too wet to prevent dry and wet. Generally, it can be properly watered in spring to facilitate sprouting and shoots; in summer, it is best to spray foliar water to make the leaves drenched, not directly irrigated and fully irrigated, not hot water, to avoid high temperature before and after noon; appropriate amount of watering in autumn; watering in winter is appropriate before and after noon, but every two or three days.

3. Fertilization

Camellias like fertilizer, when potting, we should pay attention to put base fertilizer in the basin soil, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, usually should not apply too much fertilizer, generally in April-May after the application of 2-3 thin fertilizer water, autumn November application of a slightly thicker water and water. When using fertilizer, we should pay attention to a slightly larger proportion of phosphate fertilizer in order to promote the blooming and colorful flowers.

4. Pruning

The growth of camellias is slow and should not be over-pruned, which will generally affect the tree-shaped overgrown branches as well as disease and insect branches and weak branches. Only 1-2 flowers can be thinned and kept at a certain distance so as not to consume nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick close to withered flowers in time, which can also reduce the consumption of nutrients to facilitate the robust growth of plants and the formation of new flower buds.

5. Turn the basin

The bonsai of camellias can be turned once in 1-2 years, and the new pot should be larger than the old pot No. 1 to facilitate the expansion and development of the root system. The time to turn the basin should be in April in spring, or in autumn. Combined with soil exchange, properly remove part of the consolidated old soil, replace it with fertile and loose new soil, and place base fertilizer in combination.

6. Pest control

The main diseases of camellias are black mold and anthracnose, which can be controlled by spraying 0.5 degree Bordeaux solution. The main pest is tea shoot moth, and the control method can cut off the insect tip, which is generally carried out from April to June.

Can I put the camellias in the indoor bedroom?

Camellias can be put in the indoor bedroom. It repels mosquitoes and absorbs many harmful substances. In this respect, it is beneficial to the quality of sleep and relatively beneficial to the human body. However, there are also many people who are allergic to pollen, so it is best not to breed them in the bedroom.

Tips on maintenance of camellias after flowering

1. Pruning in time

After the full flowering period, the remaining residual flowers should be removed, and at the same time, the overdense overlapping branches, cross branches and dry branches should be cut off, so as to prevent the empty consumption of tree nutrients on the one hand, and enhance the ventilation and ventilation ability of the plant on the other hand. Prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests (such as shell insects, black spot) and promote the healthy growth of plants.

2. Timely fertilization

Camellia consumes a lot of nutrients from budding to shedding. In order to restore the tree potential quickly, it must be supplemented by fertilization. Apply thin liquid fertilizer every other week or so after flowering. Liquid fertilizer can be made with bean cake, hoof horn, fish bone meal and black alum combined with sealed bubble. After ripening, the upper fermentation liquid can be diluted with water. Do not irrigate with thick fertilizer and raw fertilizer to avoid rotting roots. At the same time, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can also be used for extra-root topdressing, spraying once every ten days for 5 times in order to promote the stout spring shoots and improve the ability of pregnant buds.

3. Appropriate watering

Around the middle of April, the spring shoot of camellia began to grow, but at this time the climate was dry and the air humidity was small, so it should be properly watered and sprayed with foliar water once or twice a day to increase local air humidity to facilitate plant growth.

4. Change the basin in time

For the plants that should be changed after flowering, the pots should be changed immediately. When changing pots, it is best to use delayed fertilizer such as horns of hooves and hair as base fertilizer, pour water once after changing pots, put them in a wet and cool place, and carry out normal management after 20 days.

What are the reasons why camellias do not grow?

1. The amount of water is not suitable.

Camellias grow too slowly or stop growing in large part because of too little watering, which slows down the growth of camellias; too much watering will cause rotten roots and is not conducive to plant growth.

2. Too little fertilizer

Too little fertilization will make camellias undernourished and affect plant development.

3. Improper lighting

Too much direct sunlight or insufficient sunlight will affect the normal growth of camellias.

4. it is too late to transfer seedlings.

Many people will move the seedlings of camellias during the Spring Festival, which is an important reason for the poor growth of camellias.

The value of camellias is very great, not only can be used for viewing, but also for food and beauty. However, in the process of development, we must not be afraid of affecting the beauty and not pruning it, and because the proper pruning can ensure its better growth.