
Propagation methods of Oncidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The ramet propagation of Oncidium is a kind of compound-stemmed orchid. Mature plants will have seed plants, and ramet propagation needs to wait for the pseudobulbs of the seed plants to grow. Generally speaking, the false bulb with two buds is cut off and planted directly in a basin with water moss to keep it moist, which can better promote root growth.

division propagation

Oncidium is a kind of compound stem orchid. Mature plants have daughter plants, and propagation requires pseudobulbs of daughter plants to grow. Generally speaking, there are two false bulbs cut down and planted directly in the pot with moss, keeping it moist and better promoting root growth.

tissue culture

Tissue culture needs to wait for oncidium to grow buds at the base. First, disinfect the surface of buds with 70% alcohol. After disinfection, wash them with sterile water, cut the tips of stems, and inoculate them on the culture medium. Keep it in a warm environment and it will germinate in 20 days. This method of propagation requires higher requirements and is not suitable for ordinary flower cultivation.


Oncidium hydrophyte culture technology requirements are relatively high, generally in professional hydroponic flower base culture, so that Oncidium grow aquatic roots, adapt to the water environment. Oncidium hydroponics is also very elegant and generous, placed in the home or office is also very clean and beautiful.

1. The soil

Oncidium needs fertile soil with natural ventilation. Before planting, a layer of broken tiles can be laid at the bottom of the pot. The soil is often mixed with bark, fern root, moss and charcoal.

2. illumination

Oncidium likes semi-shade environment, the light should not be too strong or too weak, otherwise it will affect flowering, summer needs shade, so as not to burn, winter can receive light all day.

3. temperature

The suitable temperature for growth of thick leaf varieties is 18~25℃, not lower than 12℃; the suitable temperature for thin leaf varieties is 10-22℃, and the lowest temperature is not lower than 8℃.

4. watering

Oncidium prefer dry, as long as the soil surface is slightly dry to water, but there can be no ponding, winter to reduce the amount and frequency of watering, and watering water temperature can not be too low.

5. fertilization

Because Wenxin in spring and autumn every half month to apply organic fertilizer, can irrigate roots or leaves. Because winter temperatures are low, there is no need to fertilize.

Culture method of oncidium

Oncidium, also known as auspicious orchid, dancing orchid, dancing orchid, golden butterfly orchid, tumor petal orchid, 1~3 leaves, can be divided into thin leaf species, thick leaf species and sword leaf species. Grasp its growth habits, let it adapt to the climate environment you are in, it is not difficult to raise Oncidium. Key points of this article


Soil: Oncidium plant material I generally use pure water moss, or sawdust, granular orchid stone plus a small amount of peat soil mixture. When planting, the bulb should be exposed because it is an aerial root. If the bulb is buried below, it is difficult to grow vigorously, so it is difficult to make seedlings.

Temperature: winter temperature should not be lower than 15℃, air humidity in the four seasons around 80%. In dry seasons, spray water on plants daily to keep plants moist in pots. Summer plum rain wet season, do not give too much water, otherwise easy to rot roots (found rotten roots timely remedies, to take out the plants to dry, spray carbendazim, and then plant).

Fertilization: fertilizer is applied once every half month during growth, nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in seedling stage, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are the main fertilizer in adult plant. The ability of root system to absorb fertilizer is poor, so fertilization should be thin, avoid applying thick fertilizer, too thick fertilizer will make leaves yellow and thin, and even rotten roots wither. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering, winter and summer. I occasionally sprinkle some compound fertilizer in the pot, diluted phosphorus water before flowering sprayed on the plants or roots.

Illumination: Spring, summer, autumn three seasons need half shade environment, winter can give sufficient sunshine, but do not make it insolate in the hot summer sun. In order to prolong the flowering period, let its fragrance in the room for a few days, it is best to put it in a place where the temperature is not very high and the sun is not shining, and at this time to give less water. The longest flowering period of my oncidium is nearly a month.

Propagation: Oncidium propagation multi-use sub-plant propagation method, generally just after the sub-plant do not immediately water, when slightly dry to spray some water leaves, such as new roots grow when watering, and then spray some average fertilizer, but the concentration can not be too high, generally 0.6% to 0.8%. In the process of curing water can not be poured too much, so easy to rot roots, should pay attention to ventilation and light transmission.

Note: 1. Oncidium is prone to black spot disease. My general method is to cut off the leaves with spots, spray carbendazim twice a week, and the ventilation environment should be good.

Note: 2, usually wait for the substrate to be about half dry before watering, like high air humidity, air dry period to often spray water to the foliage, it is best to put the flowerpot on a shallow dish with stones and water.

Note: 3, pot change is usually carried out after flowering, not flowering plants, can be selected before the growth period, such as early spring and autumn when the weather becomes cool, cultivation materials should be replaced together, pot change can be combined with ramets.


Light, temperature, water and fertilizer are suitable