
two。 Matters needing attention in the Culture of Ping an Tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Pruning in time, if the branches and leaves are too dense, you need to clean and remove the leaves and prune the branches regularly to keep them ventilated and ventilated. two。 Pay attention to the pruning time, it can be pruned all the year round, but spring or autumn is the period of exuberant growth of Ping an tree. if it is pruned at this time, it is easy to send new branches.

1. Pruning in time, if the branches and leaves are too dense, you need to clean and remove the leaves and prune the branches regularly to keep them ventilated and ventilated.

two。 Pay attention to the pruning time, it can be pruned all the year round, but spring or autumn is a period of exuberant growth of Ping an trees. If it is pruned at this time, it is easy to send out new branches. Prune some branches when the temperature is 20 ℃ in spring to increase the number of branches, but pay attention to the distance between the cut mouth and the bud hole of the Internode, otherwise it will lose water and cause the branches to wither. And the cut must be smooth and not tearing.

3. The main reason for the blackening of the leaves of Ping an tree is the damage caused by diseases and insect pests. Brown spot is the most important disease. This disease usually occurs when the indoor ventilation is poor, hot and humid, or the line is insufficient. The leaves will produce some brown spots at the beginning, and then will continue to expand, and there will be a lot of black spots on the leaves. The disease is at its worst from April to May every year. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to observe the leaves of the safe tree and deal with the problems in time.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Ping an Tree

The safe tree is fertilized.

Ping an tree has a high demand for fertilizer. From spring to autumn, Ping an tree has to apply thin cake fertilizer once a month. After entering autumn, it needs to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer twice in a row, which can increase the cold resistance of the plant and promote the Lignification of new shoots in advance. So that it can survive the winter safely.

After entering the winter, we should stop all right and wrong, and prevent fertilizer from harming the plant's roots, causing the leaves to turn yellow or wither and fall.

How to water the safe tree

We all know that Ping an trees like to be applied to your growing environment, are not resistant to drought, and the basin soil should maintain a certain degree of humidity. The number of times of watering varies according to the season, and on the surface, if the topsoil is a little dry, it needs watering.

You need to spray water on the leaves in dry weather and keep watering them once a day in summer. Safe trees should control the amount of water after autumn, and spray more water and less water in winter. If there is stagnant water in the basin soil, it will cause the plant to yellowing.

Key points of propagation of Ping an tree

The propagation of Ping an tree is often carried out by sowing and sowing, and it is usually planted mainly by trenching and sowing in the south from September to October. When the seedlings of the plant grow 3-4 true leaves, liquid fertilizer should be applied once a month, stop fertilization after autumn, do a good job of cold prevention, and overwinter at an indoor temperature of not less than 5 ℃.

Essentials of safe Tree pruning

The safe tree is pruned in spring. When the temperature is 20 ℃, part of the branches will be trimmed short to increase the number of branches. The cut should be smooth and pick the heart in time to promote multiple branches and buds so as to avoid the imbalance of plant growth. Practice has proved that the effect of timely heart-picking of Ping an trees cultivated in the north is much better than that of pruning.

Safe tree pot soil replacement

Potted safe trees should loosen the soil once a month in order to maintain the normal development of their roots and make their roots in a good state of permeability. Small trees can change pots once a year, and large trees can change pots every 2-3 years. In the process of changing pots, all the necrotic roots should be cut off to ensure the normal growth and development of the plant.

Matters needing attention in how to cultivate Ping an trees

In China, many plants and flowers have very beautiful names, and Ping an Tree is also one of them. The real name of Ping an Tree is Orchid Island Cinnamon, which belongs to the evergreen Lauraceae. Its branches and stems are dignified, yellowish green, smooth and hairless. The surface of the leaf is bright green and has a metallic luster, while the back is grayish green. Next, I would like to tell you about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree, hoping to help you.

The Culture method of Ping an Tree

Potted soil selection: the potted soil of Ping an tree pot, it is appropriate to use acid sandy loam with loose and fertile, good drainage and rich organic matter, which is also the pot soil requirement of most indoor flower farming. If the soil adhesion is heavy or the acidity is low, it will cause the leaves of aquaculture to yellowing, sprouting and regeneration to decrease, thus affecting the growth life of plants.

The suitable temperature for culture: the optimum temperature for Ping an tree growth is 22 ℃ to 30 ℃, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. In case of freezing or days of frost should do a good job of heat preservation, in order to prevent bark cracking, branches and leaves withered, serious may be frozen to death.

With moderate light, the safe tree not only likes the sun but also is very shady, but it can not be exposed to the sun, especially when it is placed in the sun in summer, it is appropriate to cover about 50% of its area, otherwise the sun may burn the leaves. It can be exposed to the sun directly in winter without the need for shelter.

Watering correctly, Ping an tree likes a humid environment and is not resistant to drought, its basin soil should be kept relatively moist, leaves should be sprayed with water in dry weather, leaves should be sprayed once a day in summer, and indoor relative air humidity should be kept above 60%. When watering, you can first water once, and then water again in half an hour, so as to avoid the appearance of half of the water. The number of times of watering varies according to the season, and it can be watered when the topsoil is a little dry.

Fertilization, fertilization every other month except winter, winter fertilization may hurt the rhizome.

Pest control, young leaves and new buds of Ping an tree are prone to aphids. After spreading plant ash, rinse with clean water; spray neem leaf juice, which can effectively kill insects; spray imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 times.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Ping an Tree

The breeding focus of Ping an tree has the following four points. The first point is light. Safe trees should pay attention to cover their leaves in summer, otherwise they will be easily burned by the sun. The second point is temperature. Ping an tree likes warmth, and the most suitable temperature is 20 to 30 degrees. In winter, it is best not to put the Ping an tree outdoors, but to move it indoors for breeding. The third point is to water correctly. Ping an tree likes wet soil, so it has to hand over water to Ping an tree every day in summer. Fourth, loosen the soil. When raising a safe tree, it is best to loosen the soil every other month, so that the safe tree grows better.

Causes of yellowing of leaves of Ping an tree and its solutions

Yellowing of leaves is a relatively common phenomenon in the process of indoor flower culture, and it is inevitable that leaves will not turn yellow in indoor culture of Ping an trees, and the main reasons for yellowing or shedding of leaves of Ping an trees are as follows:

First, due to accidents or special circumstances, the root system of the plant is seriously damaged, which leads to the yellowing of leaves.

Second, the yellow and fallen leaves of Ping an tree were caused by freezing injury when the indoor temperature was below 5 ℃.

Third, too much watering leads to rotten roots at the bottom, thus causing plants to yellowing and falling leaves.

Fourth, the water quality is alkaline and heavy, which leads to the slow yellowing of leaves, which is more common in the north, especially in other places.

Fifth, improper fertilization, excessive fertilization and excessive concentration, resulting in water loss, atrophy and necrosis of nutritious fibrous roots.

Sixth, the leaves are withered and yellowed after exposure to the hot sun for a long time.

The above is for you to talk about the Ping an tree culture methods and points for attention, we are clear? Please pay attention to more knowledge of home decoration.