
Matters needing attention in the Culture of Cuiju

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. Pruning chrysanthemum generally does not need to pick the heart, generally often trim loose side branches, so that the peanuts on the main branch grow better. two。 Cuiju likes sunshine. Keeping light for 15 hours a day will make the plant grow more vigorous and sturdy. 3. Water the chrysanthemum moderately to keep the basin soil moist.

1. Pruning

Cuiju generally does not need to pick the heart, usually pruning loose side branches, so that the peanuts on the main branch grow better.

two。 Light

Cuiju likes the sun, and keeping 15 hours of light every day will make the plant grow more vigorously and will be shorter and stronger.

3. Watering

To properly water the chrysanthemum, keep the basin soil moist, but excessive watering will cause root rot and other diseases.

Cuiju is easy to breed. I hope these can help you raise healthy and beautiful chrysanthemums.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cuiju

Culture methods of Cuiju

Feed water

Cuiju likes a humid environment, but is afraid of being too wet, so it is a shallow-rooted plant, so it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist during the growing period, which is conducive to the growth of plants. Because it is relatively dry in summer, it can appropriately increase the frequency of watering.


Cuiju likes a warm, sunny environment and grows exuberantly in an environment with convenient ventilation and sufficient light.

Cuiju is sensitive to sunlight and likes sunlight.


The suitable growth temperature of Cuiju is 15 ℃-25 ℃, which is weak in cold tolerance and not resistant to extreme heat.

In winter, the temperature should not be lower than 3 ℃. If the temperature is below 0 ℃, the stems and leaves will suffer frost damage.

If the temperature exceeds 30 ℃ in summer, it will cause Cuiju to blossom less or delay flowering.


Cuiju likes fertile, moist, good drainage soil, generally choose loam, sandy loam, according to the growth of the plant appropriate fertilization.

Matters needing attention in Cuiju Culture

Pay attention to moderate watering

Watering should be carried out according to the actual situation, and the basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise it will lead to the growth and lodging of green chrysanthemum, and diseases may occur, and the stagnant water caused by excessive watering will also make the rotten roots of green chrysanthemum die.

Keep the light for a long time

Cuiju likes to be exposed to the sun. If the exposure time reaches 15 hours a day, the plant will grow vigorously, be short and strong, and the flowering time will be earlier. On the contrary, if the sunshine time is short, the plant will grow higher and the flowering period will be relatively delayed.

So when breeding, put the plants in a place that can accept direct sunlight.

Prune branches frequently

Cuiju does not need to pick the heart, but in order to highlight the flowers on the main branch, you can often trim the side branches, each plant can retain 5 Mel 7 flower branches.

Introduction to the breeding methods of Cuiju, as well as matters needing attention in conservation, chrysanthemum is a common flower in our life, and its petals are slender and dense. Do you know Cuiju? It has many colors and bright colors and a wide variety, so it is very popular with the majority of flower friends. Its flowers are large and beautiful, its florescence is long, and it has high ornamental value. Today, I will take you to learn about the breeding method of Cui Chrysanthemum.

Culture method

1. Watering

Cuiju naturally likes to be moist and is afraid of dryness. It should be fully watered during its growth to keep the soil moist. But to grasp the weight of watering, the soil is too wet, prone to disease. After budding, watering should be properly controlled to restrain the elongation of the main branch.

two。 Soil

Cuiju is generally not strict with the soil, and the general soil can grow with a little management, preferably a soil rich in humus and well drained.

3. Temperature

Cuiju is not cold-resistant and needs a higher temperature. Planting in the north needs to be moved back indoors in winter. The optimum temperature for the growth of Chrysanthemum morifolium is 1525 ℃, and the winter temperature is not lower than 3 ℃. The stems and leaves below 0 ℃ are easy to suffer frost injury. On the contrary, when the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the flowering is delayed or poor.

4. Sunshine

Cuiju is a long sunshine plant, which is sensitive to sunlight. Under the condition of 15 hours of sunshine every day, it can keep the plant short and blossom early. If treated with short sunshine, the plant grows tall and the flowering vertebrae are late.

5. Insect pest

Cuiju is relatively easy to be infected with leaf spot, wilt, rust and other diseases. When diseased plants are found, they should be removed in time, and attention should be paid to avoid continuous cropping, waterlogging, airtight, high temperature and high humidity environment, and do not pollute the leaves when fertilizing. when it rains, it is necessary to prevent mud from splashing and polluting the leaves and spreading germs.

6. Fertilizer application

Cuiju likes fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply fully mature organic fertilizer as base fertilizer when planting. After the seedlings are planted slowly, we can start to apply dilute liquid fertilizer, and then apply topdressing every one month or so to promote the strong leaves and bright flowers.

7. Pruning

Cuiju generally does not need to pick the heart, but in order to make the inflorescence on the main branch fully show the characteristics of the variety, part of the lateral branches should be thinned properly.

Matters needing attention

1. Moderate watering

Watering should be carried out according to the actual situation, and the basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise it will lead to the growth and lodging of green chrysanthemum, and diseases may occur, and the stagnant water caused by excessive watering will also make the rotten roots of green chrysanthemum die.

two。 Keep the light for a long time

Cuiju likes to be exposed to the sun. If the exposure time reaches 15 hours a day, the plant will grow vigorously, be short and strong, and the flowering time will be earlier. On the contrary, if the sunshine time is short, the plant will grow higher and the flowering period will be relatively delayed. So when breeding, put the plants in a place that can accept direct sunlight.

3. Prune branches frequently

Cuiju does not need to pick the heart, but in order to highlight the flowers on the main branch, you can often trim the side branches, each plant can retain 5 Mel 7 flower branches.

The above are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the green chrysanthemum collected and sorted out. I hope it can be helpful to the majority of flower friends, and please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed and learn more about flower conservation.