
What are the propagation methods of Salvia miltiorrhiza

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the propagation methods of Salvia miltiorrhiza

Salvia miltiorrhiza, also known as Red Root and Dahongpao, is cultivated in most parts of our country. It has high medicinal value. It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, removing blood stasis and promoting blood circulation. It can achieve excellent results in women with irregular menstruation, and even eliminate inflammation of breast and lymph glands. So do you know how it propagates? Let's get to know it.

1. Root-splitting propagation

At the time of annual harvest, the sturdy, bright red, pest-free and intact annual rooting strips were selected as seed roots and stored in wet sand until the second year. Of course, you can also choose not to harvest plants that are robust and disease-free, stay in place to plant, and dig up and plant them the next year. When planting, the tuber was cut into small segments of 5-7cm, and began to be planted after a little air. When planting, the row spacing of the plant was controlled, and it was inserted into the soil without exposure. After watering, the tuber was covered with an arched plastic film shed and watered once a week, and seedlings could germinate in about one month.

2. Reed head reproduction

The propagation of Reed head is similar to that of split root propagation. During harvest, the plant with strong growth and no disease and insect pests is selected and its thick root is cut off as medicine, while the fine root with a diameter less than 0.6cm and the Reed head at the base are used as seed. The seed stem was sprayed with low concentration zinc sulfate dissolved oxygen, and then dried for 2 hours, the method was the same as that of root division.

3. Seed propagation

Seed propagation is suitable for mass cultivation of seedlings. It is generally carried out in late March, first complete the seedbed, then open a deep shallow ditch of 1cm according to the row spacing of 33cm on the seedbed, mix the seeds with fine sand and sow them evenly, and it is appropriate to cover the soil without seeds. After sowing, cover grass can keep heat and moisture. Under the condition of suitable temperature, seedlings can emerge in half a month. After emergence, cover grass should be removed in time, and seedling stage management should be done well.

4. Cuttage propagation

Salvia miltiorrhiza has strong asexual fecundity and can be carried out in warm times, generally from April to May in the south and from July to August in the north. First of all, take the aboveground stem of Salvia miltiorrhiza, cut it into small segments of 10-15cm, cut off the lower old leaves and leave half of the upper new leaves, in order to improve the survival rate, it is best to cut and insert. The cuttings can be cut obliquely on the prepared border surface, and the distance between plants can be 4-5cm. 6-7cm should be inserted and watered to shade after cutting.

The above is the introduction of the breeding methods of Salvia miltiorrhiza, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.