
Culture methods of African jasmine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Soil South and North African jasmine soil requirements are different: the southern region requires the planting site for loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam. The northern potted African jasmine can be prepared with more rotten leaf soil, river sand, retted organic fertilizer and fermented sawdust. During the growth period, loosen the soil every month.

1. Soil

The soil requirements of cultivating African jasmine in the south and north are different: the planting site in the south is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. The northern potted African jasmine can be prepared with more rotten leaf soil, river sand, retted organic fertilizer and fermented sawdust. During the growth period, loosen the soil every month to keep the roots well ventilated. Potted African jasmine can be changed every other year.

two。 Temperature

African jasmine prefers a warm environment with a growth temperature of 18 ℃-32 ℃, which will inhibit plant growth if the summer temperature is higher than 38 ℃. Field cultivation in some parts of South China can survive the winter in the open, while pot cultivation in the north of the Yangtze River requires a greenhouse temperature of no less than 3 ℃ to 5 ℃ in winter.

3. Light

African jasmine likes the sun, and South China is planted as a garden greening tree, preferably in a shaded place; potted plants in the north of the Yangtze River can receive full light in spring and autumn, shade in summer, or put them under big trees to avoid direct sunlight; potted plants in public places are required to have sufficient scattered light, or placed near the window, should not be too dark, otherwise lead to green yellowing or shedding leaves.

4. Moisture content

African jasmine potted plants need plenty of water, but the roots should not accumulate water, otherwise they are easy to rot. Watering in spring and autumn to keep the basin soil moist, spraying water once in the morning and afternoon in summer, humidifying and cooling; for indoor potted African jasmine in winter, to keep the basin soil slightly tidal, and spray appropriate amount of water to the leaves when the temperature is relatively high around noon.

5. Fertilizer application

Potted African jasmine applied thin mature cake fertilizer once a month during the peak growth period, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering in May to promote plant flowering. After autumn, topdressing 1-2 times to supplement phosphorus and potassium for a better winter. Potted plants in the north, in order to avoid yellowing leaves, 0.2% ferrous sulfate was added during the growing season to ensure that the leaves were green.

Pruning methods of African jasmine farming methods of African jasmine

African jasmine has emerald green leaves, beautiful flowers, slightly fragrant flowers, and a long flowering period, which is very suitable for local decoration at home. Next, I will tell you about the pruning method of African jasmine and the breeding method of African jasmine.

Pruning methods of African jasmine

1. African jasmine is usually treated with heart-picking during the growing period, so that it does not affect the viewing. If the lower leaves fall off seriously, re-cutting must be carried out. The specific method is to put the plant under suitable environmental conditions about half a month in advance (such as sufficient sunlight in spring or scattered light in summer), and appropriate amount of fertilizer to promote growth.

2. When the growth is normal after half a month, each branch should be cut short, and the position of the cut should be determined according to the size of the plant. The general interception length is about 15 cm, or it can be retained to 30 cm.

3. The watering times can be controlled after pruning. Due to the decrease or disappearance of leaves, the transpiration is very low and the water demand is not large. But after each watering, it is best to choose fertilizer and water irrigation, with the growth of new branches and leaves, fertilizer and water management can be increased.

4. Potted African jasmine should generally change the pot and soil once a year. When changing the basin, part of the old soil and residual roots around the jasmine root system were removed and replaced with a new culture soil to improve the soil aggregate structure and nutrients, which was beneficial to the growth of Riley. When you change the basin, water it thoroughly as if it were on the basin, so that the root soil can be connected closely and the growth can be restored.

5. Before changing the basin, Riley should make a pruning, leaving only about 10 centimeters for the branches born last year, and cut off the diseased and withered branches and the over-dense and thin branches. During the growing period, the old leaves that are too dense are often removed, which can promote the germination of axillary buds and the emergence of new branches and long buds.

Culture methods of African jasmine

1. Temperature

African jasmine grows well in warm climate, and the suitable growth temperature is from 18 ℃ to 32 ℃. When the summer temperature is higher than 38 ℃, it will inhibit plant growth. Some areas of South China can survive the winter in the open field, while pot cultivation in the north of the Yangtze River requires that the greenhouse temperature is not lower than 3 ℃ to 5 ℃ in winter.

2. Lighting

African jasmine likes the sun, and the primary environment is mostly in a semi-shaded state. South China is planted as a garden greening tree, and it is best to choose a place with side shade; potted plants in the north of the Yangtze River can receive full light in spring and autumn, and shade is required in summer. Or put it in the shade of big trees, at least avoid direct sunlight for several hours before and after noon. It is particularly noteworthy that the temperature rose sharply and the light was very strong on a sunny day after a long rain from June to July. Shading must be done to prevent young shoots and leaves from being burned. Potted plants in public places are required to have sufficient scattered light, or placed near the window, should not be too dark, otherwise lead to leaf loss of green yellowing or shedding.

3. Moisture

No matter on the ground or in the pot, sufficient water is required, but the roots must not accumulate water, otherwise they are easy to rot. Watering in spring and autumn to keep the basin soil moist; beware of stagnant water in plum rain season; in hot summer, spray water once in the morning and afternoon to humidify and cool down; for indoor potted plants in winter, it is appropriate to keep the pot soil slightly tide. and spray water to the leaves when the temperature is relatively high around noon. In spring, summer and autumn, under the condition of normal fertilization, if the lower leaves of potted plants turn yellow and fall off, it is likely to be due to stagnant water and rotten roots, so it is necessary to turn the basin and change the soil in time; in summer, if you are negligent in watering, when the newly drawn tender shoots wilt and droop, you can not immediately water the basin soil, but spray some water to the leaves first, and then pour appropriate amount of water to the basin soil after the leaves have recovered a little.

4. Soil

Planting in the southern region requires that the planting site is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. Potted plants in the north can be prepared with 7 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of river sand, 1 part of retted organic fertilizer and 1 part of fermented sawdust. During the growing season, the potted plants were loosened once a month to keep their roots in a good state of penetration. In addition, the soil of potted plants can be changed every 1 to 2 years.

5. Fertilizer

Potted plants applied thin mature cake fertilizer and water once a month in the growing season, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering in May to promote plant flowering. After autumn, they applied phosphate and potassium fertilizer 1 or 2 times to pass the winter safely. Potted plants in northern China, in order to prevent leaf yellowing, 0.2% ferrous sulfate was added during the growing season. When planting in the ground, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, and at the end of autumn, cake fertilizer is applied to the outside of the root system, 0.5 to 1 kg per plant.

The above is for you to introduce the African jasmine pruning methods and breeding methods, I hope to help you, more household knowledge please pay attention.

Culture methods of African jasmine

African jasmine is easy to adapt to unfamiliar environment, can be planted in the courtyard, balcony, alias also ash wood, green yellow fruit and so on. It is similar to the jasmine of Melilidae only in that the leaves are opposite and the flowers are fragrant. Because the homonym of ash wood is similar to jasmine, and in order to make the name good and easy to sell, the florist gave it a new name "African jasmine".

African jasmine is an evergreen shrub or small tree, which can grow to 5 to 12 m in gardens, often epiphytic; leaves opposite, grassy, oblong, elliptic to Obovate, 7 to 13 cm long, 3 to 4.5 cm wide, tip acuminate; dark green above, yellowish green on back. Inflorescences erect terminal, with 1 to 3 flowers, with very short total pedicels, Corolla white, funnel-shaped, fragrant, upper 5-lobed, the whole Corolla trumpet-shaped.

African jasmine likes the sun, and the primary environment is mostly in a semi-shaded state. South China is planted as a garden greening tree, and it is best to choose a place with side shade; potted plants in the north of the Yangtze River can receive full light in spring and autumn, and shade is required in summer. Or put it in the shade of big trees, at least avoid direct sunlight for several hours before and after noon. It is particularly noteworthy that the temperature rose sharply and the light was very strong on a sunny day after a long rain from June to July. Shading must be done to prevent young shoots and leaves from being burned. Potted plants in public places are required to have sufficient scattered light, or placed near the window, should not be too dark, otherwise lead to leaf loss of green yellowing or shedding.

No matter on the ground or in the pot, sufficient water is required, but the roots must not accumulate water, otherwise they are easy to rot. Watering in spring and autumn to keep the basin soil moist; beware of stagnant water in the rainy season, spray water once in the morning and afternoon in the hot summer, humidify and cool down; for indoor potted plants in winter, it is appropriate to keep the pot soil slightly tide. and spray water to the leaves when the temperature is relatively high around noon.

In spring, summer and autumn, under the condition of normal fertilization, if the lower leaves of potted plants turn yellow and fall off, it is likely to be due to stagnant water and rotten roots, so it is necessary to turn the basin and change the soil in time; in summer, if you are negligent in watering, when the newly drawn tender shoots wilt and droop, you can not immediately water the basin soil, but spray some water to the leaves first, and then pour appropriate amount of water to the basin soil after the leaves have recovered a little.

Planting in the southern region requires that the planting site is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. Potted plants in the north can be prepared with 7 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of river sand, 1 part of retted organic fertilizer and 1 part of fermented sawdust. During the growing season, the potted plants were loosened once a month to keep their roots in a good state of penetration. In addition, the soil of potted plants can be changed every 1 to 2 years.

Potted plants applied thin mature cake fertilizer and water once a month in the growing season, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering in May to promote plant flowering. After autumn, they applied phosphate and potassium fertilizer 1 or 2 times to pass the winter safely.

Potted plants in northern China, in order to prevent leaf yellowing, 0.2% ferrous sulfate was added during the growing season. When planting in the ground, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, and at the end of autumn, cake fertilizer is applied to the outside of the root system, 0.5 to 1 kg per plant.

Pest control

1. Disease

① anthracnose mostly occurs on twigs and leaves, with nearly round to irregular sunken spots, brown edges, gray-white to gray-brown in the center, and sparse black grains on the top, which is its conidial disk. Prevention and treatment: at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times, 25% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times, or 25% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times, alternately sprayed every 10 days for 3 to 4 times.

② sunburn disease in hot summer under the condition that the shade is not in place, the young shoots and young leaves of potted African jasmine are prone to sunburn, which is characterized by gray or light white burn spots on the leaves. Prevention and control methods: use shading net to shade and change position properly; in high temperature and dry season, appropriately increase watering times and amount of water, and if necessary, pour water on the leaf surface; for the burned plants, move them to the shade shed in time, cut off the burnt shoots and young leaves, strengthen water and fertilizer management, and make the plants return to health as soon as possible.

two。 Insect pest

African jasmine occasionally occurs leaf-eating pests, such as short-forehead negative locusts, resulting in more holes or defects in the leaves of the plant. 90% trichlorfon crystal 800 times solution should be sprayed in time to kill it.