
Propagation methods of African jasmine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cuttage propagation 1. Time cutting time should be selected in April-October, but it is best in June-July, these times Rain Water is more abundant, rooting speed is also faster. two。 The most common substrate is soil culture, and the substrate is preferably acidic and fertile soil, preferably made of peat soil, sandy soil, vermiculite or yellow soil.

Cuttage propagation

1. time

The cutting time should be from April to October, but it is best to be from June to July, when Rain Water is more abundant and takes root faster.

two。 Matrix

The most common is soil culture, and the matrix is preferably acidic and fertile soil, preferably made of peat soil, sandy soil, vermiculite or yellow soil.

3. Cuttings

The production of cuttings is a key part of cutting propagation. Take the sturdy branches that grow, cut off one of them, and then cut them into 12-15 cm each, so that each cuttings have 2-3 leaves, and the rest of the leaves are all cut off, so that the position of the incision is preferably 0.3 cm below the node.

4. Cuttage

Put the prepared cuttings in the prepared substrate, then cover it with plastic film for moisturizing, keep it in a cool place for maintenance, do not let the sun shine on it directly.

Sowing and reproduction

1. time

Generally speaking, the ripening time of African jasmine fruit is in July, so the seeds are usually collected in October-December. After the mature fruits are collected, the seeds are removed and stored in sand.

two。 Soak

Soak the seeds in warm water for 5 minutes, spread evenly on the sandy soil seedling bed, cover the soil with a thickness of 2-3 cm, and add straw or plastic film to keep warm.

3. Nursing care

Keep the soil moist during conservation, generally in the spring of the second year will emerge, after emergence should be timely removal of straw or plastic film, and then strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, pay attention to proper shading, so that the plant can grow healthily.

Ramet propagation

1. time

Ramet is the easiest way to propagate African jasmine, and its time is usually from March to April.

two。 Ramet

Take the whole African jasmine plant out of the flowerpot together with the soil, cut it with props from the weak base fertilizer of the root system, divide the plant into several clumps, retain 2-3 stems per clump, and ensure that the roots are not damaged, and then plant them separately.

3. Nursing care

After ramets should be watered once to ensure thorough watering, pay attention to keep the soil moist, placed in a cool place, general care process without fertilization, about half a month later can be normal growth.

Striping propagation

1. time

It is generally chosen to take place in April.

two。 Pressing strip

Dig a groove in the basin soil, then select a strong branch at the base of the African jasmine, peel the middle and lower part of the branch in a ring, then press and bury the separated part into the dug groove and cover it with sand.

3. Administration and Management

Generally, it will take root after a month, but wait until July-August, and then separate it from the mother plant, transplant it to other places, and pay attention to appropriate shading in the process of striping.

Culture methods of African jasmine 1. Soil

The soil requirements of cultivating African jasmine in the south and north are different: the planting site in the south is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. The northern potted African jasmine can be prepared with more rotten leaf soil, river sand, retted organic fertilizer and fermented sawdust. During the growth period, loosen the soil every month to keep the roots well ventilated. Potted African jasmine can be changed every other year.

two。 Temperature

African jasmine prefers a warm environment with a growth temperature of 18 ℃-32 ℃, which will inhibit plant growth if the summer temperature is higher than 38 ℃. Field cultivation in some parts of South China can survive the winter in the open, while pot cultivation in the north of the Yangtze River requires a greenhouse temperature of no less than 3 ℃ to 5 ℃ in winter.

3. Light

African jasmine likes the sun, and South China is planted as a garden greening tree, preferably in a shaded place; potted plants in the north of the Yangtze River can receive full light in spring and autumn, shade in summer, or put them under big trees to avoid direct sunlight; potted plants in public places are required to have sufficient scattered light, or placed near the window, should not be too dark, otherwise lead to green yellowing or shedding leaves.

4. Moisture content

African jasmine potted plants need plenty of water, but the roots should not accumulate water, otherwise they are easy to rot. Watering in spring and autumn to keep the basin soil moist, spraying water once in the morning and afternoon in summer, humidifying and cooling; for indoor potted African jasmine in winter, to keep the basin soil slightly tidal, and spray appropriate amount of water to the leaves when the temperature is relatively high around noon.

5. Fertilizer application

Potted African jasmine applied thin mature cake fertilizer once a month during the peak growth period, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering in May to promote plant flowering. After autumn, topdressing 1-2 times to supplement phosphorus and potassium for a better winter. Potted plants in the north, in order to avoid yellowing leaves, 0.2% ferrous sulfate was added during the growing season to ensure that the leaves were green.

Propagation methods of African jasmine there are many propagation methods of African jasmine, including sowing method, cutting method, striping method, plant division method and so on. African jasmine should be sowed in October to December to collect ripe fruit, take off the seeds, sow or row them on the loose and fertile sandy soil seedling bed, cover the soil with a thickness of 2 to 3 cm, and cover with straw or plastic film to keep warm against cold, or store the seeds in the seeds to show white before sowing. The seeds sown in late autumn and early winter can not emerge until the next spring, remove the covered grass in time after emergence, strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, and set up a shed to cover the shade after summer, which is expected to cultivate tall plants with better stem shape. African jasmine cutting can be used to raise seedlings from the end of April to October, but it is best to be cut in the Meiyu period from June to July, and the rooting effect is ideal. Cut 1-2-year-old strong branches as cuttings, ear length 12-15 cm, with 2-3 half leaves, the lower incision is best located at 0.2-0.3 cm below the node, cut it in peat soil, sandy soil, vermiculite or yellow soil, but the rooting effect of peat soil is the best, mask plastic film moisturizing, pay attention to shed shade in sunny weather, it can take root after 1 to 2 months, and the survival rate can reach more than 80%. From March to April, when the plant begins to sprout, remove the clump-shaped plant from the flowerpot, or dig up the tufted plant from the soil, shake off part of the persistent soil, and cut it with a sharp knife where the root system is weak. so that each clump with at least 2 to 3 stems, with a part of the intact root system, respectively planted or potted. In addition, it grows a lot of sprouting tillers on the roots near the ground, which can be truncated from the roots and then planted separately, which is also very simple and convenient. African jasmine striping ① low pressure, in the south, in April, the middle and lower parts of the 2-to 3-year-old strong branches sprouting at its base were annularly peeled or scratched, and then forcibly pressed and buried in the excavated grooves on the ground, covered with thick soil, and rooting after about 40 to 50 days. From July to August, it will be cut off from the mother plant and planted separately or potted. This method is widely used in production. ② high pressure, potted plants in the north after coming out of the house at the end of April, at 0.5cm below the node of 2-year-old strong branches, the peeling width is about 3 times the thickness of the branches, and then the plastic film is used to wrap wet moss or peat in the annular peeling place, and there is a water outlet at the upper end of the soil mass to keep the soil mass moist, which can take root after 2 to 3 months. Enthusiasts can use this method to breed a small number of gifts to flower friends. Management points African jasmine grows well in a warm climate, and the optimum temperature for growth is from 18 ℃ to 32 ℃. When the summer temperature is above 38 ℃, it will inhibit plant growth; some parts of South China can survive the winter in the open field, while potted plants in the north of the Yangtze River require that the greenhouse temperature in winter is not lower than 3 ℃ to 5 ℃.