
Hydroponic culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. Water quality Tongqian grass does not have many requirements for water quality, of course, it is best to use river water, which is rich in organic matter. Generally, you can change the water once a week. When you change the water, you don't need to pour out all the water. You can change the general water. two。 There is also some demand for sunshine in the hydroponic culture of coppergrass.

1. Water quality

Tongqian grass does not have many requirements for water quality, of course, it is best to use river water, which is rich in organic matter. Generally, you can change the water once a week. When you change the water, you don't need to pour out all the water. You can change the general water.

two。 Light

Hydroponic copper money grass also has some demand for sunlight, generally receiving 4 hours of astigmatism every day.

3. Temperature

The most suitable temperature for the growth of Rabdosia angustifolia is 15-25 ℃, as long as it is not less than 10 ℃ in water culture, not too high or too low.

4. Water and fertilizer

During the growth period, you can use hydroponic fertilizer and put some hydroponic nutrient solution, but be careful not to be too strong. If yellowing leaves fall into the water, they will slowly rot and spoil the water quality, so we should always check the water tank and find any leaves as soon as possible.

But the copper grass raised by many friends died young under the rotten roots, showing that the leaves first turned yellow, and then slowly withered, then the editor came to share the solution with you.

Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia

Tongqian grass is a kind of lovely and easy-to-grow foliage plant, and it can purify indoor air and bring good fengshui, so it is very suitable for family viewing. Today, I would like to introduce the hydroponic culture methods and matters needing attention of Tongqian grass.

Hydroponic culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia

1. Water quality

Tongqian grass does not have high requirements for hydroponic water quality, as long as it does not cause smelly insects, it can be hydroponically cultured directly with ordinary tap water. Change the water about 3-4 days in summer, half of the basin at a time, and 1/3 at a time in winter.

two。 Fertilizer application

Rabdosia mandshurica can produce the necessary nutrients for growth through its own photosynthesis, so it can fertilize less. If you need to apply fertilizer, you can use ordinary chemical fertilizer water to dissolve in the water basin, let it absorb itself, but pay attention to the amount is not too strong, a small amount can be.

3. Light

Codonopsis lanceolata is extremely fond of sunlight when it grows, so it is best to put the basin outside or by the window where there is plenty of light. If cultivated indoors, the sun exposure time should not be less than 4-5 hours per day. In addition, ultraviolet lights or bright fluorescent lamps can also be used instead of sunlight.

4. Temperature

Rabdosia angustifolia is suitable for production in most hot and humid areas of the south, especially in summer. Its normal growth temperature is between 10 and 26 degrees Celsius. Overheating or overcooling will inhibit the growth of Rabdosia angustifolia.

5. Reproduction

Rabdosia angustifolia is generally propagated by ramets, which is disconnected in the place where the stolon takes root with scissors in summer, and the former plant can be transferred to other water basins to reproduce. In addition, in summer, Rabdosia przewalskii will produce small flowers, and then the seeds can be used to propagate new plants.

6. Insect pest

Copper grass generally does not attract pests, but molluscs such as water snails may gnaw on grass roots and buds, and if such insects are found in the water, they should be removed by hand to prevent them from reproducing in large numbers.

Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia

1. Tongqian grass hydroponics is suitable for extensive cultivation, as long as it is given enough sunlight and water, it can grow very fast.

two。 If there is no sunshine indoors, lights can be used instead.

3. Water needs to precipitate tap water for two hours, or use it every other day.

4. You can add a little nutrient solution to the water.

5. The hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia generally has yellow leaves, but its withering rate is far less than the growth rate, so don't worry.

6. The hydroponic root system of Rabdosia angustifolia grows green algae, but it can not be cleaned.

7. As long as the water is not rotten, just add water to it and spray some water on the leaves regularly.

The above is for you to introduce the water culture methods and points for attention, do you understand? Please pay attention to more household knowledge.

Culture method of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia, also known as Jiangxi money grass, money grass, coriander, etc., is a perennial paving herb of the Umbelliferae family, and many friends do not have a special understanding of its hydroponic culture methods. There are always some problems in the process of hydroponics. So, how should broken copper grass be hydroponically cultivated? Next, let's take a look at it.

The growth habit of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia mandshurica likes to be warm and humid, it is better to cultivate in half-day sunshine or shade, avoid direct sunlight, regardless of cultivation soil, it is better to cultivate soil with good soft drainage, or directly cultivated with water, the optimum water temperature is 22-28 degrees, shade and moisture tolerance, slightly drought tolerance, strong adaptability, strong nature, easy planting, rapid reproduction, amphibious.

Hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia

1. Reproduction: Rabdosia angustifolia is generally propagated through separate plants, which is disconnected in the place where the stolon takes root with scissors in summer, and the former plant can be transferred to other water basins to reproduce. In addition, it will produce small flowers in summer, and then the seeds can also be used to propagate new plants.

2. Water quality: common tap water can be selected for hydroponic cultivation of Rabdosia angustifolia. Water should be changed frequently, once every 3-4 days in summer, half of the water level in bottle, and once a week in winter. The transpiration of leaves is less in winter.

3, lighting: broken money grass likes the light, generally put in places where the sun can shine, such as the windowsill, the summer light time can be longer, 4-5 hours is necessary, such as in winter if the light is less, you can use ultraviolet lights or fluorescent lamps instead of sunlight.

4. Temperature: it is easy to cultivate Artemisia angustifolia by water culture in the south, because the climate in the south is very suitable for breeding, and it is appropriate to keep the normal temperature at 10-26 degrees. It is not suitable for the growth of Rabdosia angustifolia either too hot or too cold.

5. Insect pests: the natural enemy of Artemisia angustifolia is the water snail, which will eat through the roots and buds. If you see this kind of bug in the water, you must show no mercy. Mass reproduction will kill your broken money grass.

6. Fertilization: it is not recommended to apply fertilizer to Rabdosia angustifolia, because its own photosynthesis produces enough nutrients. Of course, if you want to make it more luxuriant, you can apply an appropriate amount of fertilizer, and you can dissolve it in a water basin with ordinary chemical fertilizer and let it absorb by itself. but the amount of attention is not too strong, a small amount is fine.

Pay attention to the cultivation of Artemisia angustifolia

1. Rabdosia angustifolia is a plant that likes a warm and humid environment, so when breeding, it is better to use half-day sunshine or shade, avoid direct sunlight, regardless of cultivation soil, and soft and well-drained soil is the best. If it is for aquaculture, change the water once a week and add a special nutrient solution for foliage plants.

2. You don't need a big pot when you plant the broken money grass. You can plant it with a bowl of the same size. If it is to carry out soil cultivation, use the general vegetable garden soil mixed with some river sand as the substrate, adding a small amount of organic fertilizer as the base fertilizer.

3. Rabdosia angustifolia is a kind of plant that is afraid of the cold. if it is raised outdoors in winter, all the water should be poured out and placed in a place facing south and leeward.